
Original research papers:

  1. Mitchell, W.M.  A Potential Source of Electrophoretic Artifacts in Polyacrylamide Gels.  Biochim. Biophys. Acta 147:171-174 (1967).
  2. Mitchell, W.M.  Pseudocollagenase:  A Protease from Clostridium Histolyticum.  Biochim. Biophys. Acta 159:554-557 (1968).
  3. Mitchell, W.M., and Harrington, W.F.  Purification and Properties of Clostridiopeptidase B (Clostripain).  J. Biol. Chem. 243:4683-4692 (1968).
  4. Mitchell, W.M.  A Model for Protein Biosynthesis Predicated on the Concept of Metastable States:  A Postulated Role for Genetic Code Degeneracy.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 61:742-747 (1968).
  5. Mitchell, W.M.  Hydrolysis at Arginylproline in Polypeptides by Clostridiopeptidase B.  Science 162:374-375 (1968).
  6. Mitchell, W.M., and Hash, J.H.  The N, 0‑Diacetylmuramidase of Chalaropsis species.  II.  Physical Properties.  J. Biol. Chem. 244:17-21 (1969).
  7. Mitchell, W.M., and Schmidt, J.J.  The Tertiary Structure of Clostridiopeptidase B.  Biochim. Biophys. Acta 175:207-208 (1969).
  8. Mitchell, W.M. Isoelectric Focusing of Clostridiopeptidase B.  Biochim. Biophys. Acta 178:194-195 (1969).
  9. Lahiri, A.K., Mitchell, W.M., and Najjar, V.A.  The Physiological Role of the Lymphoid System.  VII.  The Nature of the In Vitro Binding of Erythrophilic g‑Globulin and its Effect on the Configuration of the Erythrocyte.  J. Biol. Chem. 245:3906-3910 (1970).
  10. Mitchell, W.M.  The Contamination of Purified Collagenase Preparations by Clostridiopeptidase B:  The Potential Effect on Studies Utilizing Collagenase as a Highly Specific Structural Tool.  Johns Hopkins Med. J. 127:192-198 (1970).
  11. Taylor, J.M., Cohen, S., and Mitchell, W.M.  Epidermal Growth Factor:  High and Low Molecular Weight Forms.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 67:164-171 (1970).
  12. Mitchell, W.M., Moses, H.L., Orth, D.N., and Korinek, J.  Murine  Leukemia C‑type Virus Associated with Functional Murine Carcinomas of Endocrine Origin.  Nature (New Biology) 231:99-100 (1971).
  13. Shapiro, M., Nicholson, W.E., Orth, D.N., Mitchell, W.M., and Liddle, G.W.  Differences Between Ectopic MSH and Pituitary MSH.  J. Clin. Endocrin. Metabl. 33:377-381 (1971).
  14. Porter, W.H., Cunningham, L.W., and Mitchell, W.M.  Studies on the Active Site of Clostripain:  The Specific Inactivation by the Chloromethyl Ketone Derived from a a‑N‑Tosyl-L‑Lysine.  J. Biol. Chem. 246:7675-7682 (1971).
  15. Shapiro, M., Nicholson, W.E., Orth, D.N., Mitchell, W.M., Island, D.P., and Liddle, G.W.  Preliminary Characterization of the Pituitary Melanocyte Stimulating Hormones of Several Vertebrate Species.  Endocrinology 90:249-256 (1972).
  16. Korinek, J., Moses, H.L., Mitchell, W.M., and Orth, D.N.  Mechanism of Syncytium Formation Between XC Sarcoma Cells and Murine Endocrine Carcinoma Cells.  J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 49:1269-1275 (1972).
  17. Taylor, J.M., Mitchell, W.M., and Cohen, S.  Epidermal Growth Factor:  Physical and Chemical Properties.  J. Biol. Chem. 247:5928-5934 (1972).
  18. Porter, W.H., and Mitchell, W.M.  Anomalous Electrochemical Behavior of Clostripain:  Evidence for Disulfide Isolation Conformers.  Molec. Cell. Biochem. 1:95-99 (1973).
  19. Orth, D.N., Nicholson, W.E., Mitchell, W.M., Island, D.P., Shapiro, M., and Byyny, R.L.  ACTH and MSH Production by a Single Cloned Mouse Pituitary Tumor Cell Line.  Endocrinology 92:385-393 (1973).
  20. Spelsberg, T.C., Mitchell, W.M., and Chytil, F.  Structural Alterations of Acidic Proteins by Acid Treatment of Chromatin.  Molec. Cell. Biochem. 1:243-246 (1973).
  21. Orth, D.N., Nicholson, W.E., Mitchell, W.M., Island, D.P., and Liddle, G.W.  Biologic and Immunologic Characterization and Physical Separation of ACTH and ACTH Fragments in Ectopic ACTH Syndrome.  J. Clin. Invest.  52:1756-1769 (1973).
  22. Spelsberg, T.C., Mitchell, W.M., Wilson, E.M., and O'Malley, B.W.  Chromatin of the Developing Chick Oviduct:  Changes in the Acidic Proteins.  Biochem. Biophys. Acta 312:765-778 (1973).
  23. Nishioka, K., Constantopoulos, A., Satoh, P.S., Mitchell, W.M., and Najjar, V.A.  Characteristics and Isolation of the Phagocytosis Stimulating Peptide, Tufsin.  Biochim. Biophys. Acta 310:217-229 (1973).
  24. Harris, S.E., Means, A.R., Mitchell, W.M., and O'Malley, B.W.  Synthesis of 3H‑DNA Complementary to Ovalbumin mRNA:  Evidence for Limited Copies of the Ovalbumin Gene in Chick Oviduct.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 70:3776-3780 (1973).
  25. Bankowski, E., and Mitchell, W.M.  Human Procollagen I:  An Anionic Tropocollagen Precursor from Skin Fibroblasts in Culture.  Biophys. Chem. 1:73-86 (1973).
  26. Korinek, J., Spelsberg, T.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  mRNA Transcription Linked to the Morphological and Plasma Membrane Changes Induced by Cyclic AMP in Tumor Cells.  Nature 246:455-458 (1973).
  27. Taylor, J.M., Mitchell, W.M., and Cohen, S.  Characterization of the Binding Protein for Epidermal Growth Factor.  J. Biol. Chem. 249:2188-2194 (1974).
  28. Taylor, J.M., Mitchell, W.M., and Cohen, S.  Characterization of the High Molecular Weight Form of Epidermal Growth Factor.  J. Biol. Chem. 249:3198-3203 (1974).
  29. O'Malley, B.W., Means, A.R., Socher, S.H., Spelsberg, T.C., Chytil, F., Comstock, J.P., and Mitchell, W.M.  Hormonal Control of Oviduct Growth and Differentiation.  In, Macromolecules Regulating Growth and Development (Elizabeth D. Hay, Thomas J. King and John Papaconstantinou, eds.) Academic Press, New York and London, pp. 53-77 (1974).
