Francesco Mannelli
Francesco Mannelli
Assistant Professor
  • :+39 055 7946742
  • :+39 055 7946742

Università degli Studi di Firenze


2012 Temporary associate medical doctor at the Clinical Unit of Hematology Department of AOU Careggi.
2008 Temporary research fellow for the research project “Clearance of peripheral blasts during induction therapy in adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia”
2008 Attendance for 3 months at Flow Cytometry Laboratory of  University of Salamanca, directed by Prof. Alberto Orfao
2006 Temporary Research Fellow for the research project “Flow cytometry study of leukemic and normal stem cell compartment in patients affected by Acute Myeloid Leukemia and potential applications to Minimal Residual Disease analysis”.



Translational research in acute leukemi as based on correlation genotype/phenotype, prognostic indicators, diagnostics. As a researcher, conception, design and conduction of some research projects regarding acute leukemias. The project “Peripheral blasts clearance during induction in acute myeloid leukemia: predictivevalue” has beenfunded by Regione Toscana, Istituto Toscano Tumori and Ministero della Salute. It has been embedded within Northern Italy Leukemia Group treatment protocol AML 02-06. The project “Monitoring of chimerism on sorted peripheral CD34+ cells in patients with acute leukemia eceiving allogeneic bone marrow transplant” has been funded  by Ministero della Salute and Regione Toscana. The project“Detecting copy number variants from whole-exome sequencing data applied to acute myeloid leukemia”has been funded by Ministero  della Salute. In 2008, 3 months attendance at Flow Cytometry laboratory of University of Salamanca (Spain) under the supervision of Prof. Alberto Orfao. Since then, conception and conduction of a research project about assessment of BM dilution by peripheral blood in flow cytometry analysis, in collaboration with Prof. Alberto Orfao. Member of Scientific Committee of NorthernItaly Leukemia Group. Member of expert panel of Gruppo Italiano Citometria (GIC) for the project“Acute Leukemia s immune phenol typing by flow cytometry: methods and clinical value”. Hematology  teaching at Medicine, Nurse, Biotechnology schools of University of Florence. Supervisor of thesis about acute myeloid leukemia at Medicine and Biotechnology schools of University of Florence


Research Interest

Acute leukemias


Professional Activities:



