
Dr. Luwen Zhang is a virologist and pathologist.  Dr. Zhang was born in Shandong, China and moved to US for the pursuit of higher education. He was trained as a biochemist and obtained PhD from the University of Kansas. He moved to the University of North Carolina and trained in the area of Epstein-Barr virusand cell transformation.  Dr. Zhang is now a professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He is also a member of Nebraska Center for Virology as well as Eppley Cancer Center. Dr. Zhang has continued his original work and further expanded his research into another virus, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. His research on virus and host interactions reveals the secretsthat virus uses to keep the virus alive in host and transform normal cells into cancerous ones. His work is supported by the National Institute of Health, Department of Defense and other funding agencies.


Luwen Zhang, PhD

Professor of Biological Sciences


  • :(402) 472-5905
  • :(402) 472-3323

  • DEPARTMENT University of Nebraska – Lincoln