
  1. In referee Journals:
  1. A. S. Al Dhaheri, A. K. Al Ma’awali, L. C. Laleye, S. A. Washi. Nutritional knowledge of Emirati traditional foods and body image perceptions among UAE University students. Emir. J. Food Agric. 2014. 26 (10): 853-860 doi: 10.9755/ejfa.v26i10.18801
  2. Washi, S & Ali, A. Management of severe malnutrition in children in emergency situations: a community-based management trial, case of Darfur, Sudan. In Hodelin, G; Hayes-Frawley, M & Washi, S. (eds). Family Socioeconomic and Cultural Issues: A Continuing Home Economics Concern. This publication was initiated by the IFHE Programme Committee Family under the Guidelines of the UN for the IYF 2014.
  3. Washi, S. A. Consumer’s awareness of food labeling in the United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Consumer Marketing behavior  Vol. 4, No 1; February 2012.
  4. Kamalaldein, A., Mazroie, A. & Washi S. Sesame Seed Lignans: Potent PhysiologicalModulators and Possible Ingredients in Functional Foods & Nutraceuticals. Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture. 2011, 3, 17-17-29.
  5. Washi, S. A. & Ageeb, M. Poor diet quality and food habits are related to impaired nutritional status in 13-18-year-old adolescents in Jeddah. Elseveir Nutrition Research 30 (August, 2010) 527- 534
  6. Washi, S. A. (2004). Focus on Africa: workforce development and education in the Sudan. Information Age Publishing, US.
  7. Washi, S. A. Family issues and concerns in Africa: A home economics perspective. Ahfad Journal. Vol.19 No. 2 PP 30-43. June, 2002.
  8. Washi, S. A. التغذية وتقدم السن فى التنميةNutrition and aging in Development. The Scientific Journal of King Abdel Aziz University. Vol.1 No.1 June 2002, Saudi Arabia.
  9. Washi, S. A. وعى واتجاهات المستهلك نحو المظاهر التغذوية للملصقات التعريفية (البطاقة الغذآئية) للأغذية المصنعة فى المملكة العربية السعودية. المجلة العربية للتغذية. No. 6 June, 2002. Center for Studies and Research, Bahrain.
  10. Washi, S. A. Nutritional aspects of food labeling in Saudi Arabia.. Ahfad Journal. Vol.18 No.2 PP 17-29 December, 2001.
  11. Washi, S. A. Effect of nutritional knowledge on the daily diet of students of nutrition major and others in King Saud University. Bulletin Faculty of Agriculture. Cairo University. Vol.51 Issue No.2 PP 191-207. April 2000.
  12. Washi, S.,  Terry, D. & Cowan, D.  Illness and anthropometric characteristics of first through third grade primary school children living in Khartoum State, Sudan. Ahfad Journal . Vol.15 No. 2 , 1998.
  13. Washi, S. A. Terry, D. Cowan, DL. (1996). Food behaviour of young school children and their families living in low socio-economic areas in Khartoum State, Sudan. Ahfad Journal 13 (1), 13-31
  14. Washi, S., Cowan, D. & Terry, D. The impact of mother's education on indicators of school performance of first through third grade primary School Children living in low socioeconomic areas in Khartoum State, Sudan. Ahfad Journal. Vol.10.No.1, 1993
  1. Books
  1. Washi, S. A. & Badri, B (2012). Understanding the role of Sudanese universities in preventing social conflict. In Alsheikh, N, Parameswaran, G. and Elhoweris, H. Schooling and social conflict: International Perspective. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, USA & UK.
  2. Washi, S. & Elhussen, A.  تغذية المجتمع (2007) Dar Twaig, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  3. Washi, S. A.   التغذية العلاجية (2005).عالم الكتب , Cairo, Egypt

