
Publications (15 selected from over 172 peer-reviewed publications); *: Corresponding author 5 most relevant to the current application
  • Lee CH, Cook JL, Mendelson A, Moioli EK, Yao H, Mao JJ* (2010) Regeneration of articular surface of synovial joint by cell homing. Lancet 376(9739):440-8. PMID: 20692530.
  • Bianco P, Cao X, Frenette PS, Mao JJ, Robey PG, Simmons PJ, Wang CY (2013) The meaning, the senseand the significance: Translating the science of mesenchymal stem cells into medicine. Nature Medicine 19:35-42. PMID: 23296015.
  • Mao JJ*, Prockop DJ (2012) Stem cells in the face: tooth regeneration and beyond. Cell Stem Cell 11(3):291-301. PMID: 22958928
  • Lee CH, Shah B, Moioli EK, Mao JJ* (2010) CCN2/CTGF defines mesenchymal origin of fibroblasts and the fate of connective tissue healing. Journal of Clinical Investigation 120:3340-9. PMID: 20679726
  • Shah BS, Clark PA, Stroscio M, Moioli EK, Mao JJ* (2007) Labeling of human mesenchymal stem cells and during lineage specific differentiations by bioconjugated quantum dots. Nano Letters 7:3071-3079. PMID: 17887799 10 additional relevant publications
  • Mendelson A, Cheung YK, Paluch K, Chen M, Kong K, Tan J, Dong Z, Sia SK, Mao JJ* (2013) Competitive stem cell recruitment by multiple cytotactic cues. Lab Chip 13:1156-64. PMID: 23364311
  • Jiang N, Zhou J, Chen M, Schiff MD, Lee CH, Kong K, Embree MC, Zhou Y, Mao JJ* (2014) Postnatal epithelium and mesenchyme stem/progenitor cells in bioengineered amelogenesis and dentinogenesis. Biomaterials 35:2172-2180 PMID: 24345734.
  • Mendelson A, Frank E, Allred C, Jones E, Chen M, Zhao WL, Mao JJ* (2011) Chondrogenesis by chemotactic homing of synovium, bone Marrow and adipose stem cells. FASEB Journal 25:3496-3504. PMID: 21746864.
  • Yang RJ, Chen M, Lee CH, Yoon R, Lal S, Mao JJ* (2010) Clones of ectopic stem cells colonize muscle defects in vivo. PloS One 20;5(10):e13547. PMID: 20975999
  • Lee CH, Hollister SJ, Marion MW, Mao JJ* (2009) Tissue formation and vascularization of anatomically shaped human tibial condyle in vivo. Tissue Engineering Part A 15:3923-3930. PMID: 19563263
  • Moioli EK, Clark PA, Dennis JE, Erickson H, Gerson SL, Mao JJ* (2008) Synergistic actions of hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells in vascularizing bioengineered tissues. PloS One 3(12):e3922. PMID: 19081793
  • Clark PA, Moioli EK, Sumner DR, Mao JJ* (2008) Porous implants as drug delivery vehicles to augment tissue ingrowth. FASEB Journal 22:1684-1693. PMID: 18198217
  • Moioli EK, Clark PA, Sumner DR, Mao JJ* (2008) Autologous stem cell regeneration in craniosynostosis. Bone 42:332-340. PMID: 18023269
  • Xin XJ, Hussain M, Mao JJ* (2007) Self replication of human mesenchymal stem cells and continuing differentiation of derived chondrogenic and osteogenic lineages in electrospun PLGA nanofiber scaffold. Biomaterials 28:316-325. PMID: 17010425
  • Sundaramurthy S, Mao JJ* (2006) Mechanical modulation of endochondral development in the distal femoral condyle. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 24:229-241. PMID: 16435356

Jeremy J. Mao


  • DEPARTMENTDepartment of Biomedical Sciences
    Columbia University