
Selected publications:-

  1. Erbel R, Kreuzer H, Neuhaus L, Spiller P: Die Determinanten des intramyokardialen Druckes. Basic ResCardiol 1975; 70: 647 – 660.
  2. Jaeschke M, Erbel R, Fallen H, Belz GG. Der Einfluß von Digoxin auf das Belastungselektrokardiogramm Herzgesunder. Med Klinik 1976; 7l: 2059 – 2065.
  3. Erbel R, Neuhaus KL, Spiller P, Benn M, Kreuzer H. Beeinflussung der systolischen und diastolischen Ventrikelfunktion durch Kontrastmittelinjektion in den linken Ventrikel. Z Kardiol 1976; 65: 305 - 3l8.
  4. Erbel R, Belz GG, Frössler H, Kolb M, Zorn H. Akuter Armvenenstau bei jungen Soldaten (Paget-vonSchrötter-Syndrom). Wehrmed Monatsschr 1977; 2l: 78 - 9l.
  5. Erbel R, Belz GG, Kreuzer H, Neuhaus L, Spiller P: Der intramyokardiale Druck bei Änderungen der lokalen Kontraktilität. Arzneimittel-Forsch 1977; 27/II: 2059-2063.
  6. Erbel R, Belz GG. Untersuchungen zur Meßmethode der systolischen Zeitintervalle. Z Kardiol 1977; 66: 433-435.
  7. Belz GG, Erbel R, Schumann K, Gilfrich HJ. Dose-response relationships and plasma concentrations of digitalis glycosides in man. Europ J Clin Pharmacol 1978 ; l3: l03–111.
  8. Schweizer P, Meyer J, Messmer BJ, Krebs W, Erbel R, Effert S. Spezielle Möglichkeiten zur Diagnostik der Vorhoftumoren des Herzens. Dtsch Med Wschr 1978; l03: ll33-ll35.
  9. Erbel R, Schweizer P, Krebs W, Meyer J, Effert S. Beurteilung der regionalen Myokardfunktion bei koronarer Herzerkrankung durch echokardiographische Druck-Dimensions-Analyse. Z Kardiol 1978; 67: 688-694.
  10. Erbel R, Schweizer P, Merx W, Effert S. Kontrollierte Langzeitbehandlung des Mitralklappenprolapssyndroms mit Propranolol. Z Kardiol 1978; 67: 729-735.
  11. Fleischmann DW, Pop T, Marschall HU, Wiesener MU,deBakker JMT, Erbel R: Über die Vulnerabilität der menschlichen Herzkammer bei vorzeitiger Stimulation.
    Elektrophysiologische Befunde. Z Kardiol 1979; 68: 4l9-428.
  12. Erbel R, Krämer R, Kleesiek K, Schweizer P, Pop T,Effert S: Suizidale Digitalisintoxikation: Beziehung zwischen der Digitalis-Serumkonzentration und den elektrokardiographischen Befunden. Z Kardiol 1979; 68: 590-598.
  13. Erbel R, Wagner G, Schweizer P, Schäfer M, Merx W, Mutschler E, Effert S: Efficacy of propranolol versus placebo in long-term treatment in patients with mitral valve prolapse. Int J Clin Pharmacol Biopharm 1979; l7: 457-463.
  14. Erbel R, Schweizer P, Meyer J, Krebs W, Kempen P: Analyse der poststimulatorischen Potenzierung bei Patientenmit koronarer Herzerkrankung. Z Kardiol 1979; 68: 809-820.
  15. Erbel R, Schweizer P, Meyer J, Grenner H, Krebs W, Effert S: Bestimmung der Volumina und der Ejektionsfraktiondes linken Ventrikels aus dem zweidimensionalen Echokardiogramm bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzerkrankung. Z Kardiol 1980; 69: 52-6l.
  16. Erbel R, Schweizer P, Meyer J, Krebs W, Effert S: Regional myocardial function in coronary artery disease atrest and during atrial pacing. Eur J Cardiol 1980 ; ll: l83-l99.
  17. Kraemer R, Erbel R, Kleesiek K, Effert S: Möglichkeiten der Erkennung der Digitalisintoxikation anhand elektrokardiographischer Veränderungen. Med Welt 1980; 3l: l27-l29.
  18. Meyer J, Sprauer R, Krebs W, Erbel R, Schweizer P, Effert S: Wirkung von Molsidomin auf die Belastung des linken Ventrikels bei koronarer Herzerkrankung. Dtsch Med Wschr 1980; l05: l2l0-l2l6.
  19. Erbel R, Schweizer P, Pyhel N, Hadré U, Meyer J, KrebsW, Effert S: Quantitative Analyse regionaler Kontraktionsstörungen des linken Ventrikels im zweidimensionalen Echokardiogramm. Z Kardiol 1980; 69: 562-572.
  20. Schweizer P, Erbel R, Meyer J, Grenner H, Krebs W,Effert S: Möglichkeiten der Bestimmung von Volumina und Austreibungsfraktion der linken Kammer mit dem zweidimensionalen Ultraschallverfahren. Herz 1980; 5: 29l-297.
  21. Meyer J, Krebs W, Hagemann K, Erbel R, Verstraeten K, Jensch P, Ameling W, Effert S: Computerized simultaneous pressure volume analysis in aortic valve disease. Eur HeartJ 1980; 1: 171-181.
  22. Erbel R, Schweizer P, Meyer J, Grenner H, Krebs W, Effert S: Left ventricular volume and ejection fraction determination by cross-sectional echocardiography inpatients with coronary artery disease. A prospective study. Clin Cardiol1980; 3: 377-383.
  23. Schweizer P, Bardos P, Erbel R, Meyer J, Merx W, Messmer BJ, Effert S: Detection of left atrial thrombi by echocardiography. Br Heart J 1981; 45: 148-156.
  24. Meyer J, Erbel R, Rupprecht HJ, Merx W, Effert S: Frühe prognostische Aussagen aus den hämodynamischen Befunden beim akuten Myokardinfarkt. Dtsch Med Wschr 1981; 106: 526-53l.
  25. Erbel R, Schweizer P, Lambertz H, Merx W, Meyer J,Effert S,  Schoenmackers J: Prognostische Bedeutung der nichtinvasiv bestimmten Ejektionsfraktion des linken Ventrikels bei reanimierten Patienten. Eine zweidimensionale echokardiographische Studie. Intensivmed 1981; l8: l02-l08.
  26. Erbel R, Schweizer P, Krebs W, Pyhel N, Meyer J, Effert S: Monoplane und biplane zweidimensionale echokardio-graphische Volumenbestimmung des linken Ventrikels. II.Untersuchungen bei koronarer Herzerkrankung. Z Kardiol 1981; 70:436-444.
  27. Persigehl M, Erbel R: Die angeborene linksseitige Perikardaplasie. Fortschr Röntgenstr 1981; 135: 541-547.
  28. Meyer J, Erbel R, Rupprecht HJ, v. Essen R, Merx W, Effert S: Relation between admission time, haemodynamic measurements and prognosis in acute myocardial infarction.Br Heart J 1981; 46: 647-656.
  29. Lambertz H, Erbel R, Meyer J, Schweizer P, Effert S: Langzeitwirkung des neuen Beta-Agonisten Prenalterol bei Patienten mit schwerer Herzinsuffizienz. III - IV. Z Kardio 1982; l7l: 65-74.
  30. Merx W, Meyer J, v. Essen R, Erbel R, Schweizer P, Püllen C, Rupprecht J, Effert S: Rechtsherzinsuffizienz beim Infarkt der rechten Kammer. I. Diagnose und Häufigkeit. Dtsch Med Wschr 1982; l07: 565-570.
  31. Meyer J, Merx W, v. Essen R, Erbel R, Rupprecht J, Püllen C, Effert S: Rechtsherzinsuffizienz beim Infarkt der rechten Kammer. II. Prognose und Therapie. Dtsch Med Wschr 1982; l07: 6l5-6l9.
  32. Meyer J, Schmitz H, Erbel R, Kiesslich T, Böcker-Josephs B, Krebs W, Braun C, Bardos P, Minale C, Messmer BJ, Effert S: Treatment of unstable angina pectoris with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 1981; 7: 36l-37l.
  33. Krebs W, Erbel R, Schweizer P, Richter HA, Henn G,Maßberg I, Meyer J, Effert S: Volumenbestimmung des rechten Ventrikels mit Hilfe der Subtraktionsmethode - Eine vergleichende zweidimensionale echokardiographische und röntgenologische Studie an Herzmodellen. Z Kardiol 1982; 7l: 4l3-420.
  34. Schweizer P, Bardos P, Krebs W, Erbel R, Minale C, Imm S, Messmer BJ,Effert S: Morphometric investigations in mitral stenosis using two-dimensional echocardiography. BrHeart J 48: 54 - 60, l982
  35. Erbel R, Meyer J, Lambertz H, Schweizer P, Voelker W,Krebs W, Braun G, Effert S: Hemodynamic effects of prenalterol in patients with ischemic heart disease and congestive cardiomyopathy. Circulation 66: 36l - 369, l982
  36. Erbel R, Krebs W, Henn G, Schweizer P, Richter HA, MeyerJ, Effert S: Comparison of singleplane and biplane volume determination by two-dimensional echocardiography. - I. Asymmetric model hearts. Eur Heart J 3: 469 - 480, l982
  37. Erbel R, Schweizer P, Henn G, Meyer J, Effert S: Apikale zweidimensionale Echokardiographie - Normalwerte für die monoplane und biplane Bestimmung der Volumina und der Ejektionsfraktion des linken Ventrikels. Dtsch Med Wschr l07: l872 - l877, l982
  38. Meyer J, Merx W, Schmitz H, Erbel R, Kiesslich T, DörrR, Lambertz H, Bethge C, Krebs W, Bardos P, Minale C, Messmer BJ, Effert S: Percutaneous transluminal coronaryangioplasty immediately after intracoronary streptolysis of transmural myocardial infarction. Circulation 66: 905 - 9l3,l982
  39. Lambertz H, Schweizer P, Erbel R, Meyer J, Effert S:  Stellenwert der Kontrastechokardiographie in der Erkennung einer Trikuspidalinsuffizienz. Z Kardiol 7l: 77l - 778,l982
  40. Erbel R, Schweizer P, Lambertz H, Henn G, Meyer J, Krebs W, Effert S: Echoventriculography - A simultaneous analysis of two-dimensional echocardiography and cineventriculo-graphy. Circulation 67: 205 - 2l5, l983
  41. Lambertz H, Schweizer P, Erbel R, Effert S, Messmer BJ: Notfalldiagnostik der akuten Aorteninsuffizienz mit der ein-und zweidimensionalen Echokardiographie. Dtsch Med Wschr l08: l3l - l36, l983
  42. Brand G, Erbel R: Nifedipin sublingual zur Therapie der hypertonen Krise. Med Welt 34: 529 - 530, l983
  43. Meyer J, Schmitz RJ, Kiesslich T, Erbel R, Krebs W,Schulz W, Bardos P, Minale C, Messmer BJ, Effert S:  Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in patients with stable and unstable angina pectoris: Analysis of early and late results. Am Heart J l06: 973 - 980, l983
  44. Anger K, Erbel R, Krebs W, Meyer J, Möller T, Schweizer P, Yalkinog lu Ö. The gated blood pool scan in the evaluation of coronary artery disease. Fortschr. Röntgenstr. l39: 487 -494, l983
  45. Erbel R, Schweizer P, Krebs W, Langen HJ, Meyer J,Effert S: Effects of heart rate changes on left ventricular volume and ejection fraction: A two-dimensional echocardiographic study. Am J Cardiol 53: 590 - 597, l984
  46. Lambertz H, Meyer J, Erbel R: Long-term effects of prenalterol in patients with severe congestive heart failure. Circulation 69: 298 - 305, l984
  47. Erbel R, Schweizer P, Krebs W, Meyer J, Effert S: Sensitivity and specificity of two-dimensional echocardiography in detection of impaired left ventricular function. Eur Heart J 5: 477 - 489, l984
  48. Kasper W, Erbel R, Meinertz T, Drexler M, Rückel A, PopT, Prellwitz W, Meyer J: Intracoronary thrombolysis with an acylated streptokinase plasminogen activator (BRL 2692l) in patients with acute myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardio l4: 357 - 363, l984
  49. Meinertz T, Hoffmann T, Kasper W, Treese N, Erbel R, PopT, Meyer J: Ventrikuläre Herzrhythmusstörungen bei beginnender idiopathischer dilativer Kardiomyopathie. Herz /Kreislauf 9: 457 - 460, l984
  50. Lambertz H, Schweizer P, Krebs W, Merx W, Erbel R, v.Essen R, Uebis R, v. Erckelenz H, Meyer J, Effert S: Echokardiographische Verlaufskontrolle des akuten Myokardinfarktes nach intrakoronarer Streptolysebehandlung.Z Kardiol 73: 32l - 326, l984
  51. v. Essen R, Uebis R, Schmidt W, Dörr R, Merx W, Meyer J,Effert S, Schweizer P, Erbel R, Bardos P, Minale C, Messmer BJ: Intrakoronare Streptokinase beim akuten Herzinfarkt. Dtsch Med Wschr ll0: 570 - 575, l985
  52. Erbel R, Schweizer P, Meyer J, Krebs W, Yalkinog lu Ö, Effert S: Sensitivity of cross-sectional echocardiography in detection of impaired global and regional leftventricular function: prospective study. Int J Cardiol 7:375 - 389, l985