  1. Gianfaldoni G, Mannelli F, Baccini M, et al. Clearance of leukaemicblasts from peripheralbloodduring standard induction treatment predicts the bone marrowresponse in acute myeloidleukaemia: a pilotstudy. Br J Haematol 2006 Jul;134(1): 54
  2. Gianfaldoni G, Antonioli E, Mannelli F, et al. Chronicrelapsingthromboticthrombocytopenicpurpurasuccessfullytreated with Rituximab: case report. J of Chemotherapy 2005; 17 (4): 449
  3. Antonioli E, Nozzoli C, Gianfaldoni G, Mannelli F, et al. Pulmonaryhypertensionrelated to thalidomidetherapy in refractory multiple myeloma. AnnOncol 2005; 16(11): 1849
  4. Ponziani V, Gianfaldoni G, Mannelli F, et al. The size of duplicationdoesnotadd to prognosticsignificance of FLT3-ITD in acute myeloidleukemiapatients. Leukemia 2006; 1(4): 302
  5. Guglielmelli P, Zini R, Bogani C, Salati S, Pancrazzi A, Bianchi E, Mannelli F, et al. Molecularprofiling of CD34+ cells in idiopathicmyelofibrosisidentifies a set of disease-associatedgenes and reveals the clinicalsignificance of Wilms’ Tumor gene 1 (WT1). StemCells 2007; 25(1): 165
  6. Ponziani V, Mannelli F, Bartalucci N, et al. No role for CXCL12-G801A polymorphism in the development of extramedullarydisease in acute myeloidleukemia. Leukemia 2008; 22 (3): 669
  7. Gianfaldoni G*, Mannelli F*, Bencini S, et al. Clearance of leukemicblastsduringinduction in acute myeloidleukemia. Blood 2008; 111: 1746(*co-first authors)
  8. Cellai C, Laurenzana A, Bianchi E, Sdelci S, Manfredini R, Vannucchi AM, Caporale R, Balliu M, Mannelli F, et al. Mechanisticinsightinto WEB-2170-induced apoptosis in human acute myelogenousleukemiacells: the crucialrole of PTEN. ExpHematol 2009; 37 (10): 1176
  9. Mannelli F, De Simone P, Gianfaldoni G, et al. Atypical Acute LeukemiaEarlyAfterLiverTransplantation. TransplantationProceedings 2009 (41): 3945
  10. Gianfaldoni G*, Mannelli F*, Ponziani V, et al. Earlyreduction of  WT1 transcriptsduringinductionchemotherapypredicts for longerdisease-free and overallsurvival in acute myeloidleukemia.Haematologica 2010; 95 (5): 833(*co-first authors)
  11. Bassan R, Rossi G, Pogliani EM, Di Bona E, Angelucci E, Cavattoni I, Mannelli F, et al. Chemotherapy-phasedimatinibpulsesimprove long-termoutcome of adultpatients with Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblasticleukemia: NILG protocol 09/00. JCO 2010; 28 (22): 3644
  12. Mannelli F, Gianfaldoni G, Intermesoli T, et al. CD20 expressionhas no prognosticrole in Philadelphia-negative B-precursor acute lymphoblasticleukemia: new insights from the molecularstudy of minimalresidualdisease.Haematologica 2012; 97 (4): 568
  13. Scappini B, Gianfaldoni G, Caracciolo F, Mannelli F, et al. Cytarabine and Clofarabineafter high-dose cytarabine in relapsed or refractory AML patients. Am J Hematol 2012; 87(12): 1047
  14. Mannelli F, Bencini S, Peruzzi B, et al. A systematicanalysis of bone marrowcells by flow cytometrydefines a specificphenotypicprofilebeyond GPI-deficiency in ParoxysmalNocturnalHemoglobinuria. Cytometry Part B 2013;84(2):71
  15. Benevolo G, Stacchini A, Spina M, Arras M, Botto B, Bulian P, Depaoli L, Di Renzo N, Di Rocco A, Ferreri A, Franceschetti S, Godio L, Mannelli F, et al. Prognosticrole of cerebrospinalfluid flow cytometryanalysis in aggressive B-celllymphomaat high risk for leptomeningealdisease. Blood 2012; 120(16): 3222
  16. Pagano L, Valentini CG, Pulsoni A, Fisogni S, Carluccio P, Mannelli F, et al for GIMEMA-ALWP* (Gruppo Italiano Malattie EMatologiche dell'Adulto, Acute LeukemiaWorking Party). Blasticplasmacytoiddendriticcellneoplasm with leukemicpresentation: a retrospectiveItalianmulticentricstudy. Haematologica 2012; 98(2): 239
  17. Mannelli F, Cutini I, Gianfaldoni G, Bencini S, Scappini B, Pancani F, Ponziani V, Bonetti MI, Biagiotti C, Longo G, Bosi A. CXCR4 expression accounts for clinicalphenotype and outcome in acute myeloidleukemia. Cytometry B ClinCytom. 2014 Feb 5. doi: 10.1002/cyto.b.21156.
  18. Peruzzi B, Cutini I, Gelli AM, Rondelli T, Statello M, Bencini S, Mannelli F, Caporale R, Bosi A, Fanelli A. Diagnosis of a T-lineage acute lymphoblasticleukemiathroughdigitalizedcellanalysis of the pleuraleffusion. IntMed Case Rep J. 2013 Nov 1;6:77-80.
  19. Mannelli F, Ponziani V, Bonetti MI, Bencini S, Cutini I, Gianfaldoni G, Scappini B, Pancani F, Rondelli T, Benelli M, Caporale R, Gelli AMG, Peruzzi B, Longo G, Bosi A. Multilineagedysplasiaasassessed by immunophenotypehas no impact on clinical-biologicfeatures and outcome of NPM1-mutated acute myeloidleukemia.ExperimentalHematology 2015 (pre-pub) ; DOI 10.1016/j.exphem.2015.06.003



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