Distinguished Professor of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering
North Carolina A&T State University
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
Phone: (336) 256-1151 x1; Direct: (336) 285-3221
E-mail: sankar@ncat.edu
Ph.D, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering |
Lehigh University, PA |
1983 |
M.S., Materials Engineering |
Concordia Univ- McGill U Co-op Program, Canada |
1978 |
B.E., Metallurgical Engineering |
University of Madras (Distinguished Record), India |
1976 |
Professor Sankar over the past 33 years has developed a high-profile, internationally recognized, advanced broad-based materials innovation and technology activities at NC A&T State University (NCAT), Greensboro, NC. He serves/d as director of the Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Structures, National Science Foundation’s (NSF) –CREST program, Director for the Navy Center for Nanoscience and Nanomaterials, and Site coordinator for the NSF- Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center. Also under his leadership, NCAT was chosen (2008) to house the NSF’s Generation 3 - Engineering Research Center (ERC) for Revolutionizing Metallic Biomaterials. The ERCs are considered the crown jewel of NSF and only select few universities over past 30 years have been awarded after a gargantuan competition to conduct transformational and revolutionary engineering innovation for the economic impact and global leadership of the nation. Through these centers, Sankar and the international team of collaborators he has assembled over the years have positioned NCAT in various leading advanced materials Research and Developments through innovative public- private partnerships, surface engineering, convergence of engineering and science in transformational biomedical implant technologies.
The author of more than 400 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and scientific papers, Sankar as PI alone, has generated more than $60 million of competitive research funding for NCAT (equipment infrastructure > $14M under one umbrella encompassing 25,000 sq.ft of innovation ecosystem space), filed ten invention disclosures and patents, has organized and sponsored more than 25 international conferences/symposia and has given more than 35 Plenary/Keynote/Invited special address in major get-togethers this decade related to future directions in transformational materials and nano/bio research, education, innovation, economic impact and growth and next generation workforce development. He also played a key role in establishing the BS, MS Bioengineering degree programs at NCAT, the first stand alone at an HBCU in the nation.
Dr. Sankar is leading a sincere effort in making value to American knowledge economy through innovation, translation, manufacturing technologies in broad-based materials with underpinning innovative education, outreach and broadened participation.
- Some of Sankar’s recognitions include, 2015 Order of the Long Leaf Pine Award- highest civilian honor given by the Governor of North Carolina,
- 2010-Oliver Max Gardner Award, the highest faculty honor from the University of North Carolina (UNC) 17 campus institution System -given for the greatest contributions to the welfare of the human race
- The White House Millennium Researcher award (HBCU) from the Department of Education,
- 2004 AAAS Mentor Award- publisher of “Science”
- One of the first Distinguished University Professors at NCAT, Greensboro, NC
- ORNL/DoE recognition, Best Teacher, Highest Researcher Award, recognitions from ASME etc.
- The Business Journal of the Greater Triad area recognized him as “one of the most influential persons for 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 in the Triad Region, NC, USA.
- He is a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) and Fellow of the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA)
- Advisory board of universities and Centers around the globe.
- He has an honorary visiting professorship title, 2009 from Chonbuk National University, S. Korea and was part of their World Class University Initiative opening.
- He has served in various Blue ribbon panels at different levels including NC Governor’s task force on Nanotechnology for NC Economy and NC Bio/ medical devices and at various reviewing capacities at the NSF and other organizations including STPI/White House.
- On the eve of India’s Republic Day Celebration, Jan 25th 2011, Dr. Sankar was recognized with the coveted “Hind Rattan Award” at the 30th International Congress of Non-Resident Indians (NRI).
- Feb 2011, University of North Carolina (UNC) 17 campus institution System appointed him to its Blue Ribbon Charter Team (Defense Application Group) to work with US Army Special Operations Command on warfighter technologies to economic impact with UNC system focus/ strength.
Special Invited key addresses/workshop addresses etc at the National Research Council, National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Sciences Meetings and for the Board for S &T Innovation, DC, National Science Foundation, National SBIR get together, American Society for Engineering Education, TV and news media numerous times including “Science Nation” and high level decision committees at various federal agencies, regional, national and international organizations.
Research Interest
- Novel Composite and Ceramic Materials, Engineered Advanced Materials.
- Multifunctional and Nanoengineered Materials.
- Structure-Property Relationships, Electron Microscopy.
- Materials Processing, Coatings and Surface Engineering of Materials.
- Multi Disciplinary Approach to Advanced Materials and Nano/biotechnology Revolution.
Scientific Activities:
Distinguished Awards and Selected Major Accomplishments:
- 2015, received the North Carolina’s highest civilian honor given by the Governor “the Order of the Long Leaf Pine”.
- Invited Address at the ASEE for Research Deans of Engineering Colleges of the USA, March 2016
- Invited talk at the USA- Ireland C2C global innovation ecosystem convergence, March 2016
- 2015, Invited Address to the National Research Council, National Academy of Engineering and Academy of Sciences” FUTURE Center based model for the USA” Washington, Dc
- 2015, NSF -ERC’s activity as “Science Nation” for the global audience; narrated CNN Science/PBS Frontline/Science hour/Nova anchor, Emmys and Peabody winner Miles O’Brien
- 2015 Most Influential Person Honor – Business Journal – Piedmont Triad of NC
- Key Board Member, UNC System- Partnership for National Security United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) - Charter Blue Ribbon Member, Defense Applications Group - UNC System. ( since 2011).
- Scientific Advisory Board, NSF-CREST, Alabama State University, Al ( since 2008)
- UNC TV Featuring ERC-RMB/Sankar, UNC TV PBS. (April 2014).
- Featured Article - Catalyzing Commercialization, The National Science Foundation and Chemical Engineering Progress. (December 2014)
- 2014 Inducted into College of AIMBE Fellows – The American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) College of Fellows. March 2014.
- ERC on NC TV – 7 minutes coverage on North Carolina Now, Wednesday, 04/09/2014 http://science.unctv.org/content/medical-metals
- 2014 Most Influential Person Honor – Business Journal – Piedmont Triad of NC
- 2013 One of the Key driving members of the Development of Absorbable Metal Standards – Global Think –Tank Team along with industries and FDA member.
- 2013 Most Influential Person Honor – Business Journal – Piedmont Triad of NC
- 2013 Nov 1, Invited Panelist- National Academy of Engineering- Global Grand Challenges- Manufacturing
- Commercialization Agreement – ERC with InCube labs, CA for translating Mg biodegradable processing for Orthopedic Implant technologies
- 2013 Feb 7th: Invited address at the National Academies- Board on Science, Technology and Economic Policy, Washington DC.
- 2012 Most Influential Person Honor – Business Journal – Piedmont Triad of NC
- 2012 UNC Educational System- Research Strategic Direction - Key Selected Member
- 2012 March, Co-Organizer: NSF/FDA/ERC Biodegradable Think-Tank Workshop, DC,
- 2011 Most Influential Person Honor – Business Journal – Piedmont Triad of NC
- 2011 January “Hind Rattan Award” - Honored during the India’s Republic Day Eve function - a high recognition for the Non Resident Indians of the world.
- 2010 Member – STPI/White House Review
- 2010 Most Influential Person Honor – Business Journal – Piedmont Triad of NC
- 2010 O. Max Garner Award Recipient (Highest faculty honor of the UNC 17 campus Educational System given for “the greatest contributions to the welfare of the human race” )
- 2010 Scientific Advisory Board, COIN, NC Biotechnology Center, NC
- 2009 Most Influential Person Honor – Business Journal – Piedmont Triad of NC
- Honorary Professorship recognition, 2009, Chonbuk National University, S. Korea
- One of the 10 invited people around the world to inaugurate and give keynote talk -World Class University, Korean National Foundation for Nano-Bio Fusion.(2009)
- 2009, Special Invitee for National Academies Meeting at Washington, DC and Special Invitee -University Industry Demonstration Project (UIDP) of the National Academies meeting at Atlanta (2009-2010)
- 2009, Invited along with CEOs of Greensboro-area colleges, universities, companies and industries and he presented the ERC perspective on why Google should locate its super-fast fiber-optic network in Greensboro (please see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-_v_-h5yL8)
- 2008 Most Influential Person Honor – Business Journal – Piedmont Triad of NC
- 2005 Awarded one of the First Distinguished University Professor Title ( at NCAT)
- 2005 Awarded -American Association for Advancement of Science AAAS National Mentor Award (Publisher of Science magazine)
- Fellow- National Institute of Aerospace (NIA)
- Board Member (scientific advisor) of the Enhanced Biofuels and Technologies, UK (EBT-UK).
- 2007 - Appointed to evaluate nano proposals and to a special standing committee to evaluate and introduce nanoengineering in NIH- Directorate for Biological Sciences and Engineering
- 2007 - NSF- MRSEC-PREM Program evaluator
- 2008- NSF - MRSEC-PREM Program evaluator
- 2006 - Member of the NC Biotechnology Center Advisory committee on Medical Devices for NC
- 2005 -Member of the Nanotechnology Advisory Science Board for the Governor of North Carolina ( Developed the State of North Carolina’s nanotechnology Roadmap)
- 2002 Awarded- White House Millennium Research award national Title (HBCU)- Department of Education
- 2001 Awarded- ORNL-HBCU National project of the year (J. Sankar)
- 2001 Awarded- Outstanding Senior Researcher of NC A&T State University
- 2001 Awarded- Faculty of the year (ME) – College of Engineering /Engineers week
- 1994 Awarded- Teachers Excellence award- Mechanical Engineering
- Supported and mentored more than 100 undergraduate students in education and materials research
- Consistent high score in students performance evaluations in all years (Highest Score in the College of engineering in 1999)
- Interinstitutional Adjunct Faculty: Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering; North Carolina State University; Raleigh, NC; 1990 onwards.
- Graduate Program Director, Mechanical Engineering, NC A&T State University, 1985 – 1998
- Selected as a participating faculty member in the National Center for Composite Materials Research; University of Illinois, Urbana, Champaign; 1987.
- Who is Who in the Microelectronic Center of North Carolina (MCNC), World of Ceramics,
- Technology to-day, International Directory of Distinguished Leadership, the 1st Edition of the Advanced Engineering Materials Research Profile Directory
- Board of Director, Member-at-Large American Society for Metals International (ASM) - Carolina Piedmont Triad Chapter, NC.
- Proficiency Prize, University of Madras, 1976.
- Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Award for Academic Achievement and Honor, University of Madras, 1976.
- One of ten (10) people selected from different U. S. Universities to receive a scholarship grant and to attend ‘all expense’ paid Alloy Rods/Allegheney Ludlum Industries, Inc., Special Seminar “Weld Tech 80”; Hanover, PA; 1980
- J. Sankar, D. Hawkins and H. J. McQueen, “Behavior of Low-Carbon and HSLA Steels During Torsion-Simulated Continuous and Interrupted Hot Rolling Practice”, Journal of Metals Technology, Vol. 6, pp. 325-331,1979.
- H.J. McQueen, J. Sankar and S. Fulop, “Fracture Under Hot Forming Conditions”, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 2, ICM3 K.J. Miller and R. F. Smith, eds., Pergamon Press, Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, England, pp. 675-684, 1979.
- W.Knudsen, J. Sankar, H. J. McQueen, J. Jonas and D. Hawkins, “Simulation of Rolling Schedules for HSLA Steels”, Hot Working and Forming Processes, C. M. Sellars and G. J. Davies, eds., The Metal Society, pp. 51-56, 1979.
- J. Sankar and D. B. Williams, “The Effect of Microstructure and Microchemistry on the Notch Toughness Behavior of Pressure Vessel Steel Weldments”, Journal of Electron Microscopy, Vol. 1, pp. 172-173, 1980.
- J. Sankar and D. B. Williams, “Analytical Electron Microscopy of Pressure Vessel Steel Weldments”, Journal- Scanning Electron Microscopy, pp.159-168, 1981.
- J. Sankar, D. B. Williams and A. W. Pense, Fractography of Pressure Vessel Steel Weldments, “Fractography of Modern Engineering Materials”, J. E. Masters and J. J. Au, eds., The American Society for Testing Materials STP, 948, pp. 295-316, 1985.