  53. Stern H, Erbel R, Borner N, Schreiner G, Meyer J.
    Spontaneous echocontrast, recorded by transesophageal echocardiography in type III aortic dissection
    Z Kardiol 74:480-1, 1985
  54. Meyer J, Merx W, Dörr R, Erbel R, v. Essen R, Lambertz H, Bethge Ch, Schmitz HJ, Bardos P, Minale C, Messmer  BJ, Effert S: Sequential intervention procedures after intracoronary thrombolysis; ballon dilation, bypass surgery and medical treatment. Int J Cardiol 7: 28l - 293, l985
  55. Erbel R, Henkel B, Ostländer C, Clas W, Brennecke R, Meyer J: Normalwerte für die zweidimensionale Echokardiographie. Dtsch Med Wschr ll0: l23 - l28, l985
  56. Schreiner G, Erbel R, Mohr-Kahaly S, Krämer G, Henkel B, Meyer J: Nachweis von Aneurysmen des Vorhofseptums mit Hilfe der transösophagealen Echokardiographie. Z Kardiol 74: 440 -444, l985
  57. Erbel R, Pop T, Meinertz T, Kasper W, Schreiner G,Henkel B, Henrichs KJ, Pfeiffer C, Rupprecht HJ, Meyer J:Combined medical and mechanical recanalization in acute myocardial infarction. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn ll: 36l - 377, l985
  58. Verstraete M, Bory M, Collen D, Erbel R, Lennane RJ,Mathey D, Michels HR, Schartl M, Uebis R, Bernard R, Brower RW, deBono DP, Huhmann W, Lubsen J, Meyer J, Rutsch W, Schmidt W, v. Essen R: Randomized trial of intra venous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator versus intravenous streptokinase in acute myocardial infarction.Lancet I: 842 - 847, l985
  59. Busch U, Erbel R, Clas W, Pfeiffer U, Meyer J, Blümel G,Blömer H: Verbesserte Okklusionstoleranzzeit durch kontinuierliche Koronarperfusion mit einem modifizierten Gruentzig Koronarangioplastie-Katheter. Z Kardiol 74: 435 -439, l985
  60. Erbel R, Pop T, v. Olshausen K, Meinertz T, Schuster CJ,Treese N, Henrichs KJ, Rupprecht HJ, Zahn R, Steuernagel C,Beck FJ, Meyer J: Kombinierte Anwendung von Thrombolyse und PTCA bei Myokardinfarkt. Herz ll: l6 - 25, l986
  61. Erbel R, Richter HA, Krebs W, Schweizer P, Maßberg I,Zotz R, Meyer J, Effert S: Right ventricular volume determination in isolated human hearts. J Clin Ultrasound l4: 89 - 97, l986
  62. Schuster S, Erbel R, Meyer J, Effert S: Serummyoglobin nach PTCA bei stabiler und instabiler Angina pectoris. Herz- Kreislauf 6: 267 - 269, l986
  63. Erbel R, Stern H, Ehrenthal W, Schreiner G, Treese N, Krämer G, Thelen M, Schweizer P, Meyer J: Detection of spontaneous echocardiographic contrast within the left atrium by transesophageal echocardiography. Clin Cardiol 9:245 - 252, l986
  64. v. Olshausen K, Erbel R, Perkins CM, Brogard JM:  Diagnosis and treatment of heart failure in different European countries: A young AEMIE questionnaire. Ann Med Int l37: 226 - 228, l986
  65. Schuster S, Weilemann LS, Erbel R, Luh W, Schinzel H, Wellek S, Meyer J: Transösophageale Echokardiographie zur Beurteilung der Hämodynamik bei Beatmung mit positiven dexspiratorischem Druck. Med Klinik 8l: 5ll - 5l9, l986
  66. Erbel R, Pop T, Henrichs KJ, v. Olshausen K, SchusterCJ, Rupprecht HJ, Steuernagel C, Meyer J: Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty after thrombolytic therapy: a prospective controlled randomized trial. J AmColl Cardiol 8: 485 - 495, l986
  67. Jung D, Brennecke R, Erbel R, Meyer J: Dokumentationssystem für das Ultraschall-Labor. Ultraschall Klin Prax l: 49 - 5l, l986
  68. Erbel R, Clas W, Busch U, v. Seelen W, Brennecke R,Blömer H, Meyer J: New balloon catheter for prolonged percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty and bypassflow in occluded vessels. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn l2: ll6 -l23, l986
  69. Meyer J, Erbel R, Pop T, v. Olshausen K, Schuster CJ,Treese N, Rupprecht HJ, Henrichs KJ, Diefenbach C, Eissner D, Hahn K: Balloon coronary angioplasty in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Texas Heart Inst J l3: 393 -399, l986
  70. Erbel R, Pop T, v. Olshausen K, Meinertz T, Henkel B,Schreiner B, Henrichs KJ, Rupprecht HJ, Zahn R, Steuernagel C, Beck F, Meyer J: Thrombolytische Therapie und Ballondilatation. Dtsch Med Wschr lll: 523 - 529, l986
  71. Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, B...rner N, Drexler M, Wittlich N, Iversen S, Oelert H, Meyer J: Kombination von Farb-Doppler-und transösophagealer Echokardiographie in der Notfalldiagnostik bei Aortendissektionen Typ I. Z Kardiol75: 6l6 - 620, l986.
  72. Düber C, Jungbluth A, Rumpelt HJ, Erbel R, Meyer J,Thoenes W: Morphology of the coronary arteries after combined thrombolysis and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol 58: 698 - 703, l986
  73. Manns M, Haist A, Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Olshausen K, Staritz M, Wanitschke R, Oelert H, Meyer zum Büschenfelde KH. Myxom des rechten Vorhofs. Dtsch. Med. Wschr. 111: 1106-1109, 1986.
  74. Zocholl G, Lotz R, Drexler M,Erbel R, Schild H: Unzureichende Formstabilität eines DSA Pigtail Katheters als Komplikationsursache. Fortschr Röntgenstr l46: 62 - 65,l987
  75. Kahaly G, Erbel R, Mohr-Kahaly S, Zenker G, v.Olshausen K, Krause U: Morbus Basedow und Mitralklappenprolaps. Dtsch Med Wschr ll2: 248 - 253, l987
  76. Pop T, Treese N, Erbel R, v. Olshausen K, Meyer J:“Three-level shock“ in ablation-refractory paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Clin Cardiol l0: 367 - 369, l987
  77. Treese N, Erbel R, Rhein S, Diefenbach C, Alken RG, Mohr-Kahaly S, Meyer J: Langzeittherapie der chronischen Herzinsuffizienz mit Enoximon. Dtsch Med Wschr ll2: ll63 -ll69, l987
  78. Erbel R, Börner N, Steller D, Brunier J, Thelen M,Pfeiffer C, Mohr-Kahaly S, Iversen S, Oelert H, Meyer J: Detection of aortic dissection by transesophageal echocardiography. Br Heart J 58: 45 - 5l, l987
  79. Erbel R, Hüttemann M, Schreiner G, Darius N, Pop T,Meyer J: Ischämietoleranz des Herzens während perkutaner transluminaler Koronarangioplastie. Herz l2: 302 - 311, l987
  80. Drexler M, Erbel R, Dahm M, Mohr-Kahaly S, Oelert H,Meyer J: Assessment of successful valve reconstruction by intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Int J Card Imag 2: 2l-30,l987
  81. Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Steller D, Börner N, Drexler M, Meyer J: Aortic dissection detected by transesophageal echocardiography. Int J Card Imag 2: 3l - 35, l986 / l987
  82. Erbel R, Meyer J, Diefenbach Ch, Delorme G, Bourdarias JP, Vernant P, Lellouche PV, Mattiolo G, Barbieri A,Installe E, Gonzalez M, Mitrovic V, Neuzner J, Salvade G: A dose-response study of intravenous enoximone in congestive heart failure. Am J Cardiol 60: 3l C - 36 C, l987
  83. Treese N, Erbel R, Pilcher J, Choraria S, Thein S, Dieterich HA, Meyer J: Long-term treatment with oral Enoximone for chronic congestive heart failure: The European Experience. Am J Cardiol 60:85 C - 90 C; 1987
  84. Verstraete M, Arnold A, Brower R, Collen D, deBono D, DeZwaan Ch, Erbel R, Hillis St, Lennane J, Lubsen J, Mathey D, Reid D, Rutsch W, Schartl M, Schofer J, Seruys P, Simoons, Uebis R, Vahanian A, Verheugt F, von Essen R: Acute coronary thrombolysis with recombinant human tissue-type plasminogen activator: initial patency and influence of maintained infusion on reocclusion rate. Am J Cardiol 60:231-237; 1987
  85. Schmidt WG, Uebis R, v. Essen R, Effert S, Erbel R,Meyer J, Rutsch W, Schartl W, Schmutzler H: Residual coronary stenosis after thrombolysis with rt-PA or streptokinase: acute results and 3 weeks follow-up. Eur Heart J 8: ll82 - ll88, l987
  86. Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Zotz R, Duwe L, Schreiner G,Meyer J: Linksventrikuläre Kontrastechokardiographie mittels Gelifundol - Beurteilung von Hämodynamik, Kontraktilität und EKG-Verlauf. Z Kardiol 76: 699 - 705, l987
  87. Erbel R, Mohr-Kahaly S, Rennollet J, Brunier J, Drexler M, Wittlich N, Iversen S, Oelert H, Thelen M, Meyer J: Diagnosis of aortic dissection: the value of transesophageal echocardiography. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 35: l26 - l33,l987
  88. Clas W, Brennecke R, Zotz R, Erbel R, Jung D, Meyer J: Color superposition: a new modality for contrast echocardiography. Int J Card Imag 2: lll - ll6 , l987
  89. Erbel R, Romann S, Drexler M, Mohr-Kahaly S, Gerharz CD, Iversen S,Oelert H, Meyer J: Improved diagnostic value of echocardiography in patients with infective endocarditis by transesophageal approach. A prospective study. Eur Heart J9: 43 - 53, l988