  30. Riggin, C.H., Bondurant, M.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Differences Between Murine Leukemia Virus and Murine Sarcoma Virus:  Effects on Virion Age and Multiplicity of Infection of Viral RNA.  Intervirology 2:209-221 (1974).
  31. Burnette, W.M., Riggin, C.H., and Mitchell, W.M.  Physical and Chemical Properties of an Oncornavirus Associated with a Murine Adrenal Carcinoma Cell Line.  J. Virology 14:110-115 (1974).
  32. Riggin, C.H., Bondurant, M., and Mitchell, W.M.  Physical Properties of Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus High Molecular Weight RNA:  A Two Subunit Structure.  J. Virology  16:1528-1535 (1974).
  33. Bondurant, M., Stoltzfus, C.M., and Mitchell, W.M.  Studies on the Sequence Homology Between Moloney Murine Sarcoma Virus and Moloney Leukemia Virus RNA.  J. Virology 19:82-89 (1976).
  34. Burnette, W.N., Holladay, L.A., and Mitchell, W.M.  Physical and Chemical Properties of Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus p30 Protein:  A Major Structural Component Exhibiting High Helicity and Self-association.  J. Mol. Biol. 107:131-143 (1976).
  35. Carley, W.W., Moses, H.L., and Mitchell, W.M.  The Correlation of Plasma Membrane Microvilli and Intracellular Cyclic AMP Content in a Rat Epitheloid Kidney Cell Line.  J. Supramol. Struct. 5:309-316 (1976).
  36. Haralson, M.A., Frey, K.L., and Mitchell, W.M.  Collagen Biosynthesis by Cultured Chinese Hamster Lung Cells:  Cell Free Synthesis of Procollagen a Chains.  Biochemistry 17:864-868 (1978).
  37. Burnette, W.N., and Mitchell, W.M.  Interstrain Variation of the Major Internal Structure Component (p30) of Two Murine Oncornaviruses:  A Comparative Immunochemical, Biochemical and Biophysical Analysis.  J. Virology 26:522-532 (1978).
  38. Haralson, M.A., Sonneborn, J.H., Mitchell, W.M.  Chinese Hamster Lung Cell Polysomes Direct the Synthesis of a Single Molecular Weight Species of Procollagen Chain.  J. Biol. Chem. 253:5536-5542 (1978).
  39. Halter, S.A., Bradbury, E., and Mitchell, W.M.  Diseases of the Human Breast:  Selective Isolation and Exposure of Epithelia and Their Correlative Surface Features and Histopathology.  Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM, Inc., AMF O'Hare, IL.  III:139-152 (1979).
  40. Gerard, S., and Mitchell, W.M.  Isolation and Purification of Human Type I Procollagen by Adsorption of Glass Beads.  Anal. Biochem. 96:433-447 (1979).
  41. Mitchell, W.M., Holy, N.L., Jones, M.M., Basinger, M.A., and Vaughn, W.S.  Effect of Water Soluble Phosphine on Acute Mercury Poisoning.  Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol.  52:5113-5117 (1980).
  42. Haralson, M.A., Mitchell, W.M., Rhodes, R.K., and Kresina, T.F., Gay, S., and Miller, E.J.  Cultured Chinese Hamster Lung Cells Synthesize and Confine to the Cellular Domain a Collagen Comprised Solely of B Chains.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77:5206-5210 (1980).
  43. Mitchell, W.M., Halter, S.A., Schuffman, S.S., and Hartmann, W.H.  Molecular and Morphological Evidence of Type B Retrovirus (Oncornavirus) Expression in Human Mammary Carcinoma.  SEM/III:1-11, SEM, Inc. (1980).
  44. Gerard, S., Puett, D., and Mitchell, W.M.  Kinetics of Collagen Fold Formation in Human Type I Procollagen and Effect of Disulfide Bonds.  Biochemistry 20:1857-1865 (1981).
  45. Haralson, M.A., and Mitchell, W.M.  Procollagen Chain Synthesis Programmed by Chinese Hamster Lung Cell mRNA.  Coll. Res. 1:309-325 (1981).
  46. Gerard, S., Williams, R.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Physical and Chemical Properties of Human Type III Procollagen.  Biochemistry 22:1289-1297 (1983).
  47. Mitchell, W.M., Basinger, M.A., Jones, M.A.  Antagonism of Acute Copper (II) Induced Renal Lesions By Sodium 2,3‑Dimercaptopropanesulfonate.  Johns Hopkins Med. J. 151:283-285 (1982).
  48. Mitchell, W.M., and Forti, R.L.  Progress in the Monitoring of Human Interferon Levels in Body Fluids and the Phenotypic Expression of Human Interferon Activity.  Prog. Clin. Pathol. IX:101-119 (1983).
  49. Basinger, M.A., Forti, R.L., Burka, L.T., Jones, N.M., Mitchell, W.M., Johnson, J.E., and Gibbs, S.J.  Phenolic Chelating Agents as Antidotes for Acute Uranyl Acetate Intoxication in Mice.  J. Tox. Environ. Health 11:237-246 (1983).
  50. Forti, R.L., Mitchell, W.M., Workman, R.L., and Hubbard, W.L.  A Functional Cyclooxygenase Enzyme is not Required for Mediation of the Pleiotropic Effects of Human Alpha or Beta Interferon.  Prostaglandins 26:409-420 (1983).
  51. Shinobu, L.A., Jones, M.M., Basinger, M.A., Mitchell, W.M., Wendel, D., and Razzuk, A.  In Vivo Screening of Potential Antidotes for Chronic Cadmium Intoxication.  J. Toxicol. Environ. Health 12:757-765 (1983).
  52. Breau, A., Mitchell, W.M., Kerkhanis, D.W., and Fields, L.  Chemical Oxidation of Thioacetamide to a Mutagenic S‑Oxide.  Mutagenic Res. 139:1-4 (1984).
  53. Forti, R.L., Mitchell, W.M., Hubbard, W.C., Workman, R.J., and Forbes, J.T.  The Pleiotropic Activities of the Human Interferons are Mediated by Multiple Response Pathways.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 81:170-174 (1984).
  54. Breau, A.P., Field, L., and Mitchell, W.M.  Thiono Compounds.  4.  In Vitro Mutagenic and Antineoplastic Activity of TEPA and Thio-TEPA.  Cell Biol. Toxicol. 1:13-18 (1984).
  55. Parl, F.F., Wetherall, N.T., Halter, S., Schuffman, S., and Mitchell, W.M.  Comparison of Histochemical and Biochemical Assays for Estrogen Receptor in Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines.  Cancer Res. 44:415-421 (1984).
