Stephane Beaulne
Stephane Beaulne, MA, MEd, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Psychology

Nipissing University


2008 Ph.D Psychopedagogy (Specialization in Autism)
2000 M. Ed Educational Counseling (University of Ottawa)
1996 M.A Sociology (University of Ottawa)
1994 B. Soc. Sc Specialization in Sociology (University of Ottawa)



My background and experience includes program development, implementation and evaluation, as well as mental health, behavioral, and psycho-educational services in school-based, community, outpatient, rehabilitative and vocational settings. I also have experience in planning and providing training to individuals and groups on applied behavior analysis, autism and self-regulation.
I possess high-level interpersonal, communication and conflict resolution skills, as well as exemplary professional ethics in participatory decision-making and leadership. I am a strong advocate of a strengths-based approach to individual care and have provided relevant services through consultation, training and education, resource development, and applied research. My experience is cross-sector, as I have worked in health services, community services, and education agencies, the latter including elementary, secondary, and post-secondary programs.
I have several noteworthy strengths, which particularly pertain to this position.
My first strength is my ability to combine my intellectual curiosity with critical acumen. On numerous occasions, I have demonstrated a propensity to go beyond the information given. I do not hesitate to question my own interpretations and always read literature with a critical eye. I’m most interested in uncovering the “why” of a phenomenon, framing problems within the big picture and each issue’s relationship to relevant literature and discourse. I’m a critical thinker with a keen sense for identifying gaps and opportunities for improvement across multiple levels, including basic, applied, and outcomes research domains. I engage in effective critical analysis strategies and I’m highly attuned to the principles of the peer review process.
A second strength of mine is my experience in the field of ASD, both as a researcher and clinician. I have a strong background in research design and application, and have led numerous knowledge generation, knowledge transfer, and knowledge application activities related to ASD, as well as the broader field of developmental disabilities and mental health. I have an inherent desire and affinity to be an integral part of the knowledge exchange process. I’m highly respected by both colleagues and clients for this strength, as my ability to be innovative makes me a great leader in program development and outcomes management.
A third strength is a personality characteristic. I’m a committed individual. I approach my work with dedication, enthusiasm and care. I consistently examine situations with quest of a deep understanding of the issues. I’ve been told on multiple occasions by professionals how they appreciate my fine-tuned ability to communicate my thoughts in a way that aligns others toward a logical outcome even during high dissent moments.

Lastly, I demonstrate the high level of professionalism and compassion required for working in the community services sector. I possess an understanding of and deep commitment to the academic and research sectors, and an ability to draw on my knowledge and experiences to make sound decisions regardless of the activity in which I’m involved (e.g., research, training and education, consultation, and direct client care). I’m very objective and pride myself on strong principles and integrity; qualities that I have consistently demonstrated throughout my career.


Research Interest

I have a wide range of interests related to developmental and behavioural disorders. I have been focusing in the areas of program development, implementation, and evaluation of children with autism. I am also interested in comorbidities related to autism. I am also interested in the broader autism phenotype especially in first account family members. I have great interest in self-regulation behaviours in children, youth and self-efficacy in adults. My interest has been the provision of mental health, behavioural, and psycho-educational services to children, youth, and adults involved in school-based and community settings, mental-health inpatient and outpatient settings, and rehabilitative and vocational settings.Finally, I am interested in evidence-based practices, and applied research that foster not only the strengths of the individuals and families whom we serve, but also of colleagues and partners; the professionals, the organizations, and the systems of care and service provision.

Professional Activities:

2009-present Clinical Consultant, Le Conseil Scolaire de District Catholique de l’Est Ontarien
Full-Time Professor, La Cité Collégiale
2002-2004 Sessional Faculty, University of Ottawa
2003-2004 Research Assistant, Faculty of Education
2002-2004 Sessional Faculty, La Cité Collégiale

Lead Consultant, Autism Spectrum School Support Program for Eastern Ontario

1997-98 Assertive Community Treatment Team Support Worker

Brockville Psychiatric Hospital

2001 Mental Health Worker Community Health Center L’Estrie  
1998-2001 Addiction Therapist and Clinical Coordinator Addiction Services of Eastern Ontario
1993-94 Youth Care Worker
Robert Smart Center



  1. Beaulne, S (2015). L’autorégulation chez les petits de la maternelle et du jardin d’enfants à temps plein (PAJE): programme de formation, de dépistage et d’intervention basée sur l’analyse comportementale appliquée concernant les enfants ayant des problèmes d’autorégulation : Une étude longitudinale sur trois ans. Rapport de recherche pour le Ministère de l’éducation, Toronto :Canada.
  2. Beaulne, S. (in preparation). Le profil neurodéveloppemental hétérogène de 5 enfants de 4-5 ans avec autisme.
  3. Beaulne, S. (2012). La conceptualisation de l’autisme depuis Kanner: Où en sommes-nous? Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 18(1),p43-61.
  4. Beaulne, S.(2009).L’autisme selon la théorie neurodéveloppementale. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 15(2),p 45-62.
  5. Beaulne, S.(2009)Le profil neurodéveloppemental de 5 enfants de 4-5ans avec autisme à partir du repérage des premières manifestations par les parents.  Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 15(3),p 8-22.
  6. Beaulne, S.(2013). Les troubles neurosensoriels chez 5 enfants de 4-5ans avec autisme. Revue Francophone de la Défience Intellectuelle (RFDI),24, p.36-58.