Alfio Ferlito
Professor and Chairman
  • :+39 049 8686058

Department of Surgical Sciences
Udine University


  • Graduated from Bologna University Faculty of Medicine (1968)
  • Postgraduated in Otolaryngology, Padua University Faculty of Medicine (1972)
  • Postgraduated in Pathology, Trieste University Faculty of Medicine (1974)



Formerly  Director of the Department of Surgical Sciences at the University of  Udine School of Medicine  from 2003 to 2009 and Professor and Chairman of the ENT Clinic at the same University from 1997 to 2013.
He graduated in medicine at the University of Bologna in 1968. He completed his residence programme in otolaryngology and subsequently in pathology. He worked at the ENT Department of   Padua University from 1970 to 1997.
Professor Ferlito has been honored with several distinctions from professional ENT Societies including two Presidential Citations from the American Laryngological Association for his contributions made to the field of laryngology and the association. He has been appointed as the International Liaison for Corresponding Fellows of the American Laryngological Association. He is also a Fellowship External Examiner in Otorhinolaryngology at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Since 2009 he is Coordinator of the International Head Neck Scientific Group (
He has been invited as visiting professor at the Departments of Otolaryngology of the Universities of Ljubljiana, Valencia, Zagreb, Yale, Pittsburgh, Amsterdam, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Seoul and Tokyo, at the House Ear Institute of Los Angeles, at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Montefiore Medical Center of New York. He collaborated as a member of the World Health Organization’s Committee on Histological Typing of Tumours of the Upper Respiratory Tract and Ear. He is also a member of the Laryngeal Cancer Association’s Committee on the Classification of Laryngeal Cancer. He was consultant to Yale University.

Professor Ferlito has delivered prestigious lectures all over the world. In 2006 he gave the 2nd Morrison Lecture in San Francisco and the 19th Som Lecture in New York. He has divided his professional life between clinical practice, teaching and research. One of his chief interests is the promotion of international cooperation in head and neck surgery, oncology and cancer research.

Research Interest

  • Head and Neck surgery
  • Oncology
  • Cancer research
  • Pathology


Professional Activities:

Academic and teaching positions

  • Assistant, Pathology Department, Trieste University Faculty of Medicine (1968)
  • Assistant, ENT Department, Padua University Faculty of Medicine (Verona branch) (1971)
  • Assistant, ENT Department, Padua University Faculty of Medicine (1974)
  • Assistant-in-Chief, ENT Department, Padua University Faculty of Medicine (1977)
  • Professor of Otolaryngology, Padua University Faculty of Medicine (1985)
  • Director, Department of Surgical Sciences, Udine University Faculty of Medicine (2003-2009)
  • Professor and Chairman, ENT Clinic, Udine University Faculty of Medicine (1997-2013)

Visiting professor

  • University of Ljubljana (1978, 1979)
  • University of Valencia (1981)
  • University of Zagreb (1985)
  • Yale University (1985, 1987, 1988)
  • University of Pittsburgh (1988)
  • House Ear Institute of Los Angeles (1993)
  • University of Amsterdam (1996)
  • University of California, San Francisco (2006)
  • Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (2006)
  • Montefiore Medical Center (2006)
  • University of Hong Kong (2007)
  • Seoul National University (2008)
  • Tokyo Medical University (2008)
  • Tianjin Medical University (2009)