- R. Vaidyanthan, J. Sankar and V. S. Avva, “Uniaxial Tensile Characteristics of Silicon Nitride at Room Temperature”, Annual Cocoa Beach Engineering and Science Proceedings, Vol. 9, pp. 1383-1392, 1988.
- R. Vaidyanathan, J. Sankar, J. Kelkar, D. P. Stinton, and M. H. Headinger, “Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Chemically Vapor Infiltrated (CVI) Ceramic Matrix Composites”, 17th Annual Cocoa Beach Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, 14, [9-10], pp. 1016-1027, 1993.
- R. Vaidyanathan, A. D. Kelkar, J. Sankar, “Prediction of Elastic Properties of Ceramic Matrix Composites using a Plain Weave/Classical Laminate Theory”, 17th Annual Cocoa Beach Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, 14[9-10], pp. 1066-1076, 1993.
- J. Sankar, S. Krishnaraj, R. Vaidyanathan and A. D. Kelkar, “Elevated Temperature Behavior of Sintered Silicon Nitride Under Pure Tension, Creep and Fatigue”, Life Prediction Methodologies and Data for Ceramic Materials, ASTM STP 1201, C. R. Brinkman and S. F. Duffy, eds., American Society for Testing Materials, Publication, pp. 19-35, 1993.
- D. Kelkar, M. Takle, and J. Sankar;”Effect of Uneven Fiber Spacing on the Thermal Characteristics of Composites Using Finite Element Micromechanics Model”, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Publication, 1993.
- R. Vaidyanathan, J. Sankar, A. D. Kelkar, A. D. Stinton and B. L. Weaver, “Mechanical properties of NextelTM Fiber Reinforced SiC Matrix Composites in Tension”, Eighteen Annual conference on Composites and Advanced Ceramics, Cocoa Beach, Florida, January 1994; Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Vol. 15, pp. 251-261, 1994.
- J. Sankar, J. Neogi, M. T. Dixie and R. Vaidyanathan, “Effect of Thermal and Loading on the Mechanical Properties of a Hot-Isostatic Pressed (HIPed) Silicon Nitride Used for Heat Engine Applications”, International Gas Turbine Institute/ASME Turbo and Conference at The Hague, Netherlands, 94-GT- 397, 1994
- Neogi, J., Neogi, S., Sankar, J., and Vaidyanathan, K. R., “High Resolution Electron Microscopy of Pre-cycled Samples of Sintered Silicon Nitride,” 18th Annual Cocoa Beach Proceedings of the Ceramic Engineering and Science, Vol. 15, pp. 605-6 16, 1994.
- Vaidyanathan, K. R., Sankar, J., Kelkar, A. D., and Narayan, J., “Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Chemically Vapor Infiltrated (CVI) Ceramic Matrix Composition”, 18th Annual Cocoa Beach Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Vol. 15, pp. 281-290, 1994.
- Kelkar, A. D., Takle, M., and Sankar, J., “Three Dimensional Finite Element Micromechanical Analysis of Unidirectional Composites”, Recent Advances in Structural Mechanics, PVP-VOL 295/NE-Vol. 16, ASME, pp. 87-92, 1994.
- Neogi, J., Sankar, J., and Kelkar, A. D., “Effect of Sample Test Volume and Geometry on the Tensile Characteristics of SiC/SiC Continuous Fiber Ceramic Composites”, Proceedings of the 37th AIAA- SDM Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, April, # AIAA-96-1376, 1996.
- Kelkar, A. D., Chaphalkar, P., and Sankar, J., “Nonlinear Deformations of a Rectangular Plate Using Plate-Membrane Coupling Model with Finite Difference Method”, Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing, Volume 6, 1996.
- Sankar, J., Kelkar, A. D., and Neogi, J., “Fatigue, Creep and Fracture Behavior of Silicon Nitride Ceramics”, Proceedings of ASME Winter Annual Meeting, # AD Vol. 50/1995, pp. 101-112, 1995.
- Kelkar, Ajit D., Chaphalkar, Pramod, and Sankar, J., “Nonlinear Deformations of a Rectangular Plate Using Plate-Membrane Coupling Model with Finite Difference Method”, Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing, Vol. 6, 1996.
- Kelkar, Ajit D., Sankar, J., Subodh P., and Pai, D., “Finite Element Analysis of Biaxially Loaded Composite Laminates With A Central Hole”, Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing, Vol. 6, 1996.
- Kelkar, A. D., Chaphalkar, P., and Sankar, J., “Finite Element Analysis of a Biaxially Loaded Woven Fabric Composite Laminate with a Central Hole,” PVP-3; Symposium on Recent Advances in Mechanics of Solids and Structures-I, 1996 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, ASME International, Atlanta, GA, Nov. 1996, Book GOI 01 7.
- Wei, Q., Sankar, J., Narayan, J., and Kelkar, A. D., “Morphology Changes Accompanying Creep of Sintered Si3N4 for Hot Turbine Engine Application,” Paper AIAA-97-1 376-CP, pp. 515-524, 1997.
- Q.Wei, J.Sankar, J. Narayan and A.D.Kelkar, “Morphology Changes Accompanying Creep of Sintered Si3N4 for Hot Turbine Engine Application”, Proc. 38th AIAA SDM, 1997, p. 478.
- Q.Wei, A.K. Sharma, R.J. Narayan, S. Oktyabrsky, J. Sankar, and J. Narayan, “Doping Induced Internal Stress Reduction in Diamondlike Carbon Films Deposited by Pulsed Laser Deposition”, in “Covalently Bonded Disordered Thin-Film Materials”, edited by J.Jaskie, D. McKemzie, W. Milne, M. Siegal, Mater. Res. Soc. Proc., Boston, MA, 1997.
- Q. Wei, A.K. Sharma, R.J. Narayan, S. Oktyabrsky, J. Sankar, and J. Narayan, “Microstructure and Wear Resistance of Doped Diamondlike Carbon Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition”, in “Thin Films - Stresses and Mechanical Properties”, edited by R. Cammarata, M. Nastasi, E. Busso, W. Oliver, Mater. Res. Soc. Proc., Boston, MA, 1997
- Ajit D. Kelkar, J. Sankar, Pramod Chaphalkar, C. Grace, S.N. Yarmolenko, Shankar Mall, U. K. Vaidya, “Fatigue Behavior Of Resin Infusion Processed S2-Glass Woven Composites”, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, ASME International, Dallas, TX, Nov. 1997.
- Ajit D. Kelkar, J. Sankar, C. Grace, R.J. Aschenbrenner, and G. Schoeppener, “Behavior of Tensile Preloaded Composites Subjected to Low-Velocity Impact Loads”, Internatioanal Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition the 1997 Winter Annual Meeting of the ASME, November, 1997.
- Ajit D. Kelkar, J. Sankar, C. Grace, R.J. Aschenbrenner, and G. Schoeppener, “Behavior of Tensile Preloaded Composites Subjected to Low-Velocity Impact Loads”, Internatioanal Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition the 1997 Winter Annual Meeting of the ASME, November, 1997
- Q.Wei, J. Sankar, J. Narayan and A. Kelkar, “Transmission Electron Microscopy of the Microstructural Changes of a Sintered Si3N4 Associated with High Temperature Soaking in Air”, 39th AIAA SDM, 1998, April 20-23, Long Beach, CA, pp.1721-1729.
- Q. Wei, J. Sankar, V. Vijayrao and J. Narayan, “The Effect of High Temperature Soaking on the Microstructure and Properties of a Sintered Silicon Nitride”, Ceramics Science and Engineering Proc., 22nd Cocoa Beach Annual Conference of the American Ceramic Soc., Jan. 18-22, 1998.
- Q.Wei, R.J. Narayan, A.K. Sharma, S. Oktyabrsky, J. Sankar and J. Narayan, “Microstructure and Wear Resistance of Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition”, Mat. Res. Soc. Sym. Proc., Vol. 505, 1998.
- Q.Wei, J. Narayan, R.J. Narayan, J. Sankar and A.K. Sharma, “Improvement of Wear Resistance of Pulsed Laser Deposited Diamond-Like Carbon Films Through Incorporation of Metals”, J. Mat. Sci. and Eng. B53 (1998) 262–266.
- Q. Wei, A.K. Sharma, R.J. Narayan, N.M. Ravindra, S. Oktyabrsky, J. Sankar, and J. Narayan, “Microstructure and IR Range Optical Properties of Pure DLC and DLC Containing Dopants Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition”, in “Advances of Laser Ablation of Materials”, edited by R. Singh, D. Lowndes, D. Chrisey, J. Narayan, T. Kawai, E. Fogarassy, Mater. Res. Soc. Proc., Vol. 526, San Francisco, CA, 1998
- J. Lua, V. Isgro, J. Lang, J. Sankar, and A.D. Kelkar, “Three-Dimensional Finite Element Characterization of Woven Fabric Composites”, Ceramics Science and Engineering Proc., 22nd Cocoa Beach Conference of the Am. Ceram. Soc., Jan. 24, 1998, Cocoa Beach, FL
- Ajit D. Kelkar, J. Sankar, K. Rajeev, R.J. Aschenbrenner, and G. Schoeppener, “Analysis of Tensile Preloaded Composites Subjected to Low-Velocity Impact Loads”, Proceedings of 39th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Long Beach, CA, April, 1998.
- Q. Wei, A. K. Sharma, R. J. Narayan, N. M. Ravindra, S. Oktyabrasky, J. Sankar, J. F. Muth, R. M. Kolbas and J. Narayan, "Microstructure and IR Range Optical Properties of Pure DLC and DLC Containing Dopants Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition", in "Advances in Laser Ablation of Materials", eds. by R. Singh, et al., Mater. Res. Soc. Proc., Vol. 526, pp. 331-336, Warrendale, PA, 1998
- Q. Wei, J. Sankar, V. Vijayrao and J. Narayan, “The Effect of High Temperature Soaking on the Microstructure and Properties of a Sintered Silicon Nitride”, Ceramic Eng. & Science Proc., Vol.19(4), Issue: 4, pp. 3-10, 1998
- Ajit D. Kelkar, J. Sankar, K. Rajeev, R.J. Aschenbrenner, and G. Schoeppener, “Analysis of Tensile Preloaded Composites Subjected to Low-Velocity Impact Loads”, Proceedings of 39th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Long Beach, CA, April, 1998.
- Q. Wei, J. Narayan, R. J. Narayan, J. Sankar and A. K. Sharma, “Improvement of Wear Resistance of Pulsed Laser Deposited Diamond-Like Carbon Films Through Incorporation of Metals”, Mat. Sci. and Eng. B., Vol. 53, pp. 262-266, May 22, 1998.
- Q. Wei, R. J. Narayan, A. K. Sharma, S. Oktyabrsky, J. Sankar and J. Narayan, “Microstructure and Wear Resistance of Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition”, Mat. Res. Soc. Sym. Proc., Vol. 505, pp. 331-336, 1998, Warrendale, PA.
- Q. Wei, R. J. Narayan, A. K. Sharma, J. Sankar and J. Narayan, "Doping Induced Internal Stress Reduction in Diamondlike Carbon Films Deposited by Pulsed Laser Ablation", in Covalently Bonded Disordered Thin-Film Materials, eds. By M. Siegal, et al., Mater. Res. Soc. Proc., Vol. 498, pp. 61-66, 1998.
- Q. Wei, A. K. Sharma, R. J. Narayan, N. M. Ravindra, S. Oktyabrsky, J. Sankar, J. F. Muth, R. M. Kolbas and J. Narayan, "Microstructure and IR Range Optical Properties of Pure DLC and DLC Containing Dopants Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition", in Advances in Laser Ablation of Materials, eds. by R. Singh, et al., (Mater. Res. Soc. Proc., Vol. 526, pp. 331-336, Warrendale, PA, 1998.
- Q. Wei, J. Sankar, V. Vijayrao and J. Narayan, "The Effect of High Temperature Soaking on the Microstructure and Properties of a Sintered Silicon Nitride", Ceramic Eng. & Science Proc., Vol.19, pp. 3-10, 1998.
- Q. Wei, J. Sankar, J. Narayan and A. Kelkar, "Transmission Electron Microscopy of the Microstructural Changes of a Sintered Si3N4 Associated with High Temperature Soaking in Air", Collection of Technical Papers (AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC-Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Vol. 2, 1998, AIAA, Reston, VA, USA, pp. 1721-1729 AIAA-98-1903.
