

  1. P, Yavuz S, Bril F, Cusi K. Role of insulin resistance and diabetes in thepathogenesis and Bril F, Maximos M, Portillo-Sanchez P, Biernacki D, Lomonaco R, Subbarayan S, et al. Relationship of Vitamin D withInsulin Resistance and DiseaseSeverity in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. J Hepatol 2014 Sep 4. pii: S0168-8278(14)00628-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.08.040.
  2. Portillo Sanchez P, Bril F, Maximos M,Lomonaco R, Biernacki D, Orsak B,et al. High Prevalence of Nonalcoholic FattyLiverDisease in PatientswithType 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Normal Plasma Amino transferase Levels. J ClinEndocrinolMetab. 2014 Oct 10:jc20142739.
  3. Maximos M, Bril F, Portillo Sanchez P, Lomonaco R, Orsak B, Biernacki D, et al. The role of liverfat and insulinresistance as determinants of plasma aminotransferase elevation in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.Hepatology 2014 Aug 22. doi: 10.1002/hep.27395.
  4. Kawaguchi-Suzuki M, Bril F, Sanchez PP, Cusi K, Frye RF. A validated liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for simultaneous determination of pioglitazone, hydroxypioglitazone, and ketopioglitazone in human plasma and itsapplication to a clinicalstudy. J Chromatogr B AnalytTechnolBiomedLifeSci 2014;969:219-223.
  5. Bril F, Lomonaco R, Orsak B, Ortiz-Lopez C, Webb A, Tio F, Hecht J, Cusi K. Relationship between diseases everity, hyperinsulinemia, and impaired insulin clearance in patient swith nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Hepatology 2014;59:2178-2187.
  6. Portillo treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. CurrHepRep 2014;13:159-70.
  7. Cusi K, Chang Z, Harrison S, Lomonaco R, Bril F, Orsak B, et al. Limitedvalue of plasma cytokeratin-18 as a biomarker for NASH and fibrosis in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. J Hepatol 2014;60(1):167-74.
  8. Alvarez PA, Bril F, Castro V, Meiville I, Gonzalez CD, Centurion IG, et al. Adverse drug reactions as a reason for admission to an internal medicine ward in Argentina. Int J Risk Saf Med 2013;25(3):185-92.
  9. Lomonaco R, Sunny NE, Bril F, Cusi K. Nonalcoholic Fatty liver disease: current issues and novel treatment approaches. Drugs 2013 Jan;73(1):1-14.
  10. Bril F, Lomonaco R, Cusi K. The challenge of managing dyslipidemia in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Clinical Lipidology 2012;7(4):471-481.
  11. Lomonaco R, Ortiz-Lopez C, Orsak B, Finch J, Webb A, Bril F, et al. Role of ethnicity in overweight and obese patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Hepatology 2011;54(3):837-845.
  12. Bril F, Gonzalez CD, Di Girolamo G. Antimicrobial agents-associated with QT interval prolongation. Curr Drug Saf 2010;5(1):85-92.


