Professional Activities:

Professionals And Academic Experience

  1. From 01/08/1979 to 23/09/1984:  Technical Specialist, Food and Dairy Science Department, National Research Center.
  2. From 24/09/1984 to 21/12/1984: Researcher Assistant, Food and Dairy Science Department, National Research Center.
  3. From 22/12/1984 to 27/06/1990: Assistant Researcher, Food and Dairy Science Department, National Research Center.
  4. From 28/06/1990 to 29/06/1995: Researcher of Food and Dairy Microbiology, Researcher of Food and Dairy Microbiology
  5. From 01/12/1994 to 21/07/1997: Secondment to the Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Sabha University, Libya
  6. From 30/06/1995 to 30/01/2001:  Assistant Professor of Dairy and Food Microbiology, Food and Dairy Science Department, National Research Center.
  7. From 31/01/2001 until now:  Professor of Food and Dairy Microbiology, Food and Dairy Science Department, National Research Center.


  1. Member of the Association of Official Analytical Chem. AOAC, USA.
  2. Member of Egyptian Association of Microbiology.
  3. Member of Egyptian Society of Food Science and Technology.
  4. Member of Egyptian Society of Dairy Science.
  5. Member of American Chemical Society.
  6. Member of Egyptian Society of Food Science and Nutrition.

Scientific Activcities

Member of the research team for the following internal research projects existing in national research center:

  1. Studies on Occurrence of Recently Known Pathogenic Bacteria in the Egyptian Foods and Factors Inhibiting Their Growth in Some Foods (1989 to 1992).
  2. Production of Intermediate Materials of Economic Importance for the Manufacture of Food (1991-1995).
  3. Assessment and Reduction of Waste in the Food during Processing and the Possibility of Treatment (1991-1995).
  4. Production of Zanthan Gum from Microbial Sources and Applications Used in Food and Dairy Technology (1991-1995).
  5. Using propionic Acid Bacteria for Production of Safety Preseratives (Microgard) in Food Industry (1998-2001).
  6. An Application on the Using Dietary Adjunct Culture in Some Dairy and Food Products (1998-2001).
  7. Production of Lactic Acid Bacteria Starters (1999-2001).
  8. Production of Novel Functional Food Containing Probiotic (2001-2004).
  9. Production of Xanthan Gum Using Biotechnological Methods by Xanthomonas ssp. (2001-2004).
  10. Production of Some Mycostic and Anti-Mycotoxigenic Substances by Lactic Acid and Probiotic Bacteria (2001-2004).
  11. Production of Novel Starters Containing Combination of Traditional Starters and Probiotic Cultures (2001-2004).
  12. Improving Some Properties of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Propionic Acid Bacteria  Starter (2004-2007).
  13. Innovative Technologies and Monitoring of Food and Quality Milk Products (Oct. 2007-June 2010).
  14. Production of Healthy Dairy Products (Oct. 2008 –June 2010).
  15. Enhancing Dairy Animal Production by Using Enzymes, Technology for Enriching Agriculture by-Products (October 2010 – June 2013).
  16. Biotechnological Routes in Flavor Industry (October 2010- June 2013).
  17. Using of Some Probiotic Bacterial Strains and Their Metabolic Products as Anti-carcinogenic Agents (October 2010- June 2013).
  18. Use of Functional Dairy Products and beverages to Reduce Risk of some Chronic Diseases and Special Cases. (from October, 2013 till now).
  19. Using Microencapsulated Lactic Acid Bacteria and Propionibacteria to Produce Some Nutraceuticals in Dairy and Food Products (October, 2013 till now). 

Member of the research team for the following foreign research projects:

  1. Studies on Occurrence of Recently Known Pathogenic Bacteria in the Egyptian Foods and Factors Inhibiting Their Growth in Some Foods (1990-1993)
  2. Production of Functional Dairy Products Rich with Conjugated Linoleic Acid (2007 Till 2011).

Thesis Supervision

  1. Supervised 1 Thesis for M.Sc. Degree and Fulfilled On 2009.
  2. Supervised 1 Thesis for Ph.D..Degree since 2010 till now.

Laboratory Experience

  1. Participation in Microbiological Analysis for Detection, Enumeration, Isolation  and Identification of Food Contaminated Microorganisms, Pathogenic Bacteria, Lactic Acid Bacteria, Probiotics and Propionic Acid Bacteria in Food and Dairy Products.
  2. Participation in Analysis of Milk, Dairy Products and Food Samples in:
    1. Food Industry Unit from 01/10/1990 until Now.
    2. Friendly Bacteria Unit from 13/08/2002 until Now.

