
Dr. Xu, Associate Professor in Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC), Associate Director of UIC Key Lab -Laboratory for Health Promotion Mechanism of Medicinal Food and Folk Remedy.

Dr. Xu received Ph.D from Department of Food Science in Chungnam National University, South Korea, in 2005. He conducted postdoctoral research work in Department of Cereal and Food Science in North Dakota State University in 2005-2008, followed by postdoctoral research work in Department of Veterinary Clinical in Purdue University, and Gerald P. Murphy Cancer Foundation during 2008-2009. As a visiting scholar, he did two months short term research work in North Dakota State University in 2012, and University of Georgia in 2014, respectively.  He owns memberships of American Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), American Chemical Society (ACS), and senior membership of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology.

Dr. Xu is serving as Associate Editor-in-Chief of Food Science and Human Wellness, Regional Editor of Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology; Editorial Board Members of Food Science & Nutrition, International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, The Open Nutraceuticals Journal, International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences, Journal of Chem and Biochemistry World, Journal of Obesity and Overweight, and International Journal of Medicinal Mushroom. He is also working as peer-reviewers for over 20 international English journals. During the past 15 years, over 80 peer-reviewed papers authored and co-authored by Dr. Xu have been published in the international journals. The papers have been widely cited.


Baojun (Bruce) Xu

Associate Professor



  • : 86-13112340017

    • DEPARTMENTDepartment of Food Science
      Beijing Normal University - Hong Kong Baptist University
      United International College (UIC)
    • COUNTRYChina