  1. Bril F, Sninsky J, Baca AM, Superko RH, Portillo Sanchez P, Lo MC, et al. Atherogenicdyslipidemia in thesetting of insulin resistance contributes to cardiovascular risk in patientswithnonalcoholicfattyliverdisease. Hepatology 2014;60(S1):613A.
  2. Bril F, Kawaguchi-Suzuki M,Frye R, Portillo Sanchez P, Maximos M, Lai S, et al. Role of geneticpolymorphisms in the development of nonalcoholicfattyliverdisease (NAFLD) and steatohepatitis (NASH). Hepatology 2014;60(S1):585A.
  3. Kawaguchi-Suzuki M, Bril F, Cusi K, Langaee T, Gong Y, Frye R. Role of geneticpolymorphismsontheimprovement of liverhistologyafterpioglitazonetreatment in patientswithnonalcoholicfattyliverdisease (NAFLD). Hepatology 2014;60(S1):591A.
  4. Maximos M, Bril F, Portillo Sanchez P, Lomonaco R, Biernacki D, Suman A, et al.Liverfat and insulinresistance as majordeterminants of plasma alanin eaminotransferase levels in nonalcoholicfattyliverdisease.Hepatology 2014;60(S1):597A.
  5. Kawaguchi-Suzuki M, Bril F, Orsak B, Ortiz-Lopez C, Lomonaco R, Cusi K, Frye R. Multivariateanalysis of factorsthatinfluence improvement in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) after pioglitazone treatment. Pharmacotherapy 2014;34:e202.
  6. Bril F,Lomonaco R, Portillo Sanchez P, Orsak B, Maximos M, Finch J, et al. Doesnonalcoholicfattyliverdisease (NAFLD) develop in insulin-sensitivepatients? Diabetes 2014;63(Suppl.1):A465.
  7. Bril F, Subbarayan S, Maximos M, Portillo Sanchez P, Lomonaco R, Biernacki D, et al. Prevalence of nonalcoholicfattyliverdisease (NAFLD)anddiseaseseverityamongAfricanAmericans (AA) with Prediabetes (preDM) ortype 2 diabetes (T2DM). Diabetes 2014; 63(Suppl.1):A465.
  8. Portillo Sanchez P,Bril F,Lomonaco R, Maximos M, Bruder J, Orsak B, et al. Effects of extended pioglitazonetreatment (PIO) onbone metabolism in patientswith prediabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Diabetes 2014; 63(Suppl.1):A293-A294.
  9. Maximos M, Bril F, Portillo Sanchez P, Lomonaco R, Biernacki D, Subbarayan S, et al. High risk of nonalcoholicfattyliverdisease (NAFLD) and steatohepatitis (NASH) in obesepatientswithtype 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and normal liveraminotransferases. Diabetes 2014; 63(Suppl.1):A464.
  10. M. Kawaguchi-Suzuki, F. Bril, R. Lomonaco, S. Subbarayan, K. Cusi, R. Frye. Pharmacodynamicassociation of pioglitazone and its active metaboliteswithliveroutcomesamongpatientsdiagnosedwithnonalcoholicsteatohepatitis. ClinicalPharmacology&Therapeutics 2014;95(S1):S47.
  11. Bril F,Lomonaco R, Orsak B, Hecht J, Ortiz-Lopez C, Hardies J, et al. Predictors of response after extended pioglitazone treatment in patients with prediabetes or T2DM and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Hepatology2013;58(Suppl.):513A-514A.
  12. Bril F,Lomonaco R, Orsak B, Subbarayan S, Kadiyala S, Ortiz-Lopez C, et al. Is there a link between hypothyroidism and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease? Hepatology2013;58(Suppl.):521A.
  13. Bril F,Lomonaco R, Orsak B, Ortiz-Lopez C, Biernacki D, Klaczak A, et al. Vitamin D deficiency and development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Hepatology2013;58(Suppl.):522A.
  14. Bril F,Lomonaco R, Orsak B, Chang Z, Ortiz-Lopez C, Hecht J, et al. Role of plasma FGF21 as a biomarker for nonalcoholic fatty liverdisease (NAFLD) and steatohepatitis (NASH). Hepatology 2013;58(Suppl.):487A.
  15. Cusi K, Orsak B, Lomonaco R, Bril F, Ortiz-Lopez C, Hecht J, et al. Extended treatmentwithpioglitazoneimprovesliverhistology in patientswith prediabetes ortype 2 diabetes mellitus and NASH. Hepatology 2013;58(Suppl.):248A.
  16. Bril F,Lomonaco R, Orsak B, Hecht J, Ortiz-Lopez C, Darland C, et al. Safety of Statin Therapy in Patients with Prediabetes or T2DM and NASH: A Long-Term Prospective Study. Diabetes 2013;62(Suppl.1). [Abstract 648-P].
  17. Bril F,Lomonaco R, Orsak B, Finch J, Ortiz-Lopez C, Webb A, et al. Role of Insulin Clearance in the Development of Hyperinsulinemia in Patientswith NAFLD.Diabetes 2013;62(Suppl.1). [Abstract 1861-P].
  18. Cusi K, Orsak B, Lomonaco R, Finch J, Ortiz-Lopez C, Bril F, et al. Safety and Efficacy of Long-Term Pioglitazone Treatment for Patients withPrediabetes or T2DM and NASH. Diabetes 2013;62(Suppl.1). [Abstract 1185-P].
  19. Lomonaco R, Bril F, Orsak B, Finch J, Ortiz-Lopez C, Darland C, et al.Effect of Pioglitazone Therapy on Insulin Secretion and Insulin Clearance inPatients with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH). Diabetes 2013;62(Suppl.1). [Abstract 1834-P].
  20. Lomonaco R, Ortiz-Lopez C, Orsak B, Finch J, Bril F, Cusi K. NAFLD is Associated with an Unfavorable Metabolic Profile and Worse LiverDisease in Patients with T2DM. Diabetes 2013;62(Suppl.1). [Abstract 1886-P].
  21. Bril F, Castro V, Parejas G, Centurion IG, Soler C, Minvielle I, et al. Identifying Gaps and Priorities in Pharmacological Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: Insights from a Proactive Pharmacovigilance Registry. Drug Safety 2012;35(10):923-4.
  22. Alvarez PA, Bril F, Castro V, Parejas G, Soler C, Minvielle I, et al. Adverse Drug Reactions as a Cause of Admission: Results from a Multidisciplinary Proactive Pharmacovigilance Program in an Internal Medicine Ward. Drug Safety 2012;35(10):923.
  23. Keller GA, Castro V, Di Girolamo G, Bril F, Parejas G, Gomez I, et al. Adverse Drug Reactions as a Reason for Admission to an Internal Medicine Ward among the Oldest Old. Drug Safety 2012;35(10):924-5.
  24. Alvarez PA, Castro V, Santini F, Soler C, Gutierrez R, Bril F, Keller GA, Di Girolamo G, Lopez Saubidet C. Pharmacovigilance on hospital admission: medication lists and beyond. Drug Safety 2011;34(10):959.
  25. Alvarez PA, Castro V, Santini F, Soler C, Gutierrez R, Bril F, Keller GA, Di Girolamo G, Lopez Saubidet C. Adverse drug events as a reason for admission in a university teaching hospital in Argentina. Drug Safety 2011;34(10):959.