  1. Ferlito A Sul papilloma intraduttale del capezzolo nella mammella maschile Riv Anat Patol Oncol 35, 339-344, 1969.
  2. Ferlito A Sul carcinoma adenoide-cistico della mammella maschile Riv Anat Patol Oncol 35, 441-445, 1969.
  3. Ferlito A, Mainini F, Natali R Cisti epidermoidali multiple in mastopatia fibrocistica e fibroadenoma intracanalicolare Riv Anat Patol Oncol 36, 106-118, 1970.
  4. Rinaldi G, Ferlito A, Campos E Su una rara osservazione di epitelioma basocellulare palpebrale in un giovane Ann Ottal 96, 171-180, 1970.
  5. Ferlito A, Spanio M Sul carcinoma adenoide-cistico del corpo dell'utero Clin Ostet Ginec 72, 271-281, 1970.
  6. Babighian G, Ferlito A Poliblastomatosi primaria multipla: su un caso di associa zione linfosarcoma-cancro (linfosarcomatosi di Kundrat in associazione con carcinoma del labbro inferiore, carcinoma spinocellulare corneificante della laringe, carcinoma bronchiale) Riv Anat Patol Oncol 36, 360-371, 1970.
  7. Ferlito A, Babighian G Caso inconsueto di fibrolipoma del seno piriforme. Considerazioni e spunti critici su un'osservazione personale Minerva Med Giul 61, 5884-5887, 1970.
  8. Muratti G, Bianchi C, Ferlito A L'osteoma della lingua. Osservazione di un caso Arch Ital Otol 81, 304-310, 1970.
  9. Ferlito A Su un caso di tumore misto maligno laryngo-ipofaringo-esofageo. Considerazioni cliniche ed anatomopatologiche Chir Ital 22, 127-144, 1970.
  10. Ferlito A Considerazioni sulla patogenesi del cosiddetto colesteatoma dell'orecchio medio Otorinolaringol Ital 39, 185-201, 1970.
  11. Delaini A, Ferlito A Il ganglioneuroma perifaringeo. Contributo casistico e considerazioni anatomoistopatologiche Ann Laringol 70, 455-468, 1971.
  12. Di Bonito L, Ferlito A Considerazioni cliniche e di patologia su di una osservazione di tofo laringeo Clinica ORL 23, 94-99, 1971.
  13. Babighian G, Ferlito A Su di un caso di cisti laringee branchiogene. Proposta d'inquadramento e d'interpretazione istogenetica su basi istopatologiche Ann Laringol 71, 227-238, 1972.
  14. Sala O, Ferlito A Ricerche istopatologiche sull'otite media purulenta cronica: deduzioni cliniche Ann Laringol 71, 373-380, 1972.
  15. Sala O, Ferlito A Mucus hypersecretion in chronic otitis media Minerva Otorinolaringol 22, 211-215, 1972.
  16. Ferlito A, Di Bonito L, Silvestri F A propos du lipome bronchique. Considérations et suggestions critiques à l'aide de trois observations Poumoun Coeur 28, 435-440, 1972.
  17. Ferlito A, Babighian G Pseudosarcoma dell'epiglottide con diffusione metastatica allo scheletro Morgagni 5, 85-94, 1972.
  18. Ferlito A Il cosiddetto "colesteatoma" dell'orecchio medio ed il granuloma colesterinico: considerazioni  istopatologiche e cliniche Atti LX Congr Naz Soc Ital Otorinolaringol Patol Cerv Facc, Rimini, 1-17, 1972.
  19. Ferlito A Sull'adenocarcinoma delle ghiandole ceruminose del condotto uditivo esterno Ann Laringol 71, 485-493, 1972.
  20. Ferlito A Studio istopatologico ed istochimico della mucosa dell'orecchio medio nella otite media purulenta cronica (indagine su 31 pazienti operati di timpanoplastica) Nuovo Arch Ital Otol 1, 22-75, 1973.*
  21. Giarelli L, Ferlito A, Purini A Une entité pathologique rare: la stéatonécrose de l'épicarde (à propos d'une observation) Poumon Coeur 29, 197-201, 1973.
  22. Ferlito A Considerazioni su alcuni quadri istologici ed istochimici dell'otite media cronica Boll Aud Fon 22, 111-120, 1973.
  23. Ferlito A Ricerche istologiche ed istochimiche sul comportamento delle strutture ossee dell'orecchio medio nella otite  media purulenta cronica Nuovo Arch Ital Otol 1, 149-180, 1973.*
  24. Sala O, Ferlito A Considerazioni sulla dissociazione tra quadro istopatologico e sintomi clinici nelle flogosi otitiche acute Ann Laringol 72, 369-376, 1973.
  25. Ferlito A Le "cholestéatome" de l'oreille moyenne et le granulome à cholestérol: considérations histopathologiques et cliniques Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofac 90, 697-710, 1973.
  26. Sala O, Ferlito A Istopatologia della mucosa dell'orecchio medio nelle otiti croniche. In: Dissertationes De Aurium Partis Mediae Morbis. XX Conventus Societas Otorhinolaringologica Latina, Roma, 411-424, 1974.