  56. Haralson, M.A., Mitchell, W.M., Rhodes, R.K., and Miller, E.J.  Evidence That the Collagen Medium of Chinese Hamster Lung Cells Contains Components Related at the Primary Structural Level of the a1(V) Collagen Chain.  Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 229:509-518 (1984).
  57. Wetherall, N.T., Mitchell, W.M., and Halter, S.A.  The Antiproliferative Effects of Vitamin A on Xenotransplanted CaMa‑15 Cells.  Cancer Res. 44:2393-2397 (1984).
  58. Mitchell, W.M., Forti, R.L., Vogler, L.B., Lawton, A.R., and Gregg, C.R.  Spontaneous and Interferon Resistant Natural Killer Cell Anergy in AIDS.  AIDS Res. 1:221-229 (1984).
  59. Forti, R.L., Modovan, R.A., Mitchell, W.M., Callicoat, P.A., Schuffman, S.S., Davies, H.A., and Smith, D.M.  Objective Biological Assay of Human Interferons:  Applications to Clinical Specimens and a Survey of a Normal Population.  J. Clin. Microbiol. 21:689-693 (1985).
  60. Mitchell, W.M.  Clinical Trials of Interleukin‑2 in the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome:  Warning to Autopsy Prosectors and Other Health Care Professionals.  Human Pathol. 16:97-98 (1985).
  61. Basinger, M.A., Gibbs, S.J., Forti, R.L., Mitchell, W.M., and Jones, M.M.  Antidotes for Gold (Sodium Bis [Thiosulfato] [1]) Intoxication in Mice.  J. Rheumat. 12:274-278 (1985).
  62. Breau, A.P., Mitchell, W.M., Swinson, J., and Field, L.  Mutagenic and Cell Transformation Activities of Representative Phosphorothioate Esters In Vitro.  J. Toxicol. Environ. Health 16:403-413 (1985).
  63. Griffin, G.D., Calle, E.E., Morris, M.D., Long, E.Y., Schuffman, S.S., and Mitchell, W.M.  Inhibition of Murine Interferon Production Following In Vivo Administration of Benzo (a) Pyrene.  J. Interferon Res. 6:115-121 (1986).
  64. Jones, M.M., Basinger, M.A., Mitchell, W.M., and Bradley, C.A.  Inhibition of cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum (II) Induced Renal Toxicity in the Rat.  Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. 17:38-42 (1986).
  65. Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Infection of the HTLV‑II-bearing T‑cell Line C3 with HTLV‑II/LAV is Highly Permissive and Lytic.  Virology 155:726-731 (1986).
  66. Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Antiviral Activity of Mismatched Double-stranded RNA Against Human Immunodeficiency Virus In Vitro.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:2985-2989 (1987).
  67. Mitchell, W.M., Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., and Carter, W.A.  Mismatched Double-stranded RNA (Ampligen) Reduces Concentration of Zidovudine (Azodithymidine) Required for In Vitro Inhibition of Human Immunodeficiency Virus.  Lancet i:890-892 (1987).
  68. Carter, W.A., Brodsky, I., Pellegrino, M.G., Henriques, H.F., Parenti, D.M., Schulof, R.S., Robinson, W.E., Volsky, D., Paxton, H., Kariko, K., Suhadolnik, R.J., Strayer, D.R., Lewin, M., Einck, L., Simon, G.L., Scheib, R.G., Montefiori, D.C., Mitchell, W.M., Paul, D., Meyer, W.A. III, Reichenbach, N., and Gillespie, D.H.  Clinical, Immunological, and Virological Effects of Ampligen, a Mismatched Double-stranded RNA, in Patients with AIDS or AIDS-related Complex.  Lancet i:1286-1292 (1987).
  69. Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Persistent Co-infection of T Lymphocytes with HTLV‑II and HIV and the Role of Syncytium Formation in HIV-induced Cytopathic Effect.  Virology 160:372-378 (1987).
  70. Robinson, W.E., Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Evidence that Mannosyl Residues are Involved in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type I (HIV‑1) Pathogenesis. AIDS Res. Human Retroviruses 3:265-282 (1987).
  71. Robinson, W.E., Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  A Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV‑1) Infection-enhancing Factor in Seropositive Sera.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 149:693-699 (1987).
  72. Mitchell, W.M., Breau, A.P., Swinson, J., Field, L.  Thiono Compounds 8 Mutagenic Activity of Representative Amides of Thiophosphoric Acid In Vitro.  Phosphorus Sulphur 35:151-158 (1988).
  73. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., Schuffman, S.S., and Mitchell, W.M.  Evaluation of Antiviral Drugs and Neutralizing Antibodies Against Human Immunodeficiency Virus by a Rapid and Sensitive Microtiter Infection Assay.  J. Clin. Microbiol. 26:231-235 (1988).
  74. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., and Mitchell, W.M.  Mismatched dsRNA (Ampligen) Induces Protection Against Genomic Variants of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV‑1) In a Multiplicity of Target Cells.  Antiviral Res. 9:47-56 (1988).
  75. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Antibody Dependent Enhancement of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection.  Lancet i:790-794 (1988).
  76. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Will Antibody-dependent Enhancement of HIV‑1 Iinfection Be a Problem with AIDS Vaccines?  Lancet i:830-831 (1988).
  77. Robinson, W.E., Mitchell, W.M., Chambers, W.H., Schuffman, S.S., Montefiori, D.C., and Oeltman, T.N.  Natural Killer Cell Infection and Inactivation In Vitro by HTLV‑III/LAV.  Human Pathol. 19:535-540 (1988).
  78. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., and Mitchell, W.M.  In Vitro Evaluation of Mismatched Double-stranded RNA (Ampligen) for Combination Therapy in the Treatment of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.  AIDS Res. Human Retroviruses 5:193-203 (1989).
  79. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., Jr., and Mitchell, W.M.  Role of Protein N‑Glycosylation in Pathogenesis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV‑1).  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 85:9248-9252 (1988).
  80. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Montefiori, D.C., Gillespie, D.H., and Mitchell, W.M.  Complement-mediated, Antibody-dependent Enhancement of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV‑1) Infection In Vitro Accelerates Viral RNA and Protein Synthesis and Infectious Virus Production.  J. Acquired Immune Def. Synd. 2:33-42 (1989).
  81. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Montefiori, D.C., Mitchell, W.M., Prince, A.M., Alter, H.J., Dreesman, G.R., and Eichberg, J.W.  Antibody-dependent Enhancement of HIV‑1 Infection In Vitro by Sera from HIV‑1 Infected and Passively-immunized Chimpanezees.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86:4710-4714 (1989).
  82. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., Jr., and Mitchell, W.M.  Antibody-independent, Complement-mediated Enhancement of HIV‑1 Infection by Mannosidase I and II Inhibitors.  Antiviral Res. 11:137-146 (1989).
