Prasun Mishra, MSc, PhD
Founder, CEO and Chief Scientific Officer, Health Care

Agility Pharmaceuticals
Belmont, California USA
Phone: 650-453-8087


Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Master of Science in Life Sciences with Biotechnology as Specialization Mumbai University
B.Sc. in Zoology and Biotechnology Mumbai University


Prasun Mishra, MSc, PhD (Ex-Genentech, Ex-NCI/NIH) is the founder and CEO of Agility Pharmaceuticals, an artificial intelligence (AI) driven pharmaceutical company committed to revolutionizing drug discovery through Big Data, Robotics and pioneering the AI-driven pharmaceutical industry. He is also founding president and CEO of American Association for Precision Medicine (AAPM), a professional organization dedicated to advancing the field of precision medicine through research, education, communication, and collaboration to foster new medical breakthroughs. He is best known for discovering the role for noncoding RNA in drug resistance and pharmacogenomics. Moreover, his passion for drug development and precision medicine has led to identification of new drug targets, biomarkers, companion diagnostics, and mechanisms of action/resistance of both new and established drugs, which has facilitated development of rational drug combinations in the clinic. While at Genentech, besides translational research, he participated in discovery project teams at various stages. He was instrumental in establishing robotic automation (robotization) driven cell based phenotypic screening capabilities and hit to lead identification efforts within Genentech. His research work has been recognized globally by numerous awards and honors for his seminal contributions to the emerging fields of Precision Medicine, Pharmacogenomics, Stem Cell Biology as well as Cancer Biology & Therapy. In addition to his professional commitments, Dr. Mishra also gives back to his local biotech community by serving as an advisor to several companies in the San Francisco Bay Area to advance their R&D strategy. Notably, he also serves as a mentor and advisor to startup accelerators such as IndieBio and California Life Sciences Association, to help grow California’s life sciences innovation ecosystem. Moreover, discoveries lead by Dr. Mishra and his teams have contributed to the development of new and viable strategies of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patients in the clinic.

Research Interest

  • Oncology, inflammation, fibrosis and aging
  • Stem cells, tumor microenvironment
  • Drug discovery and development
  • Genetics, cancer genomics and bioinformatics

Scientific Activities

Professional Experience
Jan 2017 - Present Founder and CEO, Agility Pharmaceuticals, Belmont, CA
CEO, American Association for Precision Medicine (AAPM), Belmont, CA
Jan 2015 - Dec-2016 Scientist/Principal Investigator, Genentech, Biochemical and Cellular Pharmacology, SSF, CA
2009 - 2015 Principal Investigator/ Research Fellow, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
2008 - 2009 Postdoctoral Research Scientist, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
2003 - 2008 Research Teaching Specialist, Rutgers Cancer Institute of NJ, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, NJ
2003 - 2008 Doctoral Candidate (part time, along with the full time job), Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
2001- 2003 Research Assistant, Rutgers NJ Medical School, New Jersey
2001 – 2001 Laboratory Supervisor, Thyrocare Technologies LTD, New Mumbai, India
1999 – 2001 Research Scholar, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai, India
Other Activities
  • Advisor: California Life Sciences Association (FAST advisory program), IndieBio and OncoTelligent. Mentor LinkedIn, Entrepreneurship and science & technology.
  • Ad-hoc reviewer: Nature, PNAS, J Clin Invest, Cancer Res, Clin Cancer Res, Human Mutation, Cancer Cell Int, Pharmacogenomics, PCMR, Stem Cells Int, J Invest Dermatol, Mol Cancer, Mol Carcinog, J Hematol Oncol, BMC Genetics, PLOS and others.
  • Editorial board memberships: Medical Sciences, Cancer & Clin Res, J Cancer Science & Res, WJ Stem Cells, Dataset Papers in Pharmacology, Dataset Papers in Biology, WJ Gastrointest Oncology; Current/past memberships: NYAS, AACR, AAAS, ASBMB, and Nature Reader Panel.
  • NIH intramural services: Involved in organizing, coordinating and judging (chief judge/lead judge/judge) FARE award committees, NIH graduate student festivals, NIH research festivals, NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars, MD/PhD Partnership, and the Wellcome Trust programs.
Honors and Awards
2017 Inaugural Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence Team Award at Google Launchpad
2015 Team Award at Google Launchpad New Target Nomination Proposal, Disrupt gRED, Genentech
2014-2009 ‘Five’ Federal Technology Transfer Award, National Cancer Institute (NCI)
2012 Trans-NIH Earl Stadtman Investigator Finalist, NIH
2012,2010 ‘Two’ FARE Award for Research Excellence, National Institutes of Health, NIH
2011 Director’s Innovation Award, National Cancer Institute, NIH
‘Nominee’, Alexander M. Haig, Jr. Medal & Outstanding Young Investigator Award, Maryland Academy of Sciences and the Maryland Science Center
2009 Director’s Innovation Award, National Cancer Institute, NIH
Federal Technology Transfer Award, National Cancer Institute, NIH
2008 Outstanding Thesis Research Award, Rutgers University
Scholar in Training Award, American Association for Cancer Research and AstraZeneca (finalist in years 2007, 2009 & 2010, award recipient in 2008)
Cancer Research & Training Award, National Cancer Institute, NIH
Gallo Award for Outstanding Cancer Research, New Jersey Comm. on Cancer Res.
2007-2005 ‘Two’ Gallo Award for Outstanding Cancer Research, NJ State Comm. on Cancer Res
2007 Dean’s Research Award for the “best peer-reviewed publication of calendar year 2007”
The New Jersey Cancer Research Award for Scientific Excellence, NJCCR
2006-2004 ‘Three’ Young Investigator Award, Rutgers University (2006, 2005, 2004)
2002 Dean’s Travel Award, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University
1999-2001 Bhabha Atomic Research Center Research Scholar, India


