
  • Matsuda, A.Jacob, A.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Aziz, M.Wang, P. Milk fat globule--EGF factor VIII ameliorates liver injury after hepatic ischemia-reperfusion. The Journal of surgical research. 180(1): e37-46, 2013.
  • Wu, R.Dong, W.Wang, Z.Jacob, A.Cui, T.Wang, P. Enhancing apoptotic cell clearance mitigates bacterial translocation and promotes tissue repair after gut ischemia-reperfusion injury. International journal of molecular medicine. 30(3): 593-8, 2012.
  • Rajan, D.Wu, R.Shah, KG.Jacob, A.Coppa, GF.Wang, P. Human ghrelin protects animals from renal ischemia-reperfusion injury through the vagus nerve. Surgery. 151(1): 37-47, 2012.
  • Shah, KG.Wu, R.Jacob, A.Molmenti, EP.Nicastro, J.Coppa, GF.Wang, P. Recombinant human milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 produces dose-dependent benefits in sepsis. Intensive care medicine. 38(1): 128-36, 2012.
  • Cheyuo, C.Jacob, A.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Qi, L.Dong, W.Ji, Y.Chaung, WW.Wang, H.Nicastro, J.Coppa, GF.Wang, P. Recombinant human MFG-E8 attenuates cerebral ischemic injury: its role in anti-inflammation and anti-apoptosis. Neuropharmacology. 62(2): 890-900, 2012.
  • Zhang, F.Shah, KG.Qi, L.Wu, R.Barrera, R.Nicastro, J.Coppa, GF.Wang, P. Milk fat globule epidermal growth factor-factor 8 mitigates inflammation and tissue injury after hemorrhagic shock in experimental animals. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery. 72(4): 861-9, 2012.
  • Matsuda, A.Jacob, A.Wu, R.Aziz, M.Yang, WL.Matsutani, T.Suzuki, H.Furukawa, K.Uchida, E.Wang, P. Novel therapeutic targets for sepsis: regulation of exaggerated inflammatory responses. Journal of Nippon Medical School = Nippon Ika Daigaku zasshi. 79(1): 4-18, 2012.
  • Jacob, A.Wu, R.Wang, P. Regulation of RAMP expression in diseases. Advances in experimental medicine and biology. 744(): 87-103, 2012.
  • Wu, R.Chaung, WW.Dong, W.Ji, Y.Barrera, R.Nicastro, J.Molmenti, EP.Coppa, GF.Wang, P. Ghrelin maintains the cardiovascular stability in severe sepsis. The Journal of surgical research. 178(1): 370-7, 2012.
  • Chaung, WW.Wu, R.Ji, Y.Dong, W.Wang, P. Mitochondrial transcription factor A is a proinflammatory mediator in hemorrhagic shock. International journal of molecular medicine. 30(1): 199-203, 2012.
  • Ajakaiye, MA.Jacob, A.Wu, R.Yang, WL.Nicastro, J.Coppa, GF.Wang, P. Recombinant human MFG-E8 attenuates intestinal injury and mortality in severe whole body irradiation in rats. PloS one. 7(10): e46540, 2012.
  • Qi, L.Cui, X.Dong, W.Barrera, R.Nicastro, J.Coppa, GF.Wang, P.Wu, R. Ghrelin attenuates brain injury after traumatic brain injury and uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock in rats. Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.). 18(): 186-93, 2012.
  • Cheyuo, C.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Jacob, A.Coppa, G.Wang, P. Ghrelin suppresses inflammation and neuronal nitric oxide synthase in focal cerebral ischemia via the vagus nerve. Shock (Augusta, Ga.). 35(3): 258-65, 2011.
  • Matsuda, A.Jacob, A.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Nicastro, JM.Coppa, GF.Wang, P. Milk fat globule-EGF factor VIII in sepsis and ischemia-reperfusion injury. Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.). 17(1-2): 126-33, 2011.
  • Ajakaiye, M.Jacob, A.Wu, R.Nicastro, JM.Coppa, GF.Wang, P. Alcohol and hepatocyte-Kupffer cell interaction (review). Molecular medicine reports. 4(4): 597-602, 2011.
  • Cheyuo, C.Jacob, A.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Coppa, GF.Wang, P. The parasympathetic nervous system in the quest for stroke therapeutics. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 31(5): 1187-95, 2011.
