Luisa Maria Arvide Cambra
Professor with Chair

Department of Philology
University of Almeria


1982 PhD, Arabic Philology. University of Granada, Spain
1978 BA Semitic Philology and Hispanic Philology, University of Granada, Spain


Luisa María is a Professor with Chair, University of Almeria. Her professional skills include History of Medicine, Humanities.

Research Interest

  • Medieval Arabic Science
  • History of Medicine
  • Philological Studies
  • Humanities

Scientific Activities

Professional Experience
2017 Professor with Chair, Department of Philology, University of Almeria, Spain


  1. Los mss. médicos árabes de la Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana de Florencia, Granada, 1992.
  2. Un tratado de polvos medicinales en Al-Zahrawi.
  3. Un tratado de polvos medicinales en Al-Zahrawi, Almería, 1994.
  4. Tratado de pastillas medicinales según Abulcasis, Almería, 1996.
  5. Un tratado de oftalmología en Abulcasis, Almería, 2000.
  6. Un tratado de odontoestomatología en Abulcasis, Almería, 2003.
  7. Un tratado de estética y cosmética en Abulcasis, Granada, 2010.
  8. El tratado de la peste de Ibn Jatima (I). Cuestiones I-VI, Berlin, 2014.
  9. El tratado de la peste de Ibn Jatima (II). Cuestiones VII-XII, Berlin, 2017.
  10. Arabic teaching and learning system at some celebrated Institutions of Higher Education in Europe. In: Abstracts & Proceedings CD-International Conference on  Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN10), 2010. Session: Learning Experiences in Higher and Further Education, pp.005957-005961.
  11. Some critical reflections to peer review system in Arabic. In: Proceedings. 3rd  International Symposium on Peer Reviewing (ISPR 2011), Vol. III. Orlando, Florida, USA, pp.84-86.
  12. Some pharmaceutical recipes for the treatment of the bubonic pest contained into Kitab al-Tahsil of Ibn Khatima  (d.1369),  Advances in Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Vol.1, No.2, 2013, pp.85-87.
  13. Kitab 'Uyun al-Akhbar of Ibn Qutayba (828-889), Advances in Education Research, Vol.51, pp.650-653 (Proceedings ICASS2014)
  14. "Some reflections on the structural linguistics applied to the nominal sentence in Arabic ", European Scientific Journal, vol.11, No.14, May 2015, pp. 41-48.
  15. Introduction to the Arabic science in the Middle Ages, Journal of Basic and Applied Research International, Vol. 9, No.3, 2015, pp.174-179.
  16. Abu l-‘Ala’ Zuhr, the Quack of Al-Andalus, International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), Vol.2, No.10, October 2015, pp. 99-102.

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