  1. Gill P, Bhattacharyya S, McCullough S, Dweep H, Mishra PJ, Luo C, Letzig L, James L (2017), MicroRNA regulation of CYP 1A2, CYP3A4 and CYP2E1 expression in acetaminophentoxicity, Scientific Reports – Nature, in press.
  2. Mishra PJ, Mishra P and Merlino G (2016) Integrated genomics identifies miR-32/MCL-1 pathway as a critical driver of melanomagenesis: Implications for miR-replacement and combination therapy, PLOS One 11(11):e0165102.
  3. Bansal N, Mishra PJ, Stein M, DiPaola RS, Bertino JR (2015) Axl receptor tyrosine kinase is up-regulated in metformin resistant prostate cancer cells. Oncotarget, 2015;6(17):15321-31.
  4. Balakumaran A, Mishra PJ,Pawelczyk E,Yoshizawa S, Sworder BJ, Cherman N, Kuznetsov SA, Bianco P, Giri N, Savage SA, Merlino G, Dunbar  CE, Young N, Alter BP, Robey PH (2015), Bone marrow skeletal stem/progenitor cell defects in patients with dyskeratosiscongenita, a disorder of telomere maintenance, Blood, 2015 Jan 29;125(5):793-802.
  5. Sworder B*, Yoshizawaa S*Mishra PJ* (*first three authors contributed equally), Cherman N, Kuznetsova SA, Merlino G, Balakumaran A and Robey PG (2015), Molecular profile of clonal strains of human skeletal stem/progenitor cells with different potencies, Stem Cell Research, 02/2015; 9.
  6. Mishra PJ, Ha L, Rieker J,SviderskayaEV, Bennett DC, OberstMD, Kelly K and,Merlino G.(2010) Dissection of RAS downstream pathways in melanomagenesis: a role for Ral in transformation, Oncogene, Apr 22;29(16):2449-56.
  7. Mishra PJ, Song B, Mishra PJ, Wang Y, Humeniuk R, Banerjee D, Merlino G, Ju J, Bertino JR (2009) MiR-24 tumor suppressor activity is regulated independent of p53 and through a target site polymorphism, PLoS One, 2009 Dec 24;4(12):e8445.
  8. Mishra PJ, Menon LG, Mishra P,Mayer-Kuckuk P, Bertino JR, Banerjee D (2009) Translational modulation of proteins expressed from bicistronic vectors, Mol Imaging, 8(6):305-18.
  9. Mishra PJand Merlino G (2009) MicroRNA reexpression as differentiation therapy in cancer, Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI), 2009 Aug; 119(8):2119-23.
  10. Mishra PJ&Bertino J (2009) MicroRNA polymorphisms: The future of pharmacogenomics, molecularepidemiology and individualizedmedicine. Pharmacogenomics, v10(3):399-416.
  11. Mishra, P*, Mishra, PJ*(*contributed equally), Humeniuk, R, Medina, DJ, Alexe, G, Mesirov, JP, Ganesan, S, Glod, JW and Banerjee, D (2008) Carcinoma-associated fibroblast-like differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells.Cancer Research (CR), 68, 4331-9.
  12. Mishra PJ, Humeniuk R, Mishra P, Longo GSA, Banerjee D, Bertino JR (2007) A polymorphism at the microRNA binding site in the dihydrofolate reductase gene leads to methotrexate resistance, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA (PNAS), vol.104,33, 13513-18.
  13. Ramasubbu N, Ragunath C, Mishra PJ (2003), Probing the role of a mobile loop in substrate binding and enzyme activity of human salivary amylase: structural studies on the loop-deleted mutant enzyme, Journal of Molecular biology, v325: 1061–1076.
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