  • Ajakaiye, MA.Jacob, A.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Ji, Y.Dong, W.Wang, Z.Qiang, X.Chaung, WW.Nicastro, J.Coppa, GF.Wang, P. Upregulation of Kupffer cell α2A-Adrenoceptors and downregulation of MKP-1 mediate hepatic injury in chronic alcohol exposure. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 409(3): 406-11, 2011.
  • Matsuda, A.Wu, R.Jacob, A.Komura, H.Zhou, M.Wang, Z.Aziz, MM.Wang, P. Protective effect of milk fat globule-epidermal growth factor-factor VIII after renal ischemia-reperfusion injury in mice. Critical care medicine. 39(9): 2039-47, 2011.
  • Chaung, WW.Wu, R.Ji, Y.Wang, Z.Dong, W.Cheyuo, C.Qi, L.Qiang, X.Wang, H.Wang, P. Peripheral administration of human adrenomedullin and its binding protein attenuates stroke-induced apoptosis and brain injury in rats. Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.). 17(9-10): 1075-83, 2011.
  • Qiang, X.Li, J.Wu, R.Ji, Y.Chaung, W.Dong, W.Wang, P. Expression and characterization of recombinant human milk fat globule-EGF factor VIII. International journal of molecular medicine. 28(6): 1071-6, 2011.
  • Aziz, M.Jacob, A.Matsuda, A.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Dong, W.Yang, WL.Wang, P. Pre-treatment of recombinant mouse MFG-E8 downregulates LPS-induced TNF-α production in macrophages via STAT3-mediated SOCS3 activation. PloS one. 6(11): e27685, 2011.
  • Shah, KG.Rajan, D.Jacob, A.Wu, R.Krishnasastry, K.Nicastro, J.Molmenti, EP.Coppa, GF.Wang, P. Attenuation of renal ischemia and reperfusion injury by human adrenomedullin and its binding protein. The Journal of surgical research. 163(1): 110-7, 2010.
  • Qi, L.Jacob, A.Wang, P.Wu, R. Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-γ and traumatic brain injury. International journal of clinical and experimental medicine. 3(4): 283-92, 2010.
  • Wu, R.Chaung, WW.Zhou, M.Ji, Y.Dong, W.Wang, Z.Qiang, X.Wang, P. Milk fat globule EGF factor 8 attenuates sepsis-induced apoptosis and organ injury in alcohol-intoxicated rats. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 34(9): 1625-33, 2010.
  • Shah, KG.Jacob, A.Rajan, D.Wu, R.Molmenti, EP.Nicastro, J.Coppa, GF.Wang, P. Resuscitation of uncontrolled traumatic hemorrhage induced by severe liver injury: the use of human adrenomedullin and adrenomedullin binding protein-1. The Journal of trauma. 69(6): 1415-21; discussion 1421-2, 2010.
  • Zhou, M.Wu, R.Dong, W.Leong, J.Wang, P. Accelerated apoptosis contributes to aging-related hyperinflammation in endotoxemia. International journal of molecular medicine. 25(6): 929-35, 2010.
  • Cui, T.Miksa, M.Wu, R.Komura, H.Zhou, M.Dong, W.Wang, Z.Higuchi, S.Chaung, W.Blau, SA.Marini, CP.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Milk fat globule epidermal growth factor 8 attenuates acute lung injury in mice after intestinal ischemia and reperfusion. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 181(3): 238-46, 2010.
  • Jacob, A.Shah, KG.Wu, R.Wang, P. Ghrelin as a novel therapy for radiation combined injury. Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.). 16(3-4): 137-43, 2010.
  • Jacob, A.Rajan, D.Pathickal, B.Balouch, I.Hartman, A.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Wang, P. The inhibitory effect of ghrelin on sepsis-induced inflammation is mediated by the MAPK phosphatase-1. International journal of molecular medicine. 25(1): 159-64, 2010.
  • Wang, H.Li, W.Zhu, S.Li, J.D'Amore, J.Ward, MF.Yang, H.Wu, R.Jahnen-Dechent, W.Tracey, KJ.Wang, P.Sama, AE. Peripheral administration of fetuin-A attenuates early cerebral ischemic injury in rats. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 30(3): 493-504, 2010.
  • Zhang, F.Wu, R.Qiang, X.Zhou, M.Wang, P. Antagonism of alpha2A-adrenoceptor: a novel approach to inhibit inflammatory responses in sepsis. Journal of molecular medicine (Berlin, Germany). 88(3): 289-96, 2010.