  90. Stern H, Erbel R,Schreiner G, Henkel B, Meyer J:Coarctation of the aorta: quantitative analysis by transesophageal echocardiography. Echocardiography 4: 387 -395, l988
  91. Rupprecht HJ, Erbel R, Brennecke R, Pop T,Jung D,Kottmeyer M, Hering R, Meyer J: Aktuelle Komplikationsrate der perkutanen transluminalen Koronarangioplastie bei stabiler und unstabiler Angina. Dtsch Med Wschr ll3: 409 -4l3, l988
  92. Bischoff S, Kahaly G, v. Olshausen K, Mohr-Kahaly S,Erbel R, Beyer J, Meyer J: Arrhythmieprofil und Herzfrequenz bei Hyperthyreose. Dtsch Med Wschr ll3: 579 - 585, l988
  93. Erbel R, Pop T, Meinertz Th, v. Olshausen K, Henrichs KJ, Schuster CJ, Rupprecht HJ, Schlürmann W, MeyerJ: Combination of calcium channel blocker and thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction. Am Heart J ll5: 529- 538, l988
  94. Darius H, Erbel R, Schmucker B, Reusch, U, Meyer J: Effects anti-ischémiques du SIN-l, métabolite de lamolsidomine, au cours de l’angioplastie coronarienne eteffects antiplaquettaires chez l’homme. Presse Méd l7: l027- l033, l988
  95. Zenker G, Erbel R, Krämer G, Mohr-Kahaly S, Drexler M,Harnoncourt K, Meyer J: Transesophageal two-dimensional echocardiography in young patients with cerebral ischemic events. Stroke l9: 345 - 348, l988
  96. Pop T, Erbel R, Henrichs KJ, Todt N, Bednarczyk J, MeyerJ: Perkutane Angioplastie der stenosierten Aortenklappe: Ergebnisse, hämodynamische Auswirkungen, Komplikationen. Z Kardiol 77: 337 - 345, l988
  97. Haude M, Brennecke R, Erbel R, Jung D, Kiefer E, Schmidt T, Meyer J: The effect of balloon dilatation on post-stenotic myocardial perfusion before and after stimulation of coronary flow reserve: evaluation by the densitometric parameter „mean rise time“. Int J Cardiol CardImag 3: l27 - l32, l988
  98. Schnell N, Brennecke R, Erbel R, Meyer J: Requirements on resolution of digital imaging equipment in the cardiac catheterization laboratory. Int J Card Imag 3: lll - ll6,l988
  99. Diefenbach Ch, Erbel R, Pop T, Mathey D, Schofer J. Hamm Ch, Ostermann H, Schmitz-Hübner U, Bleifeld W, Meyer J: Recombinant single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator during acute myocardial infarction. Am J Cardio l6l: 966 - 970, l988
  100. Treese N, Rhein S, Werneyer A, Erbel R, v.Olshausen K, Pop T, Meyer J: Der Einfluß oraler Enoximon-Langzeittherapie auf das Arrhythmieprofil bei chronischer Herzinsuffizienz. Z Kardiol 77: 653 - 659, l988
  101. Erbel R, Sievert H,Bussmann WD, Pop T, Bednarcyk I,Erdmann E, Meyer J: Aortenisthmusstenosen - Dilatation im Erwachsenenalter. Eine deutsche kooperative Studie. Z Kardiol 77: 797 - 804, l988
  102. Haude M, Erbel R, Brennecke R, Jung D, Kiefer E,Schmidt Th, Meyer J: Quantitative coronary angiography and digital densitometric perfusion measurements - how to assess the success of intracoronary balloon dilatation. J Intervent Cardiol 1:  25l - 256, l988
  103. Erbel R, Schatz R, Dietz U, Nixdorff U, Haude M, Aichinger S, Pop T, Meyer J: Ballondilatation und koronare Gefäßstützenimplantation. Angioplastie - Valvuloplastie. ZKardiol 78: 7l - 77, l989
  104. Erbel R, Schatz R, Dietz U,Nixdorff U, Haude M, Aichinger S: Ballondilatation und koronare Gefäßstützenimplantation. Versicherungsmed 4l: 82 - 84, l989
  105. Primi Trial Study Group (Meyer J, Bär F, Barth H, Charbonier B, El Deeb MF, Erbel R, Flohe L, Gülker H, Heikkilä J, Maßberg I, Mathey D, Monassier JP, Probst P,Schmitz-Hübner U, Seabra Gomes R, Strupp G, Uebis R, Vermeer F, van der Werf T, Westerhof P, Windeler J: Randomised double-blind trial of recombinant pro-urokinase against streptokinase in acute myocardial infarction. Lancet I, 863- 868, l989
  106. Erbel R, O`Neill, W, Auth D, Haude M, Nixdorff U, DietzU, Rupprecht J, Tschollar, W, Meyer J: Hochfrequenz-Rotationsatherektomie bei koronare Herzkrankheit. Dtsch Med Wschr  ll4, 487 - 495, l989
  107. Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Zenker G, Drexler M, Wittlich N, Schaudig M, Bohlander M, Esser M, Meyer J: Semiquantitative grading of mitral regurgitation by color-coded Doppler echocardiography. Int J Cardiol 23: 223- 230, l989
  108. Wittlich N, Erbel R, Drexler M, Mohr-Kahaly S, Rüdiger Brennecke R, Meyer J: Color Doppler flow mapping of the heart in normal subjects. Echocardiography 5: 179 -182, l989
  109. Erbel R, O`Neill W, Auth D, Haude N, Nixdorff U,Rupprecht HJ, Dietz U, Meyer J: High-frequency rotablation of occluded coronary artery during heart catheterization. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 17: 56 - 58, 1989
  110. Mohr-Kahaly S, Epperlein S, Erbel R, Darius H, Belz GG, Meyer J: Einfluß der Angiotensin-induzierten Nachlast­Änderung auf die Hämodynamik bei Mitralklappeninsuffizienz. Z Kardiol 78: 94 - 40, 1989
  111. Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Zenker G, Bohlander M, Esser,M, Meyer J: Flow patterns of mitral regurgitation due to different etiologies: analysis by color-coded Doppler echocardiography. Intervent J Cardiol 23: 23l - 237, 1989
  112. v. Olshausen K, Bischoff St, Kahaly G, Mohr-Kahaly S,Erbel R, Beyer J, Meyer J: Cardiac arrhythmias and heart rate in hyperthyroidism. Am J Cardiol 63: 930 - 933, l989
  113. Gräf P, Erbel R, Mohr-Kahaly S, Zimmer M, Klein M,  Faust-Tinnefeldt G, Fischer P, Dreher R, Engel HJ, Meyer J:  Echokardiographische Veränderungen bei Kollagenosen.Ultraschall Klin Prax 4: 90 - 94, l989
  114. Treese N, Erbel R, Rhein S, Henrichs KJ, Meyer J:  Additive effects of enoximone and nitroprusside in unstable chronic heart failure. Eur Heart J l0: 484 - 492, l989
  115. Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Rennollet H, Wittlich N, Drexler M, Oelert H, Meyer J: Ambulatory follow-up of aortic dissection by transesophageal two-dimensional and color-coded Doppler echocardiography.  Circulation 80: 24 -33, l989
  116. Erbel R, Pop T, Diefenbach C, Meyer J: Long-term results of thrombolytic therapy with and without percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. J Am Coll Cardiol 14: 276 - 285, 1989
  117. Erbel R, Engberding R, Daniel W, Roelandt J, Visser C, Rennollet H: Echocardiography in diagnosis of aortic dissection. Lancet: 457 - 461, 1989
  118. Haude M, Steffen W, Erbel R, Tschollar W, Belz GG,Meyer J: Hämodynamik nach sublingualer Applikation von Captopril bei schwerer Herzinsuffizienz. Dtsch Med Wschr ll4: l095 - ll00, l989
  119. Mohr-Kahaly S, Epperlein R, Erbel R, Darius H, Belz GG, Meyer J: Einfluß der Angiotensin-induzierten Nachlast­Änderung auf die Hämodynamik bei Mitralklappeninsuffizienz. Eine zweidimensionale und farbkodierte Doppler-echokardiographische Studie. Z Kardiol 78: 394 - 401, l989
  120. Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Viehl H, Wittlich N, Meyer J: Funktionsbeurteilung des linken Ventrikels mittels zweidimensionaler und farbkodierter Dopplerechokardiographie. Z Kardiol 78: 7l9 - 725, l989
  121. Kaltenborn HA, Brunier A, Zocholl G, Erbel R. Katheter induzierte Vorhofthromben nach zentraler Kontrastmittelinjektion bei der venöse DSA. Röntgenpraxis 42: 412-414, 1989.
  122. The European Working Group on Echocardiography. The European Cooperative Study on the clinical significance of right heart thrombi. Eur Heart J 10: 1046-1059, 1989
  123. Nixdorff U, Erbel R, Meyer J. Reinfarction related to PTCA-induced coronary embolism after successful thrombolytic therapy. J Interven Cardiol 2: 97-101, 1989
  124. Hake U, Iversen S, Erbel R, Drexler M, Neufang A, Meyer J, Oelert H. New bundle branch block after coronary artery bypass grafting - evaluation by CK-MB isoenzyme analysis and transesophageal echocardiography. Eur Heart J 11: 59-64,1990
  125. Erbel R, Bednarczyk I, Pop T, Todt M, Henrichs KJ, Brunier A, Thelen M, Meyer J. Detection of dissection of the aortic intima and media after angioplasty of coarctation of the aorta. An angiographic, computer tomographic and echocardiographic comparative study. Circulation 81:805-814, 1990
  126. Rupprecht HJ, Brennecke R, Bernhard G, Erbel R, Pop T, Meyer J. Analysis of risk factors for restenosis after PTCA. Cath Cardiovasc Diag 19: 151-159, 1990
  127. Görge G, Erbel R, Henrichs KJ, Wenchel HM, Werner HP,Meyer J. Positive blood cultures during transesophageal echocardiography. Am J Cardiol 65: 1404-1405, 1990.