In Conference websites/Publications/Scientific Resources:
  1. S. Washi, M. Yousif, I. Bani. IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA AND DIETARY PATTERNS OF 6-12 SCHOOL  AGE CHILDREN IN KHARTOUM STATE: A HOSPITAL-BASED STUDYAbstract in the Ann Nutr Metab, 63 (suppl1) Official Journal of the 20th International Congress of Nutrition
    1–1960 (2013) ISSN 0250–6807, online e-ISSN 1421–9697: e–ISBN 978–3–318–02516–3 Medical and Scientifi c: Basel, Freiburg, Paris, London, New York, New Delhi, Bangkok, Beijing, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Sydney.
  2. S. Washi, A. AL Dhahiri, C. Platat, H. Ali, E. Masuadi, A. Jarar, F. Helou, I. Tewfik. METHODS  OF MEASURING OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY, AMONG 6-9 YEARS SCHOOL CHILDREN IN ALAIN CITY, UAE. Abstract in the Ann Nutr Metab, 63 (suppl1) Official Journal of the 20th International Congress of Nutrition 1–1960 (2013) ISSN 0250–6807, online e-ISSN 1421–9697: e–ISBN 978–3–318–02516–3 Medical and Scientific Publishers: Basel, Freiburg, Paris, London, New York, New Delhi, Bangkok, Beijing, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur Singapore, Sydney.
  3. S. Washi, I. Khateb. BUILDING RESEARCH CAPACITY IN NUTRITION IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA: THE CHALLENGE FOR MENANAAbstract in the Ann Nutr Metab, 63 (suppl1) Official Journal of the 20th International Congress of Nutrition 1–1960 (2013) ISSN 0250–6807, online e-ISSN 1421–9697: e–ISBN 978–3–318–02516–3 Medical and Scientific: Basel, Freiburg, Paris, London, New York, New Delhi, Bangkok, Beijing, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Sydney.
  4. Washi, S. A. & Darwish, N. Measuring students’ satisfaction about the foodservice offered at the United Arab Emirates University Hostels. Published on  the International Federation of Home Economics 2012 Congress website www.IFHE 2012
  5. Washi, S. A. & Badri, B. (2010). Internationalization to Ensure Quality in Higher Education: Experiences and Way Forward at Ahfad University for Women, Sudan. www.
  6. Washi, S. A. (2004). Situational analysis of vocational education and training in Sudan: a field study. Fest Didactic Publisher. www.
  7. Washi, S. A. Vocational education and training projects in developing countries: issues of quality and sustainability. In Dennis R Herschbach, Bradford W Imrie, Leena Avotie, Eija Pehu, Comfort Mndebele, Dar-Chin Rau, TT Hwang, Institute for Educational Research occasional papers. Jyvaskyla, Finland: Institute for Educational Research, 1999.
  8. Washi, S. A. Intersectoral approaches to literacy and vocational education and training: the case of the Sudan (1999). In Lasonen, J. (Ed.) Workforce preparation in a global context PP 44-52. , Institute for Educational Research occasional papers. Jyvaskyla, Finland.
  9. Washi, S. A. Women’s Education in the Sudan. (1999). In Lasonen, J. (Ed.) Workforce preparation in a global context PP 44-52. Institute for Educational Research occasional papers. Jyvaskyla, Finland.
  10. Muneer, S. E. ; Washi, S. A. & Elbashir, H. (1997). Magnitude and determinants of School dropout rates in North Khordofan State, Sudan. The African Academy of Sciences, Nairobi.
  11. Washi, S. A. & Pitamber, S. (1994). Overcoming Structural Adjustment Policies in Africa: Strategies for Vocational Education and Training in the Sudan. Eric Education Resource Information Center. Record Details - ED378448.

Un referee Publications related to area of Specialization:

  1. Washi, S.  العولمة والتربية الأسرية (2002) .مجلة بشائر . Embassy of Sudan, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  2. Washi, S. Paking Yeast, facts and falses. .عالم الغذاء . Issue No.43, January, 2002
  3. Washi,  S. Sudanese do not make Pickle. .عالم الغذاء . Issue No.19, January 2000.
  4. Washi, S. Consumers have the right to protect their rights .عالم الغذاء . Issue No.16, September,1999.
  5. Washi, S. الجهاز المناعى وأثر نقص الفيتامينات عليه .الجميلة . Issue No. 103. February,1999. 
  6. Washi, S.    سلامة قلبك فى صحة غذآئك . الجميلة . Issue No. 102 Jan. 1999.
  7. Washi,  S.   مرضى المرارة:كلو ولا تأكلو .عالم الغذاء . Issue No.1, June,1998.
  8. Washi,  S.  القرحة مرض القلق والتوتر والحدة .عالم الغذاء Issue No.3, September,1998.
  9. Washi, S. Published صفحة العلوم الأسرية (1994-1997) in a weekly News paper Called "نون " Khartoum, Sudan.