  • Yang, J.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Wang, P. Human adrenomedullin and its binding protein ameliorate sepsis-induced organ injury and mortality in jaundiced rats. Peptides. 31(5): 872-7, 2010.
  • Jacob, A.Zhou, M.Wu, R.Wang, P. The role of hepatic cytochrome P-450 in sepsis. International journal of clinical and experimental medicine. 2(3): 203-11, 2009.
  • Miksa, M.Wu, R.Dong, W.Komura, H.Amin, D.Ji, Y.Wang, Z.Wang, H.Ravikumar, TS.Tracey, KJ.Wang, P. Immature dendritic cell-derived exosomes rescue septic animals via milk fat globule epidermal growth factor-factor VIII [corrected]. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 183(9): 5983-90, 2009.
  • Shah, KG.Wu, R.Jacob, A.Blau, SA.Ji, Y.Dong, W.Marini, CP.Ravikumar, TS.Coppa, GF.Wang, P. Human ghrelin ameliorates organ injury and improves survival after radiation injury combined with severe sepsis. Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.). 15(11-12): 407-14, 2009.
  • Weber, P.Wang, P.Maddens, S.Wang, PSh.Wu, R.Miksa, M.Dong, W.Mortimore, M.Golec, JM.Charlton, P. VX-166: a novel potent small molecule caspase inhibitor as a potential therapy for sepsis. Critical care (London, England). 13(5): R146, 2009.
  • Wu, R.Zhou, M.Dong, W.Ji, Y.Miksa, M.Marini, CP.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Ghrelin hyporesponsiveness contributes to age-related hyperinflammation in septic shock. Annals of surgery. 250(1): 126-33, 2009.
  • Wu, R.Dong, W.Qiang, X.Wang, H.Blau, SA.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Orexigenic hormone ghrelin ameliorates gut barrier dysfunction in sepsis in rats. Critical care medicine. 37(8): 2421-6, 2009.
  • Miksa, M.Das, P.Zhou, M.Wu, R.Dong, W.Ji, Y.Goyert, SM.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Pivotal role of the alpha(2A)-adrenoceptor in producing inflammation and organ injury in a rat model of sepsis. PloS one. 4(5): e5504, 2009.
  • Yang, J.Wu, R.Qiang, X.Zhou, M.Dong, W.Ji, Y.Marini, CP.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Human adrenomedullin and its binding protein attenuate organ injury and reduce mortality after hepatic ischemia-reperfusion. Annals of surgery. 249(2): 310-7, 2009.
  • Miksa, M.Komura, H.Wu, R.Shah, KG.Wang, P. A novel method to determine the engulfment of apoptotic cells by macrophages using pHrodo succinimidyl ester. Journal of immunological methods. 342(1-2): 71-7, 2009.
  • Komura, H.Miksa, M.Wu, R.Goyert, SM.Wang, P. Milk fat globule epidermal growth factor-factor VIII is down-regulated in sepsis via the lipopolysaccharide-CD14 pathway. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 182(1): 581-7, 2009.
  • Wang, SM.Wu, R. The double danger of ethanol and hypoxia: their effects on a hepatoma cell line. International journal of clinical and experimental pathology. 2(2): 182-9, 2009.
  • Wu, R.Higuchi, S.Dong, W.Ji, Y.Zhou, M.Marini, CP.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Reversing established sepsis in rats with human vasoactive hormone adrenomedullin and its binding protein. Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.). 15(1-2): 28-33, 2009.
  • Zhang, F.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Blau, SA.Wang, P. Human adrenomedullin combined with human adrenomedullin binding protein-1 is protective in gut ischemia and reperfusion injury in the rat. Regulatory peptides. 152(1-3): 82-7, 2009.
  • Qiang, X.Wu, R.Ji, Y.Zhou, M.Wang, P. Purification and characterization of human adrenomedullin binding protein-1. Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.). 14(7-8): 443-50, 2008.
  • Katanyutanon, S.Wu, R.Wang, P. The effect of whole-body radiation on blood levels of gastrointestinal peptides in the rat. International journal of clinical and experimental medicine. 1(4): 332-7, 2008.
  • Miksa, M.Amin, D.Wu, R.Jacob, A.Zhou, M.Dong, W.Yang, WL.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Maturation-induced down-regulation of MFG-E8 impairs apoptotic cell clearance and enhances endotoxin response. International journal of molecular medicine. 22(6): 743-8, 2008.