  128. Jakob H, Lorenz J, Clement T, Börner N, Schweden F, Erbel R, Oelert H. Mediastinal lymph node staging with transesophageal echography in cancer of the lung. Eur J Cardio-thorac Surg 4: 355-358, 1990
  129. Wittlich N, Erbel R, Mohr-Kahaly S, Drexler M, Meyer J.Transesophageal color Doppler evaluation of normal heart valves: quantification of normal physiological valvular regurgitation. Am J Cardiac Imag 4: 86-92, 1990
  130. Haude M, Brennecke R, Erbel R, Lang M, Deutsch HP,Renneisen U, Meyer J. Parametric assessment of myocardial perfusion during interventional cardiac catheterization by means of X-ray densitometry - short- and long-term results.Int J Card Imag 5: 183-190, 1990
  131. Rupprecht HJ, Brennecke R, Kottmeyer M, Bernhard G, Erbel R, Pop T, Meyer J. Short- and long-term outcome after PTCA in patients with stable and unstable angina. Eur Heart J 11: 964-973, 1990
  132. Mohr-Kahaly S, Kupferwasser I, Erbel R, Oelert H, MeyerJ. Regurgitant flow in apparently normal valve prostheses: improved detection and semiquantitative analysis by transesophageal two-dimensional color-coded Dopplerechocardiography. J Am Soc Echo 3: 187-195, 1990
  133. Erbel R, Mohr-Kahaly S, Oelert H, Rennollet H, Brunier A, Thelen M, Meyer J. Diagnostic strategies in suspected aortic dissection: comparison of computed tomography,aortography, and transesophageal echocardiography. Am J Cardiac Imag 4: 157-172, 1990
  134. Drexler M, Erbel R, Müller U, Wittlich N, Mohr-Kahaly S, Meyer J. Measurement of intracardiac dimensions and structures in normal young adult subjects by transesophageal echocardiography. Am J Cardiol 65: 1491-1496, 1990
  135. Haude M, Erbel R, Straub U, Dietz U, Schatz R, Meyer J. Koronare Gefäßstützenimplantation bei Patienten mit symptomatischen Dissektionen nach Ballondilatation. Z Kardiol 79: 843-849, 1990
  136. Schuster S, Erbel R, Weilemann LS, Lu W, Henkel B,Wellek S, Schinzel H, Meyer J. Hemodynamics during PEEP ventilation in patients with severe left ventricular failure studied by transesophageal echocardiography. Chest 97: 1181-1189, 1990
  137. Haude M, Erbel R, Straub U, Dietz U, Schatz R, Meyer J. Coronary stent implantation in acute vessel closure 48 hours after an unsatisfactory coronary angioplasty. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 21: 263-265, 1990
  138. Haude M, Steffen W, Erbel R, Meyer J. Sublingual administaration of captopril versus nitroglycerin in patients with severe congestive heart failure. Int J Cardiol 27:351-359, 1990
  139. Swars H, Hafner G, Erbel R, Ehrenthal W, Rupprecht HJ, Prellwitz W, Meyer J. Prothrombin fragments and thrombotic occlusion of coronary stents. Lancet 337: 59-60, 1991
  140. Düber C, Klose KL, Erbel R, Schmiedt W, Thelen M. Intravaskuläre Sonographie: Erste klinische Ergebnisse.  Fortschr Röntgenstr 154,2: 164-171, 1991
  141. Zotz R, Stähr P, Erbel R, Auth D, Meyer J. Analysis of high-frequency rotational angioplasty-induced echo contrast.Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 22: 137-144, 1991
  142. vom Dahl J, Uebis R, Meyer J, Effert S, Cramer S, Cramer C, Rupprecht HJ, Nase-Hüppmeier S, Erbel R, Hanrath P, Bardos P, Messmer BJ. Langzeitresultate nach elektiver perkutaner transluminaler Koronarangioplastie (PTCA). Eine klinisch-angiographische Studie mit 289 konsekutiven Patienten. Z Kardiol 80: 322-329, 1991
  143. Rupprecht HJ, Brennecke R, Erbel R, Kerz T, Bernhard G,Meyer J. Einfluß der PTCA auf den klinischen Verlauf bei Patienten mit koronarer Eingefäßerkrankung. Z Kardiol 80:286-289, 1991
  144. Daniel WG, Erbel R, Kasper W, Visser CE, Engberding R,Sutherland GR, Grube E, Hanrath P, Maisch B, Dennig K, Schartl M, Kremer P, Angermann C, Iliceto S, Curtius JM, Mügge A. Safety of transesophageal echocardiography. A multicenter survey of 10.419 examinations. Circulation 83: 817-821, 1991
  145. Lee L, Erbel R, Brown TM, Laufer N, Meyer J, O’Neill WW. Multicenter registry of angioplasty therapy of cardiogenic shock: initial and long-term survival. J Am Coll Cardiol 17: 599-603, 1991
  146. Dietz U, Erbel R, Pannen B, Haude M, Nixdorff U,Iversen S, Thoenes W, Auth D, Meyer J. Angiographische und histologische Befunde bei der Hochfrequenzrotationsablation in Koronararterien in vitro. Z Kardiol 80: 222-229, 1991
  147. Gräf P, Erbel R, Zotz R, Weilemann LS, Meyer J. Herzbeteiligung bei mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD). Med Klin 86, 234-236, 1991
  148. Görge G, Erbel R, Schuster S, Ge J, Meyer J. Intravascular ultrasound in diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism. Lancet 337: 623-624, 1991
  149. Haude M, Erbel R, Straub U, Dietz U, Schatz R, Meyer J. Results of intracoronary stents for management of coronary dissection after balloon angioplasty. Am J Cardiol 67: 691-696, 1991
  150. Rohmann S, Erbel R, Darius H, Görge G, Makowski T, Zotz R, Mohr-Kahaly S, Nixdorff U, Drexler M, Meyer J. Prediction of rapid and prolonged healing infective endocarditis by monitoring vegetation size. J Am Soc Echo 4: 465-474, 1991
  151. Rohmann S, Seifert T, Erbel R, Jakob H, Mohr-Kahaly S, Makowski T, Görge G, Oelert H, Meyer J. Identification of abscess formation in native valve infective endocarditis using transesophageal echocardiography: implications for surgical treatment. Thorax Cardiovasc Surg 39: 273-280, 1991
  152. Mertes H, Erbel R, Nixdorff U, Wülfinger D, Meyer J. Belastungsechokardiographie - eine sensitive Methode in der Diagnostik der koronaren Herzerkrankung. Herz 16: 355-366, 1991
  153. Mertes H, Nixdorff U, Erbel R, Meyer J: Quantitative Stress-Echokardiographie. Normalbefunde bei aufrechter Fahrradergometrie. Z Kardiol 80: 529-536, 1991
  154. Gerber T, Erbel R, Görge G, Ge J, Meyer J. Vergleichende Bestimmung von Durchmesser und Querschnittsfläche der Aorta mittels Aortographie und intravaskulärem Ultraschall. Herz Kreisl. 23: 403-408, 1991
  155. Haude M, Erbel R, Straub U, Dietz U, Schatz R, Meyer J. Short- and long-term results after intracoronary stenting in human coronary arteries: monocenter experience with the balloon-expandable Palmaz-Schatz Stent. Br Heart J 66: 337-345, 1991
  156. Zotz R, Erbel R, Meyer J. Intrawall hematom of the aorta as an early sign of aortic dissection. J Am Soc Echo 4: 636-638, 1991
  157. Görge G, Erbel R, Haude M, Straub U, Meyer J. Kollateralen verhindern nicht Infarkte bei subakuten Gefäßverschlüssen nach initial erfolgreicher Gefäßstützenimplantation. Z Kardiol 80: 727-731, 1991
  158. Ge J, Erbel R, Seidel I, Görge G, Teichert T, Gerber T, Meyer J. Experimentelle Überprüfung der Genauigkeit und Sicherheit des intraluminalen Ultraschalls. Z Kardiol 80: 595-60, 1991
  159. Mertes H, Treese N, Wittlich N, Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Meyer J. Linsventrikuläres Einstromverhalten unter Zweikammerstimulation mit unterschiedlicher AV-Überleitung: Eine echokardiographische Untersuchung. Z Kardiol 80: 637-644, 1991
  160. Schuster St, Erbel R, Rupprecht HJ, Wellek St, Meyer J. Computergestützte Wandbewegungsanalyse des rechten Ventrikels an einem Normalkollektiv und Diagnostik des Rechtsherzinfarktes mittels transösophagealer Echokardiographie. Med Klin 86: 344-348, 1991
  161. Wittlich N, Erbel R, Eichler A, Schuster S, Jacob H,Iversen S, Oelert H, Meyer J. Detection of central pulmonary artery thrombemboli by transesophageal  echocardiography in patients with severe pulmonary embolism. J Am Soc Echo 5: 515-524, 1992
  162. Haude M, Erbel R, Steffen W, Tschollar W, Meyer J. Sublingual administration of captopril in patients with acute myocardial ischemia. Clin Cardiol 14: 463-468, 1991
  163. Bertrand MF, Lablanche JM, Leroy F, Bauters C, DeJaegere P, Serruys PW, Meyer J, Dietz U, Erbel R. Percutaneous transluminal coronary rotary ablation with Rotablator. Am J Cardiol 69: 470-474, 1992
  164. Zamorano J, Erbel R, Mackowski T, Alfonso F, Meyer J. Usefulness of transesophageal echocardiography for diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse. Am J Cardiol 69: 419-422, 1992
  165. Rohmann S, Erbel R, Darius H, Makowski Th, Jensen P, Fischer Th, Meyer J. Spontaneous echo contrast imaging in infective endocarditis a predictor of complications ? Int J Card Imag 8: 197-207, 1992
  166. Rohmann S, Erbel R, Görge G, Makowski Th, Mohr-Kahaly S, Nixdorff U, Drexler M, Meyer J. Clinical relevance of vegetation localization by transoesophageal echocardiography in infective endocarditis. Eur Heart J 12: 446-452, 1992
  167. de Mey Ch, Belz G, Nixdorff U, Butzer R, Schroeter V, Meyer J, Erbel R. Relative sensitivity of for noninvasive methods in assessing systolic cardiovascular effects of isoproterenol in healthy volunteers. Pharmacol Ther 52: 609-619, 1992
  168. Gerber Th, Erbel R, Görge G, Ge J, Rupprecht HJ, Meyer J. Classification of morphologic effects of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty assessed by intravascular ultrasound. Am J Cardiol 70: 1546-1554, 1992
  169. Schmaltz A, Erbel R, Wittlich N, Mohr-Kahaly S, Meyer J. Nichtinvasive Quantifizierung und Schweregradeinteilung von Aortenstenosen mittels Doppler-Echokardiographie. Z Kardiol 81: 619-626, 1992
  170. Erbel R, Haude M, Hafner G, Rupprecht HJ, Görge G, Issa H, Dietz U, Meyer J. Koronare Gefäßstützenimplantation. Versicherungs Med 44; 5: 152-159, 1992
  171. Hafner G, Swars H, Erbel R, Ehrenthal W, Rupprecht HJ, Lotz J, Meyer J, Prellwitz W. Monitoring prothrombin fragment 1+2 during initiation of oral anticoagulant therapy after intracoronary stenting. Ann Hematol 65: 83-87, 1992
  172. Zotz R, Erbel R, Philipp A, Judt A, Wagner H, Lauterborn W, Meyer J. High-speed rotational angioplasty-induced echo contrast in vivo and in vitro optical analysis. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 28: 98-109, 1992
  173. Kahaly G, Olshausen KV, Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Boor S, Beyer J, Meyer J. Arrhythmia profile in acromegaly. Eur Heart J 13: 51-56, 1992
  174. Görge G, Erbel R, Gerber Th, Ge J, Zamorano J, Makowski Th, Nixdorff U, Mohr-Kahaly S, Meyer J. Intravasaler Ultraschall bei Patienten mit Verdacht auf Aortendissektion: Vergleich zur transösophagealen Echokardiographie. Z Kardiol 81: 37-43, 1992
  175. Iversen S, Hake U, Mayer E, Erbel R, Diefenbach Ch, Oelert H. Surgical treatment of myocardial bridging causing coronary artery obstruction. Scand J Thor Cardiovasc Surg 26: 107-111, 1992
  176. Ge J, Erbel R, Görge G, Gerber Th, Brennecke R, Seidel I, Reichert T, Meyer J. Intravascular ultrasound imaging of arterial wall architecture. Echocardiogr 5: 475-483, 1992
  177. Görge G, Erbel R, Brennecke R, Rupprecht HJ, Todt M, Meyer J. High-resolution two-dimensional echocardiography improves the quantification of left ventricular function. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 5: 125-134, 1992
  178. Von Strunk H, Weber W, Steffen W, Spielberger M, Düber Ch, Erbel R, Dietz U, Schäfer M. Percutane sonographische Angioplastie. Erste experimentelle Ergebnisse. Fortschr Röntgenstr 156,1: 33-36, 1992
  179. Spiecker M, Erbel R, Diefenbach Ch, Haidasch M, Tresse N, Henrichs KJ, Rupprecht HJ, Pop T, Iversen St, Oelert H, Schicketanz KH, Meyer J. Langzeitverlauf nach thrombolytischer Behandlung des akuten Infarktes in Kombination mit akuter und elektiver Revaskularisation. Med Klin 87: 343-349, 1992
  180. Kahaly G, Olshausen KV, Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Boor S, Beyer J, Meyer J. Arrhythmia profile in acromegaly. Eur Heart J 13: 51-56, 1992
  181. Fischer TA, Rohmann S, Treese N, Erbel R, Meyer J Treatment of chronic congestive heart failure. N Engl J Med 326: 1220, 1992
  182. Just M, Mohr-Kahaly S, Kreitner K.-F, Grebe P, Erbel R, Meyer J, Thelen M. Magnetresonanztomographie bei chronischer Aortendissektion. Fortschr Röntgenstr 158,2: 87-184, 1993
  183. Nixdorf U, Erbel R, Pop T, Rupprecht HJ, Henrichs KJ,Mörchen S, Meyer J. Long-term follow-up of global and regional left ventricular function by two-dimensional echocardiography after thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction. Int J Card: 41: 31-47 1993
  184. Haude M, Issa H, Herber M, Meyer J. Erbel R: Re-Stensoe nach Implantation von Palmaz-Schatz-Gefäßstützen in Koronararterien. Dtsch med Wschr,118: 1349-1354; 1993
  185. Jakob HG, Zölch B, Schuster S, Iversen S, Hake U, Lippold R, Erbel R, Oelert H. Endovertricular patch plasty improves results of LV aneurysm ectomy. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 7: 428-436, 1993
  186. Ge J, Erbel R, Zamorano J, Koch L, Kearney P, Görge G, Gerber Th, Meyer J. Coronary artery remodeling in atherosclerotic disease: An intravascular ultrasonic study in vivo. Cor Art Dis 4: 981-986, 1993