- Lua, V. Isgro, J. Lang, J. Sankar, and A. D. Kelkar, "Three-Dimensional Finite Element Characterization of Woven Fabric Composites", Ceramics Science and Engineering Proc., 22nd Cocoa Beach Conference of the Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol. 19 (3), 1998.
- Q. Wei, R. Narayan, A.K. Sharma, J. Sankar and J. Narayan, “Micro- and Nano-mechanical Behavior of Diamondlike Carbon Films Containing Foreign Atoms Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition” in “Properties and Processing of Vapor-Deposited Coatings”, edited by R. Johnson, W. Lee, M. Pickering and B. Sheldon, Mater. Res. Soc. Proc., Vol. 555, Boston, MA, pp. 303-308, 1998.
- Z. Xu, J. Narayan, J. Sankar "The Characteristics of DC Glow Discharge and Its Effects on Enhancement of Diamond Nucleation in HF-CVD System", Proceedings of Mater. Res. Soc. Symposium, Boston, MA, (Nov. 29-Dec. 03, 1998).Vol.555, pp. 233-239, 1999
- Q. Wei, J. Sankar, A. D. Kelkar and J. Narayan, "High Temperature Uniaxial Creep Behavior of a Sintered in situ Reinforced Silicon Nitride Ceramics, Ceramic Eng. & Science Proc., Vol. 20 (3), pp. 463-470, 1999.
- J. Sankar, G. Choudhury, Q. Wei, V. Vijay Rao and A. D. Kelkar, “A Comparative Study of The Tensile, Fatigue and Creep Properties of Sintered (SNW-1000 and GS44) and HIPed (PY-6) silicon nitride ceramics”, Ceramic Eng. & Sci. Proc., 1999, Vol. 20 (4), pp. 133-140.
- R. Krishnan, A.D. Kelkar and J. Sankar, “Thermal Expansion Characteristics of Coated Fiber Composites”, Ceramic Eng. & Sci. Proc., 1999, Vol. 20 (4), pp. 395-402.
- Kelkar Ajit D., K. Rajeev, and J. Sankar, North Carolina A&T State Univ., Greensboro, NC," Effect of Fiber Coating on Transverse Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Composites", 40th AIAA/ASME/ ASCE/ AHS/ ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference and Exhibit, St. Louis, MO 12-15 April1999, Publication #AIAA-99-1335.
- D. Kelkar, P. Chaphalkar, and J. Sankar, North Carolina A&T State Univ., Greensboro, NC, " Fatigue Behavior of Resin Infusion and Resin Transfer Molding S2-Glass Twill-Woven Composites ", 40th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference and Exhibit, St. Louis, MO 12-15 April 1999, Publication #AIAA-99-1438.
- J. Sankar, G. Choudhury, Q. Wei, V. Vijay Rao and A. D. Kelkar, “A comparative study of the tensile, fatigue and creep properties of sintered (SNW-1000 and GS44) and HIPed (PY-6) silicon nitride ceramics”, Ceramic Eng. & Sci. Proc., 1999, Vol. 20 (4), pp. 133-140.
- R. Krishnan, A.D. Kelkar and J. Sankar, “Thermal Expansion Characteristics of Coated Fiber Composites”, Ceramic Eng. & Sci. Proc., 1999, Vol. 20 (4), pp. 395-402.
- T. A. Rawdanowicz, V. Godbole, J. Sankar, J. Narayan, & A. Sharma, "The Hardnesses and Elastic Moduli of Pulsed Laser Deposited Multilayer AlN/TiN Thin Films," Composites Part B Engineering Journal, Dec 1999, Vol. 30 (B), pp. 657-665.
- Q. Wei, A. K. Sharma, J. Sankar and J. Narayan, "Mechanical Properties of Diamondlike Carbon Composite Thin Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition", Composites Part B Engineering Journal, Dec 1999, Vol. 30 (B), pp. 675-684
- V. P. Godbole, R.J. Narayan, Z. Xu, J. Narayan and J. Sankar, "Diamond Films and Composites on Cobalt-Chromium Alloys", Materials Sci. and Egg. B, Vol. 58, pp. 251-257, 1999.
- Q. Wei, J. Sankar, A. D. Kelkar, and J. Narayan, "Microstructure Evolution Accompanying High Temperature Uniaxial Tensile Creep of Self-Reinforced Silicon Nitride Ceramics", Materials Science and Engineering Journal A, Vol. A272, pp. 380-388, 1999
- Q. Wei, R.J. Narayan, A.K. Sharma, J. Sankar and J. Narayan, “Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Composite Diamondlike Carbon Thin Films”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, Vol. A17, 1999, pp. 3406 –3414
- Q. Wei, J. Sankar, A.D. Kelkar and J. Narayan, “Microstructure Evolution Accompanying High Temperature Uniaxial Tensile Creep of Self-reinforced Silicon Nitride Ceramics”, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 1999, A272, pp. 380-388.
- Q. Wei, R. J. Narayan, A. K. Sharma, J. Sankar, S. Oktyabrsky, J. Narayan, “Micro- and nano-mechanical behavior of diamond like carbon containing foreign atoms prepared by pulsed laser deposition”, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 1999, Vol. 555, pp. 303-308
- Q. Wei, A. K. Sharma, S. Yarmolenko, J. Sankar and J. Narayan, "Fabrication and Characterization of Functionally Gradient Diamondlike Coatings", presented in MRS 1999 Fall Meeting, (Nov. 29-Dec. 03, 1999), Boston, MA, Volume 594, pp. 313-318, 2000
- Q. Wei, A. K. Sharma, S. Yarmolenko, J. Sankar and J. Narayan, "Electrical Behavior of Pure and Copper Doped Diamondlike Carbon Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition", presented in MRS 1999 Fall Meeting, (Nov. 29-Dec. 03, 1999), Boston, MA., Volume 593, pp. 377-382, 2000
- Thomas Rawdanowicz, Jag Sankar, J. Narayan, Vijay Godbole, "Hardness and Elastic Modulus Measurements of AIN and TiN Sub-Micron Thin Films Using the Continuous Stiffness Measurement Technique With FEM Analysis", presented in MRS 1999 Fall Meeting, (Nov. 29-Dec. 03, 1999), Boston, MA., Volume 495, 2000
- Horace Dukes, Jr. and J. Sankar, "Effect of Temperature on Static Properties of Melt Infiltrated Ceramic Composites", 24th Annual conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures, Jan. 23-28, 2000, Cocoa Beach, FL.
- A. Duraphe , H. Dukes, J. Sankar, D. Pai, S. Yarmolenko, A.D. Kelkar, J. Lang and R.T Bhatt," Effect of Temperature on Fatigue Properties of Melt Infiltrated Ceramic Composites", Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Jan. 23-28, 2000, Cocoa Beach, FL, Vol. 21 (3), pp. 347-354
- L. Russell, J. Sankar, R. A. Miller, D. Zhu and A. Calamino, "Effects of Mullite/YSZ Coatings on the Performance of SiC/SiC Composite Combustion Liners", Ceramic and Engineering Science Proceedings, Jan. 23-28, 2000, Cocoa Beach, FL, Vol. 21 (4), pp. 243-250
- J. Lua, J. Sankar, S. Yarmolenko, W. Windley II, D. Pai, and L. Russell, "Testing and Finite Element Analysis of Sintered Silicon Nitride Specimens Under Four-Point Bending", Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Jan. 23-28, 2000, Cocoa Beach, FL, Vol. 21 (4), pp. 527-536.
- Q. Wei and J. Sankar, "Effect of Heat-Treatment on Creep Behavior of Self-Reinforced Silicon Nitride", Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Jan. 23-28, 2000, Cocoa Beach, FL, Vol. 21 (4), pp. 537-544.
- Larry Russell, Q. Wei, J. Sankar and A. Kelkar, "Microstructure and Mechanical Evaluations of Sintered Si3N4", AIAA-2000-1604, SDM 52, April 2000.
- Pai, D., Sankar, J., and Lee, C., “Infusing MSE Topics into Non-MSE Curricula: A Multidisciplinary Approach”, Proceedings of the MRS 2000 Spring Conference, San Francisco, CA, Symposium HH, Paper 5.7, April 2000.
- Q. Wei, J. Sankar, A.K. Sharma, S. Oktyabrsky, J. Narayan, R.J. Narayan, “Atomic Structure, Electrical Properties, and IR Range Optical Properties of Diamondlike Carbon Containing Foreign Atoms Prepared By Pulsed Laser Deposition”, Journal of Materials Research, 2000, Vol. 15, p. 603.
- Q. Wei, S. Yarmolenko, J. Sankar, A.K. Sharma, Y. Yamagata and J. Narayan, “Microstructure and Nanomechanical Properties of DLC Thin Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition in Various Atmospheres”, in “New Methods, Mechanisms and Models of Vapor Deposition”, edited by H.N.G. Wadley, G. Gilmer and W. Barker, Materials Research Society Proc., 2000, Vol. 616.
- D. Kumar, S. Chattopadhyay, Walter M. Gilmore, C. B. Lee, J. Sankar, A. Kvit, A. K. Sharma, J. Narayan, S.V. Pietambaram and Rajiv K. Singh, “Integration of colossal magnetoresistive La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 thin films with silicon substrates”, Mater. Res. Soc. Proc., Ed.: D. Kumar, D.P. Norton, C. B. Lee, X, Xi, and K. Ebihara, Vol. 617, 2000
- D. Kumar, J. Sankar, K.G. Cho, V. Craciun, and R.K. Singh, “Enhancement of Cathodoluminescent and Photoluminescent properties of Eu: Y2O3 Luminescent Films by Vacuum Cooling”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 77 (16), pp. 2518-2520, 2000
- Q.Wei, S. Yarmolenko, J. Sankar, A.K. Sharma and J. Narayan, “Preparation of Functionally Graded Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Coatings By Pulsed Laser Deposition” in “Laser-Solid Interactions for Materials Processing”, edited by D. Kumar, D.P. Norton, C. Lee, K. Ebihara and X. Xi, Materials Research Society Proc., 2000, Vol. 617, Pub J7.7
- Q. Wei, J. Sankar, J. Narayan and K. Liu, “Microstructure and Creep Behavior of Self-Sintered Silicon Nitride Ceramics Heat-Treated by Furnace and Microwave Annealing”, 41st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC SDM Conf., p.1603, April 2000, Atlanta, GA.
- D. Pai, Y. Acharya, S. Yarmolenko, J. Sankar, J. Lua, and L. Zawada, “Single Fiber Testing and Creep Modeling,” 25th Annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials and Structures, Cocoa Beach, FL, Jan 2001
- D. Kumar, S. Chattopadhyay, Walter M. Gilmore, C. B. Lee, J. Sankar, A. Kvit, A. K. Sharma, J. Narayan, S.V. Pietambaram and Rajiv K. Singh, “Structural and Magnetoresistance Properties of La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 Thin Films on Buffered Silicon Substrates”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 78, February 19, 2001.
- Kumar D., Narayan, J., Kvit, A.V., Sharma A.K., Sankar J., “High Coercivity and Superparamagnetic Behavior of Nanocrystalline Iron Particles in Alumina Matrix”, J. Mag. Mag. Mater., Vol. 232, p. 167, 2001.
- Chattopadhyay S., Kvit A.V., Kumar D., Sharma A.K., Sankar J., Narayan J., Knight V.S., Coleman T.S., and Lee C.B., “Low Temperature Synthesis and Dielectric Properties of Epitaxial SrBi2.2Ta2O9 Thin Films”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 78, p. 3514, 2001.
- Wei Q., J. Sankar and J. Narayan, “Microstructural Changes Due to Heat-Treatment of Annealing and Their Effect on Creep Behavior of Self-Reinforced Silicon Nitride Ceramics”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A299, 2001, pp. 141-151.