  83. Montefiori, D.C., Pellegrino, M.G., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Engle, K., Field, M., Mitchell, W.M., and Gillespie, D.H.  Inhibition of HIV‑1 Proviral DNA Synthesis and RNA Accumulation and Mismatched dsRNA.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 158:943-950 (1989).
  84. Prince, A.M., Saunders, A., Pascual, D., Andrus, L., Bianco, C., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Mechanisms for the Failure of Passively Administered Neutralizing Antibodies to Protect Against HIV Challenge in the Chimpanzee Model.  In, Vaccines 89, Modern Approaches to New Vaccines Including Prevention of AIDS (Lerner, R.A., Ginsberg, H., Chanock, R.M., and Brown, F., eds.), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, pp. 195-199 (1989).
  85. Montefiori, D.C., Sobol, R.W., Li, S.W., Reichenbach, N.L., Suhadolnik, R.J., Charubala, R., Pfleiderer, W., Robinson, W.E., Jr., and Mitchell, W.M.  Inhibition of HIV‑1 Reverse Transcriptase and Infection In Vitro by Structural and Phosphothioate Stereochemical Analogues of 2',5'‑Oligoadenylate.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86:7191-7194 (1989).
  86. Suhadolnik, R.J., Lebleu.,B., Pfleiderer, W., Charubala, R., Montefiori, D.C., Mitchell, W.M., Sobol, R.W., Li, S.W., Kariko, K., and Reichenbach, N.L.  Phosphorothioate Analogs of 2‑5A:  Activation/Inhibition of RNase L and Inhibition of HIV‑2 Reverse Transcriptate.  Nucleosides Nucleotides 8:987-990 (1989).
  87. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Kawamura, T., Gorny, M.K., Montefiori, D.C., Mitchell, W.M., Lake, D., Su, J.‑Y., Matsumoto, Y., Sugano, T., Masuho, Y., Hersh, E., and Zolla-Pazner, S.  Human Monoclonal Antibodies to HIV‑1 Enhance HIV‑1 Infection In Vitro.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87:3185-3189 (1990).
  88. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Complement-mediated, Antibody-dependent Enhancement of HIV‑1 Infection Requires CD4 and Complement Receptors.  Virology 175:600-604 (1990).
  89. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Hirsch, V.M., Modliszewski, A., Mitchell, W.M., and Johnson, P.R.  Antibody-dependent Enhancement of SIV Infection In Vitro by Plasma from SIV Infected Rhesus Macaques.  J. Virol. 64:113-119 (1990).
  90. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Modliszewski, A., Rowland, J.M., Schuffman, S.S., and Mitchell, W.M.  Differential Inhibition of HIV‑1 Cell Binding and HIV‑1 Induced Syncytium Formation by Low Molecular Weight Sulfated Polysaccharides.  J. Antimicrob. Chemotherapy 25:313-318 (1990).
  91. Zolla-Pazner, S., Gorny, M.K., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Mitchell, W.M., Weinhold, K., Tyler, D.S., Till, M., Uhr, J.W., and Vitetta, E.S.  Generation of Human Monoclonal Antibodies to HIV and Characterization of Their Biological Activities.  In, Vaccines 90:  Modern Approaches to New Vaccines Including Prevention of AIDS (Lerner, R.A., Ginsberg, H., Chanock, R.M., and Brown, F., eds.), Cold-Spring Harbor Laboratory, pp. 263-267, (1990).
  92. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Modliszewski, A., and Mitchell, W.M.  Effective Inactivation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus with Chlorhexidine Antiseptics Containing Detergents and Alcohol.  J. Hosp. Infect. 15:279-282 (1990).
  93. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Kawamura, T., Lake, D., Masuho, Y., Mitchell, W.M., and Hersh, E.M.  Antibodies to the Primary Immunodominant Domain of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV‑1) Glycoprotein 41 Enhance HIV‑1 Infection In Vitro.  J. Virol. 64:5301-5305 (1990).
  94. Zolla-Pazner, S., Hersh, E., Mitchell, W.M., and Robinson, W.E.  Antibody-dependent Enhancement of HIV and SIV Infection:  Domain Marking and Vaccines.  Cinguieme Colloque des Cent Gardes. pp. 161-167 (1990).
  95. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Hirsch, V.M., Modliszewski, A., Mitchell, W.M., and Johnson, P.R.  Antibody-dependent Enhancement of SIV Infection:  Further Characterization and Cross Reactivity between Macaque and Sooty Mangabey Isolates.  J. Med. Primatol. 19:269-278 (1990).
  96. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Gorny, M.K., Xu, J.‑Y., Mitchell, W.M., and Zolla-Pazner, S.  Two Immunodominant Domains of gp41 Bind Antibodies Which Enhance HIV‑1 Infection In Vitro.  J. Virol. 65:4169-4176 (1991).
  97. Crouse, J.A., and Mitchell, W.M.  Interferon‑g Receptor:  mRNA Half-life, Receptor Mass and Abundance on A431 Human Epidermoid Carcinoma Cells.  J. Interferon Res. 12:23-25 (1992).
  98. Gabriel, J.L., and Mitchell, W.M.  Proposed Atomic Structure of a Truncated HIV gp120 Derived by Molecular Modeling:  Target CD4 Recognition and Docking Mechanism.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90:4186-4190 (1993).
  99. D’Souza, M.P., Geyer, S.J., Hanson, C.V., Hendry, R.M., Milman, G., and Collaborating Investigators.  Evaluation of Monoclonal Antibodies to HIV‑1 Envelope by Neutralization and Binding Assays:  An International Collaboration AIDS 8:169-181 (1994).
  100. Strayer, D.R., Carter, W., Strauss, K.I., Brodsky, I., Suhadolnik, R.J., Ablashi, D., Henry, B., Mitchell, W.M., Bastien, S., and Peterson, D.  Long Term Improvements in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treated with Ampligen.  J. Chronic Fatigue Syn. 1:35 (1995).
  101. Mitchell, W.M., Torres, J., Johnson, P.R., Hirsch, V., Yilma, T., Gardner, M.B., and Robinson, Jr., W.E. Antibodies to the Putative SIV Infection-Enhancing Domain Diminish Beneficial Effects of an SIV gp160 Vaccine in Rhesus Macaques.  AIDS 9:27-34 (1995).
  102. Gabriel, J.L., and Mitchell, W.M.  HIV GP120 Docking Interactions and Inhibitor Design Based on an Atomic Structure Derived by Molecular Modeling Using the DREIDING II Force Field, in Protein Folds, A Distance-Based Approach (Bohr, H. and Brunak, S., eds) CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 294-307 (1995).
  103. Mitchell, W.M., Rosenbloom, S.T., and Gabriel, J.  Induction of Mucosal Anti-HIV Anti­bodies by Facilitated Transfection of Airway Epithelium with Lipospermine/DNA Complexes.  Immunotechnology 1:211-219 (1995).