Participation in conferences and symposium:

  1. Participated in "International Symposium and Workshop on Mycotoxins" (Cairo, Egypt, 6-16th September, 1981).
  2. Participated in "International Mycotoxin Conference I" (Cairo, Egypt, 19-24th March, 1983).
  3. Participated in the training course on "Improvement of Microbial Strain Traits" (Cairo, Egypt 4-17 November, 1989).
  4. Member of Organizing Committee Assistants of International Symposium and Workshop on Food Contamination "Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins" (Cairo, Egypt, 4-14th November, 1990).
  5. Participated in 5th Egyptian Conference for Dairy Science and Technology (Ismalia, Egypt, 19-22nd October, 1992).
  6. Participated in 7th Egyptian Conference for Dairy Science and Technology (Cairo, Egypt, 7-9 November, 1998).
  7. Participated in 6th Arabic Conference on Food Science and Technology (Cairo, Egypt, 16-18th March, 1999).
  8. Participated in 8th Egyptian Conference for Dairy Science and Technology (Cairo, Egypt, 3-5 November, 2001).
  9. Participated in 9th Egyptian Conference for Dairy Science and Technology (Cairo, Egypt, 9-11 October, 2004).
  10. Participated in the Egyptian-German Nutrition Workshop: Probiotics for Health Promotion, Present Status and Future Prospective (Giza, Egypt, 14-16 May 2005)
  11. Participated in “Arabic Conference I”, Environmental Consideration in Arabic Food Industries (Cairo, Egypt, 3-5 April, 2006).
  12. Participated in “International Workshop on Extrempohiles (Beijing, China, 20-23 August, 2006).
  13. Participated in 10th Egyptian Conference for Dairy Science and Technology (Cairo, Egypt, 19-21 November, 2007).
  14. Participated in the 3rd International Conference on Food Science and Nutrition under the theme of "Nutrition, Nutritional Status and Food Sciences in Arab Countries". (National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt, 3-5 November, 2008).
  15. Participated in International Symposium on "Health Risk, Management and Mitigation of Algal Toxins in Food and Drinking Water (Cairo, Egypt, 15th December, 2008).
  16. Participated in Symposium on "Food Additives in the Dairy Industry (National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt 30 June 2009).
  17. Participated in Symposium on "Food Safety, the Way to the Future Security" held in Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Egypt on 14 April 2010.
  18. Participated in Symposium on "Towards a New Era in Dairy" held at National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt on 5 May 2010.
  19. Participated in the 4th International Conference on Food Science and Nutrition under the theme of Innovation in Food Science  and Nutrition “Future Challenges” (National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt, 27-29 September,2010).
  20. Participated in 11th Egyptian Conference for Dairy Science and Technology (Cairo, Egypt, 1-3 November, 2010).
  21. Participated in Symposium on "Dairy Products and Nutrition" held at the Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University on 4 May, 2011.
  22. Participated in Symposium on "Recent Trends in Applied Dairy Sciences” held at the Faculty of Agriculture, Menofiya University on 4 April, 2012.
  23. Participated in Workshop on “The Dairy Sciences: Future Vision” held in Natonal Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt on 20-21 May, 2012.
  24. Participated in Symposium on “Accredited Laboratories and Food Safety “held at the Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University on7 /11/2012.
  25. Participated in Symposium on”Advances Research in Dairy Science & Technology “held at the faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Egypt on 3 December 2012.
  26. Participated in the 10 th Annual Congress of Medical Sciences “Medical Research towards Healthy Society (National Research Center, Egypt, 14-16 January, 2013).
  27. Participated in Symposium on “Nutritional and environmental aspects of milk processing” held at the faculty of Agriculture, Fayum University on 3/4/2013.
  28. Participated in “the first forum of food awareness and consumer protection “held at the faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University on 16 May 2013.
  29. Participated in Workshop on “Food & Health Inspection & Legislation “held in National Research Center, Dokki , Cairo , Egypt on 18 /6 /2013.
  30. Participated in Symposium on "Future Vision for the Processing of Milk and Dairy Products in Egypt" held at National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt on 2 April 2014.
  31. Participated in “Communication Workshop on Agricultural Biotechnology” organized by EBIC and IFIC held at Sofitel Hotel, Cairo on 28/4/2014.
  32. Participated in Symposium on "Dairy Industry “ Integration between Science and application “" held at National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt on 24 /9/2014.


Baher Abdel Khalek Mahmoud Effat




  • : 20-23-3371499, 20-2-33371433

    • DEPARTMENTFood and Dairy Technology Department
      National Research Center, Giza
    • COUNTRYEgypt