  187. Engberding R, Daniel WG, Erbel R, Kasper W, Lestuzzi C, Curtius JM, Sutherland GR, Lambertz H, von Hehn A, Lesbre JP, Bogunovic N, Biasi S, Caruso A, Lengyel M, Iliceto S,European Cooperative Study Group. Diagnosis of heart tumors by transesophageal echocardiography: a multicentre study in 154 patients. Eur Heart J 14: 1223-1228, 1993
  188. Roth Th, Erbel R, Brennecke R, Rupprecht HJ, Meyer J,v. Seelen W. Varations in Acoustical beam properties of intracoronary doppler catheters. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 30: 257-263, 1993
  189. Braksator W, Kuch M, Drexler M, Schön F, Makowski Th, Erbel R. Wieloplaszczyznowa echokardiografia prezezprzelykowa a - kolejny krok do trojwymiarowej ocenyserca. Kadiol Pol 39: 454-459, 1993
  190. Zotz R, Dohmen G, Genth S, Erbel R, Meyer J. Diagnosis of papillary muscle rupture after acute myocardial infarction by transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography. Clin Cardiol. 16: 665-670, 1993
  191. Haude M, Erbel R, Hafner G, Heublein B, Hoepp HW, Franzen D, Prellwitz W, Lichtlen P, Hilger HH, Meyer J. Multizentrische Ergebnisse der koronaren Implantation von ballonexpandierbaren Palmaz-Schatz-Gefäßstützen. Z Kardiol 82: 77-86, 1993
  192. Haude M, Erbel R, Issa H, Meyer J: Quantitative analysis of elastic recoil after ballon angioplasty and after intracoronary implantation of balloon-expandable Palmaz-Schatz Stent. J Am Coll Cardiol 21: 26-34, 1993
  193. Erbel R, Rupprecht HJ, Ge J, Gerber Th, Görge G, Meyer J. Coronary artery shape and flow changes induced by myocardial bridging. Echocardiogr 1: 71-77, 1993
  194. Haude M, Erbel R, Issa H, Straub U, Rupprecht HJ, Treese N, Meyer J. Subacute thrombotic complications after intracoronary implantation of Palmaz-Schatz stents. Am Heart J 126: 15-22, 1993
  195. Erbel R, Oelert H, Meyer J, Puth M, Mohr-Kahaly S, Hausmann D, Daniel W, Maffei St, Caruso A, Covino FE, Dialetto G, Iacono C, Cotrufo M, Baroni M, Terrazzi M, Fraser A, Taams M, Slavich G, Sutherland G, Roelandt J, Marcaggi X, for the European Cooperative Study Group on Echocardiography. Effect of medical and surgical therapy on aortic dissection evaluated by transoesophageal echocardiography. implications for prognosis and therapy. Circulation 87: 1604-1615, 1993
  196. Mertes H, Erbel R, Nixdorff U, Mohr-Kahaly S, Krüger St, Meyer J. Exercise echocardiography for the evaluation of patients after nonsurgical coronary artery revascularization. J Am Coll Cardiol 21: 1087-1093, 1993
  197. Görge G, Erbel R, Nießing St, Schön F, Kearney P, Meyer J. Miniaturized Pressure-Guide-Wire: Evaluation in vitro and in isolated hearts. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 30: 341-347, 1993
  198. Haude M, Issa H, Herber M, Meyer J, Erbel R. Re-Stenose nach Implantation von Palmaz-Schatz-Gefäßstützen in Koronararterien. Dtsch med Wschr 118: 1349-1354, 1993
  199. Von Birgelen C, Bug R, Drochner K, Görge G, Erbel R. Klinischpathologische Konferenz; Retrosternale Vernichtungsschmerzen nach körperlicher Anstrengung bei einem 33 jähjrigen Patienten. Aneurymsa verum der Aorta ascendens mit intramuraler Hämorrhagie: Frühstadium einer Dissektion mit drohender Ruptur. Med Klin 89: 81-85, 1994
  200. Franzen D, Nolte C, Haude M, Lange von Stockmeier C, Albrecht D, Heublein B, Erbel R, Höpp HW. Zeitverlauf und Charakteristika von Restenosen nach koronarer Stentimplantation bei asymptomatischen und symptomaren Patienten. Z Kardiol 83: 155-160, 1994
  201. Zamorano J, Erbel , Ge J, Görge G, Kearney P, Koch L, Scholte A, Meyer J. Spontanous plaque rupture visualized by intravascular ultrasound. Eur Heart J 15: 131-133, 1994
  202. Ge J, Erbel R, Rupprecht HJ, Koch L, Kearney P, Görge G, Haude M, Meyer J. Comparison of intravascular ultrasound and angiography in the assessment of myocardial bridging. Circulation 89: 1725-1732, 1994
  203. Ge J, Erbel R, Gerber Th, Görge G, Koch L, Haude M, Meyer J. Intravascular ultrasound imaging of angiographically normal coronary arteries: a prospective study in vivo. Br Heart J, 71: 572-578; 1994
  204. Spiecker M, Erbel R, Rupprecht HJ, Meyer J. Emergency angioplasty of totally occluded left main coronary artery in acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina pectoris - institutional experience and literature review. Eur Heart J 15: 602-607, 1994
  205. Görge G, Erbel R, Dobbertin A, Hänggi M, Hake U, Meyer J. Isolated in-vitro perfusion of pig hearts obtained from the abattoir: an alternative to animal experiments? Eur Heart J 15: 851-857, 1994
  206. Görge G, Erbel R, Haude M, Kearney P. Baumann T, Rupprecht HJ, Meyer J. Continuous coronary perfusion balloon catheters in coronary dissections after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Eur Heart J 15: 908-914, 1994
  207. von Birgelen C, von Schönfeld J, Görge G, Fabry W, Layer P. Amöbenabszeß der Leber mit hepatobronchialer Fistel. Dtsch med Wschr 119: 1034-1038, 1994
  208. Stähr P, Erbel R, Zotz R, Meyer J. Ultraschallkontrast bei der Hochfrequenzrotationsangioplastie. Ultraschall Klin Prax 9: 116-121, 1994
  209. Weintraub AR, Erbel R, Görge G, Schwartz SL, Ge J, Gerber TH, Meyer J, Hsu TL, Bojar R, Iliceto S, Carella L, Rizzon P, Vilacosta I, Goicolea J, Zamorano J, Alfonso F, Pandian NG. Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging in Acute Aortic Dissection. J Am Coll Card 24: 495-503, 1994
  210. Schappert T, Sadony V, Schön F, von Birgelen C, Zerkowski HR, Erbel R. Diagnosis and therapeutic consequences of intramural aortic hematoma. J Card Surg 9: 508-515, 1994
  211. Epperlein S, Wittlich N, Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Meyer J. Echokardiographische On-line-Volumetrie mittels akustischer Quantifizierung - Vergleiche zur manuellen echokardiographischen Analyse und Kineventrikulographie. Z Kardiol. 83: 658-665, 1994
  212. Zotz RJ, Genth S, Erbel R, Dietrich HA, Meyer J. Contrast echocardiogrpahy of the left ventricle an independent predictor of pulmonary artery pressure? Intern J Cardiac Imag 10: 195-203, 1994
  213. Haude M, Erbel R. Coronary stenting for the treatment of restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. J Intervent Cardiol 7: 341-346, 1994.
  214. Erbel R, Drozdz J, Ge J, Meyer J, Wittlich N, Thelen M. Diagnostik der pulmonalen Hypertonie. Bildgebende Verfahren in der Kardiologie. Internist 35: 1039-1055, 1994
  215. Zamorano J, Erbel R, Ge J, Görge G, Kearney P, Scholte A, Meyer J. Vessel wall changes in the proximal non-treated segment after PTCA. An in vivo intracoronary ultrasound study. Eur Heart J 15: 1505-1511, 1994
  216. Zamorano J, Erbel R, Ge J, Görge G, Kearney P, Koch L, Scholte A, Meyer J. Spontaneous plaque rupture visualized by intravascular ultrasound. Eur Heart J 15: 131-133, 1994
  217. Ellis StG, da Silva R, Heyndrickx G, Talley D, Cernigliaro C, Steg G, Spaulding Ch, Nobuyoshi M, Erbel R, Vassanelli C, Topol EJ, for the RESCUE Investigators. Randomized comparison of rescue angioplasty with conservative managememt of patients with early failure of thrombolysis for acute anterior myocardioal infarction. Circulation 90: 2280-2284, 1994
  218. Epperlein S, Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Kearney P, Meyer J. Aorta and aortic valve morphologies predisposing to aortic dissection. An in vivo assessment with transesophageal echocardiography. Eur Heart J 15: 1520-1527, 1994
  219. Diefenbach C, Erbel R, Treese N, Bollenbach E, Meyer J. Häufigkeit von Myokardbrücken nach adrenerger Stimulation und Nachlastsenkung bei Patienten mit Angina pectoris, aber unauffälligen Koronararterien. Z Kardiol 83: 809-815, 1994
  220. Görge G, Haude M, Baumgart D, Sack S, Ge J, Leischik R, Erbel R. Therapie des kardiogenen Schocks bei akutem Herzinfarkt. Herz 19: 360-370, 1994
  221. Kearney P, Erbel R, Ge J, Zamorano J, Koch L, Görge G, Meyer J. Assessment of spontaneous coronary artery dissection by intravascular ultrasound in a patient with unstable angina. Cath and Cardiovasc Diagn 32: 58-61, 1994
  222. Kupferwasser I, Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Makowski T, Wittlich N, Kearney P, Mumm B, Meyer J. Three-dimensional imaging of cardiac mass lesions by transesophageal echocardiographic computed tomography. JASE 7:561-70, 1994.
  223. Dietz U, Erbel R, Rupprecht HJ, Weidmann S, Meyer J. High-frequency rotational ablation following failed percutaneoius transluminal coronary angioplasty. Cath and Cardiovasc Diag 31: 179-186, 1994
  224. Zotz RJ, Genth S, Rupprecht HJ, Brennecke R, Erbel R, Meyer J. Left ventricular volume determination using colour supterpositioning of contrast echocardiograms. Eur J Ultrasound  2: 17-27, 1995
  225. Zeppellini R, Schön F, Gheno G, Drozdz J, Balzereit A, Cucchini F, Erbel R. Left atrial appendage systolic forward flow. Am J Cardiol 75: 204-206, 1995
  226. Hausmann D, Erbel R, Alibelli-Chemarin MJ, Boksch W, Caracciolo E, Cohn JM, Culp StC, Daniel WG, De Scheerder I, Di Mario C, Ferguson III JJ, Fitzgerald PJ, Friedrich G, Ge J, Görge G, Hanrath P, Hodgson JMcB, Isner JM, Jain S, Maier-Rudolph W, Mooney M, Moses JW, Mudra H, Pinto FJ, Smalling, RW, Talley JD, Tobis JM, Walter PD, Weidinger F, Werner GS. The safety of intracoronary ultrasound; a multicenter survey of 2207 Examinations. Circulation 91: 623-630, 1995
  227. Erbel R, Ge J, Görge G, Haude M. Intravascular Ultrasound. Int J Cardiac Imag 11: 15-19, 1995
  228. Görge G, Haude M, von Birgelen C, Caspari G, Erbel R. Reperfusionstherapie bei akutem Myokardinfarkt. Dtsch Med Wschr 120: 375-382, 1995
  229. Ge J, Erbel R, Görge G, Haude M, Meyer J. High wall shear stress proximal to myocardial bridging and atherosclerosis: intracoronary ultrasound and pressure measurements. Br Heart J 73: 462-465, 1995
  230. Mügge A, Daniel W, Angermann Ch, Spes Ch,. Khandheria BK, Kronzon I, Freedberg RS, Keren A, Dennig K, Engberding R, Sutherland GR, Vered Z, Erbel R, Visser CA, Lindert O, Hausmann D, Wenzlaff P. Atrial Septal Aneurym in Adult Patients;  A Multicenter Study Using Transthoracic and Transesophageal Echocardiography. Circulation 91: 2785-2792, 1995
  231. Ge J, Liu F, Kearney P, Görge G, Haude M, Erbel R. Acute Coronary Artery Closure Following Intracoronary Ultrasound Examination. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 35: 232-235, 1995
  232. Ge J, Erbel R, Zamorano J, Haude M, Kearny P, Görge G, Meyer J. Improvement of coronary morphology and blood flow after stenting. Assessment by intravascular ultrasound and intracoronary Doppler. Int J Cardiac Imaging;  11: 81-87, 1995
  233. Zotz RJ, Genth S, Rupprecht H, Brennecke R, Erbel R, Meyer J. Left ventricular volume determination using colour superpositioning of contrast echocardiograms. Eur J Ultrasound 2: 17-27, 1995
  234. Baumgart D, Liu F, Haude M, Görge G, Ge J, Erbel R. Acute plaque rapture and myocardial stunning in patient with normal coronary arteriography. Lancet 346: 193-194, 1995
  235. Rzepka AH., Görge G, Leischik R, Erbel R. Doppler-sonographisch gesteuerte Punktion der Vena jugularis interna mittels der SmartNeedle TM auf einer medizinischen Intensivstation. Technik und Methoden. Intensivmed 32: 370-373, 1995
  236. Haude M, Ge J, Machraoui J, Erbel R, Zerkowski HR. Regression of pre-existing coronary artery disease in a donor heart after cardiac transplantation. Eur J Cardio-thorac Surg 9: 399-402; 1995
  237. von Birgelen C, Erbel R, Di Mario C, Li W, Prati F, Ge J, Bruining N, Görge G, Slager  CJ, Serruys PW, Roelandt JRTC. Three-dimensional reconstruction of coronary arteries with intravascular ultrasound. Herz 20: 277-289, 1995
  238. Stähr P, Erbel R, Weber W, Fischer H, Meyer J. Experimentelle Ultraschallangioplastie: In-vitro-Auflösung von Thromben. Z Kardiol 84: 365-372, 1995
  239. Görge G, Ge J, Haude M, Baumgart D, Buck T, Erbel R. Initial experience with a steerable intravascular ultrasound catheter in the aorta and pulmonary artery. Am J Card Imag 9: 180-184, 1995
  240. Buck Th, Erbel R. Diagnostik der koronaren Herzerkrankung mittels echokardiographischer 3D-Rekonstruktionen. Globale und regionale linksventrikuläre Funktionsdiagnostik. Herz 20: 252-262, 1995
  241. Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R. Advantages of biplane and multiplane transesophageal echocardiography for the morphology of the aorta. Am J Card Imag 9: 115-120, 1995
  242. Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Kearney P, Puth M, Meyer J. Aortic intramural hemorrhage visualized by transesophageal echocardiography: findings and prognostic implications. J Am Coll Cardiol 23: 658-664, 1994
  243. Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Puth M et al. Aortic intramural heamatoma visualized by transesophageal echocardiography. Follow-up and prognostic implication. J Am Coll Cardiol 23: 658-664, 1994.
