Professional Activities

Editorial Boards

2004-Present Editorial Board member Molecular and Cellular Biology
2011-Present   Editorial Board member World Journal of Hematology
2011-Present Editorial Board member American Journal of Molecular Biology
2012-Present   Editorial Board member Journal of Infectious Disease and Therapy
2013-Present Editorial Board member Journal of Immunology and Clinical Research
2014-Present   Senior Editor Cancer Vaccines
2014-Present  Editorial Board Member International Journal of Vaccines and Immunization

Journal Referee Activity:

Reviewer for the following journals, number of manuscripts reviewed is in parentheses
PNAS (3), Mol. Cell. Biol. (61). Nucl. Acids Res. (12), J. Biol. Chem (3),  J. Cell Biochem. (1), Genetics (2), Blood (17), Current Biology (1), EMBO J. (1), Genes Dev. (2), Biochem. Biophys. Acta. (1), Cytogenetic  and Genome Research (1), Trends in Genetics (1), Developmental Biology (1) PLOS Biology (1) Developmental Dynamics (1), Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling (1), PLOSone (3), J. Cell Phys (2), PLOS genetics (1), FASEB J (2), Experimental Hematology (2) Gene Therapy (2), International Immunopharmacology (13), Stem Cell Reviews and Reports (1), Clinical and Vaccine Immunology (4), DNA and Cell Biology (2), Scientific World Journal (1), Clinical Microbiology Reviews (2) International Journal of Hyperthermia (1) International Journal of Cancer (2) Am. Assoc. Pharm. Science Journal (1), Laboratory Investigations (2) Immunological Letters (1) Food and Function (1) immunological investigations (1) Journal of Leukocyte Biology (1) Symbiosis Open Journal of Immunology (1) Molecular Cancer Therapeutics (1)

Awards and Honors:




NRSA postdoctoral fellowship


Scholars Award, American Society of Hematology


Burroughs-Wellcome Career Development Award

Invited Presentations:
International Location:



2004 Hemoglobin regulation    University of Montreal

Montreal, Canada

2004  Hemoglobin regulation    Hemoglobin Switching meeting Oxford, UK
2005 Hemoglobin regulation   Gordon Red Cell Conference   Tilton NH
2005 Hemoglobin regulation   Gordon Epigenetics Conference    

Holderness, NH

2006 Hemoglobin regulation     Hemoglobin Switching meeting    Seattle, WA
2008 Hemoglobin regulation   Hemoglobin Switching meeting       Oxford, UK
2013 Hyperthermia and immune  International Hyperthermia Soc. 


2013   Nanotechnology in Cancer   Gordon Research Conference 

Mt. Snow, VT

National location:

1999 Hemoglobin Switching  UMass Med. Ctr. Worcester, MA
2000   Hemoglobin Switching Yale University New Haven, CT
2000  Hemoglobin Switching Hemoglobin Switching Medical Center Syracuse, NY
2001  Making and using Transgenic
Mice in Research
NIH-NIDDK Washington, DC
2001 Recombinase Mediated Cassette Exchange Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Bronx, NY

2001 Establishing a Lab NIH-NIDDK

Washington, DC

2003 Hemoglobin Switching NY Medical College Valhala NY
2006 Epigenetic Histone Marks Childrens Hospital Oakland Research Inst.              

Oakland, CA

2006 Hemoglobin Switching University of Florida Gainseville, FL
2007 Epigenetic mechanisms of obesity Pennington  
2010  Tumor Immunology University of Vermont Burlington, VT
2010  Tumor Immunology NY Medical College

Valhalla, NY

2011 Tumor Immunology NY Immunology Conf. Lake George, NY
2011 Eagle-I: discovering invisible Nat’l INBRE PI/PC Conf. Washington, DC

Regional / Local Location:

1999 Amos Fortune Forum       Molecular Biology  Jaffrey, NH     
2000  Hemoglobin Switching Pathology Dept.


2000  Hemoglobin Switching Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic   

Nashua, NH

2010  Cloning of animals       Dartmouth Comm.  Medical School Hanover, Manchester, NH    
2011 Cloning of animals OB-GYN


2011 Neuro-oncology, Tumor Immunology        Program of NCCC     




Steve Fiering



  • : 603-653-9966
    Fax: 603-653-9952

  • DEPARTMENTMicrobiology / Immunology
    Dartmouth Medical School