  27. Ferlito A, Di Bonito L I.F. 0.818 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the male breast: report of a case Am Surg 40, 72-76, 1974.
  28. Ferlito A Oat cell carcinoma of the larynx Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 83, 254-256, 1974.
  29. Ferlito A L'épithelioma a cellules géantes du sein  Arch Anat Pathol 22, 99-104, 1974.
  30. Ferlito A, Di Bonito L A propos d'une observation de laryngo-oesophagite ulcéro-nécrotique chez un malade atteint de leucose aiguè (considérations étiopathogéniques) Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofac 91, 199-209, 1974.
  31. Ferlito A Pathology of chronic suppurative otitis media. A histological and histochemical study ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 36, 257-274, 1974.*
  32. Ferlito A Oat cell carcinoma of the larynx Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 83, 834, 1974. (Letter to the Editor).
  33. Ferlito A Primary aspergillosis of the larynx J Laryngol Otol 88, 1257-1263, 1974.
  34. Ferlito A Chronic suppurative otitis media - mucosal and bone changes in the middle ear: a histopathological and  histochemical study Proc X World Congr Otorhinolaryngol, Venice, 1973. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 368-371, 1974.
  35. Sala O, Ferlito A L'otomastoidite ghiandolare cistica. Interpretazione patogenetica Ann Laringol 73, 75-96, 1974.
  36. Melato M, Ferlito A Heterotopic gastric mucosa of the tongue and the oesophagus ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 37, 244-254, 1975.*
  37. Ferlito A, Frugoni P Rhabdomyoma purum of the larynx J Laryngol Otol 89, 1131-1141, 1975.*
  38. Ferlito A Proposition de classification des processus inflammatoires non spécifiques et spécifiques, aigus et chroniques, de l'oreille moyenne et de leurs séquelles Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol 96, 473-501, 1975.
  39. Sala O, Babighian G, Ferlito A Trapianti ed impianti nella moderna chirurgia della sordità  Chir Triv 15, 211-218, 1975.
  40. Pesavento G, Ferlito A Benign mixed tumour of heterotopic salivary gland tissue in upper neck. Report of a case with a review of the literature on heterotopic salivary gland tissue J Laryngol Otol 90, 577-584, 1976.
  41. Frugoni P, Ferlito Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma of the larynx. A case report and review of the literature J Laryngol Otol 90, 687-698, 1976.
  42. Sala O, Ferlito A  Morphological observations of immunobiology of laryngeal cancer. Evaluation of the defensive activity of immunocompetent cells present in tumour stroma Acta Otolaryngol 81, 353-363, 1976.
  43. Ferlito A Primary anaplastic giant cell adenocarcinoma of the larynx J Laryngol Otol 90, 1053-1060, 1976.
  44. Ferlito A, Antonutto G, Silvestri F Histological appearances and nuclear DNA content of verrucous squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 38, 65-85, 1976.**
  45. Giarelli L, Ferlito A Bilateral breast metastases from oat-cell lung carcinoma in a man treated with diethylstilbestrol for prostatic adenocarcinoma  J Am Geriatr Soc 24, 511-515, 1976.
  46. Ferlito A A pathological and clinical study of adenosquamous carcinoma of the larynx. Report of four cases and review of the literature Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg 30, 379-389, 1976.
  47. Ferlito A, Di Bonito L Primary cancer of the larynx associated with primary lung cancer. Report of 21 cases, 14 with autopsy findings and 7 biopsies ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 38, 230-245, 1976.
  48. Ferlito A Simultaneous malignant pleomorphic fibrous histiocytoma and squamous cell carcinoma "in situ" of the larynx  Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg 30, 390-397, 1976.
  49. Sala O, Ferlito A Oncotipo, grado istologico di malignità, reazione citostromale: loro importanza nella prognosi e nella terapia del cancro della laringe  Chir Triv 16, 834-836, 1976.
  50. Ferlito A Primary lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the hypopharynx J Laryngol Otol 91, 361-367, 1977.
