
Kronfol Z, Remick D. Cytokines and the Brain: Implications for clinical psychiatry. American Journal of Psychiatry 2000; 157:683-694.

Kronfol Z, Nair MPN, Weinberg V, Young EA, Aziz M. Acute effects of electroconvulsive therapy on lymphocyte Natural Killer cell activity in patients with major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders 2002; 71: 211-215.

Fontana R, Kronfol Z, Lindsay K, Bieliauskas L, Padmanabhan L, ack-Madruga C, Lok A, Stoddard A and the Halt-C Trial Group. Changes in mood states and biomarkers during peginterferon and ribavarin treatment of chronic hepatitis C. American Journal of Gastroenterology 2008; 103:2766- 2775,.

Ai A, Pergament KI, Apple HB, Kronfol Z. Depression Following Open-Heart Surgery: A Path Model Involving Interleukin-6, Spiritual Struggle, and Hope Under Preoperative Distress. Journal of Clinical Psychology 2010; 66:1057-1075.

Kronfol Z, Litman H, Back-Madruga C, Bieliauskas L, Lindsay K, Lok A, Fontana R, and the Halt-C Trial Group: No Increase in Depression with low Dose Maintenance Peginterferon in Non-responders Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C: Results from the HALT-C Trial. Journal of Affective Disorders 2011; 129:205-212.

Ziad Kronfol



  • : (+974) 4492 8343
    Fax No.: (974) 4492-8377

  • DEPARTMENTDepartment of Psychiatry
    Cornell University