Dorothy Chanda, PhD
Senior Lecturer




Institute and Location

2013 Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health University of Zambia, Zambia
2002 Master of Public Health University of Zambia, Zambia
1999 Bachelor of Science in Nursing University of Zambia, Zambia


Dr. Dorothy Chanda is a Senior Lecturer Head of the Department of Global, /Public and Community Health Nursing at the School of Nursing Sciences of the University of Zambia. She is a renowned Infection Prevention nurse-practitioner. She has devoted a major part of her professional career in the practice of infection prevention before joining the University of Zambia. Her passion for infection prevention has been demonstrated by the many presentations at International Conferences in Nigeria, USA, UK, Tanzania, and locally in Zambia. She prime-moved the infection prevention programme in the University Teaching Hospital (UTH), Lusaka Trust Hospital, and the Kitwe Central Hospital, Ndola Central Hospital, Arthur Davison Children Hospital collectively known as the KANDO group of hospitals on the Copper belt province of Zambia. She is a member of the National Infection Prevention Working Group. She participated in the production of the National Infection Prevention policy and Guidelines. The Directorate of Clinical Care and Diagnostic Services of the Ministry of Health appointed her as a Master Trainer in Infection Prevention in which capacity she still continues to participate in capacity building of health care providers in infection prevention in all the provinces of Zambia. Currently, she is a member of the National Quality Assurance Committee of the Ministry of Health and has persuaded the committee to incorporate Infection prevention into its mandate.


Research Interest

  1. Identifying NCDs financing gaps and proposing alternative
  2. Financing mechanisms
  3. NCD and HIV Integration at the Community Level
  4. Diabetes presentation
  5. Data collection form on NCDs.
  6. NCD in Zambia
  7. NCD Strategic Plan

Scientific activities

Teaching Experience
2015 Senior Lecturer, Dept of Nursing Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Zambia, Zambia
2010-2015 Lecturer 1, Department of Nursing Sciences, University of Zambia, Zambia
2001-2010 Lecturer 2, Department of Nursing Sciences, University of Zambia, Zambia
2001-2003 Lecturer 3, Department of Nursing Sciences, University of Zambia, Zambia
2000 Senior Nursing Officer, University Teaching Hospital Lusaka, Introduced Infection Prevention Programme in UTH, Kitwe and Ndola Central Hospital and Arthur Davison Children’s Hospital, Zambia
1985-1986 Public Health Nurse (Paediatrics), University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka and Initiated and Conducted Nutrition Exhibition in Chawama Clinic.
1980-1981 Staff Nurse-Phase Three Operating Theatre, Casualty and C Block
1980 Refugee Repatriation Officer Lutheran World Federation. Repatriated Zimbabweans
1975–1977 Midwifery Sister, Konkola Mine Hospital, Chililabombwe, Zambia
1970 Staff Nurse, Paediatric Unit, Lagos University Teaching Hospital
Professional Activities

Membership for Professional Organizations

  • 2017: Appointment to the Committee of Experts by Director, Registration and Accreditation of Higher Education Authority
  • 2014: Active member of Midwifery Association of Zambia (MAZ)
  • 2009 to 2014: MOH, Chairperson Infection Prevention Research Subcommittee of National Infection Prevention Working Group
  • 2008 to 2012: MOH, Inter Agency Health Committee Member
  • 2007: MOH, Technical Working Group Member
  • 2004: Member of MOH Master Trainer of Trainers of the National Infection Prevention Working Group
Honors and Awards
  • 2013: Second Prize for PHD Research Poster Presentation for the Directorate of Research and Post Graduate Studies Research Presentations
  • 2006: Zambia Nurses’ Association Award for Research and Publications at the Zambia Nurses Association Biennial Conference, Lusaka, Zambia
  • 1998: Best Graduating Student Award in Community Health Nursing, Post Basic Nursing Department (Now Dept. Of Nursing Sciences) of the School of Medicine, University of Zambia