  • Higuchi, S.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Marini, CP.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Gut hyperpermiability after ischemia and reperfusion: attenuation with adrenomedullin and its binding protein treatment. International journal of clinical and experimental pathology. 1(5): 409-18, 2008.
  • Wu, R.Dong, W.Ji, Y.Zhou, M.Marini, CP.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Orexigenic hormone ghrelin attenuates local and remote organ injury after intestinal ischemia-reperfusion. PloS one. 3(4): e2026, 2008.
  • Wu, R.Dong, W.Qiang, X.Ji, Y.Cui, T.Yang, J.Zhou, M.Blau, S.Marini, CP.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Human vasoactive hormone adrenomedullin and its binding protein rescue experimental animals from shock. Peptides. 29(7): 1223-30, 2008.
  • Zhou, M.Wu, R.Dong, W.Jacob, A.Wang, P. Endotoxin downregulates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma via the increase in TNF-alpha release. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology. 294(1): R84-92, 2008.
  • Zhou, M.Jacob, A.Ho, N.Miksa, M.Wu, R.Maitra, SR.Wang, P. Downregulation of protein disulfide isomerase in sepsis and its role in tumor necrosis factor-alpha release. Critical care (London, England). 12(4): R100, 2008.
  • Wu, R.Dong, W.Zhou, M.Simms, HH.Marini, CP.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Adrenomedullin and adrenomedullin binding protein-1 prevent metabolic acidosis after uncontrolled hemorrhage in rats. Critical care medicine. 35(3): 912-8, 2007.
  • Higuchi, S.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Downregulation of hepatic cytochrome P-450 isoforms and PPAR-gamma: their role in hepatic injury and proinflammatory responses in a double-hit model of hemorrhage and sepsis. The Journal of surgical research. 137(1): 46-52, 2007.
  • Carrizo, GJ.Wu, R.Cui, X.Dwivedi, AJ.Simms, HH.Wang, P. Adrenomedullin and adrenomedullin-binding protein-1 downregulate inflammatory cytokines and attenuate tissue injury after gut ischemia-reperfusion. Surgery. 141(2): 245-53, 2007.
  • Li, W.Li, J.Ashok, M.Wu, R.Chen, D.Yang, L.Yang, H.Tracey, KJ.Wang, P.Sama, AE.Wang, H. A cardiovascular drug rescues mice from lethal sepsis by selectively attenuating a late-acting proinflammatory mediator, high mobility group box 1. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 178(6): 3856-64, 2007.
  • Wu, R.Dong, W.Cui, X.Zhou, M.Simms, HH.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Ghrelin down-regulates proinflammatory cytokines in sepsis through activation of the vagus nerve. Annals of surgery. 245(3): 480-6, 2007.
  • Jacob, A.Zhou, M.Wu, R.Halpern, VJ.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Pro-inflammatory cytokines from Kupffer cells downregulate hepatocyte expression of adrenomedullin binding protein-1. Biochimica et biophysica acta. 1772(7): 766-72, 2007.
  • Wu, R.Dong, W.Zhou, M.Zhang, F.Marini, CP.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Ghrelin attenuates sepsis-induced acute lung injury and mortality in rats. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 176(8): 805-13, 2007.
  • Dwivedi, AJ.Wu, R.Nguyen, E.Higuchi, S.Wang, H.Krishnasastry, K.Marini, CP.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Adrenomedullin and adrenomedullin binding protein-1 prevent acute lung injury after gut ischemia-reperfusion. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 205(2): 284-93, 2007.
  • Miksa, M.Amin, D.Wu, R.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Fractalkine-induced MFG-E8 leads to enhanced apoptotic cell clearance by macrophages. Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.). 13(11-12): 553-60, 2007.
  • Miksa, M.Wu, R.Cui, X.Dong, W.Das, P.Simms, HH.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Vasoactive hormone adrenomedullin and its binding protein: anti-inflammatory effects by up-regulating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 179(9): 6263-72, 2007.
  • Wu, R.Zhou, M.Das, P.Dong, W.Ji, Y.Yang, D.Miksa, M.Zhang, F.Ravikumar, TS.Wang, P. Ghrelin inhibits sympathetic nervous activity in sepsis. American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism. 293(6): E1697-702, 2007.
  • Jacob, A.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Wang, P. Mechanism of the Anti-inflammatory Effect of Curcumin: PPAR-gamma Activation. PPAR research. 2007(): 89369, 2007.