  104. Gorny, M.K., Keler, T., Burda, S., Williams, C., Gabriel, J.L., Mitchell, W.M., Deo, Y.M., and Zolla-Pazner, S.  Functional Studies of Bispecific Antibodies Directed Against HIV‑1 and the Fcg I Receptor, in Development and Applications of Vaccines and Gene Therapy in AIDS (eds. G. Giraldo, D. Bolognesi, M. Salvatore, and E. Beth-Giraldo); S. Karger, Switzerland, pgs 173-183 (1996); Ibid, Antibiotics and Chemotherapy 48:173-183 (1996).
  105. Gabriel, J.L., and Mitchell, W.M.  Functional Design of Potential Inhibitors of HIV Binding to CD4+ Target Cells:  A Molecular Model of gp120 Predicts Ligand Binding.  Drug Design & Discovery 14:103-114 (1996).
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  35. Forti, R.L., Mitchell, W.M., Workman, R., Hubbard, W., and Oates, J.A.  Oxyphenbutazone:  A Potent Inhibitor of Human and Interferon Activity.  Second International Congress for Interferon Research (Abstract No. 23), San Francisco (1981).
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  42. Forti, R.L., and Mitchell, W.M.  Antiviral, Antigrowth, and NK Cell Activation Properties of the Human Interferons are Not Mediated by a Common Mechanism.  Third International Congress for Interferon Research (Abstract No. 79), Miami, FL (1982).
  43. Wetherall, N.T., Reiss, T.F., Mitchell, W.M., and Halter, S.A.  Growth Inhibitory Effects of Natural Retinoids on Cultured Human Mammary Cell Lines.  Fed. Proc. 41:622 (1982).
  44. Parl, F.F., Wetherall, N.T., Mitchell, W.M., and Richardson, L.D.  Die Oestrogenrezeptor-Analyse des Mammakarzinoms—Ein Vergleich der Biochemische und Histologischen Methoden.  Verh. Dtsch. Ges. Path. 66 (1982).
  45. Mitchell, W.M., Forti, R.L., Forbes, J.T., Workman, R., and Hubbard, W.  The Pleiotropic Activities of the Human Interferons (IFNs) are Mediated by Multiple Pathways Which Do Not Involve Cyclooxygenase Products.  1983 Winter Prostaglandin Conference, Keystone, CO.  Ibid. Fed. Proc. 42:1302, Abs. 5923 (1983).
  46. Wetherall, N.T., Mitchell, W.M., and Halter, S.A.  Therapeutic Effect of Vitamin A on Xenotransplanted Tumors in Nude Rats.  Fed. Proc. 42:801, Abs. 2978 (1983).
  47. Mitchell, W.M., Forti, R.L., Lawton, A.R., Vogler, L.B., Stratton, C.D., and Gregg, C.R.  Spontaneous and Interferon Resistant Natural Killer Cell Anergy in AIDS.  J. Cell. Biochem. 8A:15, Abs. 0026 (1984).
  48. Mitchell, W.M., Black, J.W., Schuffman, S.S., Keller, R.E., Greene, B.R., and Lefkowitz, L.B.  IgG Anti-HTLV‑III Sera from Male Homosexuals Cross Reacts with LAV.  CDC Intl. Conf. on AIDS, Atlanta, GA, April (1985).
  49. Mitchell, W.M., Robinson, W.E., Chambers, W.H., Schuffman, S.S., Montefiori, D.C., and Oeltman, T.N.  Natural Killer Cell Infection and Inactivation by HTLV‑III/LAV.  J. Cell. Biochem. Supp. 10A (Abs. D70):203 (1986).  Ibid. Int. Conf. AIDS, Paris (1986).
  50. Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Relative Effectiveness of the Human Interferons Versus Mismatched Double-stranded RNA in Protecting CEM Cells from Infection by HTLV‑III/LAV.  Int. Conf. AIDS, Paris (1986).
  51. Griffin, G., Calle, E.E., Morris, M.D., Long, K.Y., Schuffman, S.S., and Mitchell, W.M.  In Vivo Inhibition of Interferon Production by Benyo (A) Pyrene.  6th Int. Congress of Immunology. (Abs. 5.43.5):691, Toronto, Canada (1986).
  52. Mitchell, W.M., Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., and Carter, W.A.  Mismatched Double-stranded RNA (Ampligen) Protects Target Cells from HIV Infection and Reduces the Concentration of 3'‑Azido-3'‑deoxythymidine (AZT) Required for Virustatic Activity.  III Intl. Conf. on AIDS, Washington, DC (Abs. MP5) (1987); Ibid. International Virology Congress, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (1987).
  53. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., and Mitchell, W.M.  Modification of HIV N‑Glycosylation by the a‑Mannosidase Inhibitor Swainsonine.  III Intl. Conf. on AIDS, Washington, DC (Abs. MP6) (1987); Ibid. International Virology Congress, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (1987).
  54. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., and Mitchell, W.M.  Persistant Co-infection of T‑Lympho­cytes with HTLV‑II and HIV and the Role of Syncytium Formation in HIV-induced Cytopathic Effect.  III Intl. Conf. on AIDS, Washington, DC (Abs. TP 98) (1987); Ibid. International Virology Congress, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (1987).
  55. Robinson, W.E., Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Utilization of the Highly Permissive C3 Cell Line in Rapid Serum Neutralization Assays.  III Intl. Conf. on AIDS, Washington, DC (Abs. WP 97) (1987); Ibid. International Virology Congress, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (1987).
  56. Robinson, W.E., Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Select Lectins Inactivate HIV In Vitro.  III Intl. Conf. on AIDS, Washington, DC (Abs. THP1) (1987); Ibid. International Virology Congress, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (1987).
  57. Crouse, J.A., and Mitchell, W.M.  A Comparison of Methods for the Identification of Hu‑IFN‑gamma Receptor Species.  J.I.R. 7:767 (II‑32) Washington, DC (1987).
  58. Pellegrino, M.G., Montefiori, D.C., Mitchell, W.M., and Gillespie, D.H.  Inhibition of HIV‑1 RNA Accumulation by Poly (I):  Poly (C12,U) (Ampligen).  Genetic Mechanisms and Cancer Meetings, University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Hospital (1987).
  59. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Potential Prognostic Value of HIV‑1 Infection-enhancing Antibody in HIV‑1 Seropositive Serum.  IVth International Conference on AIDS, Stockholm, Sweden (1988).
  60. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Characterization of an HIV‑1 Infection-enhancing Factor in HIV‑1 Seropositive Serum.  IVth International Conference on AIDS, Stockholm, Sweden (1988).
  61. Montefiori, D.C., Sobol, R.W., Jr., Kariko, K., Li, S.W. Suhadolnik, R.J., Charubula, R., Pfleiderer, W., Robinson, W.E., Jr., and Mitchell, W.M.  Inhibition of HIV‑1 Reverse Transcriptase and In Vitro Replication by Structural and 2',5'‑Phosphorothioate Stereochemical Analogs of 2',5'‑Oligoadenylate.  IVth International Conference on AIDS, Stockholm, Sweden (1988).