- P. Katiyar, D. Kumar, T. K. Nath, A.V. Kvit, J. Narayan, S. Chattopadhyay, W. M. Gilmore, S. Cloeman, C. B. Lee, J. Sankar, and R. K. Singh, “Magnetic properties of self-assembled nanoscale La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 particles in an alumina matrix”, Applied Physics Letters (2001), Vol. 79(9), pp. 1327-1329
- D. Kumar, J. Sankar, J. Narayan, H. Zhau, A. V. Kvit, and T. K. Nath, “Magnetic and Mechanical Properties of Metal-Ceramic Thin Film Composites,” 2001 ASME International Mechanical engineering Congress and Exposition, New York, “ Processing and Understanding of Structural and Electronic Ceramic Materials”(Full Peer Reviewed Proceeding - Volume MD-95)
- R. M. Mayo, J. Narayan, J. Haverkamp, R. J. Narayan, Q. Wei & J. Sankar “Diamond and Related Nanocomposites for Structural and Biomedical Applications” , 2001 ASME International Mechanical engineering Congress and Exposition, New York, “ Processing and Understanding of Structural and Electronic Ceramic Materials”(Full Peer Reviewed Proceeding - Volume MD-95)
- Q. Wei and J. Sankar , “Understanding the Effects of Processing on the Mechanical Behavior of Si3N4 through Microstructural Investigations”, 2001 ASME International Mechanical engineering Congress and Exposition, New York, “ Processing and Understanding of Structural and Electronic Ceramic Materials”(Full Peer Reviewed Proceeding - Volume MD-95)
- Zhigang Xu, Jag Sankar, Q. Wei, “Combustion Chemical Vapor Deposition of YSZ Thin Films for Fuel Cell Applications”, Paper IMECE2001/MD-24800 in Effects of Processing on Properties of Advanced Ceramics, 2001 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Volume MD 85 p. 1-8.
- Zhigang Xu; Q. Wei, J. Sankar, “Processing of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films by Liquid Fuel Combustion Chemical Vapor Deposition”, paper O8.29, Mat. Res.Symp. Proc. Vol. 672 © 2001 Materials Research Society.
- Wei Q., Sankar J., Narayan J., "Structure and Properties of Novel Functional Diamond-like Carbon Coatings Produced by Laser Ablation", Surf. Coat. Tech., 146, Sep.-Oct. 2001, pp.250-257.
- Kumar D., Chattopadhyay S., Gilmore W.M., Lee C.B., Sankar J., Kvit A.V., Sharma A.K., Narayan J., Pietambaram S.V. and Singh R.K., “Structural and Magnetoresistance Properties of La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 Thin Films on Buffered Silicon Substrates”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 78, pp. 1098-1100, 2001.
- Kumar, D.; Narayan, J.; Sharma, A. K.; Kvit, A.; Jin, C.; Sankar, J., "Tunable Magnetic Properties in Metal Ceramic Composite Thin Films", Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2002), Vol. 676(Synthesis, Functional Properties and Applications of Nanostructures), pp. Y3.17.1-Y3.17
- Pai, D., Yarmolenko, S., Kailasshankar, B., Sankar, J., Lua, J., and Zawada, L., “Tensile Behavior of Monazite Coated Nextel™ 720 Fibers and Tows”, MD (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) (2002), Vol. 97(Proceedings of the ASME Materials Division--2002), pp. 303-308
- Z. Xu, Z., Sankar, J., Yarmolenko, S., Pai, D., Wei, Q., and Lua, J., “Deposition of YSZ Thin Films by Liquid Fuel Combustion CVD, Proceedings in Processing, Characterization and Modeling of Novel Nanoengineered and Surface Engineered Materials”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, 2002, Paper #IMECE2002-39368, CD-ROM, Vol. 3., pp281-289
- Lua, J. Y., Xu, Z, Sankar, J., Pai, D., and Yarmolenko, S., “Towards Optimal Processing of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films by Stochastic Simulation of Grain Growth”, Ceramics Engineering Science Proceedings, Vol. 23 (3), 2002, pp.719-724.
- Kumar, D., S. Yarmolenko, J. Sankar, J. Narayan, A. Tiwari, H. Zhou, C. Jin, A. V. Kvit, S. J. Pennycook, and A. Lupini, “Processing and Properties of Nanostructured Magnetic Materials”, MD (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) (2002), Vol. 97(Proceedings of the ASME Materials Division--2002), pp. 261-267
- D. Kumar, N. Sudhir, S. Yarmolenko, Wei, Sankar, J. Narayan, and Pennycook, “Synthesis and Characterization of Metal-Ceramic Thin Film Nanocomposites with Improved Mechanical Properties”, MD (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) (2002), Vol. 97(Proceedings of the ASME Materials Division--2002), pp. 291-295
- Muchai, J.G., A.D. Kelkar, D.E. Klett, J. Sankar, “Thermal Mechanical-Stress Analysis of a PSZ Coated Piston through Finite Element Technique”, Ceramics Engineering Science Proceedings Vol. 23 (3), 2002, pp.159-166.
- Xu, Z., Q. Wei, J. Sankar, “Preparation and Properties of YSZ Electrolyte Thin Films via Liquid Fuel Combustion Chemical Vapor Composition”, Ceramics Engineering Science Proceedings Vol. 23 (3), 2002, pp.711-718.
- Muchai, J.G., A.D. Kelkar, D.E. Klett, J. Sankar, “Thermo-Mechanical Effects of Ceramic Thermal Barrier Coatings on Diesel Engine Piston”, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2002), Vol. 697(Surface Engineering 2001), pp. 317-322
- Kumar D., Hue H., Nath T. K., Kvit A., Sankar J., and Narayan J. J., “Improved Magnetic Properties of Self-Assembled Epitaxial Nickel Nanocrystallites in Thin Film Ceramic Matrix”, Materials Res., Vol. 17, April 2002.
- Singh R. K., Chen Z., Kumar D., Cho K., and Ollinger M., Sankar J., “Critical Issues in Enhancing Brightness in Thin Film Phosphors for Flat-Panel Display Applications”, J. of Appl. Surf. Sci., Vol.197, pp. 321-324, 2002.
- Kumar D., Sankar J., Narayan J., Singh R. K., Majumdar A. K., "Low-Temperature Resistivity Minima in Colossal Magnetoresistive La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 Thin Films", Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2002), Vol. 65(9), pp. 094407/1-094407/6
- Kumar D., Pietambaram S. V., Craciun V., Singh R. K., Sankar J., "Ultraviolet Assisted Pulsed Laser Deposition of LaCaMnO Thin Films With Improved Oxygen Content, Crystallinity, and Magnetoresistive properties", J. Vac. Sci. Tech., Vol. 20, 2002
- Pai, D. M., Filatovs, G. J., and Sankar, J., “Integration of Materials Science into an Industrially-Sponsored Engineering Design Course”, Proceedings of the 2002 ASEE Annual Conference (CD-ROM Paper #1435), Montreal, June 2002.
- Filatovs, G. J., Yarmolenko, S. N., Pai, D. M., and Sankar, J., “Materials Characterization by Digital Microscopy”, Proceedings of the 2002 ASEE Annual Conference (CD-ROM Paper #0982), Montreal, June 2002.
- Pai, D. M., Filatovs, G. J., and Sankar, J., “Integration of Materials Science into an Industrially-Sponsored Engineering Design Course”, Proceedings of the 2002 ASEE Annual Conference (CD-ROM Paper #1435), Montreal, June 2002.
- Zhou, H., A. Kvit, D. Kumar, T. K. Nath, J. Sankar, and J. Narayan, “Nanostructured Magnetic Nanocomposite Thin Films”, Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. Vol. 703, 2002.
- Zhigang Xu, Jag Sankar, Sergey Yarmolenko, Qiuming Wei, "Nucleation and Growth of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films Using Combustion Chemical Vapor Deposition", Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 756, pp. 509-514, 2003
- Walter M. Gilmore III, Soma Chattopadhyay, Alex Kvit, A. K. Sharma, C. B. Lee, Ward J. Collis, J. Sankar, and J. Narayan, “Growth, Characterization, and Electrical Properties of PZT Thin Films on Buffered Silicon Substrates Using Pulsed Laser Deposition”, Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 18 (1), pp.111-114, 2003
- Xu, Z., Sankar, J., Yarmolenko, S., "YSZ Thin Film Coatings Using Combustion Chemical Vapor Deposition", Surf. Coat. Tech., 2003
- Chipara, M., Hui, D., Notingher, P.V., Chipara, M. D., Lau, K.T., Sankar, J., Panaitescu , D., "On Polyethylene-Polyaniline Composites", Composites, Part B: Engineering (2003), Vol. 34B(7), pp. 637-645
- Harinath, V., Lou, J., Sankar, J., "Filler Impact on Melt Rheology and Thermal-Oxidative Stability of Polyetherimide", submitted to Polymer Testing, May, 2003.
- Orlovskaya, N., Lugovy, M., Subbotin, V., Radchenko, O., Adams, J., Chheda, M., Shih, J, Sankar, J., Yarmolenko, S., “ Robust Design and Manufacturing of Ceramic Laminates with Controlled Thermal Residual Stresses for Enhanced Toughness”, Submitted to Manufacturing Science and Engineering “A”, 2003
- D. M. Pai, S. N. Yarmolenko, E. Freeman, and L. P. Zawada, “Elevated Temperature Tensile Behavior of Nextel™ 720 Fibers”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress Proceedings, Vol. 3, (ISBN 0-7918-4665-2), Paper #IMECE2003-43324, Washington, DC, November 15 – 21, 2003.
- Kumar, D.; Yarmolenko, S.; Waters, C.; Sankar, J., "Synthesis and Characterization of MgB2 Bulk Superconductors with Enhanced Properties by Means of Silver Doping", MD (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) (2003), Vol. 98(Proceedings of the ASME Materials Division--2003), pp. 349-352
- N. Orlovskaya, J. Adams, M. Chheda, J. Shih, S. Yarmolenko, J. Sankar, “Boron Carbide – Silicon Carbide Laminate Ceramics for Ballistic Protection”, MD (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) (2003), Vol. 98(Proceedings of the ASME Materials Division--2003), pp. 319-326
- Z. Xu, C. Hilton, B. Watkins, S. Yarmolenko, and J. Sankar, “Thin YSZ Electrolyte Film Depositions on Dense and Porous Substrates”, MD (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) (2003), Vol. 98(Proceedings of the ASME Materials Division--2003), pp. 343-348
- V. A. Harinath, Jianzhong Lou, Jag Sankar, and Leonard Uitenham, “Characterization of the Thermo-Oxidative Stability of Filled Thermoplastic Polyetherimide”, MD (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) (2003), Vol. 98(Proceedings of the ASME Materials Division--2003), pp. 353-356
- Orlovskaya, Nina; Lugovy, M.; Subbotin, V.; Rachenko, O.; Adams, J.; Chheda, M.; Shih, J.; Sankar, J.; Yarmolenko, S., "Design and Manufacturing B4C-SiC Layered Ceramics for Armor Applications," Ceramic Transactions (2003), Vol. 151, pp. 59-70
- Lou, Jianzhong; Ariarugiri, Girish; Sankar, Jag, "A Novel Metallopolymer Nanocomposite Chemical Sensor", Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 89, p.655, 2003
- Xu, Z.; Waters, C.; Wang, X.; Sudhir, N.; Yarmolenko, S.; Sankar, J., "Texture and Nano Mechanical Properties of YSZ Electrolyte Thin Films Prepared by CCVD and PLD", Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 778 (Mechanical Properties Derived from Nanostructuring Materials), pp. 189-194, 2003
- Waters, C.; Kumar, D.; Yarmolenko, S.; Xu, Z.; Sankar, J., "Synthesis and Mechanical Properties of TiN-AlN Thin Film Heterostructures", Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 778 (Mechanical Properties Derived from Nanostructuring Materials), pp. 37-42, 2003
- J. Lou, V. Harinath, S. Ilias, J. Sankar, K. Roberts, L. C. Uitenham, “Filled Polymer Formulation for Gas Separation Membrane Application”, Proceeding of 2003 AIChE Annual Meeting, Paper # 72a, San Francisco, California, November 16-21, 2003.
- Lou, J.; Harinath, V.; Xu, Z.; Sankar, J., "Study of Shark Skin and Die Swell of Calcium Filled-Polyethylene by Laser Micrometer and Scanning Electron Microscopy", Annual Technical Conference - Society of Plastics Engineers (2003), 61st(Vol. 2), pp. 1926-1930
- Filatovs, G. J., Pai, D. M., Yarmolenko, S. N., and Sankar, J., “Approaches to Computational Materials Science”, Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE Annual Conference, (CD-ROM Paper #2206), Nashville, TN, June 2003.
