About the Journal
Aims and Scope
The Journal of Bioethics and Applications (JBA) seeks to publish original contributions that explore international ethical challenges in Medicine, Health Care, Life Sciences, and Public Health. Moreover, JBA wishes to contribute to bridging the gap between medical research and innovation in Medicine and the keen consideration of ethical issues that surround them.
The Editors seek interdisciplinary collaboration between Ethics, Theology and practical disciplines such as Psychology, Medicine, Sociology, Economics, and Law. The editors support the dissemination of opinion, controversy and consensus on ethical theory and practice regardless of belief or school of thought from which they originate.
JBA is dedicated to publishing material of elaboration about the profound moral questions raised by the practice of Medicine, policies at Health Care centres and by advances in the Life Sciences. Such papers will be interesting to an international audience of researchers working in Biosciences and health practitioners doing research but also for members of ethics committees, moral philosophers, patient representatives, human rights officers, ethics consultants, psychologists, social workers, health care administrators, risk managers, and hospital attorneys. Presumably, the readership of JBA will be involved in research in the field of Human Genetics, Biomedical Sciences, Life Sciences, Genetics and Biology, professionals in the pharmaceutical industry, Medical practice and the areas of Ethics, Philosophy and Theology.
The Editors pursues contributions which prioritise original research at the intersection of Ethics, Social Theory, Philosophy and other disciplines and appeal to the readership. Most likely, scientists and professionals in all disciplines related to ethical issues in health and Medicine and Biomedical research in the broadest sense will engage as authors of JBA articles. JBA employs a rigorous peer-review and editing process to evaluate manuscripts for innovation and creative thought and significance to Bioethics.
Call for submissions
JBA publishes articles of original, interdisciplinary, and practicalmedical ethical issues. The Editor actively encourages manuscripts from bioethicists, philosophers, anthropologists, sociologists, scientists and professionals dealing with biomedical research, modes of thought in health care, and health law lawyers. Articles on a broad range of theoretical and practical ethical topics as well as papers and case reports may be submitted. Furthermore, authors may contribute original opinion pieces, literature reviews, letters to the Editor, and proposed or invited commentaries. Fields covered and integrated by JBA include- but not limited to -ethical, legal and policy implications of the following subjects
Fields covered and integrated by The Journal of Bioethics and Applications (JBA)
- Clinical care and research ethics
- Organ transplants and xenotransplantation
- Ageing and the human lifespan
- Women reproductive health
- Anthropology
- International collaborative clinical research
- Stem cell research
- Philosophy
- Resuscitation
- Infectious diseases, epidemiology and public health
- Consequences of new advancements in science and technology
- Gay and lesbian studies
- Cultural studies
- Disability studies
- Ethical, clinical, legal and social scopes of Neuroscience
- Psychology
- Euthanasia
- End-of-life issues
- Balance of risk to benefit in a medical treatment or preventive measures
- Ethical aspects of developments in medical technology and genomics
- Ethics and scientific discovery
- Economics
- Ethical aspects of health care and new biotechnologies
- Emerging ethical issues raised by the use of reproductive technologies
- Ethical analysis of clinical cases
- Common ethical problems and dilemmas in medicine