  62. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., Jr., and Mitchell, W.M.  The Role of Protein N‑Glycosylation in HIV Pathogenesis In Vitro.  IVth International Conference on AIDS, Stockholm, Sweden (1988).
  63. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Schuffman, S.S., Modliszewski, A., and Mitchell, W.M.  A Simple, Rapid Microtiter Infection Assay for HIV‑1 and Application to Quantitating Viral Titers, Antiviral Activity and HIV‑1 Neutralizing and Infection-enhancing Antibodies.  IVth International Conference on AIDS, Stockholm, Sweden (1988).
  64. Mitchell, W.M., Strayer, D.R., Schulof, R.S., Mansell, P., Montefiori, D.C., Simon, G.L., Brodsky, I., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Henriques, H.F., Einck, L., Gillespie, D.H., and Carter, W.A.  The Activity of Mismatched Double-stranded RNA (Ampligen) as an Antiviral and Immunomodulating Agent in HIV-induced Disease.  International Symposium: Basic and Clinical Approaches to Virus Chemotherapy, Helsinki, Finland (1988).
  65. Rowland, J.M., Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Graham, B.S., Modliszewski, A., and Mitchell, W.M.  Anti-fusion Activity of Serum from HIV-infected Persons.  28th ICAAC, Los Angeles, California (1988).
  66. Mitchell, W.M., Montefiori, D.C., Sobol, R.W., Jr., Li, S.W., Reichenbach, N.L., Charubala, R., Pleiderer, W., Robinson, W.E., Jr., and Suhadolnik, R.J.  Structure/funtion Relationships of 2‑5A Analogues for Inhibition of HIV‑1 Reverse Transcriptase and Infection In Vitro.  UCLA Symposium on Human Retroviruses, Tamarron, Colorado, J. Cell. Biochem. (1989).
  67. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Montefiori, D.C., Prince, A., Eichberg, J.W., and Mitchell, W.M.  Complement-mediated, Antibody-dependent Enhancement of HIV‑1 Infectin In Vitro.  UCLA Symposium on Human Retroviruses, Tamarron, Colorado.  J. Cell. Biochem. (1989).
  68. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Montefiori, D.C., Prince, A., Eichberg, J.W., and Mitchell, W.M.  Complement-mediated, Antibody-dependent Enhancement of HIV‑1 Infection In Vitro by Sera from HIV‑1 Infected and Passively Immunized Chimpanzees.  International Symposium on Animal Models in AIDS, The Netherlands (1989).
  69. Mitchell, W.M., Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Modliszewski, A., and Lefkowitz, L.B., Jr.  Inverse Correlation of Complement-mediated, Antibody-dependent Enhancing Titers with Stage of Disease in Individuals Infected with HIV‑1.  Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada (1989).
  70. Kawamura, T., Lake, D., Robinson, E., Petersen, E., Mitchell, W., and Hersh, E.  A Hybridoma Producing Human Monoclonal IgG Neutralizes the HTLV‑IIIB Isolate In Vitro.  V Intl. Conf. on AIDS, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (1989).
  71. Mitchell, W.M., Montefiori, D.L., Sobol R.W., Jr., Wu, S., Reichenbach, N.L., Charubala, R., Pfleiderer, W., Robinson, W.E., Jr., and Suhadolnik, R.J.  Structure/Function Relationships of 2‑5A Analogues for INhibition of HIV‑1 Reverse Transcriptase and Infection In Vivo.  J. Cell. Biochem. 513B:305 (1989).
  72. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Complement-mediated, Antibody-dependent Enhancement of HIV‑1 Infection In Vitro.  UCLA Molecular Biology Symposium:  Human Retroviruses, Tamarron, CO, J. Cell. Biochem. 513B:259 (1989).
  73. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Lake, D., Montefiori, D.C., Masuho, Y., Kawamura, T., Mitchell, W.M., and Hirsh, E.  A Human Monoclonal Antibody Against Envelope Glycoprotein of HIV‑1 Enhances HIV‑1 Infection In Vitro.  Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada (1989).
  74. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Gorney, M.K., Xu, J.‑Y., Montefiori, D.C., Mitchell, W.M., and Zolla-Pazner, S.  A Human Monoclonal Antibody Against HIV‑1 Transmembrane Enhancement (C'‑ADE) of HIV‑1 Infection In Vitro.  Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada (1989).
  75. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Montefiori, D.C., and Mitchell, W.M.  Complement Receptor Type 2 (CR‑2) Is a Receptor for In Vitro Complement-mediated, Antibody-dependent Enhance­ment (C'‑ADE) of HIV‑1 Infection.  Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada (1989).
  76. Graham, B., Rowland, J., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Montefiori, D.C., Mitchell, W.M., Wright, P. and the NIAID Vaccine Evaluation Group.  Functional Antibody Response in Persons Immunized with Baculovirus-Derived GP160.  Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada  (1989).
  77. Montefiori, D.C., Suhadolnik, R.J., Sobol, R.W., Jr., Reichenbach, N.L., Charubala, R., Pfleiderer, W., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Modliszewski, A., Altmeyer, B., Hubbard, B., and Mitchell, W.M.  New Analogues of 2',5'‑Oligoadenylate with Improved Anti-HIV‑1 Activity In Vitro.  Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada (1989).
  78. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Modliszewski, A., and Mitchell, W.M.  Identification and Characterization of Complement-mediated Enhancement of HIV‑1 Infection by Mannosidase I and II Inhibitors.  Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada (1989).
  79. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Montefiori, D.C., Mitchell, W.M., Hersh, E., and Zolla-Pazner, S.  Complement-mediated, Antibody-dependent Enhancement (C'‑ADE) of HIV‑1 Infection In Vitro Caused by Human Monoclonal Antibodies to HIV‑1 Transmembrane Glycoprotein, gp41.  Second Annual Meeting of the National Cooperative Vaccine Development Group for AIDS, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (1989).
  80. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Hirsch, V.M., Modliszewski, A., Mitchell, W.M., and Johnson, P.R.  Antibody-dependent Enhancement of SIV Infection by Plasma from SIV Infected Rhesus Macaques.  Symposium on Non-human Primate Models for AIDS, Beaverton, OR (1989).
  81. Montefiori, D.C., Robinson, W.E., Jr., Modliszewski, A., and Mitchell, W.M.  Loss of Castanospermine's Anti-HIV Activity in the Presence of Fresh Human Serum.  New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY (1989).
  82. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Gorny, M., Lake, D., Mitchell, W.M., Zolla-Pazner, S., and Hersh, E.  Two Immunodominant Domains ithin the HIV‑1 gp41 Transmembrane Glycoprotein Bind Infection-enhancing Antibodies.  UCLA Molecular Biology Symposium on HIV and AIDS, Keystone, CO, J. Cell. Biochem. (1990).