Book Chapters

  1. Bril F, Ntim K, Lomonaco R, Cusi K. Treatment of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) in DeFronzo RA., Ferrannini E., Alberti KGMM., Zimmet P (eds). International Textbook of Diabetes Mellitus, 4th edition. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Oxford, UK. Due to publish 2015.
  2. Maximos M, Bril F, Cusi K. Clinical implications of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in type 2 diabetes. In Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus and Related Disorders. 6th ed. Umpierrez GE, Ed. Alexandria, VA, American Diabetes Association, 2014, p. 994-1017.
  3. Bril F. Diabetic Neuropathy [Spanish]. In: Lasala FG, editor. PROTERAP. Therapeutic UpdateProgram [Spanish]. Editorial MédicaPanamericana. Buenos Aires; 2011:111-161.
  4. Elbert A, Cestari J, Bril F. Metabolic Syndrome and Renal Disease [Spanish]. In Wassermann A, Grosso C, editors. Metabolic Syndrome and Vascular risk [Spanish]. FEPREVA. Buenos Aires; 2010.

Oral Presentations

  1. Bril F.Treatment of dyslipidemia in patientswith NASH [Spanish]. 15° International Congress of Internal Medicine of the Clinicas Hospital, 2014.
  2. Bril F. Role of vitamin D in thedevelopment of insulinresistance[Spanish]. 15° International Congress of Internal Medicine of the Clinicas Hospital, 2014.
  3. Bril F. Dyslipidemia in type 2 diabetes: fromthepathophysiology to thetreatment[Spanish]. 15° International Congress of Internal Medicine of the Clinicas Hospital, 2014.
  4. Bril F, Cusi K. NASH: Novel findings and futuredirections. NAFLD EASD StudyGroup 2nd meeting, 2014.
  5. Alvarez PA, Di Cio A, Saad A, Grosso P, Grosso O, Bril F, et al. Apex beat for the diagnosis of left ventricle hypertension [Spanish]. 14° International Congress of Internal Medicine of the Clinicas Hospital, 2012.
  6. Bril F. Atypical presentation of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor [Spanish]. XVII National Medical Congress of the Argentine Medical Society, November 2009.
  7. Bril F.Predictive factors of bioethical knowledge in ArgentineanResearch [Spanish]. XVII National Medical Congress of the Argentine Medical Society, November 2009.

Fernando Bril

Assistant professor


  • :352-870-2235

  • DEPARTMENTDivision Of Endocrinology
    University of Florida