- V. Harinath, P. Kuzviwanza, J. Sankar, K. Roberts, L. C. Uitenham, J. Lou, “Thermoplastic Nanocomposite: Rheology Near Percolation Threshold”, Proceedings of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, [Spring National Meeting], New Orleans, LA, United States, Mar. 30-Apr. 3, 2003, pp. 2523-2530
- Wang, Xinyu; Yarmolenko, Sergey; Kumar, Dhananjay; Xu, Zhigang; Sankar, Jagannathan., "Pulsed Laser Deposition Parameter Optimization for Growth of Alumina (Al2O3) Thin Film on Silicon (100)", Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 788 (Continuous Nanophase and Nanostructured Materials), pp. 577-582, 2003
- M. Chipara, D. Hui, Jag Sankar, D. Leslie-Pelecky, A. Bender, L. Yue, R. Skomski, Sellmyer, D. J., “On Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene–Barium Ferrite Nanocomposites”, Composites, Part B: Engineering (2004), Vol. 35B(3), pp. 235-243
- Pai, D. M., Yarmolenko, S., Freeman, E., Sankar, J., and Zawada, L. P., “Effect of Monazite Coating on Tensile Behavior of Nextel™ 720 Fibers at High Temperatures”, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings (2004), Vol. 25(4), pp. 117-122
- Pai, D. M., Yarmolenko, S., Freeman, E., Sankar, J., and Zawada, L. P., “Tensile Properties of Nextel™ 720-Based Tows and Minicomposites Subjected to High-Temperature Soaking”, (Paper # CB-S4-46-2004), Proceedings of the 27th International Cocoa Beach Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Cocoa Beach, FL, Jan 2004.
- Pai, D. M., Yarmolenko, S., Sankar, J., Kailasshankar, B., Murphy, C., Freeman, E., and Zawada, L. P., “Effect of Monazite Coating on Tensile Properties of Nextel 720 Fibers, Tows and Minicomposites”, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2004), Vol. 795(Thin Films--Stresses and Mechanical Properties X), pp. 429-434
- Xu, Zhigang; Sankar, Jag., "Enhancement of YSZ Electrolyte Thin Film Growth Rate for Fuel Cell Applications", Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings (2004), Vol. 25(3), pp.333-338
- Xu, Zhigang; Tameru, Samuel; Sankar, Jag., "Synthesis of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films by Electrolytic Deposition", Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings (2004), Vol. 25(3), pp. 339-344
- Kumar, D.; Yarmolenko, S.; Sankar, J.; Narayan, J.; Zhou, H.; Tiwari, A., "Pulsed Laser Deposition Assisted Novel Synthesis of Self-Assembled Magnetic Nanoparticles", Composites, Part B: Engineering, Vol. 35B (2), pp. 149-155, 2004
- Neralla, S.; Kumar, D.; Yarmolenko, S.; Sankar, J., "Mechanical Properties of Nanocomposite Metal-Ceramic Thin Films", Composites, Part B: Engineering, Vol. 35 (2), pp. 157-162, 2004
- Wills, R. R.; Peirson, M. H.; Ferber, M. K.; Tennery, V.; Sankar, J.; Yarmolenko, S.; Thadhani, N. N.; Velez, M.; Karakus, M., "Digital Library of Ceramic Microstructures", American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 83 (4), pp. 9101/1-9101/10, 2004
- Wills, R. R.; Peirson, M. H.; Ferber, M. K.; Tennery, V.; Sankar, J.; Yarmolenko, S.; Thadhani, N. N.; Velez, M.; Karakus, M., "Digital Library of Ceramic Microstructures. Part I. Digital Library", American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 83 (2), pp. 9301/1-9301/5, 2004
- Xu, Z.; Sankar, J.; Yarmolenko, S., "Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Coatings Produced Using Combustion Chemical Vapor Deposition", Surface and Coatings Technology (2004),177-78,52-59
- D. Hui , M. Chipara, K. T. Lau, J. Sankar, M. D. Chipara, P. Notingher, D. Panaitescu, “Investigations on Polyvinyl Chloride - Carbon Black Blends”, Science And Engineering of Composite Materials , Vol.11(1), pp.19-26, 2004.
- M. Chipara, D. Hui, J. Sankar, D. Leslie-Pelecky, A. Bender, L. Yue, R. Skomski and D. J. Sellmyer, “On Styrene–Butadiene–Styrene–Barium Ferrite Nanocomposites”, Composites B, Vol. 35 (2), pp. 95-101, 2004.
- David Hui, Mircea Chipara, Jagannathan Sankar, K.T. Lau, ”Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Composites”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, (2004), Vol. 1(2), pp. 204-215
- D. Hui, M. Chipara, J. Sankar, K. T. Lau, “A Critical Review on the Modeling of Physical Properties of Nanocomposites Based on Carbon Nanotubes: I. Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Continuum Mechanics, and Finite Size Analysis”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, (2004).
- Sankar, Jagannathan; Hui, David; Lau, Alan Kin-Tak; Editors: Special Issue: Nanocomposites, Part B: Engineering. [In: Composites, Part B; 2004, 35B(2)], 2004
- Zhigang Xu, Devdas Pai and Jag Sankar, “Processing Of Composite Cathode And YSZ Coatings For Solid Oxide Fuel Cells”, IMECE2004-61012, Proceedings of IMECE04 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 13-20, 2004, Anaheim, California USA
- G. Rajaram, Zhigang Xu, X. Jiang, D.M. Pai and J. Sankar, “Effect of Processing Parameters on the Conductivity of the Solid Oxide Anode for Fuel Cells,” Paper IMECE2005-79967, Proceedings of the 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Orlando, FL, Nov 2005.
- Zhigang Xu, Cindy K. Waters, Gukan Rajaram and Jag Sankar, “Preparation of Porous Nitinol Material by Hot-Isostatic Pressing”, paper IMECE2005-81563, Proceedings of the 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Orlando, FL, Nov 2005
- E. Deyneka, S. Yarmolenko, and J. Sankar, “Fully Automated PVD Process for Multilayer Metallic Film Coating”, EPD Congress / TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition (Materials Processing Fundamentals), San Francisco, CA, February 13-17, 2005, pp. 791-800
- Pai, Devdas M.; Sankar, Jag; Waters, Cynthla; Kumar, Dhananjay; Roberts, Kenneth; Bartz, Deborah; Atwater, Martha; Ferreira, Placid, "Bootstrapping nanoscience and engineering education at NC A and T state university", ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings (2005), 1199-1204
- Orlovskaya, Nina; Steinmetz, David; Yarmolenko, Sergey; Pai, Devdas; Sankar, Jag; Goodenough, John., "Detection of temperature- and stress-induced modifications of LaCoO3 by micro-Raman spectroscopy", Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2005), 72(1), 14122-1-14122-7
- Orlovskaya, Nina; Lugovy, Mykola; Subbotin, Vladimir; Radchenko, Oleksandr; Adams, Jane; Chheda, Munjal; Shih, James; Sankar, Jag; Yarmolenko, Sergey, "Robust design and manufacturing of ceramic laminates with controlled thermal residual stresses for enhanced toughness", Journal of Materials Science (2005), 40(20), 5483-5490
- Orlovskaya, N.; Nicholls, A.; Yarmolenko, S.; Sankar, J.; Johnson, C.; Gemmen, R., "Microstructural characterization of La-Cr-O thin film deposited by RF magnetron sputtering on the stainless steel interconnect materials for SOFC application.", NATO Science Series, II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry (2005), 202(Fuel Cell Technologies), 355-371 (Book Chapter)
- Zhigang Xu, Sergey Yarmolenko, Jag Sankar, “Exploration of Combustion CVD Method for YSZ Thin Film Electrolyte of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells”, Fuel Cell Technologies: State and Perspectives, ed. Nigel Sammes, Alevtina Smirnova and Oleksandr Vasylyev, NATO Science Series, II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, V202, 49-57, Springer, 2005 (Book Chapter)
- Waters, C.; Young, G.; Yarmolenko, S.; Wang, X.; Sankar, J., "Tribological aspects of AlN-TiN thin composite films", Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2005), 843(Surface Engineering -Fundamentals and Applications), 61-66
- Xu, Zhigang; Rajaram, Gukan; Sankar, Jag., "Exploration of electrophoretic deposition of YSZ electrolyte for solid oxide fuel cells", Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2005), 835(Solid State Ionics), 175-180
- Chipara, Mircea; Sankar, Jagannathan; Notinger, Petre; Panaitescu, Denis; Hui, David; Aldica, Gheorghe V.; Chipara, Magdalena D.; Lau, Kin-Tak, "Conducting and antistatic composites for space applications.", Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2005), 851(Materials for Space Applications), 381-386
- Deyneka, E.; Yarmolenko, S.; Sankar, J., "Fully automated PVD process for Xu, Z., Rajaram, G., Pai, D. M., and Sankar, J., "Property Control of Cathodes and Anodes Produced by Slip Casting for Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cells", Paper #CB-S3-28-2005, Proceedings of the 29th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, (2005)
- Rajaram, G., Xu, Z., Jiang, X. S., Pai, D. M., Filatovs, G. J., and Sankar, J., "Statistical Analysis of the Microstructure and the Porosity of the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode", Paper #CB-S3-88-2005, Proceedings of 29th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Cocoa Beach, FL (2005)
- Esterline, Albert; Gandluri, Bhanu; Sundaresan, Mannur; Sankar, Jagannathan, "Verified models of multiagent systems for vehicle health management", Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (2005), 5757, 602-613
- Zhigang Xu, Rajaram Gukan, Devdas Pai, Jag Sankar, “Property Control of Cathodes and Anodes Produced by Slip Casting for Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cells”, Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc., 2005, 26(4), 185-190.
- Rajaram Gukan, Zhigang Xu, Xiaochun Jiang, Devdas Pai, George Filatovs, and Jag Sankar, “Influence of Processing Parameters on Porosity of NiO-YSZ Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode Material”, Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc., 2005, 26(4), 177-183.
- Lua, J., W. Yu, R. Mohan, and J. Sankar, “Simulation of Mechanical Properties of Woven Fabric Laminated Composite Plates at Given Damage State,” IMCE2005-82284, 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Orlando, FL, 2005
- O. Akinyede, R. Mohan, A. Kelkar and J. Sankar, “Processing and Characterization of Hybrid Nanoparticle Infused Structural Fiber Composites”, ASME Congress 2005, IMECE2005-81731.
- Mannur Sundaresan, William Craft, Jag Sankar, Jaehwan Kim, Yong-Kun Park, Joseph Constant, and Sang Choi, Laser Scanning Vibrometer Studies of Electro-Active Papers, ASME IMECE, 2005
- Pai, D.M.; Kailasshankar, B.; Konchady, M.S.; Wang, X.; Mason, J.; Sankar, J.; Yarmolenko, S.N., "Friction performance of coatings", ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings (2005), 6669-6679
- Yong-Kun Park, Jag Sankar, Jaehwan Kim, William Craft, John Shelton, and Sang Choi, “Fatigue Properties of Electro-Active Papers for biomimetic actuators,” ASME IMECE, 2005
- Shri Dana, Dhananjay Kumar, Jag Sankar, Albert A. Gapud and David K. Christen, "Pulsed Laser Assisted Fabrication of Self-Assembled Iron Nanoparticles in Epitaxial TiN Thin Film Matrix," Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Spring Meeting 2005, March 28-April 1, San Francisco, CA, S5.6
- R. Mohan, O. Akinyede, A. Kelkar and J. Sankar, “Processing and Evaluation of Hybrid Composite Laminates with Nanomaterial Functionalized Fiber and Resin Systems”, SAMPE Proceedings 2006, May 2006.
