Associate professor of Radiology
University Medical Center Groningen
Groningen, Netherlands
Phone: 31 50 3613534
E-mail: p.e.sijens@umcg.nl
University Medical Center Groningen
Groningen, Netherlands
Phone: 31 50 3613534
E-mail: p.e.sijens@umcg.nl
1988 | PhD Thesis: "31P NMR spectroscopy of tumors in the evaluation of response to therapy" | (Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht) |
1983 | Doctoraldegree in Chemistry | (Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht) |
1981 | Candidate degree in Chemistry | (Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht) |
1977 | Diploma Gymnasium | (ThorbeckeLyceum Utrecht) |
Paul E. Sijens, born in 1959 in the Netherlands, obtained his PhD in 1988. Chapters of his thesis "31P NMR spectroscopy of tumors in the evalu¬ation of respon¬se to therapy" (Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht) were published in Cancer Research (2x), International Journal of Hyperthermia, NMR in Biomedicine (2x) and Radiology. After having worked as project scientist in Utrecht from 1983-1989, he did a postdoc at Cleveland Clinic Foundation in the group of dr. Thian Ng (1989-1991). The resultant 31P and 19F MR spectroscopy studies were published in Cancer Research, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Investigative Radiology. From 1991-2000 he was in charge of clinical MR spectroscopy at Daniel den HoedCancerCenter (Department of Radiolo¬gy, Chairman: dr. M Oudkerk). Since 2000 he has been responsible for MRI research at the Department of Radiology, University Medical Center Groningen (prof. dr. R.A. Dierckx)In charge of experimental and preclinical MR imaging with main focus on neuro-, breast- cardio- and liver MR applications and on quantitative image analysis and segmentation. Since 2002 he has been associate professor at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG). Current functions include faculty membership of the EuropeanSchool of Radiology (ESOR), board membership of Research Foundation Flanders and numerous board memberships of scientific journals (deputy editor of J MagnReson Imaging). He is author of 125 international scientific papers cited 2182 times (Hirsch index 27).
Research interests: MRI, Perfusion, Diffusion, Metabolism, Neurology, Oncology
Jan 26, 2017 | Koning Albert Gedenkpenning, Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO Vlaanderen), Brussels (2007). |
July 2006 - | Faculty Member, EuropeanSchool of Radiology (ESOR) |
May 12, 1993 | Sandoz award |
Aug.22, 1989 | SMRM award for contribution at 8th Annual Meeting Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Amsterdam. |
Oct.31, 1988 | ESMO award because of a contribution at the 13th Congress of the European Society for Medical Oncology, Lugano |
Jan. 2014- | Principle investigator and leader of research line“Development and optimization of MRI technology” |
2012-2014 | Chairman of the Board of RUR (organizer of research meetings at UMCG Radiology) |
Nov. 2002- | Associateprofessor (Universitair Hoofddocent) at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG). |
Nov. 2000- | Head of MR imaging research at Department of Radiology, University Medical Center Groningen (prof. R.A. Dierckx)In charge of experimental and preclinical MR imaging with main focus on neuro-, cardio- and liver MR applications and on quantitative image analysis and segmentation. |
1992-1993 | Coordinator of multi-center clinical 1H MRS study (Albuquerque, Erlangen, Heidelberg, Minneapolis, Naples, Passau, Rotterdam). |
1991-2000 | In charge of MR Spectroscopy at Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center (Department of Radiology, Chairman: M Oudkerk), Rotterdam (Siemens Magnetom SP4000 63/84 and Vision MR system equipped with 1.5/2T Helicon magnet). |
1989-1991 | Postdoc funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH); responsible for multinuclear NMR studies of therapy-induced changes in tumor metabolism (Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Division of Radiology; MR Research Center, Director: TC Ng) |
1983-1989 | Project scientist funded by Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht and Dutch Cancer Foundation (NKB); in charge of oncological NMR spectroscopy studies (University Hospital Utrecht, dept of Radiotherapy) |
2016- present | Course LCMM 3.1 Molecules for Mental Health, for medical students. One lecture on MRI/MRS, and 3 day parts on seminars (meet the expert on imaging proposal, meet the expert on health advocacy and presentation of movies), |
2008 - present | International Student Congress of (Bio)Medical Sciences, leading oral and poster sessions on the topic “Radiology” and selecting session winners (annually) |
2007-present | "Snuffelstages." A couple of times a year an hour of MRI instruction to a student orienting him/herself on future study choices. |
2006-present | Session president in the annual International Student Congress of Medical Sciences held at UMCG, session "diagnostic imaging". |
2006-2008 | "Neurofysiology en hersenimaging", periodical (twice a year) exam for propadeuseLifescience and Technology (LS&T) students who followed these lectures of emeritus prof. D.Duifhuis. |
2006 | "Levensloop/Rode Draad) 1e semester levenswetenschappen": Principles of MRI canning |
2005-present | The annual BMT curriculum "Imaging techniques in Radiology", the MRI-part consisting of a lecture series on MRI, a simulation session on the PC, four sessions of practice of 1 and 1.5 tesla MRI systems. Every student turns in a report and MRI is an important part of the final "Imaging techniques in Radiology" exam. |
2004-2006 | Course MRI for BTR2 students: the clinical part: 6 day parts followed by an exam (prior to 2004 this course was given by R.F.E. Wolf) |
2004-present | Course education radiology (given at lunchhourfor radiologists in training and MD's on projects). Topic: MRI |
2003 | Examinator in program "Klinischredeneren" trimester 3.1 |
2003-2004 | Tutortrimester 3.1: Regeling en Ontregeling, |
2002-present | Research presentations at UMCG in the evening, "refereeravonden (contributing about once a year, for colleagues from radiology andother hospital departments, and MD's/PhD's in training) |
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