  51. Ferlito A Istologia patologica delle otiti medie croniche Rad Med 69, 239, 1977.
  52. Ferlito A Carcinoma "in situ" of the larynx. An unsatisfactory diagnosis Clin Otolaryngol 2, 292, 1977. (Letter to the Editor).
  53. Ferlito A, Fiore Donati L     "Malignant lymphoepithelial lesions" (undifferentiated ductal carcinomas of the parotid gland). Three case reports and review of the literature J Laryngol Otol 91, 869-885, 1977.
  54. Ferlito A Primary pleomorphic liposarcoma of the larynx J Otolaryngol 7, 161-166, 1978.
  55. Ferlito A Primary malignant haemangiopericytoma of the larynx: a case report with autopsy J Laryngol Otol 92, 511-519, 1978.
  56. Ferlito A Bilateral synchronous trabecular adenocarcinoma of the parotid gland ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 40, 120-126, 1978.
  57. Ferlito A Primary oat-cell carcinoma of the larynx following supraglottic laryngectomy for squamous-cell carcinoma  J Am Geriatr Soc 26, 278-283, 1978.
  58. Ferlito A Primary Ewing's sarcoma of the maxilla: a clinicopathological study of four cases J Laryngol Otol 92, 1007-1024, 1978.*
  59. Ferlito A Histiocytic tumors of the larynx. A clinicopathological study with review of the literature Cancer 42, 611-622, 1978.
  60. Ferlito A, Friedmann I        Leishmaniasis of the oral mucous membrane ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 40, 193-198, 1978.
  61. Ferlito A Histopathogenesis of tympanosclerosis   Laryngol Otol 93, 25-37, 1979.
  62. Ferlito A, Polidoro F Biological and prognostic implications of the morphologic aspects of immune reaction in lymph nodes draining head and neck cancers. (A review) J Laryngol Otol 93, 153-175. 1979.
  63. Pesavento G, Ferlito A, Recher G Benign solitary schwannoma of the cervical vagus nerve. A case report with a review of the literature   Laryngol Otol 93, 307-316, 1979.
  64. Ferlito A, Micheau C Infantile olfactory neuroblastoma. A clinicopathological study with review of the literature ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 41, 40-50, 1979.
  65. Ferlito A Recher G, Fosser V Lennert's lymphoma (lympho-epithelioid cellular lymphoma) J Laryngol Otol 93, 909-921, 1979.
  66. Ferlito A, Recher G, Tomazzoli L     Radiation-induced fibrosarcoma of the mandible following treatment for bilateral retinoblastoma J Laryngol Otol 93, 1015-1020, 1979.
  67. Ferlito A, Recher G, Polidoro F, Rossi M         Malignant pleomorphic fibrous histiocytoma of the larynx. (Further observations) J Laryngol Otol 93, 1021-1029, 1979.
  68. Ferlito A, Recher G, Polidoro F          Nasal metastasis from primary cancer of the kidney J Laryngol Otol 93, 1115-1119, 1979.
  69. Giarelli L, Silvestri F, Ferlito A, Brollo A, Clocchiati L Observations on the epidemiology of oesophageal carcinoma in the province of Trieste Clin Otolaryngol 5, 13-21, 1980.
  70. Rossi M, Ferlito A, Polidoro F Maternal rubella and hearing impairment in children. (Considerations on 66 cases) J Laryngol Otol 94, 281-289, 1980.
  71. Ferlito A Acinic cell carcinoma of minor salivary glands Histopathology 4, 331-343, 1980.
  72. Ferlito A, Polidoro F Simultaneous primary oat cell carcinoma (apudoma) and squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 42, 146-157, 1980.
  73. Ferlito A, Pederzini A, Polidoro F, Rossi M Therapeutic prospects in cancer of the larynx. (Multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of the cancer patient) J Laryngol Otol 94, 405-410, 1980.
  74. Ferlito A, Polidoro F, Recher G          Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the parotid gland Laryngoscope 90, 486-493, 1980.
  75. Ferlito A, Gale N Parotid involvement by Lennert's lymphoma ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 42, 249-257, 1980.
  76. Lim DJ, Friedmann I,Carpenter AM, Ishii T, Kawamoto K, Tos M, Zechner G, Ferlito A    Anatomy, cell biology, and pathology. Report of research   conference on recent advances in otitis media with effusion Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 89, Suppl. 69, 13-14, 1980.