- Orlovskaya, N., Lugovy, M., Kuebler, J., Yarmolenko, S., Sankar, J., “Design of tough ceramic laminates by residual stresses control,” Chapter 7 in: Ceramic Matrix Composites: Microstructure/Property Relationship, editor I.M. Low, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, pp. 178-215, 2006 (Book Chapter)
- Kumar, D.; Sankar, Jagannathan; Narayan, Jagdish., "Synthesis and characterization of metal-ceramic thin-film nanocomposites with improved mechanical properties.", Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional, and Smart Materials (2006), CRC publication, ISBN 0-8493-1653-7, 247-261 (Book Chapter)
- Yun, YeoHeung; Shanov, Vesselin; Tu, Yi; Schulz, Mark J.; Yarmolenko, Sergey; Neralla, Sudhir; Sankar, Jag; Subramaniam, Srinivas., "A Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotube Tower Electrochemical Actuator.", Nano Letters (2006), 6(4), 689-693
- Yarmolenko, Sergey; Neralla, Sudheer; Kumar, Dhananjay; Sankar, Jag; Liu, Fude; Duscher, Gerd., "Role of Fe and Ni nanoparticles on mechanical properties of alumina thin films deposited by laser ablation.", Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2006), 890(Surface Engineering for Manufacturing Applications), 189-194
- Sundaresan, Mannur; Park, Yongkun; Craft, William J.; Sankar, Jag; Kim, Jaehwan., "Study on actuating mode shapes of electro-active paper.", Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering (2006), 6168, 166-173
- Waters, Cindy K.; Yarmolenko, Sergey; Sankar, Jagannathan; Neralla, Sudhir; Kelkar, Ajit D., "Synthesis, optimization, and characterization of AlN/TiN thin film heterostructures.", Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional, and Smart Materials (2006), CRC publication, , ISBN 0-8493-1653-7, 529-584 (Book Chapter)
- Lau, Kin-Tak; Sankar, Jagannathan; Hui, David., "Enhancement of the mechanical strength of polymer-based composites using carbon nanotubes.", Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional, and Smart Materials (2006), CRC publication, , ISBN 0-8493-1653-7, 327-346 (Book Chapter)
- Kumar, Dhanjay; Sankar, Jagannathan; Narayan, Jagdish., "Synthesis and characterization of metal-ceramic thin-film nanocomposites with improved mechanical properties.", Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional, and Smart Materials (2006), CRC publication , , ISBN 0-8493-1653-7, 247-261 (Book Chapter)
- Orlovskaya, N.; Lugovy, M.; Kuebler, J.; Yarmolenko, S.; Sankar, J., "Design of tough ceramic laminates by residual stresses control", Ceramic Matrix Composites (2006), 178-215
- Orlovskaya, Nina; Lugovy, Mykola; Ko, Frank; Yarmolenko, Sergey; Sankar, Jag; Kuebler, Jakob, "SiC/SiC woven fabric laminates: design, manufacturing, mechanical properties", Composites, Part B: Engineering (2006), Vol. 37B(6), 524-529
- Sankar, Jagannathan; Hui, David; Lau, Alan Kin-tak; Orlovskaya, Nina; Yarmolenko, Sergey; Editors, "Special Issue: "Nanoengineered Composites and Ceramic Laminates", Part B. [In: Composites, Part B; 2006, 37B(6)]", Composites, Part B (2006), 188-188
- Lua, James; Gregory, William; Sankar, Jagannathan, "Multi-scale dynamic failure prediction tool for marine composite structures", Journal of Materials Science (2006), Vol. 41(20), 6673-6692
- Xu, Zhigang; Rajaram, Gukan; Sankar, Jag; Pai, Devdas, "Electrophoretic deposition of YSZ electrolyte coatings for solid oxide fuel cells", J. Surface and Coatings Technology (2006), Vol. 201(7), 4484-4488
- Rajaram, Gukan; Xu, Zhigang; Jiang, Xiaochun; Pai, Devdas M.; Desai, Salil; Sankar, Jag, "A statistical approach to the design and fabrication of anode material for solid oxide fuel cells - A case study", International Journal of Industrial Engineering : Theory Applications and Practice (2006), Vol. 13( 4), 349-356
- Yun, YeoHeung; Shanov, Vesselin N.; Balaji, Swathi; Tu, Yi; Yarmolenko, Sergey; Neralla, Sudhir; Sankar, Jag; Mall, Shankar; Lee, Jay; Burggraf, Larry W.; Li, Guangming; Sabelkin, Volodymyr P.; Schulz, Mark J., "Developing a sensor, actuator, and nano-skin based on carbon nanotube arrays", Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering (2006), Vol. 6174(Pt. 2, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems
- Pai, D., Rajaram G., Lewis, R., Lewis, O., Waters, C. and Sankar, J., “Introducing Materials Engineering Concepts in a High School Automotive Technology Class,” Paper #2006-2069, Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL, Jun 2006.
- Zhigang Xu, Gregory Young, Gukan Rajaram, Jag Sankar, “Proton Conductive Strontium Cerate Thin Films Processed Using Flame-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition”, IMECE2006-15022, Proceedings of IMECE2006, 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition November 5-10, 2006, Chicago, Illinois, USA
- Jones, Eric; Yarmolenko, Sergey; Sankar, Jag, "Fiber push-out nanoindentation study of BN interface in SIC/SIC composites exposed to high temperatures", Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings (2006), Vol. 27( 2), 195-205
- Lua, Jim; Sankar, Jag; Pai, Devdas, "A four cell decomposition model for unbalanced woven fabric composites subjected to thermal-mechanical loading", Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference (2006), Vol. 2, 1165-1185
- Neralla, S., Yarmolenko, S., Kumar, D., Pai, D., and Sankar, J., “Cross-Sectional Nanoindentation of Alumina Thin Films Deposited By Pulsed Laser Deposition Process,” Paper #IMECE2006-14924, Proceedings of the 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago, IL, Nov 2006.
- Rajaram, G., Xu, Z., Desai, S., Pai, D. and Sankar, J., “Characterization Studies on the SOFC Anode Material Using RSM Technique,” Paper #IMECE2006-15040, Proceedings of the 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago, IL, Nov 2006.
- Jones, E., Yarmolenko, S., Pai, D., and Sankar, J., “Mechanical Property Study of the Fiber-Matrix Interface in SiC/SiC Composites,” Paper #IMECE2006-15428, Proceedings of the 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago, IL, Nov 2006.
- Sergey Yarmolenko, Devendra Ray, Devdas Pai and Jag Sankar, “Processing, Phase Stability and Mechanical Properties OF 10 mol% Sc2O3 - 1 mol% CeO2-ZrO2 Ceramics”, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, 2007
- Desai S., Pai D. and Sankar J., “Introducing Micro-Nanotechnology Education within the Industrial and Systems Engineering Curriculum,” American Society of Engineering Education, Peer reviewed CD Proceedings, paper # 1806, June 2007
- Kumar, D., Pai, D., Waters, C., and Sankar, J.,“ Supplementary Learning Methods in Materials Science Education,” American Society of Engineering Education, Peer reviewed CD Proceedings, paper # 1905, June 2007
- Rajaram, G., Pai, D., and Sankar, J., “ Exposing High School students to the Role of Engineering and Advanced Materials in Developing Alternative Energy Sources” American Society of Engineering Education, Peer reviewed CD Proceedings, paper # 2288, June 2007.
- Orlovskaya, N., Lugovy, M., Kuebler, J., Yarmolenko, S., and Sankar, J., “Effect of Rolling and Hot Pressing on Mechanical Properties of Boron Carbide Based Ceramics” J. Mater. Sci., 43, 17, 5942-5947, 2008.
- Desai. S., Pai. D., and Sankar. J., “Introducing Micro-Nanotechnology Education within the Industrial and Systems Engineering Curriculum,” American Society of Engineering Education, Peer reviewed CD Proceedings, paper # 1806, June 2007
- Kumar, D., Pai, D., Waters, C., and Sankar, J.,“ Supplementary Learning Methods in Materials Science Education,” American Society of Engineering Education, Peer reviewed CD Proceedings, paper # 1905, June 2007
- Rajaram, G., Desai, S., Xu, Z., Pai, D. M., and Sankar, J. “Systematic Studies on Ni-YSZ Anode Material for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Applications”, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 2008 Vol.3, No.3, , pp350-359.
- Rajaram, G., Desai, S., Xu, Z., Pai, D. M., and Sankar, J. “RSM-based Optimization for the Processing of Nanoparticulate SOFC Anode Material,” International Journal of Nano Manufacturing Research: Special Issue on Design of Experiments (DoE) in Nanomanufacturing, 2008 Vol.2, No.4 , pp.346 – 360.
- Herndon, N. B., Oh, S. H., Abiade, J. T., Pai, D., Sankar, J., Pennycook, S. J., and Kumar, D., “Effect of Spacer Layer Thickness on Magnetic Interactions in Self-assembled Single Domain Iron Nanoparticles,” Journal of Applied Physics, v. 103, 07D515, 2008.
- Desai S., Mohan R., Sankar J., Tiano T., “Understanding Conductivity of Single Wall Nanotubes (SWNTs) In a Composite Resin Using Design of Experiments,” International Journal of Nanomanufacturing (Special Issue on Design of Experiments in Nanomanufacturing), Vol. 2, No. 4, 2008 pp292-304.
- Chappell C., Desai S., Sankar J., “Computational Modeling of a Drop-on-Demand (DOD) Inkjet System for Understanding Microdroplet Behavior,” ASME Early Career Technical Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, Oct 2007.
- Yarmolenko, S., Ray, D., Pai, D., and Sankar, J., “Phase Transitions and Thermal Expansion of 10 mol% Sc2O3 – 1 mol% CeO2-ZrO2 Ceramics,” Paper #IMECE2007-43109, Proceedings of the 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (DVD-ROM: ISBN 0791838129), Seattle, WA, Nov 2007.
- Rajaram, G., Desai, S., Xu, Z., Pai, D. M., and Sankar, J., “Process Optimization Studies on Ni-YSZ Anode Material for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Applications,” Paper #IMECE2007-43592, Proceedings of the 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (DVD-ROM: ISBN 0791838129), Seattle, WA, Nov 2007.
- Pai, D. M., Sankar, J., Konchady, M. S., and Yarmolenko, S., “Structural and Mechanical Properties of Multilayer TiN/CrN Coatings,” Paper #IMECE2007-43114, Proceedings of the 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (DVD-ROM: ISBN 0791838129), Seattle, WA, Nov 2007.
- Desai, S., Pai, D., and Sankar, J., “Introducing Micro/Nanotechnology Education within the Industrial and Systems Engineering Curriculum,” Paper #2007-1806, Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Conference and Exposition (CD-ROM), Honolulu, HI, Jun 2007.
- Kumar, D., Pai, D., Sankar, J., and Waters, C., “Supplementary Learning Methods in Materials Science Education,” Paper #2007-1905, Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Conference and Exposition, Honolulu (CD-ROM), HI, Jun 2007.
- Pai, D., Rajaram, G., and Sankar, J., “Exposing High School Students to the Role of Engineering and Advanced Materials in Developing Alternative Energy Sources,” Paper #2007-2288, Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Conference and Exposition (CD-ROM), Honolulu, HI, Jun 2007.
- Talisha Haywood, Sang Ho Oh Abebe Kebede, Devdas M. Pai, Jag Sankar, David K. Christen, Stephen J. Pennycook, and D. Kumar, “Structural and flux-pinning properties of laser ablated YBCO thin films: effects of self-assembled CeO2 nanodots on LaAlO3 substrates,” Physica C Superconductivity, Physica C 468 (2008) 2313–2316.
- J. T. Abiade, S. Ho Oh, Haizhong Guo, M. Varela, A. Gupta, S.J. Pennycook, J. Sankar, and D. Kumar, “The Effect of Matrix and Substrate on the Coercivity and Blocking Temperature of Self Assembled Ni Nanoparticles,” Journal of Applied Physics, 2008 Vol. 104 , 073910.
- Nichole B. Herndon, Sang Ho Oh, Jeremiah T. Abiade, Devdas Pai, Jag Sankar, Stephen J. Pennycook, and Dhananjay Kumar, “Effect of spacer layer thickness on magnetic interactions in self-assembled single domain iron nanoparticles,” Journal of Applied Physics 103 07D515 (2008).
- Desai S., Chappell C., Sankar J., “Computational Modeling of Microdroplet Behavior for MEMS Manufacturing,” International Conference on Sensors, Signal Processing, Communication, Control and Instrumentation (SSPCCIN), Pune - India, Jan 2008.