  244. Ge J, Haude M, Görge G, Liu F, Erbel R. Silent healing of spontaneous plaque disruption demonstrated by intravascular ultrasound. Eur Heart J 16:1149-1151, 1995
  245. Leischik R, Adamczewski O, Pötter S, Erbel R, Lösse B. Bealstungsechokardiographie- ein neuer Test zur Erfassung einer antiischämischen Medikamentenwirkung. Z Kardiol 84: 621-632, 1995
  246. Nixdorff U, Stein R, Erbel R, Rupprecht HJ, Spiecker M, Meyer J. PTCA-induzierte Myokardischämie zum Nachweis von gerettetem Myokard nach thrombolytischer Therapie des akuten Myokardinfarktes. Z Kardiol 84: 503-511, 1995
  247. Schmermund A, Lange S, Sehnert C, Altmaier K, Baumgart D, Görge G, Erbel R, Seibel R, Grönemeyer D. Elektronenstrahltomographie bei koronarer Herzkrankheit. Dtsch med Wschr 120: 1229-1235, 1995
  248. Nixdorff U, Erbel R, Rupprecht H-J, Kearny P, Trautmann S, Meyer J. Noninvasive Visualization of an Apparent Patent Intracoronary Stent by Transesophageal Echocardiography. Echocardiogr 12: 391-395, 1995
  249. Ge J, Liu F, Kearney P, Görge G, Haude M, Baumgart D, Ashry M, Erbel R. Intravascular ultrasound approach to the diagnosis of coronary artery aneurysms. Am Heart J 130: 765-71, 1995
  250. Görge G, Haude M, Ge J, Voegele E, Gerber Th, Rupprecht HJ, Meyer J, Erbel R. Intravascular Ultrasound After Low and High Inflation Pressure Coronary Artery Stent Implantation. J Am Coll Cardiol 26: 725-730, 1995
  251. Nixdorff U, Erbel R, Störkel S, Haude M, Oelert H, Kearney P, Meyer J. Microscopic Evaluation of an Occluded Intracoronary Palmaz-Schatz Stent Removed Before Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Am J Cardiac Imag 9: 280-284, 1995
  252. Cardim N, Erbel R. Ecocardiografia Doppler tecidular: uma nova etapa no estudo da função micárdica. Rev Port Cardiol 14: 609-618, 1995
  253. Nixdorff U, Sichau J, Mohr-Kahaly S, Rupprecht HJ, Gutfreund S, Makowski T, Erbel R, Meyer J. Zuverlässigkeit der digitalen transösophagealen Echokardiographie in der Darstellung der linken Herzkranzarterie. Z Kardiol 84: 844-851, 1995
  254. Weber F, Erbel R. Blutdruckmessung am Handgelenk: kritische Analyse einer Validierungsuntersuchung. Med Klin 90: 562-566, 1995
  255. Lang M, Brennecke R, Haude M, Renneisen U, Erbel R, Meyer J. Improving the applicability of myocardial densitometry and parametric imaging by extended automated densogram analysis. Int J Card Imag 11: 105-115, 1995
  256. Liu F, Ge J, Kupferwasser I, Meyer J, Mohr-Kahaly S, Rohmann S, Erbel R. Has transesophageal echocardiography changed the approach to patients with suspected or known infective endocarditis? Echocardiogr 6: 637-650, 1995
  257. Nixdorf U, Wagner S, Erbel R, Weitzel P, Mohr-Kahaly S, Meyer J. Normalwerte für die Dobutamin-Streßechokardiographie. Dtsch med Wschr 120: 1761-1767, 1995
  258. Schmermund A, Haude M, Sehnert C, Altmaier K, Baumgart D, Görge G, Seibel R, Grönemeyer D, Erbel R. Nichtinvasive Prüfung der Durchgängigkeit koronarer Gefäßstützen mittels elektronenstrahltomographischer Schichtbilder mit Kontrastmittelapplikation. Z Kardiol 84: 892-897, 1995
  259. Ge J, Liu F, Görge G, Haude M, Baumgart D, Erbel R. Angiographically ‘silent’ plaque in the left main coronary artery detected by intravascular ultrasound. Cor Art Dis 6: 805-810, 1995
  260. Erbel R, Ge J, Görge G, von Birgelen C, Schermund A, Baumgart D, Brennecke R, Rupprecht HJ, Meyer J. Neue Aspekte zur Pathogenese der koronaren Herzerkrankung auf dem Boden intravaskulärer Ultraschalluntersuchungen. Dtsch med Wschr 120:847-54; 1995
  261. Erbel R, Ge J, Görge G, Kearney P, von Birgelen C, Schmermund A, Baumgart D, Brennecke R, Rupprecht HJ, Meyer J. Intravaskuläre Sonographie bei koronarer Herzkrankheit. Neue Aspekte zur Pathogenese. DMW, 120:847-54, 1995
  262. Leischik R, Beller KD, Erbel R: Comparison of a new intravenous echo contrast agent (BY 963) with Albunex for opacification of left ventricular cavity. Bas Res Cardiol 91: 101-109, 1996
  263. Hoffmann R, Lethen H, Marwick Th, Arnese M, Fioretti P, Pingitore A, Picano E, Buck T, Erbel R, Flachskamp FA, Hanrath P. Analysis of interinstitutional observer agreement in interpretation of dobutamine stress echocardiograms. J Am Coll Cardiol 27: 330-336, 1996
  264. Schmitz HJ, Erbel R, Meyer J, von Essen R. Influence of vessel dilatation on restenosis after successful percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Am Heart J 131: 884-891, 1996
  265. Erbel R, Ge J, Bockisch A, Kearney P, Görge G, Haude M, Schürmann D, Zamorano J, Rupprecht HJ, Meyer J. Value of intracoronary ultrasound and Doppler in the differentiation of angiographically normal coronary arteries: a prospective study in patients with angina pectoris. Eur Heart J 17: 880-889, 1996
  266. Haude M, Caspari G, Baumgart D, Eick B, Liu F, Brennecke R, Meyer J, Erbel R. Normalisierung der myokardialen Perfusionsreserve nach koronarer Stentimplantation im Gegensatz zur alleinigen Ballonangioplastie. Z Kardiol 85: 260-272, 1996
  267. Hering D, Haude M, Caspari G, Baumgart D, Erbel R. Einfluß hoher Insufflationsdrücke auf die elastischen Rückstellkräfte und Gefäßdurchmesser nach Ballondilatation. Z Kardiol 85: 273-280, 1996
  268. Espinola-Klein C, Rupprecht HJ, Trautmann S, Nafe B, Erbel R, Brennecke R, Pop T, Meyer J. Langzeitverlauf über 10 Jahre nach Ballondilatation bei stabiler und instabiler Angina pectoris. Dtsch med Wschr 121: 577-282, 1996
  269. Grönemeyer G, Seibel R, Erbel R, Schmidt A, Melzer A, Plaßmann J, Deli M, Schmermund A, Baumgart D, Welsch R, Ge J, Görge G. Equipment Configuration and Procedures: Preferences for Interventional Micro Therapy. J Digital Imag 9:81-86, 1996
  270. Kearney P, Erbel R, Rupprecht HJ, Ge J, Koch L, Voigtländer T, Stähr P, Görge G, Meyer J. Differences in the morphology of unstable and stable coronary lesions and theit impact on the mechanismus of angioplasty. Eur Heart J 17: 721-730, 1996
  271. Nixdorff U, Erbel R, Rupprecht HJ, Rill M, Spiecker M, Meyer J. Sum of ST-segment elevations on admission electrocardiograms in acute myocardial infarction predicts left ventricular dilation. Am J Cardiol 77: 1237-1241, 1996
  272. Buck T, Schön F, Baumgart D, Leischik R, Schappert T, Kupferwasser I, Meyer J, Görge G, Haude M, Erbel R. Tomographic left ventricular volume determination in the presence of aneurysm by three-dimensional echocardiographic imaging. I: Asymmetric model hearts. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 4: 488-500, 1996
  273. Bruch C, Othman T, Görge G, Schmermund A, Leischik R, Neumann A, Erbel R. Intensivmedizinisches Monitoring mit transösophagealer Echokardiographie bei fulminanter Lungenembolie. Dtsch. Med. Wschr. 121: 829-833, 1996
  274. Ge J, Liu F, Görge G, Haude M, Baumgart D, Erbel R. Angiographically „silent“ plaque in the left main coronary artery detected by intravascular ultrasound. Coronary Artery Dis 6: 805-810, 1996
  275. Haude M, Caspari G, Baumgart D, Brennecke R, Meyer J, Erbel R. Comparison of myocardial perfusion reserve before and after coronary balloon angioplasty and after adjunctive stent implantation in patients with-post angioplasty restenosis. Circulation 94:286-297; 1996
  276. Müller S, Bartel T, Baumann G, Erbel R. Preliminary Report: Evaluation of three-dimensional echocardiographic volumetry by simultaneous thermal dilution in coronary heart disease. Cardiology 87: 552-559, 1996
  277. Schmermund A, Baumgart D, Görge G, Seibel R, Grönemeyer D, Erbel R: Assessment of the coronary arteries with electron beam computed tomography. Cardiovasc Imaging 545-558; 1996
  278. Thierolf C, Klepzig H, Görge G, Zimmermann K, Ruffing M, Brodt HR, Erbel R, Lankisch PG, Usadel KH. Krankengut, Behandlungsaufwand und Ergebnisse der Intensivmedizin: Daten dreier internistischer Intensivstationen. Intensivmed 33: 472-481, 1996.
  279. Nixdorff U, Kissler St, Erbel R, Rupprecht HJ, Voigtländer Th, Spiecker M, Meyer J. Evaluation of post-myocardial infarction regional and global left ventricular funciton by monoplane ventriculography: superiority of right versus left anterior oblique projection a t any infarct location. Coron Art Dis. 7: 885-893; 1996
  280. Stähr P, Rupprecht HJ, Voigtländer Th, Kearney P, Erbel R, Koch L, Kraß St, Brennecke R, Meyer J. Importance of calibration for diameter and area determination by intravascular ultrasound. Int J Card Imag 12:221-229; 1996
  281. Görge G, Erbel R. Intravasaler Ultraschall zur Steuerung der perkutanen Fenestration einer Aortendissektionsmembran. Dtsch Med Wschr. 121:1598-1602; 1996
  282. Schmermund A, Haude M, Baumgart D, Görge G, Grönemeyer D, Seibel R, Sehnert C, Erbel R. Non-invasive assessment of coronary Palmaz-Schatz stents by contrast enhanced electron beam computed tomography. Eur Heart J 17:1546-1553; 1996
  283. Kupferwasser I, Mohr-Kahaly S, Menzel TH, Spiecker M, Dohmen G, Mayer E, Oelert H, Erbel R, Meyer J. Quantification of mitral valve stenosis by three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography. Int J Cardiac Imag 12: 241-247, 1996
  284. Baumgart D, Haude M, Ge J, Görge G, Liu F, Shah V, Erbel R. Online integration of intravascular unltrasound images into angiographic images. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn 1996; 39 (3): 328-329.