  1. Zulu M, Chanda D (2017) Mothers’ Satisfaction with Immediate Postnatal Care Provided at Ndola Central Hospital, Zambia. International Journal of Nursing Research. Vol: 03, 133-144, Issue; 04
  2. Chanda DCO (2017) Review of the Book on ‘Nursing Management of Cholera Patients in Zambia. Nurse Care Open Access J 2(4): 00043.
  3. Chanda D, Siziya S, Baboo S, Mweemba O (2013) The Impact of Using a Modified Ministry of Health Traditional Birth Attendant Curriculum on the Infection Prevention Knowledge, Practice and Attitude of Trained Traditional birth Attendants in Chongwe District of Zambia'. African Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, Vol 10 (2) pg 62-65.
  4. Debbie Mc Cullock, Dorothy Chanda, Alexandina Mashambe, Ruth Wahila,, Esther Masebe and Lynda Wilson (2016) Supervisors’ perceptions regarding the Zambian HIV nurse practitioner program and integrating graduates into the Zambian health system: A descriptive cross-sectional survey” has been published online in Vol 6, No 7 of Journal of Nursing Education and Practice.
  5. Universe H Mulenga, Dorothy Chanda, Ignace Gashongore, Patrick Katayamoyo, Esther M Masebe, Mukanyimi Bosco, Florence Mukupo, Lloyd Mulenga, Priscilla L Mulenga, Beatrice Musamba, Dorothy Mutemi, Flora H Mwanahumuntu, Albert Mwango, Prudencia Mweemba, Dorcas Phiri, Ruth Wahila-N, Lynda L Wilson International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences. Manuscript Number: IJANS-D-14-00014R2.
  6. Chanda D, Michelo C, Siziya S, Baboo K (2014) A study on Using culture Results from Hands and Razor Blades to Sensitise Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) on Infection Prevention Practices. Journal of Agricultural and biomedical Sciences JABS-05-012-002.
  7. Chanda D, Siziya S, Baboo S, Mweemba O (2013) Community Social Support of Traditional Birth Attendants in Chongwe District of Zambia'. African Journal of Midwifery and women’s Health, Vol 7 (3): pg: 123-132.
  8. Nkunda KV, Mwape L, Kasonde JM, Nambao M, Hazremba A, Maimbolwa M, Chanda D (2013) Reducing Deaths due to Postpartum haemorrhage in Homebirths in Zambia. SURE policy Brief) Lusaka, Zambia: Zambia Forum for Health Research (ZAMFOUR), 2011.
  9. Chanda D, Siziya S, Baboo S (2011) The Process of Modifying MoH TBA Training Curriculum” Medical Journal of Zambia, Vol 37 (3) pg., 42-49.
  10. Chavuma NC, Chanda DO, Vwalika B (2010) Emergency Contraception Among Women with Abortion at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia.
  11. Chanda DO (2007) Nosocomial Infections Among Burns Patients at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia. Medical Journal of Zambia, Vol 34(4 ) pg., 150-153.
  12. Chanda D, Gosnell DJ (2006) ‘The Impact of Tuberculosis on Zambia and the Zambian Workforce’, Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 11(1), 1–16.Ohio Journal On International Nursing (OJIN) Kent State University,Ohio, USA.
  13. Chanda DO (2002) Bridging the Practice–gap between Community–Based-Agents and Health Care Institutions: Lusaka, Zambia. Sponsored by International Development and Research Co-operation, (IDRC) Canada. The findings of this study have been used in the Infection Prevention Book Publication.
  14. Chanda, DO (2001) A Study to Determine the Contributing Factors to the High Prevalence of Tuberculosis among Nurses at UTH Lusaka, Zambia.
  15. Chanda DO (1999) To Determine the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Nurses towards their own Health Promotion in UTH, Lusaka. Sponsored by the Bursary Dept of the Government of the Republic of Zambia.
  16. Chanda DO (1995) Sharp Injuries among Health Care Providers at UTH, Lusaka: Zambia, Zambia Health information Digest, 1995, Vol. 2:3, pg.21 – 25.
  17. Peltzer K, Chanda D O (1990) Psychosocial Assessment, Counselling and Follow-up in children with Severe Protein-energy Malnutrition. Journal of African Psychology: Vol 2: pp.177.

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