- Schulz, M. J.; Maheshwari, G.; Abot, J.; Song, Y.; Jayasinghe, C.; Mallik, N.; Shanov, V.; Dadhania, M.; Yun, Y.; Yarmolenko, S.; Sankar, J., "Responsive nanomaterials for engineering asset evaluation and condition monitoring.," Insight (Northampton, United Kingdom) (2008), 50 (8), 436-449
- Orlovskaya, Nina; Yarmolenko, Sergey; Sankar, Jag; Kuebler, Jakob; Lugovy, Mykola., "Effects of rolling and hot pressing on mechanical properties of boron carbide-based ceramics.," Journal of Materials Science (2008), 43 (17), 5942-5947
- Gukan Rajaram, Salil Desai, Zhigang Xu, Devdas M. Pai, Jagannathan Sankar , "Systematic studies on NI-YSZ anode material for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFCs) applications," International Journal of Manufacturing Research (2008), 3 (3), 350-359
- Kim, Heung Soo; Kim, Jaehwan; Jung, Woochul; Ampofo, Joshua; Craft, William; Sankar, Jagannathan., "Mechanical properties of cellulose electro-active paper under different environmental conditions.," Smart Materials and Structures (2008), 17 (1), 15029-15029
- Yarmolenko, Sergey; Fialkova, Svitlana; Pai, Devdas M.; Sankar, Jag., "Phase stability of 10mol%Sc2O3-1mol%CeO2-ZrO2 ceramics.," Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2008), 1074E (Synthesis and Metrology of Nanoscale Oxides and Thin Films), 0-3
- Yarmolenko, Sergey; Ray, Devendra; Pai, Devdas; Sankar, Jag, "Processing, phase stability and mechanical properties of 10 mol%Sc2O3 - 1 mol%CeO2-ZrO2 ceramics.," Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings (2008), 28 (4, Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells III), 345-360
- Zhigang Xu, James Linford, Shuo Chen, Christopher Smith, Jag Sankar, “Preparation and Characterization of Porous Magnesium Alloys in Biomedical Applications”, IMECE2009-11689, Proceedings of 2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 13-19, 2009, lake Buena Vista, Florida, United States.
- Man Yang, Zhigang Xu, Salil Desai, Dhananjay Kumar, Jag Sankar,” Fabrication of Novel Single-Chamber Solid Oxide Fuel Cells towards Green Technology” IMECE20098-12627, Proceedings of 2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 13-19, 2009, lake Buena Vista, Florida, United States.
- Man Yang, Zhigang Xu, Salil Desai, Dhananjay Kumar, Jag Sankar, “Combine photolithography and pulsed laser deposition technology to fabricate micro single chamber solid oxide fuel cells”, submitted to Material Science and Engineering Part B.
- Manohar S. Konchady, Sergey Yarmolenko, Devdas M. Pai, Jagannathan Sankar, Alexander V. Kvit, "Nanoscratch behaviour, structure and nanoindentation of multilayer TiN/CrN coatings," International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering (2008), Vol. 2, N 6, 439 – 456.
- Manohar Konchady, Sergey Yarmolenko, Devdas Pai, and Jag Sankar, "Nanoindentation, Nanoscratch and Wear Studies on Nanoscale Multilayer TiN/CrN Coatings", Proceedings of the 2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Lake Buena Vista, FL, Nov 2009, Paper #IMECE2009-12612
- Zhigang Xu, James Linford, Shuo Chen, Christopher Smith, Jag Sankar, "Preparation and Characterization of Porous Magnesium Alloys in Biomedical Applications," IMECE2009-11689, Proceedings of 2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 13-19, 2009, lake Buena Vista, Florida, United States.
- Seonghyuk Ko, Chandra K. Banerjee and Jagannathan Sankar, “Photochemical synthesis and photocatalytic activity in simulated solar light of nanosized Ag doped TiO2 nanoparticle composite”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 42(3):579-583 (2011).
- Xu, Zhigang; Smith, Christopher; Chen, Shuo; Sankar, Jag, Development and microstructural characterizations of Mg-Zn-Ca alloys for biomedical applications, Materials Science & Engineering, B: Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials (2011), 176(20), 1660-1665.
- Lugovy, M.; Slyunyayev, V.; Yarmolenko, S.; Sankar, J.; Graule, T.; Kuebler, J.; Nicholson, D.; Orlovskaya, N., A further insight into spherical indentation: Ring crack formation in a brittle La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O3 perovskite, Acta Materialia (2011), 59(11), 4425-4436.
- Akinyede, Oladapo; Mohan, Ram; Kelkar, Ajit; Sankar, Jag, Processing and thermo-physical characterization of alumina particulate reinforced 3-phase hybrid composite material system, Journal of Advanced Materials (Covina, CA, United States) (2010), 42(3), 5-19.
- Konchady, Manohar S.; Yarmolenko, Sergey; Pai, Devdas M.; Sankar, Jag, Nanoindentation, nanoscratch and wear studies on nanoscale multilayer TiN/CrN coatings, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition--2009, Lake Buena Vista, FL, United States, Nov. 13-19, 2009 (2010), Meeting Date2009, 14, 55-59.
- Desai, Salil; Perkins, Jessica; Harrison, Benjamin S.; Sankar, Jag, Understanding release kinetics of biopolymer drug delivery microcapsules for biomedical applications, Materials Science & Engineering, B: Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, Volume168, Issue1-3, 127-131.
- Krishnamachari, Parakalan; Lou, Jianzhong; Sankar, Jag; Lincoln, Jason E.; Hout, Sara, Characterization of Fourth-Generation High-Temperature Discontinuous Fiber Molding Compounds, International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization (2009), 14(7), 588-599.
- Yarmolenko, Sergey; Sankar, Jag; Bernier, Nicholas; Klimov, Michael; Kapat, Jay; Orlovskaya, Nina, Phase stability and sintering behavior of 10 mol % Sc2O3-1 mol % CeO2-ZrO2 ceramics, Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, (2009), 6(2), 021007/1-8.
- Akinyede, Oladapo; Mohan, Ram; Kelkar, Ajit; Sankar, Jag, Static and fatigue behavior of epoxy/fiberglass composites hybridized with alumina nanoparticles, Journal of Composite Materials (2009), 43(7), 769-781.
- B. Deepthi, Harish C. Barshilia, K. S. Rajam, Manohar S. Konchady, Devdas M. Pai, Jagannathan Sankar and Kvit, and Alexander V. Kvit, "Structure, Morphology and Chemical Composition of Sputter Deposited Nanostructured Cr-WS Solid Lubricant Coatings," Surface and Coatings Technology, v 205, n 2, p 565-574
- B. Deepthi, Harish C. Barshilia, K. S. Rajam, Manohar S. Konchady, Devdas M. Pai and Jagannathan Sankar, "Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Sputter Deposited Nanostructured Cr-WS Solid Lubricant Coatings," Surface and Coatings Technology, v 205, n 7, p 1937-1946
- Harish C. Barshilia, Shashidhara Acharya, Moumita Ghosh, T. N. Suresh, K. S. Rajam, Manohar S. Konchady, Devdas M. Pai and Jagannathan Sankar, "Performance Evaluation of TiAlCrYN Nanocomposite Coatings Deposited Using Four-Cathode Reactive Unbalanced Pulsed Direct Current Magnetron Sputtering System," Vacuum, v 85, n 3, p 411-420
Need to Update 2010
- Zhigang Xu, Christopher Smith, Shuo Chen, Jag Sankar, "Development and Microstructural Characterizations of Mg-Zn-Ca Alloys for Biomedical Applications," Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B (2011), 176 (20): 1660-1665
- YeoHeung Yun, Sarah Pixley, X. Tracy Cui, Zhongyun Dong, Boyce Collins, Vesselin Shanov, Seonghyuk Ko, Devdas Pai, Sergey Yarmolenko, Mark J. Schulz, and Jagannathan Sankar,, "Carbon Nanomaterials: From Therapeutics to Regenerative Medicine," Journal of Nanomedicine and Biotherapeutic Discovery (2011), Vol 2, p.104.
- Yeoheung Yun, Laura Conforti, Perpetua Muganda, and Jag Sankar, "Nanomedicine-based synthetic biology, Editorial," Journal of Nanomedicine and Biotherapeutic Discovery (2011), Vol 1, p.1.
- Yun, Y., Collins, B., Dong, Z., Renken, C., Schulz, M. J. Bhattacharya, A., Watts, N., Jang, Y., Pai, D., and J. Sankar, "Nanomaterial-based electrochemical biosensors," In “Applications of Nanomaterials in Sensors and Diagnostics” Springer (Book chapter). (Accepted on 01/24/2012, in press)
- Kotoka, Ruben, Yarmolenko, Sergey, Pai, Devdas, and Sankar, Jag, "Novel Application of Optical Density Technique to Evaluation of Corrosion Behavior of Metallic Thin Films," Paper #IMECE2011-64719, Proceedings of the 2011 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Denver, CO
- Bo-Youn Hur, Zongqing Tan, Jeong Seung Reung, Yue Xue Aheng, Anand Navalgund, Do-Gyoon Kim, Zhongyun Dong, Jag Sankar, and Yeoheung Yun, "In vivo and in vitro characterization of biodegradable porous Mg/Mg alloys,," 7th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (MetFoam) (2011) Busan, Kore
- Pai, Devdas M., Liles, Robin Guill, Lambeth, Courtney, Kumta, Prashant N., Borovetz, Harvey S., Pixley, Sarah K., Roy, Partha, and Sankar, Jagannathan, "Bootstrapping a New Graduate Curriculum through an Engineering Research Center," Paper # AC2011-2780, Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Conference and Exposition (CD-ROM), Vancouver, BC Canada
- Deepthi, B., Barshilia, Harish C., Rajam, K. S., Konchady, Manohar S., Pai, Devdas M., and Sankar, Jagannathan, "Structural, mechanical and tribological investigations of sputter deposited CrN-WS(2) nanocomposite solid lubricant coatings ," Tribology International (2011) 44(12): 1844-1851
- Christopher Mahoney, Matthew B. Mccullough, Jagannathan Sankar and Narayan Bhattarai, "Nanofibrous Structure of Chitosan for Biomedical Applications," Journal of Nanomedicine & Biotherapeutic Discovery 2012, Vol.2, p.1
- Lugovy, M.; Slyunyayev, V.; Yarmolenko, S.; Sankar, J.; Graule, T.; Kuebler, J.; Nicholson, D.; Orlovskaya, N., " A further insight into spherical indentation: Ring crack formation in a brittle La(0.8)Sr(0.2)Ga(0.8)Mg(0.2)O(3) perovskite ," Acta Materialia 59(11): 4425-4436
- Venkataraman Giridharan, YeoHeung Yun, Peter Hajdu, Laura Conforti, Boyce Collins, Yongseok jang and Jagannathan Sankar “Microfluidic Platforms for Evaluation of Nanobiomaterials: A Review,” Journal of Nanomaterials, vol. 2012, Article ID 789841, 14 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/789841
- Yeoheung Yun, Laura Conforti, Perpetua Muganda, and Jag Sankar, "Human-on-a-Chip Technologies as the Next Generation Drug Screening platforms," Nanomedicine and Biotherapeutic Discovery (2012), 2(3): 1000e113 (http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2155-983X.1000e113
- Yongseok Jang, Boyce Collins, Jagannathan Sankar, and Yeoheung Yun, "Effect of individual biological relevant ions on corrosion products formed on AZ31B alloy: towards a better understanding of magnesium corrosion," Acta biomaterialia (Accepted on 03/18/2013) ) doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2013.03.026
- Kotoka,R.; Worthy, A.; Clinard, E.; Pai, D.M.; Sankar, J.; Yarmolenko, S., "Application of magnesium oxide functional coating for controlling the corrosion of magnesium for implant applications," Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE 2012, November 9-15, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA, Paper IMECE-2012-87579
- Zhigang Xu, Christopher Smith, Alexis Trent, Lisa Ferrara, Jag Sankar, "Mechanical and Corrosion Property Study of Mg-Zn-Ca Alloys as Biodegradable Orthopedic Materials," Submitted to ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (Accepted on 10/10/2012)
- Chris Smith, Zhigang Xu, Jag Sankar, "The Effects Of T4 And T6 Heat Treatment On The Corrosion Behavior Of MgZnCa Alloys," ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition ( Accepted)