  285. Glattki GP, Baumgart D, Leischik R, Knocks M, Görge G, Haude H, Reidemeister JC, Erbel R. Right atrial, non-herediatary myxoma as differential diagnosis in increasing dyspnea. Echocardiography diagnosis. Med Klin 91 (8): 509-514, 1996
  286. Nixdorff U, Wagner ST, Erbel R, Mohr-Kahaly S, Weitzel P, Rieger K, Meyer J. Dobutamine stress Doppler Echocardiography: reproducibility and physiologic left ventricular filling patterns. Int J Cardiol 58:293-303; 1997
  287. Bartel T, Müller S, Schürger D, Gaßmann B, Rüttermann V, Erbel R. Quantitative Gewebe-Doppler-Echokardiographie im Vergleich mit M-mode-Mesungen bei Gesunden. Z Kardiol 86:131-137; 1997
  288. Görge G, Schuster ST, Ge J, Meyer, R. Erbel. Intravascular ultrasound in patients with acute pulmonary embolism after treatment with intravenous urokinase and high-dose heparin. Heart 77:73-77; 1997
  289. Erbel R, Roth Th, Koch L, Ge J, Görge G, Serruys PW, Bom N. IVUS of micromotors for cardiovascular imaging. Min Invas Ther & Allied Technol 6:195-198; 1997
  290. Widmann M, Weisener T, Bark C, Vögele G, Schraft RD, Schweizer M, Erbel R, Baumgart D.  Microperfusion pump-systems and development. Min Invas Ther & Allied Technol 6: 204-208, 1997
  291. Ge J, Koch L, Roth TH, Erbel R. Vision-guided laser atherectomy. Min Invas Ther & Allied Technol 6: 209-212, 1997
  292. Görge G, Erbel R. Energy-sparing systems for use in medicine: past, present and future solution. Min Invas Ther & Allied Technol 6: 213-216, 1997
  293. Eick B, Haude M, Altmann C, Liu F, Caspari G, Leischik R, Erbel R. Behandlung eines großen intrakoronaren Thrombus mit Urokinase und einem chimären monoklonalen Thrombozytenaggregationshemmer. Dtsch med. Wschr 122: 709-715, 1997
  294. Zamorano J, Wallbridge DR, Ge J, Drozdz J, Nesser J, Erbel R. Non-invasive assessment of cardiac physiology by tissue Doppler echocardiography a comparison with invasive haemodynamics. Eur Heart J 18: 330-339, 1997
  295. Jeremias A, Ge J, Erbel R. New insight into plaque healing after plaque rupture with subsequent thrombus formation detected by intravascular ultrasound. Heart 3: 293, 1997
  296. Baumgart D, Haude M, Görge G, Ge J, Rosenbaum S, Caspari G, Liu F, Erbel R. High-volume nonionic dimeric contrast medium: first experiences during complex coronary interventions. Cathet Cardiovas Diagn 40: 241-246, 1997
  297. Kupferwasser I, Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Nolting A, Dohmen G, Oelert H, Meyer J. Improved assessment of pathological regurgitataion in patients with prostheteic heart valves in multiplane transesophageal echocardiography. Echocardiography 14:363-373, 1997
  298. Schmermund A, Baumgart D, Görge G, Seibel R. Grönemeyer D, Ge J, Haude M, Rumberger J, Erbel R. Coronary artery calcium in acuate coronary syndromes. A comparative study of electron-beam computed tomography, coronary anagiogaphy, and intracoronary ultrasound in survivors of acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina. Circulation 96: 1461-1469, 1997
  299. Erbel R, Dill T, Dietz U, Weber PW, Liu F, Küchler R, Haude M, Rupprecht HJ, Kuck KH, Ge J, Hamm CW.The comparison of balloon versus rotational angioplasty (COBRA) study protocol: a prospective randomized study. J Int Cardiol 10: 271-275, 1997
  300. Nixdorff U, de Mey C, Belz G, Erbel R, Simon H, Butzer R, Schroeter V, Meyer J. b-Adrenergic stimulation enhances left ventricular diastolic performance in normal subjects. J  Cardiovasc Pharma 29: 476-484, 1997.
  301. Kröger K, Görge G, Erbel R, Rudofsky G. Arteria radialis als Zugang zur diagnostischen Koronarangiographie. Z Kardiol 86: 363-366, 1997.
  302. Jeremias A, Haude M, Ge J, Görge G, Liu F, Konorza T, Erbel R. Notfallmäßige Stent-Implantation in dem Bereich einer ausgedehnten Muskelbrücke des Ramus interventricularis anterior nach postinterventioneller Dissektion. Z Kardiol 86:367-372, 1997.
  303. Nixdorff U, Erbel R, Wagner St, Buck Th, Mertes H, Mohr-Kahaly S, Meyer J. Dynamic stress echocardiography for evaluating anti-ischemic drug profiles in post-MI patients. Int J Card Imag 13:485-491, 1997.
  304. Müller S, Bartel Th, Schürger D, Gaßmann B, Erbel R. Quantitative tissue Doppler in comparison with two-dimensional and doppler echocardiographic indices in normal subjects. Int J Cardiol 61:183-192, 1997.
  305. Bruch C, Schmermund A, Leischik R, Wallbridge D, Zamorano J, Erbel R. Aufdeckung ventrikulärer Asynchronie mittels Gewebe-Doppler-Echokardiographie (tissue Doppler echocardiography – TDE) – ein neues Verfahren zur linksventrikulären Wandbewegungsanalyse. Z Kardiol 86:827-838, 1997.
  306. Budde T, Haude M, Höpp HW, Kerber S, Caspari G, Faßbender G, Fingerhut M, Novopashenny I, Breithardt G, Erbel R, Erdmann E, Wischnewskiy MB. A progrnostic computer model to predict individual outcome in interventional cardiology. Eur Heart J 18:1611-1619, 1997.
  307. Ellis SG, Tamai H, Nobuyoshi M, Kosuga K, Colombo A, Holmes DR, Macaya C, Grines CL, Whitlow PL, White HJ, Moses J, Teirstein PS, Serruys PW, Bittl JA, Mooney MR, Shimshak TM, Block PC, Erbel R. Contemporary percutaneous treatment of unprotected left main coronary stenoses. Circulation 96: 3867-3872, 1997.
  308. Leischik R, Kuhlmann C, Bruch C, Jeremias A, Buck T, Erbel R. Reproducibility of stress echocardiography using intravenous injection of ultrasound contrast agent (BY 963). Intern J Cardiac Imag 13: 387-394, 1997.
  309. Leischik R, Bartel T, Möhlenkamp S, Bruch C, Buck T, Haude M, Görge G, Erbel R. Stress echocardiography: new techniques. Eur Heart J 18: 49-56, 1997.
  310. Baumgart D, Quast U, Erbel R. Die intravasale Strahlenbehandlung zur kombinierten Therapie und Prävention der Restenosierung. HERZ, 22: 335-46, 1997.
  311. Almagor Y, Feld S, Kiemeneij F, Serruys PW, Morice MC, Colombo A, Macaya C, Guermonprez JL, Marco J, Erbel R, Penn IM, Bonan R, Leon MB. First International new intravascular rigid-flex endovascular stent study (FINESS): clinical and angiographic results after elective and urgent stent implantation. JACC 30: 847-54, 1997.
  312. Haude M, Welge D, Koch L, Roth T, Ge J, Baumgart D, Erbel R. Laserangioplastie und – rekanalisation. HERZ 22: 299-307, 1997.
  313. Buck T, Hunold P, Wentz KU, Tkalec W, Nesser HJ, Erbel R. Tomographic three-dimensional echocardiographic determination of chamber size and systolic function in patients with left ventricular aneurysm. Circulation 96: 4286-4297, 1997.
  314. Baumgart D, Schmermund A, Görge G, Haude M, Ge J, Adamzik M, Sehnert C, Altmaier K, Grönemeyer D, Seibel R, Erbel R. Comparison of electron beam computed tomography with intracoronary ultrasound and coronary angiography for detection of coronary atherosclerosis. J Am Coll Cardiol 30: 57-64, 1997.
  315. Erbel R, Engel HJ, Kübler W, Meinertz T, Neuhaus KL, Sauer G, Strauer BE, Bonzel T, Ewen K. Richtlinien der interventionellen Koronartherapie.  Z Kardiol 86:1040-1063; 1997.
  316. Erbel R, Kneissl GD, Schweizer P, Lambertz HJ, Engberding R. Qualitätsleitlinien in der Echokardiographie. Z Kardiol 86:387-402; 1997.
  317. Kupferwasser I, Mohr-Kahaly S, Stähr P, Rupprecht HJ, Nixdorff U, Fenster M, Voigtländer T, Erbel R, Meyer J. Transthoracic three-dimensional echocardiographic volumetry of distored left ventricles using rotational scanning. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 10: 840-52, 1997.
  318. Siffert W, Rosskopf D, Siffert G, Busch S, Moritz A, Erbel R, Sharma AM, Ritz E, Wichmann HE, Jakobs KH, Horsthemke B. Association of a human G-protein b3 subunit variant with hypertension. Nature Gen 18: 45-48, 1998.
  319. Bartel T, Müller S, Erbel R. Dynamic three-dimensional echocardiography using parallel slicing: a promosing diagnostic procedure in adults with congenital heart disease. Cardiology 89: 140-147, 1998.
  320. Schmermund A, Baumgart D, Adamzik M, Ge J, Grönemeyer D, Seibel R, Sehnert C, Görge H, Haude M, Erbel R. Comparison of electron-beam computed tomography and intracoronary ultrasound in detecting calcified and noncalcified plaques in patients with acute coronary syndromes and no or minimal to moderate angiographic coronaray artery disease. Am J Cardiol 81: 141-146, 1998.
  321. Möhlenkamp S, Bartel T, Sack S, Rüttermann V, Simon H, Ge J, Haude M, Schmaltz AA, Erbel R. A floating thrombus after retrograde Gianturco coil embolization of a patent ductus arteriosus in an adult – detection by transesophageal echocardiography. J Interven Cardiol 10: 435-440, 1997.
  322. v. Birgelen C, Haude M, Liu F, Görge G, Welge D, Wieneke H, Baungart D, Opherk D, Erbel R. Behandlung eines koronaren Pseudoaneurysmas durch Stent-Graft-Implantation. Dtsch Med Wschr 123; 418-422, 1998.
  323. Buck TH, Görge G, Hunold P, Erbel R. Three-dimensional imaging in aortic disease by lighthouse transesophageal echocardiographie using intravascular ultrasound catheters. J Am Soc Echocardiogr; 11: 243-58, 1998.
  324. Schmermund A, Baumgart D, Görge G, Grönemeyer D, Seibel R, Bailey KR, Rumberger JA, Paar D, Erbel R. Measuring the effect of risk factors on coronary atherosclerosis: coronary calcium score versus angiographic disease severity.J Am Coll Cardiol; 31: 1267-73, 1998.
  325. Mahr P, Ge J, Haude M, Görge G, Erbel R. Extramural vessel wall hematoma causing a reduced vessel diameter after coronary stenting: diagnosis by intravascular ultrasound and treatment by stent implantation. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn; 43: 438-443, 1998.
  326. Baumgart D, Haude M, Görge G, Ge J, Vetter S, Dagres N, Heusch G, Erbel R: Improved assessment of coronary stenosis severity using the relative flow velocity reserve. Circulation  98:40-46; 1998.
  327. Görge G, Ge J, Baumgart D, v. Birgelen C, Erbel R. In vivo tomographic assessment of the heart and blood vessels with intravascular ultrasound Basic Res Cardiol 93: 219-240, 1998.
  328. Schuster S, Weilemann S L, Erbel R, Meyer J. Inhomogenität der linksventrikulären Kontraktion unter der Beatmung mit positiv-endexspiratorischem Druck. Intensivmed 35: 114 – 123, 1998.
  329. Kupferwasser I, Darius H, Müller A M, Mohr-Kahaly S, Westermeier T, Oelert H, Erbel R, Meyer J. Clinical and morphological characteristics in Streptococcus bovis endocarditis: a comparison with other causative microorganisms in 177 cases. Heart 80: 276 – 280, 1998.