  77. Ferlito A, Recher G Ackerman's tumor (verrucous carcinoma) of the larynx.  A clinicopathologic study of 77 cases Cancer 46, 1617-1630, 1980.
  78. Ferlito A, Cattai N The so-called "benign lymphoepithelial lesions" (part I - explanation of the term and of its synonymous and related terms) J Laryngol Otol 94, 1189-1197, 1980.
  79. Ferlito A, Cattai N The so-called "benign lymphoepithelial lesion" (part II  -clinical and pathological considerations with regard to evolution) J Laryngol Otol 94, 1283-1301, 1980.
  80. Pesavento G, Ferlito A, Recher G Primary clear cell carcinoma of the larynx J Clin Pathol 33, 1160-1164, 1980.
  81. Ferlito A, Nicolai P, Gale N Intramuscular haemangioma of the middle scalene muscle Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg 34, 345-349, 1980.
  82. Ferlito A Double primary synchronous and metachronous cancer of the larynx and hypopharynx with dissimilar histology. Five case reports and review of the literature Arch Otorhinolaryngol 229, 107-119, 1980.
  83. Ferlito A, Nicolai P Laryngeal cancer in pregnancy  Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg 34, 706-709, 1980.
  84. Ferlito A, Polidoro F, Rossi M I.F. 0.672         Pathological basis and clinical aspects of treatment policy in carcinoma in situ of the larynx  J Laryngol Otol 95, 141-154, 1981.
  85. Ferlito A, Gale N, Hvala A, Masera A Synovial sarcoma of the soft palate in a child. A light and electron microscopic study J Laryngol Otol 95, 197-204, 1981.
  86. Ferlito A, Carbone A, Volpe R Diagnosis and assessment of non-Hodgkin's malignant  lymphomas of the larynx ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 43, 61-78, 1981.
  87. Ferlito A, Caruso G, Nicolai P, Recher G, Silvestri F Primary small cell ("oat cell") carcinoma of the larynx and hypopharynx. A clinico-pathological study of 8 cases with a review of the literature ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 43, 204-222, 1981.
  88. Ferlito A, Gale N, Hvala A Laryngeal salivary duct carcinoma. A light and electron microscopic study J Laryngol Otol 95, 731-738, 1981.
  89. Ferlito A, Recher G, Polidoro F, Bordin S        Solitary trichoepithelioma and epithelioma adenoides cysticum of Brooke involving the external auditory meatus J Laryngol Otol 95, 835-841, 1981.
  90. Friedmann I, Ferlito A Primary eosinophilic granuloma of the larynx J Laryngol Otol 95, 1249-1254, 1981.
  91. Ferlito A, Recher G, Bottin R Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the larynx. A clinicopathological study of 11 cases with review of the literature ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 43, 280-299, 1981.
  92. Ferlito A, Recher G Oncocytic lesions of the larynx Arch Otorhinolaryngol 232, 107-115, 1981.
  93. Ferlito A, Recher G, Calzavara M, Bonino M Malignant ameloblastoma of the mandible Am J Otolaryngol 3, 57-60, 1982.
  94. Ferlito A, Carbone A, Volpe R, Recher G        Late occurrence of IgD myeloma in plasmacytoma of nasal cavity, cervical lymph node and larynx J Laryngol Otol 96, 759-766, 1982.
  95. Pesavento G, Ferlito A        Haemangiopericytoma of the larynx. A clinico-pathological study with review of the literature J Laryngol Otol 96, 1065-1073, 1982.
  96. Ferlito A El denominado colesteatoma aural. Revisión An Otorrinolaringol Ibero Am 9, 431-460, 1982.
  97. Ferlito A, Barion U, Nicolai P            Myositis ossificans of the head and neck. Review of the literature and report of a case Arch Otorhinolaryngol 237, 103-113, 1983.
  98. Ferlito A, Recher G, Bordin S Involvement of the temporal bone in hyperlipidemic xanthomatosis Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 91, 100-104, 1983.
  99. Gnepp DR, Ferlito A, Hyams V        Primary anaplastic small cell (oat cell) carcinoma of the larynx. Review of the literature and report of 18 cases Cancer 51, 1731-1745, 1983.
  100. Ferlito A, Caruso G Biological behaviour of laryngeal adenoid cystic carcinoma. Therapeutic considerations ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 45, 245-256, 1983.



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