 In Academic Manuals:

  1. Washi, S.,  Nutrition and Health (2004). A Chapter (Unit 6) in Reproductive Health Manual/Guide Book (2nd ed) PP 150-181. Ahfad University for Women.
  2. Washi, S.,  Adolescent's Nutrition. Part of a Chapter on Adolecents and Reproductive Health (Unit 8.2) on Nutritional Status of Adolescents and Youth (2004). In Reproductive Health Manual/Guide Book (2nd ed) PP 220-226. Ahfad University for Women.
  3. Habtes, Y.;  Washi, S. and Uko, N. (2002). Summer Institute on African Humanities PP 36-48. An Academy for Social Studies Teachers in the US Virgin Islands. University of VI, St Thomas.
  4. Wrote a section of the “Healthy Guidelines for safe food for school children”. A manual developed by a group of consultants and published by HAAD, School Health Directorate (2009).

 In Proceedings or books:

  1. Washi, S. (1996). Strategies for family resource management: Sudanese Home Economists Perespective. IFHE year book on Family Resource management. Paris, France.
  2. Amos, R. and Washi, S. (Eds) (1992). Proceedings of workshop on Child weaning practices and media production in the Sudan. Alexandria, World Health Organization.
  3. Cowan, D. and Washi, S. (1992). Program to combat violence in the family. In  Landfrost, N. (Eds.) Families  in transition. MeriLand: USA.
  4. Washi, S. (1989). Water issues in rural Sudan. In Mumaw, C. (Ed.) Resource management Environmental issues for home economics. Corvallis,Oregon State University.

Invited presentations to professional meetings and puplished in conference proceedings:

  1. S. Washi, M. Yousif, I. Bani. IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA AND DIETARY PATTERNS OF 6-12 SCHOOL  AGE CHILDREN IN KHARTOUM STATE: A HOSPITAL-BASED STUDY. 20th International Congress of Nutrition. Granada, Spain, September 15–20, 2013. Published in the Ann Nutr Metab, 63 (suppl1) Official Journal of the 20th International Congress of Nutrition
  2. S. Washi, A. AL Dhahiri, C. Platat, H. Ali, E. Masuadi, A. Jarar, F. Helou, I. Tewfik. METHODS  OF MEASURING OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY, AMONG 6-9 YEARS SCHOOL CHILDREN IN ALAIN CITY, UAE. 20th International Congress of Nutrition. Granada, Spain, September 15–20, 2013. Published in the Ann Nutr Metab, 63 (suppl1) Official Journal of the 20th International Congress of Nutrition.
  3. S. Washi, I. Khateb. BUILDING RESEARCH CAPACITY IN NUTRITION IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA: THE CHALLENGE FOR MENANA. 20th International Congress of Nutrition. Granada, Spain, September 15–20, 2013. Published in the Ann Nutr Metab, 63 (suppl1) Official Journal of the 20th International Congress of Nutrition.
  4. Somiya Gutbi1 & Sidiga Washi2 “Relationship between Anthropometric Indices and Dyslipidemia among Sudanese women in Khartoum State” .Published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Women in Science and Technology in the Arab Countries, April 21-23, 2013. Kuwait City, Kuwait.
  5. S.A. Washi1, A. Al Dhaheri2, C. Platat3, H. Ali2, E. Masuadi4, A. Jarar2, F. Hillou2, I. Tewfik5. Childhood obesity prevention in UAE: a school-based intervention study. Published in the proceedings of The 2nd American Society for Nutrition Middle East Congress “Nutrition in Health & Disease” Feb. 20-22, 2013 Dubai.
  6. Washi, S.A. Faces of poverty in developing countries: solutions from a Home Economics perspective. Published at IFHE website for IFHE Symposium Vienna, Austria February 2013
  7. Washi, S. A. Screening and Monitoring of the Nutritional Status of Healthcare Workers. Presented at the  Occupational Health for Health Care Workers Workshop” Organised by the Institute of Public Health, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University in collaboration with the World Health Organization Collaborating Centres and Dubai Health Authority on Tuesday 06 November 2012 at Rashid Medical Library Main Auditorium, Dubai, UAE.
  8. Washi, S. A. Al Dhaheri, A. Platat, C. Ali, H. Masuadi, E. Jarar, A. Hillou, F. & Tewfik, I. Childhood obesity prevention in uae: a school-basedintervention study. Presented in the 2012 Nutrition and Growth Conference, Paris, France March1-3, 2012.
  9. Washi, S. A. The Role of Community Dietitians in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Presented to over 700 paramedical personnel at The 4th Paramedical Continuing Professional Development Conference. Alain, May 7, 2011.
  10. Washi, S. A. Consumer’s awareness of food labeling in the United Arab Emirates.Presented at the First regional nutrition conference “nutrition challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
    March 28-29, 2011, Qatar University, Doha
  11. Washi, S. A.  Role of Kindergarten Supervisors in facing Modern Child Nutrition Challenges. Professional Lecture delivered Algabas Private School Kindergarten Supervisors, August, 2005.
  12. Washi, S. A.  Nutrition, Food Production and the Environment. Public Lecture delivered at Albashir Elraih Public Library. August, 2004 .
  13. Washi, S. A.  Food Security Program for Displaced People in Khartoum State: Availability & Access. 20th International Federation of Home Economics Congress.Koyto, Japan, August 1-7 2004
  14. Washi, S. A.  Factors determining women’s health in the Sudan: How home economists make a Difference. 20th International Federation of Home Economics Congress.Koyto, Japan, August 1-7 2004
  15. Washi, S. A. Demographic characteristics, nutrition knowledge and food related behavior of nutrition and non-nutrition major at Ahfad Universiy for Women, Sudan. Paper presented in the 5th International Conference on Dietary Assessment. Chiang Rai, Thailand. January, 2003.
  16. Washi, S. A. Improving communications about new food technologies. Paper presented at the Seventh Symposium of the Research Center at the Sciences & Medical Studies Center, King Saud University. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. April, 2002.
  17. Washi, S. A. Nutrition for health: challenges facing scientific research in the 21st century. (2002). Paper presented in the 2nd Symposium on Scientific Research Out-look in the Arab World Febreuary, 2002. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
  18. Washi, S. Nutritional aspects of foof labeling in Saudi Arabia. The 17th International Congress of Nutrition. Vienna, Austuria (poster session) August 26 to August 31st, 2001.
  19. Washi, S. Nutrition of School Children. Paper presented at the Six School Health Symposium of the General Directorate of the Medical Services, Head Quarters of Women's Education. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. April, 2001.
  20. Washi, S. Food habits and their effects on daily dietary intake of male and female adolescents in some schools in Riyadh. Paper presented at the Six School Health Symposium of the General Directorate of the Medical Services, Head Quarters of Women's Education. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. April, 2001.
  21. Washi, S. Famine Foods between nature and science. Paper presented at the Six Symposium of the Research Center at the Sciences & Medical Studies Center, King Saud University. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. March, 2000.
  22. Washi, S.  الوعى البيئى والغذآئى بظاهرة سلامة الأغذية وسط طالبات جامعة الملك سعود Evaluation of environmental and Nutrition awareness of food safety among female students at King Saud University presented at the الندوة الأولى لسلامة الأغذية First Food Safety Symposium at King Faisal University.Alhafof, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. October, 2000 .
  23. Washi, S.  Food borne illnesses. General lecture presented at the First Food Safety Symposium at King Faisal, 2000
  24. Washi, S. Comparative study on the effectiveness of acquisition of nutritional knowledge on 24 hours deitary recall among students of nutrition major and specialization’s other than nutrition at the Center of Sciences and Medical Studies, King Saud University . Paper presented at the first Home Economics symposium. King Abdel Aziz University, Jeddah 26-28 Sept., 1999.
  25. Washi, S.  Fats and Cholesterol and their Effects on Human Health. General Lecture presented at the Third Symposium on Food Nutrition at the Sciences & Medical Studies Center, King Saud University. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. October 1998.
  26. Washi, S. Food Between Health and Environmental Pollution. Paper presented at the University and Community Week Symposium at the Sciences & Medical Studies Center, King Saud University. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. April, 1998.
  27. Washi, S. Adolescents Nutrition and Maintenance of Ideal Body Weight. Paper presented at the Fifth Symposium of the Research Center at the Sciences & Medical Studies Center, King Saud University. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. April 1998.
  28. Washi, S. Gender desparaties in nutrition of low socioeconomic families in Khartoum State. The 16th International Congress of Nutrition. Monterial, Canada (poster session) July 26 to August 1st, 1997. 
  29. Washi, S.  Challenges facing home economists in Africa. Paper presented at the Pre IFHE Congress, Malaysia. July 18-20, 1996.
  30. Washi, S. & Pitamber, S. Empowering women through better health. The international Conference on Population and Development. Cairo, Egypt (panel session) September 5 to 13, 1994.
  31. Washi, S. A. Taboos and traditional weaning practice affecting health of children in the Sudan. The 14th International Congress of Nutrition - Seoul, Korea, August 1989.


Sidiga A. Rahim Washi




  • : +249 912132000

    • DEPARTMENTSchool of Health Sciences
      Ahfad University for Women
      Omdurman, Sudan