  • Siddiqui, AM.Cui, X.Wu, R.Dong, W.Zhou, M.Hu, M.Simms, HH.Wang, P. The anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin in an experimental model of sepsis is mediated by up-regulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma. Critical care medicine. 34(7): 1874-82, 2006.
  • Wu, R.Cui, X.Dong, W.Zhou, M.Simms, HH.Wang, P. Suppression of hepatocyte CYP1A2 expression by Kupffer cells via AhR pathway: the central role of proinflammatory cytokines. International journal of molecular medicine. 18(2): 339-46, 2006.
  • Wu, R.Wang, P. Adenosine A2A receptor activation: another potential therapy for trauma and hemorrhagic shock. Critical care medicine. 34(4): 1273-5, 2006.
  • Cui, Y.Ji, Y.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Wang, P. Adrenomedullin binding protein-1 is downregulated during polymicrobial sepsis in the rat. International journal of molecular medicine. 17(5): 925-9, 2006.
  • Miksa, M.Wu, R.Dong, W.Das, P.Yang, D.Wang, P. Dendritic cell-derived exosomes containing milk fat globule epidermal growth factor-factor VIII attenuate proinflammatory responses in sepsis. Shock (Augusta, Ga.). 25(6): 586-93, 2006.
  • Wu, R.Wang, P. Preclinical studies with adrenomedullin and its binding protein as cardiovascular protective agents for hemorrhagic shock. Cardiovascular drug reviews. 24(3-4): 204-13, 2006.
  • Miksa, M.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Wang, P. Sympathetic excitotoxicity in sepsis: pro-inflammatory priming of macrophages by norepinephrine. Frontiers in bioscience : a journal and virtual library. 10(): 2217-29, 2005.
  • Wu, R.Dong, W.Zhou, M.Cui, X.Simms, HH.Wang, P. A novel approach to maintaining cardiovascular stability after hemorrhagic shock: beneficial effects of adrenomedullin and its binding protein. Surgery. 137(2): 200-8, 2005.
  • Wu, R.Cui, X.Dong, W.Zhou, M.Simms, HH.Wang, P. Mechanisms responsible for vascular hyporesponsiveness to adrenomedullin after hemorrhage: the central role of adrenomedullin binding protein-1. Annals of surgery. 242(1): 115-23, 2005.
  • Cui, X.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Dong, W.Ulloa, L.Yang, H.Wang, H.Tracey, KJ.Simms, HH.Wang, P. Adrenomedullin and its binding protein attenuate the proinflammatory response after hemorrhage. Critical care medicine. 33(2): 391-8, 2005.
  • Wu, R.Dong, W.Zhou, M.Cui, X.Hank Simms, H.Wang, P. Ghrelin improves tissue perfusion in severe sepsis via downregulation of endothelin-1. Cardiovascular research. 68(2): 318-26, 2005.
  • Wu, R.Cui, X.Lim, YP.Bendelja, K.Zhou, M.Simms, HH.Wang, P. Delayed administration of human inter-alpha inhibitor proteins reduces mortality in sepsis. Critical care medicine. 32(8): 1747-52, 2004.
  • Cui, X.Wu, R.Zhou, M.Simms, HH.Wang, P. Differential expression of cytochrome P450 isoforms in the lungs of septic animals. Critical care medicine. 32(5): 1186-91, 2004.
  • Wu, R.Zhou, M.Cui, X.Simms, HH.Wang, P. Upregulation of cardiovascular ghrelin receptor occurs in the hyperdynamic phase of sepsis. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology. 287(3): H1296-302, 2004.
  • Wu, R.Zhou, M.Wang, P. Adrenomedullin and adrenomedullin binding protein-1 downregulate TNF-alpha in macrophage cell line and rat Kupffer cells. Regulatory peptides. 112(1-3): 19-26, 2003.
  • Wu, R.Zhou, M.Cui, X.Simms, HH.Wang, P. Ghrelin clearance is reduced at the late stage of polymicrobial sepsis. International journal of molecular medicine. 12(5): 777-81, 2003.
  • Wu, R.Xu, Y.Song, X.Meng, X. Gene expression of adhesion molecules in pulmonary and hepatic microvascular endothelial cells during sepsis. Chinese journal of traumatology = Zhonghua chuang shang za zhi / Chinese Medical Association. 5(3): 146-50, 2002.


Rongqian Wu

Assistant Professor


  • : (813) 974-1504

  • DEPARTMENTDepartment of Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology
    University of South Florida