- Watson N, Xu Z, Sankar J, Waterman J, Zhu D, "In vitro biocompatibility of Mg-based cardiovascular implants," 2012 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Fall Meeting
- Yeoheung Yun, Boyce Collins, Zhongyun Dong, Christen Renken, Mark Schulz, Amit Bhattacharya, Nelson Watts, YongseokJang, DevdasPai, and Jag Sankar, Book title: “Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Vol. 14, Applications of Nanomaterials in Sensors and Diagnostics”, edited by Tuantranont, Adisorn. ISBN 978-3-642-36024-4, Chapter 3. Nanomaterial-based electroanalytical biosensors for cancer and bone disease (2012)
- Christopher Smith, Zhigang Xu, Jenora Waterman, Jag Sankar, “Cytocompatibility assessment of MgZnCa alloys”, Emerging Materials Research, 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/emr.13.00026
- Christopher Smith, Zhigang Xu, Jag. Sankar, “The Effects Of T4 and T6 Heat Treatment On The Corrosion Behavior Of MgZnCa Alloys”, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE 2012
- Xu, Zhigang; Smith, Christopher; Chen, Shuo; Sankar, Jag, “Development and microstructural characterizations of Mg-Zn-Ca alloys for biomedical applications”, Materials Science & Engineering, B: Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials (2011), 176(20), 1660-1665
- Youngmi Koo, Rachit Malik, Noe Alvarez, Leon White, Vesselin N. Shanov, Mark Schulz, Boyce Collins, Jagannathan Sankar, and Yeoheung Yun, “Aligned Carbon Nanotube/Copper Sheets: A New Electrocatalyst for CO2 Reduction to Hydrocarbons”, RSC Advances, pp. 2014, Accepted
- White L., Koo Y.,Yongseok J., Collins B., Sankar J., Yun Y. “Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation of AZ31 Mg Alloy with Titanium Oxide”. Journal of Nanomaterials, 319437, 2013,
- Leon White, Sudheer Neralla, Ruben Kotoka, Yongseok Jang, Jagannathan Sankar, Sergey Yarmolenko, Yeoheung Yun, “Hardness Enhancement of PEO-treated Mg Alloy for Biodegradable Implants, Emerging Materials Research,” Vol.2, pp.291-296, 2013
- Youngmi Koo, Ginaya Littlejohn, Boyce Collins, Vesselin N. Shanov, Mark Schulz, Jagannathan Sankar, and Yeoheung Yun, “Synthesis and characterization of Ag–TiO2–CNT nanoparticle composites with high photocatalytic activity under artificial light”, Composites B, Vol.57, pp.105-111, 2014
- Yongseok Jang, Zongqing Tan, Chris Jureyc, Zhigang Xu b, Boyce Collins, Zhongyun Dong, Jagannathan Sankar, and Yeoheung Yun, “In Vivo corrosion behavior of anodized Mg-Zn-Ca alloys with the variation of Zn concentration”, Materials Engineering and Science C, submitted
- Juan Wang, Yonghui He, Manfred F. Maitz, Kaiqin Xiong, Lisha Guo, Yeoheung Yun, Boyce Collins, Guojiang Wan, Nan Huang, “A surface-eroding poly(1,3-trimethylene carbonate) coating for fully-biodegradable magnesium-based stents: improving biodegradation behavior and biocompatibility”, Acta Biomaterials, 2013 Nov;9(10):8678-89
- Yongseok Jang, Boyce Collins, Jagannathan Sankar, and Yeoheung Yun,”Effect of individual biological relevant ions on corrosion products formed on AZ31B alloy: towards a better understanding of magnesium corrosion”, Acta Biomaterials, 2013 Nov;9(10):8761-70
- Youngmi Koo, Boyce Collins, Jagannathan Sankar, and Yeoheung Yun, Editorial: “Photocatalyst Nanomaterials for Environmental Challenges and Opportunities”, International Journal of Nano Studies & Technology (IJNST), 2012, 1-4
- Venkataraman Giridharan, YeoHeung Yun, Peter Hajdu, Laura Conforti, Boyce Collins, Yongseok Jang, and Jagannathan Sankar, “Microfluidic platforms for evaluation of nanobiomaterials”, Journal of Nanomaterials, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 789841
- Yeoheung Yun, Laura Conforti, Perpetua Muganda, and Jag Sanakr, “ Human-on-a-Chip Technologies as the Next Generation Drug Screening”, Nanomedicine and Biotherapeutic Discovery, Vol. 2, p. 1000e113, 2012
- Hector carmona, Hector Valadez, Yeoheung Yun, Jag Sankar, Lissette Estala and Frank Gomez, “Development of Muicrofludic-Based Assays to Estimate the Binding Between Osteocalcin (BGLAP) and Fluorescent Antobodies” submitted and under review, Dec 2013
- Leon White, Youngmi Koo, Yeoheung Yun and Jag Sankar "TiO2 Deposition on AZ31 Magnesium Alloy using Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation," Accepted for publication in Journal of Nanomaterial, Special issue "Nanosized Photocatalytic Materials 2013. Dec 2013.
- Yongseok Jang , Daniel Owuor , Jenora Waterman , Leon White, Boyce Collins, Jagannathan Sankar, Tomas Gilbert , Yeoheung Yun, “Corrosion Product Study of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy in Simulated Airway Surface Lining Fluid: Effect of Mucin and Bicarbonate Ion”, Special Issue on Biodegradable Magnesium Alloys and Implants, J of Materials Sciences and Nanotechnology
- Leon White, Sudheer Neralla, Ruben Kotoka , Yongseok Jang, Boyce Collins, Jagannathan Sankar, Yeoheung Yun. “Mechanical Characteristics of Anodized Magnesium Alloy for Biodegradable Implants.” Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. San Diego, CA. November 2013.
- Yeoheung Yun, Boyce Collins, Zhongyun Dong, Christen Renken, Mark Schulz, Amit Bhattacharya, Nelson Watts, YongseokJang, DevdasPai, and Jag Sankar, Book title: “Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Vol. 14, Applications of Nanomaterials in Sensors and Diagnostics”, edited by Tuantranont, Adisorn. ISBN 978-3-642-36024-4, Chapter 3. Nanomaterial-based electroanalytical biosensors for cancer and bone disease (2013)
- Yongjun Chen, Zhigang Xu, Chris Smith, Jag Sankar, “Recent advances on the development of magnesium alloys for biodegradable implants-A review”, submitted to Acta Biomaterialia, January, 2014.
- Jang, Y., Owuor, D., Waterman, J. D., White, L., Collins, B., Sankar, J., Gilbert, T. W., Yun, Y. H. (2014). Effect of mucin and bicarbonate ion on corrosion behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloy for airway stents. Materials, 7(8), 5866-5882.
- Zhao, N., Watson, N., Xu, Z., Y. C., Waterman, J. D., Sankar, J., Zhu, D. (2014). In vitro biocompatibility and endothelialization of novel magnesium-rare earth alloys for improved stent applications. PLoS One.
- Wang, J., Giridharan, V., Shanov, V., Xu, Z., Collins, B., White, L., Jang, Y., Sankar, J., Huang, N., Yun, Y. Flow induced corrosion behavior of absorbable magnesium-based stent. Acta Biomaterialia(0).
- Wang, J., Smith, C. E., Sankar, J., Yun, Y. H., Huang, N. (2015). Absorbable magnesium-based stent: physiological factors to consider for in vitro degradation assessments. Regenerative Biomaterials.
- Carmona, H., Valadez, H., Yun, Y. H., Sankar, J., Estala, L., Gomez, F. A. (2015). Development of microfluidic-based assays to estimate the binding between osteocalcin (BGLAP) and fluorescent antibodies. Talanta, 132(0), 676 - 679.
- Koo, Y., Malik, R., Alvarez, N., Shanov, V. N., Schulz, M., Sankar, J., Yun, Y. H. (2015). Free-standing carbon nanotube–titania photoactive sheets. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 448(0), 148 - 155.
- Jang, Y., Tan, Z., Jurey, C., Xu, Z., Dong, Z., Collins, B., Yun, Y., Sankar, J. (2015). Understanding corrosion behavior of Mg–Zn–Ca alloys from subcutaneous mouse model: Effect of Zn element concentration and plasma electrolytic oxidation. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 48(0), 28-40.
- Jang, Y., Tan, Z., Jurey, C., Xu, Z., Dong, Z., Collins, B., Yun, Y. H., Sankar, J. (2015). Understanding corrosion behavior of Mg–Zn–Ca alloys from subcutaneous mouse model: Effect of Zn element concentration and plasma electrolytic oxidation. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 48(0), 28 - 40.
- Koo, Y., Malik, R., Alvarez, N., White, L., Shanov, V. N., Schulz, M., Collins, B., Sankar, J., Yun, Y. H. (2014). Aligned carbon nanotube/copper sheets: a new electrocatalyst for CO2 reduction to hydrocarbons. RSC Adv., 4(31), 16362-16367.
- Wang, J., Giridharan, V., Shanov, V., Xu, Z., Collins, B., White, L., Jang, Y., Sankar, J., Huang, N., Yun, Y. (2014). Flow-induced corrosion behavior of absorbable magnesium-based stents. Acta Biomaterialia, 10(12), 5213-5223.
- Wang, J., Giridharan, V., Shanov, V., Xu, Z., Collins, B., White, L., Jang, Y., Sankar, J., Huang, N., Yun, Y. H. (2014). Flow-induced corrosion behavior of absorbable magnesium-based stents. Acta Biomaterialia, 10(12), 5213 - 5223.
- Koo, Y., Sankar, J., Yun, Y. H. (2014). High performance magnesium anode in paper-based microfluidic battery, powering on-chip fluorescence assay. Biomicrofluidics, 8(5),
- Zhao, N., Watson, N., Xu, Z., Chen, Y., Waterman, J. D., Sankar, J., Zhu, D. (2014). In Vitro Biocompatibility and Endothelialization of Novel Magnesium-Rare Earth Alloys for Improved Stent Applications. PLoS ONE, 9(6), e98674.
- Chen, Y., Xu, Z., Smith, C., Sankar, J. (2014). Recent advances on the development of magnesium alloys for biodegradable implants. Acta Biomaterialia, 10(11), 4561-4573.
- Koo, Y., Littlejohn, G., Collins, B., Yun, Y. H., Shanov, V. N., Schulz, M., Pai, D. M., Sankar, J. (2014). Synthesis and characterization of Ag–TiO2–CNT nanoparticle composites with high photocatalytic activity under artificial light. Composites Part B: Engineering, 57(0), 105 - 111.
- Jang, Y., Tan, Z., Jurey, C., Collins, B., Badve, A., Dong, Z., Park, C., Kim, C. S., Sankar, J., Yun, Y. H. (2014). Systematic understanding of corrosion behavior of plasma electrolytic oxidation treated {AZ31} magnesium alloy using a mouse model of subcutaneous implant. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 45(0), 45 - 55.
- Smith, C., Xu, Z., Sankar, J. The Effects of T4 and T6 Heat Treatment on the Corrosion Behavior of MgZnCa Alloys. ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (pp. 745-759). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Fialkova, S., Kotoka, R., Yarmolenko, S., Sankar, J. (2014). In-Situ AFM Corrosion Study of Ti and Mg Thin Films. ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (pp. V014T11A016-V014T11A016). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Kotoka, R., Fialkova, S., Yarmolenko, S., Pai, D. M., Sankar, J. (2014). Physical and Structural Properties of Pulsed-DC Sputtered Al2O3, MgO and ZrO2 Coating for Mg Corrosion Control. ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (pp. V014T11A017-V014T11A017). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Kotoka, R., Ramakrishna, G., Yarmolenko, S., Pai, D. M., Sankar, J. (2014). Combinatorial corrosion studies of Mg-Zn alloy coatings. 6th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals (vol. 28, pp. 47). European Cells and Materials.
- Xu, Z., Smith, C., Yarmolenko, S., Waterman, J. D., Chen, Y., Sankar, J. (2014). Comparative studies of mechanical, corrosion and cytotoxity of MgZnCa and MgZnCa-REs alloys. 6th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals (vol. 28, pp. 11). European Cells and Materials.
- Chen, Y., Xu, Z., Yarmolenko, S., Smith, C., Waterman, J. D., Sankar, J. (2014). Excellent mechanical properties and cytocompatibility of non-rare earth Mg-Zn-based alloys. 6th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals (vol. 28, pp. 31). European Cells and Materials.