  83. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Lake, D., Gorny, M.K., Horton, L., Montefiori, D.C., Zolla-Pazner, S., Hersh, E., and Mitchell, W.M.  Two Immunodominant Domains of the HIV‑1 Trans­membrane Glycoprotein, gp41, Bind Antibodies which Enhance HIV‑1 Infection In Vitro.  Sixth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, CA, USA, Th.A. 78 (1990).
  84. Mitchell, W.M., and Robinson, W.E., Jr.  Adverse Immune Responses to Antimicrobial Vaccines and the Design and Implementation of a Safe and Efficacious HIV Vaccine.  Third Annual San Marino Conference, Vaccines and AIDS, Republic of San Marino, October 7‑11 (1990).
  85. Mitchell, W.M., and Gabriel, J.L.  A Predicted Molecular Topography of the HIV Type 1 Envelope Glycoprotein gp‑120.  FASEB J. 5:#1617 (1991).
  86. Mitchell, W.M., and Gabriel, J.L.  Molecular Modeling of gp120:  Comparison of Predicted Molecular Topography with Functional Properties of the Molecule.  Seventh International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, M.A. 1169 (1991).
  87. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Hirsch, V.M., Horton, L., Mitchell, W.M., and Johnson, P.  Functional Conservation Between Domains Mediating Antibody-dependent Enhancement of HIV‑1, HIV‑2, and SIV.  Seventh International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, TH.A. 27 (1991).
  88. Robinson, W.E., Jr., and Mitchell, W.M.  Antibody-dependent Enhancement of SIV Infection:  Domain Mapping.  Keystone Symposium on Prevention and Treatment of AIDS, Keystone, CO, J. Cell. Biochem. 16E:71 (1992).
  89. Robinson, W.E., Jr., and Mitchell, W.M.  Functional Interactions Between CD4 and CR2 (CD21):  Role In Enhanced In Vitro Lentivirus Infections.  Keystone Symposium on Cell Biology of Virus Entry, Replication and Pathogenesis.  J. Cell. Biochem. 16C:124 (1992).
  90. Mitchell, W.M., and Gabriel, J.L.  Cleavage of the GR*AFV Sequence of GP120 Results in a Predicted Conformational Change Leading to Tighter CD4 Binding.  Ninth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, WS‑A01-6 (1993).
  91. Mitchell, W.M., and Gabriel, J.L.  Conformational Dynamics of HIV gp120 Docking with the CD4 Receptor.  American Chemical Society 46th Southeast Regional Meeting.  Birmingham, Alabama.  Oct. 16-19 (1994).
  92. Mitchell, W.M., and Rosenbloom, T.  Induction of Mucosal and Humoral Anti-HIV Responses with HIV env-DNA.  Keystone Symposium on Mucosal Immunity:  New Strategies for Protection Against Viral and Bacterial Pathogens.  Jan 1995, Keystone, CO, J. Cell Biochem. Suppl. 19A:J1-226.
  93. Robinson, W.E., Jr., Gardner M.B., and Mitchell, W.M.  The Humoral Immune Response to Lentivirus (HIV and SIV) GP41 Transmembrane Glycoprotein is Detrimental to the Host.  Molecular Aspects of Viral Immunity.  Jan 1995, Keystone CO, J. Cell Biochem. Suppl. 19A:J2-231.
  94. Mitchell, W.M., Ding, L., and Baird, C.  Induction of Mucosal and Systemic Immune Response to HIV GP160 By Genetic Vaccination.  July 1996, XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, BC, CANADA.
  95. Sriram, S., Yao, S.-Y., Stratton, C.W., Mitchell, W.M.: Chlamydia pneumoniae infection of the     CNS in patients with relapsing remitting MS. Abstract S78.002. Presented at the Annual           Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Toronto, Canada, 1999.                                                                                                 
  96. King, L.E., Jr., Stratton, C.W., Mitchell, W.M.: Chlamydia pneumoniae and chronic skin      infections. Presented at the Montagne Symposium on Emerging Pathogens, Snowmass, CO, 2000. 
  97. Mitchell, W.M.: Anti-HIV and Immunomodulatory Properties of Poly(I):Poly(C12U)/ In Vitro and In Vivo Basis for Phase 2/3 Clinical Trials. Fall 2000 Minisymposium KY-TN Amer.Soc Microbiol., Memphis, Nov. 3-4, 2000.
  98. Alberts, D.L., Stratton, C.W., Mitchell, W.M., Franke, J.J. Potential Role of Chlamydia pneumoniae in the Pathogenesis of Interstial Cystitis. Soc. Urodynamics and Female Urology, Anaheim, CA, June 2001.
  99. Mitchell, W.M., Blick,G, Strayer,D, Carter,WA and AMP 720 Investigators. A Phase IIB Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Study Evaluating AMPLIGEN During Structured Treatment Interruption (STI) of HAART in HIV Infection. 16th International Conference on Antiviral Research, Savannah, GA, April 25-May 1, 2003
  100. Barnard DL, Hubbard VD, Strayer DR, Carter WA, and Mitchell, WM. High Activity of Human Leukocyte Derived Interferon alfa-n3 (Alferon®) on the Replication of SARS Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in African Green Monkey Kidney Cells. Ninth International Antiviral Symposium and Workshop. November 9-12, 2003 (Antalya, Turkey).
  101. Carter, W, Strayer,D, Mitchell, WM, Stevens,S, and AMP516 Investigators. Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blinded Clinical Trial in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Shows Significant Improvement in Exercise Treadmill Duration with Ampligen Compared to Placebo. 17th International Conference on Antiviral Research, Tucson, AZ. Late Breaker Abstract 5, May 3, 2004.
  102. Mitchell,WM, Strayer,D, Stevens,S, and Carter,W. Corrrelation of Increased Oxygen Utilization with Enhanced Treadmill Performance in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as a Function of Ampligen. 18th International Conference on Antiviral Research, Barcelona, Spain. LB-02, April 11, 2005.
  103. Hideki Hasegawa, Takeshi Ichinohe, David Strayer, William Carter, and William Mitchell The TLR3 Agonist, Poly I: Poly C12U, Provides  Nasal Adjuvant Activity to a Vaccine Directed Against Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus. VIII International Symposium on Respiratory Viruses. Hawaii March 16-19, 2006.
  104. David Strayera, Mei-June Liaoa, William Cartera, Pieter Faberb, Henry Wuc, Karam Mounzerd, Tommy Tonge, and William Mitchellf DNA Microarray Analysis of the Systemic Activity of a Low Dose Oral Natural Alpha Interferon (alfa-n3): Potential Application to Pandemic Influenza. VIII International Symposium on Respiratory      Viruses. Hawaii March 16-19, 2006.
  105. William Mitchella,  Donald Smeeb, David Strayerc, and William Carterc Synergistic Inhibition of Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) by Poly I: Poly C12U Combined with Oseltamivir or Zanamivir. VIII International Symposium on Respiratory Viruses. Hawaii March 16-19, 2006.
  106. William Mitchell and The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Consortium. Review of AMPLIGEN Clinical Trials in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The 5th International Conference on HHV-  6 & 7. Barcelona, Spain, May 1-3rd, 2006. J. Clin. Virol.(in press).
  107. William Mitchell. Review of Ampligen As An Antiviral and Immunomodulator. The 5th International Conference on HHV-    6 & 7. Barcelona, Spain, May 1-3rd, 2006. J. Clin.    Virol.(in press).
  108. William M. Mitchell and Charles W. Stratton. Cryptic Infection by Chlamydia pneumoniae: Eradication Strategies for the Evaluation of Its Role in the Pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis. Satellite Symposium on Infections in MS at the 18th International Conference on Antiviral Research, Barcelona, Spain. May 4, 2006.
  109. William Mitchell. Targeting toll-like receptor 3 for human therapy. Death, Danger, and Immunity International Conference. Pasteur Institute. Paris, March 8-9, 2007.
  110. W Carter, D Strayer, J Tsai, W Mitchell, K Stittelaar, J Simon, and A Osterhaus. Reduction of the Primary Atypical Pneumonia Associated with Infection by Avian (H5N1) Highly Pathogenic Influenza Virus (HPAI) by Low Dose Natural Human IFN-a (Alferon LDO) Administered to the Bucal Mucosa of Cynomolgus Macaques. Second Anti-Avian Influenza  Conference. Pasteur Institute, Paris. May 31-June1, 2007.
  111. Mitchell, WM, Strayer, DS, and Carter, AW. Toll-like receptor (TLR) Agonists and the induction of the innate immune response. Ehrlich II World Conference on Magic Bullets. Nuernberg, Germany. October 3-5, 2008.
  112. Schutz E., Beck j., Mitchell W.M., and Urnovitz H.B. Comparative analysis of the chromosomal origins of circulating nucleic acids in breast and prostate cancer. J. Clin. Oncology 2010 May; 28 (15S):10505.
  113. William M. Mitchell, Julia Beck, Howard B Urnovitz, Ekkehard Schuetz. High Sensitivity and Specificity of Chromosomal Pertubations in Human Invasive Breast Cancer (BrCa) Associated with Circulating Nucleic Acids (CNA) Using Concatemers of Short Sequence DNA Tags in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). ASIP Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology 2011. April 9-13, 2011, Washington, DC.
  114. David R. Strayer, Ekkehard Schütz , Julia Beck, Howard Urnovitz, William A. Carter, William M. Mitchell.  A Novel Diagnostic Approach for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome at the Nucleic Acid Level. 10th International IACFS/ME Conference: Translating Evidence into Practice. Ottawa, Canada September 22-25, 2011.
  115. Julia Beck, Ekkehard Schütz, Howard B Urnovitz, Adel Tabchy, William M. Mitchell,  Gordon B Mills, Funda Meric-Bernstein. Cell-free DNA Copy Number Variations as a Marker for Breast Cancer in a Large Study Cohort. J Clin Oncology 2013 May 31 (15S): 11013.
  116. Howard B Urnovitz, Julia Beck, Ekkehard Schütz, Gopal Singh, William M. Mitchell, Gildy Babiera Kuerer, Gordon B Mills, Funda Meric-Bernstein. Modulation of Breast Cancer Cell-free DNA with Surgical Resection. J Clin Oncology 2013 May: 31(15S): 11060.
  117. Ekkehard Schütz, Mohammad R Akbari, Julia Beck, Howard B Urnovitz, William Zang, William M. Mitchell, Robert Nam, Steven A Narod. Quantifying Copy Number Variations in Cell-free DNA for Potential Clinical utility from a Large Prostate Cancer Cohort. J Clin Oncology 2013 May: 31(15S): 5072.
  118. Qinfang Liu, J. Ma, David R. Strayer, William M. Mitchell, Robert. Dickey, William A. Carter, Wenjun Ma, Juergen A. Richt. Alferon is Active Against Both Wild-type and Oseltamivir Resistant  Avian H7N9 Influenza Virus. Options for the Control of Influenza VIII. Cape Town, South Africa. 5-100 September, 2013.
  119. Qinfang Liu, J. Ma, David R. Strayer, William M. Mitchell, Robert. Dickey, William A. Carter, Wenjun Ma, Juergen A. Richt. Natural Human Interferon (α-n3) is Active Against Both Wild-type and Oseltamivir Resistant  Avian H7N9 Influenza Virus. ICAAC 2013, Denver. Late-breaker V-839b, September 10-13, 2013.
  120. David Strayer, William A. CarterBruce C. Stouch, Koert J. Stittelaar, Robert J.M.M. Thoolen, Albert D.M.E. Osterhaus,, William M. Mitchell.  Protection from Pulmonary Tissue Damage Associated with Infection of Cynomolgus Macaques by Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) by Low Dose Natural Human IFN-a Administered to the Buccal Mucosa. Keystone Symposia on Innate Immunity to Viral Infections. Keystone, CO. January 19-24, 2014. (Talk/Poster).
  121. Howard B. Urnovitz, Julia Beck, Kirsten Bornemann-Kolatzki, Brent E Richardson, John H Lee, William Marvin Mitchell, Ekkehard Schütz. Detection of novel HPV mutations and chromosomal number imbalance (CNI) in laryngeal cancer using next-generation sequencing (NGS). J Clin Oncol 32:5s, 2014 (suppl; abstr 6072).
  122. Julia Beck, Jochen Gaedcke, Howard B. Urnovitz, Kirsten Bornemann-Kolatzki, Marian Grade, William M. Mitchell, Michael Ghadimi, Ekkehard Schütz. Comprehensive analyses of rectal cancer genomes to reveal copy number variations as potential predictor of induction therapy efficacy. J Clin Oncol 32, 2014 (suppl; abstr e14549).
  123. William M. Mitchell. The Unique Role of TLR3 Agonists and Its Induced Products of Innate Immunity as Pharmaceutical Agents Efficacious Against Highly Lethal Emerging Viruses. Virology World Congress. San Antonio, TX, October 6-8, 2014.
  124. Kundranda MN, Beck, J, Braun, DP, Urnovitz, HB, Mitchell, WM, Schuetz, E. Role of genomic change index (GCI) and liquid biopsies in predicting and monitoring response to therapy in advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). ASCO GI Symposium. San Francisco, CA. January 15-17, 2015.



William Marvin Mitchell, PhD

Professor of Pathology, Microbiology, & Immunology


  • :615-322-3238

  • DEPARTMENTVanderbilt University