  330. Espinola-Klein C, Rupprecht HJ, Erbel R, Nafe B, Brennecke R, Meyer J. Impact of restenosis 10 years after coronary angioplasty. Eur Heart J 19: 1047-1053, 1998.
  331. Bruch C, Bartel T, Schmermund A, Schaar J, Erbel R. Asynchronie der ventrikulären Kontraktion und Relaxation – pathophysiologisch erkanntes Phänomen, jetzt klinisch nachweisbarl. Herz 23: 506-15, 1998.
  332. Jeremias A, Kutscher S, Haude M, Heinen D, Holtmann G. Senf W, Erbel R. Nonischemic chest pain induced by coronary interventions. A prospective study comparing coronary angioplasty and stent implantation. Circulation 98: 2656-2658, 1998.
  333. Rupprecht HJ, Espinola-Klein C, Erbel R, Nafe B, Brennecke R, Dietz U, Meyer J: Impact of routine angiographic follow-up after angioplasty. Am Heart J 136:613-619, 1998.
  334. Schrader N, Erbel R, Wittlich N, Banaie M, Schossmann J, Rink C, Fuchs JB,  Dagres N, Mohr-Kahaly S, Meyer J. Hämodynamische Effekte einer einmaligen intravenösen Applikation von Prostaglandin E1 bei einem Patientenkollektiv mit chronischer Herzinsuffizienz im NYHA-Stadium II/III. Z Kardiol 87: 683-690, 1998.
  335. Di Mario C, Görge G, Peters R, Kearney P, Pinto F, Hausmann D, von Birgelen C, Colombo A, Mudra H, Roelandt J, Erbel R. Clinical application and image interpretation in intracoronary ultrasound. Study group on intracoronary imaging of the working group of coronary circulation and of the subgroup on intravascular ultrasound of the working group echocardiography of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur Heart J 19; 207-229, 1998.
  336. Pump H, Moehlenkamp St, Sehnert C, Schimpf SS, Erbel R, Seibel RMM, Groenemeyer D. Electron-Beam CT in the Noninvasive Assessment of Coronary Stent Patency Acad Radiol 5: 858-862, 1998.
  337. Bruch C, Baumgart D, Görge G, Pink R, Schaar J, Schönfelder B, Markgraf G, Olivier    L, Drochner D, Kabatnik M, Erbel R. Aortenruptur nach stumpfen Thoraxtrauma. Dtsch med Wschr 123, 244-249, 1998.
  338. Wolfhard U, Görge G, Konorza T, Haude M, Ge J, Piotrowski A, Splittgerber FH, Sadony ,V, Erbel R: Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) examination reverses therapeutic decision from percutaneous intervention to a surgical approach in patients with alterations of the left main stern. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 46, 281-284, 1998.
  339. Erbel R, Haude M, Höpp HW, Franzen D, Rupprecht HJ, Heublein B, Fischer K, De Jaegere P,  Serruys P, Rutsch W, Probst P, for the Restentosis Stent Sudy Group. Coronary-artery stenting compared with balloon angioplasty. N Engl J Med 339:1672-8; 1998.
  340. Liu F, Haude M, Ge J, Eick B, Baumgart D, Erbel R: Recanalization of totally occluded saphenous vein bypass grafts with rheolytic- thrombectomy device angiojet catheter. J Interven Cardiol 11: 49-53, 1998.
  341. Wolfhard U, Görge G, Konorza T, Haude M, Ge J, Piotrowski JA, Splittgerber FH, Sadony , Erbel R. Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) examination reverses therapeutic decision from percutaneous intervention to a surgical approach in patients with alterations of the left main stem. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 46: 281-284, 1998.
  342. Görge G, Ge J, Erbel R. Role of intravascular ultrasound in the evaluation of mechanisms of coronary interventions and restenosis. Am J Cardiol 81:91-95, 1998.
  343. Oldenburg O, Karliova M, Koeppen S, Weber F, Erbel R, Philipp Th, Kribben A: Das Shy-Drager-Syndrom – Seltene Ursache einer orthostatischen Hypotonie. Dtsch med Wschr 124: 8-12, 1999.
  344. Rosenschein U, Gaul G, Erbel R, Amann F, Velasguez D, Stoerger H, Simon R, Gomez G, Troster J, Bartorelli A, Pieper M, Kyriakides Z, Laniado S, Miller HI, Cribier A, Fajadet J: Percutaneous transluminal therapy of occluded saphenous vein grafts. Can the challenge be met with ultrasound thrombolysis ? Circulation 99: 26-29, 1999.
  345. Jeremias A, Görge G, Konorza T, Haude M, v Birgelen C, Ge J, Simon H, Erbel R. Stepweise intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) guidance of high-pressure coronary stenting does not result in an improved acute or long-term outcome: a randomized comparison to „final-look“ IVUS Assessment. Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent 46:135-141, 1999.
  346. Erbel R., Lüderitz B. Fahrerlaubnis au der Sicht des Kardiologen. Z Kardiol 88: 154-161; 1999.
  347. Sack S, Franz R, Dagres N, Oldenburg O, Herrmann J, Golles A, Erbel R. Can right-sided atrioventricular sequentiual pacing provide benefit for selected patients with severe congestive heart failure. Am J Cardiol 83; 124D-129D, 1999.
  348. Baumgart D., Haude M., von Birgelen C., Ge J., Görge G., Erbel R.: Assessment of ambiguous coronary lesions by intravascular ultrasound. Int. J Cardiovasc Interventions 2:3-12, 1999.
  349. Baumgart D, Haude M, Görge G, Liu F, Ge J, Große-Eggebrecht C, Erbel R, Heusch G. Augmented a-adrenergic constriction of atherosclerotic human coronary arteries. Circulation 99: 2090-2097, 1999.
  350. Bartel T, Müller S, Baumgart D, Mathew BT, Haude M, Erbel R. Improved high-frequency transthoracic flow velocity measurement in the left anterior descending coronary artery after intravenous peripheral injection of levovist. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 12: 252-6, 1999.
  351. Rosenschein U, Gaul G, Erbel R, Amann F, Velasguez D, Stoerger H, Simon R, Gomez G, Troster J, Bartorelli A, Pieper M, Kyriakides Z, Laniado S, Miller HI, Cribier A, Fajadet J. Percutaneous transluminal therapy of occluded saphenous vein grafts. Can the challenge be met with ultrasound thrombolysis? Circulation 99: 26-29, 1999.
  352. Budde Th, Haude M, Höpp HW, Kerber S, Caspari G, Faßbender G, Fingerhut M, Novopashenny I, Ogurol Y, Breithardt G, Erbel R, Erdmann E, Wischnewsky MB. A prognostic computer model to individually predict post-procedural complications in interventional cardiology. Eur Heart J 20: 354-363, 1999.
  353. Bruch C, Marin D, Kuntz S, Schmermund A, Bartel TH, Schaar J, Erbel R. Analyse der Mitralringexkursion mittels Gewebedopplerechokardiographie (Tissue Doppler echocardiography=TDE). Noninvasive assessment of left ventricular, diastolic dysfunction.Z Kardiol 88: 353-362, 1999.
  354. Ge J, Schwedtmann J, Görge G, Haude M, Baumgart D, Shah V, v Birgelen C, Sack S, Boudoulas H, Erbel R. Screening of ruptured plaques in patients with coronary artery disease by intravascular ultrasound. Heart, 81: 621-627, 1999.
  355. Kupferwasser LI, Hafner G, Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Meyer J, Darius H. The presence of infection-related antiphospholipid antibodies in infective endocarditis determined a major risk factor for embolic events. J Am Coll Cardiol 33:1365-71; 1999.
  356. Weber F, Erbel R, Schäfers R, Philipp TH. Wrist measurement of blood pressure: some critical remarks to oscillometry. Kidney Blood Press Res 22: 161-165, 1999.
  357. Bartel TH, Müller S, Baumgart D, Mathew BT, Haude M, Erbel R: Improved high-frequency transthoracic flow velocity measurement in the left anterior descending coronary arery after intavenous peripheral injection of levovist. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 12: 252-256, 1999.
  358. Oldenburg O, Sack , Erbel R, Philipp, TH, Kribben A. Diagnostik der orthostatischen Hypotonie. Dtsch med Wschr 124: 799-801, 1999.
  359. Stähr P, Rupprechts HJ, Voigtländer T, Post F, Otto M, Erbel R, Meyer J. A new thrombectomy catheter device (AngioJet) for the disruption of thrombi: an in vitro study. Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent 47: 381-389, 1999.
  360. Bartel Th, Müller S, Reich D, Gassmann B, Bruch Ch, Erbel R. Evaluation of hemodynamic determinants of quantitative tissue doppler echocardiography in the assessment of left ventricular function Echocardiography 16: 481-489, 1999.
  361. Erbel R, Ge J, Görge G, Baumgart D, Haude M, Jeremias A, Jollet N, Schwedtmann J. Intravscular Ultrasound Classification of Atherosclerotic Lesions According to American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines Cor Art Dis 10: 489-499, 1999.
  362. Stähr P, Rupprecht HJ, Voigtländer T, Otto M, Rudigier K, Erbel R, Kearney P, Meyer J. Comparison of normal and diseased pulmonary artery morphology by intravascular ultrasound and histological examination. Int J Cardiac Imag 15: 221-231, 1999.
  363. Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Stühn A, Hake U, Oelert H, Meyer J. Quantitative Erfassung von Veränderungen der thorakalen Aorta bei Patienten mit chronischer Aortendissektion mittels transösophagealer Echokardiographie. Z Kardiol 88:507-513; 1999.
  364. Ge J, Liu F, Bhate R, Haude M, Görge G, Baumgart D, Sack S, Erbel R: Does remodeling occur in the diseased human saphenous vein bypass grafts? An intravascular ultrasound study. Int J  Cardiac Imag 15: 295-300, 1999.
  365. Bruch CH, Schmermund A, Marin D, Kuntz S, Bartel T, Schaar J, Erbel R: M-mode analysis of mitral annulus motion for detection of pseudonormalization of the mitral inflow pattern. Am J Cardiol 84: 692-697, 1999.
  366. Stähr P, Rupprecht HJ, Voigtländer TH, Post F, Otto M, Erbel R, Meyer J: A new thrombectomy catheter device (AngioJet) for the disruption of thrombi: an in vitro study. Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent 47: 381-389, 1999.
  367. von Birgelen C, Haude M, Herrmann J; Altmann C, Klinkhart W, Welge D, Wieneke H, Baumgart D, Sack S, Erbel R: Early clinical experience with the implantation of a novel synthetic coronary stent graft. Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent 47: 496-503, 1999.
  368. Mohr-Kahaly S, Erbel R, Stühn A, Hake U, Oelert H, Meyer J: Quantitative Erfassung von Veränderungen der thorakalen Aorta bei Patienten mit chronischer Aortendissektion mittels transösophagealer Echokardiographie. Z Kardiol 88: 507-513, 1999.
  369. Oldenburg O, Sack S, Erbel R, Philipp T, Kribben A: Therapie der orthostatischen Hypotonie. Dtsch med Wschr 124,1209-1212, 1999.
  370. Wahle A, Prause GPM, von Birglen C, Erbel R, Sonka M. Fusion of angiograhpy and intravascular ultrasound in vivo: Establishing the absolute 3-D frame orientation. IEEE transac Biomed Eng  46:1176-1180, 1999.
  371. Möhlenkamp S, Park JW, Grönemeyer D, Schwartz RS, Erbel R. Improved coronary risk assessment with electron beam computed tomography in an asymptomatic female with familial hypercholesterolemia. Mayo Clin Proc 74: 1017-1020, 1999.
  372. Möhlenkamp S, Pump H, Baumgart D, Haude M, Grönemeyer D, Seibel R, Schwart RS, Erbel R. Minimally invasive evaluation of coronary stents with electron beam computed tomography: in vivo and in vitro experience. Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent 48: 39-47, 1999.
  373. Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, von Birgelen C, Oldenburg O, Haude M, Erbel R.  Assessment of postangioplasty coronary dissection by three-dimensional intravascular ultrasound. J Intervent Cardiol 12:519-520, 1999
  374. Schmermund A, Baumgart D, Erbel R. Potential and pitfalls of electron-beam computed tomography in detecting coronary atherosclerosis. Basic Res Cardiol 94:427-444, 1999
  375. Bruch Ch, Schmermund A, Bartel Th, Schaar H, Erbel R. Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) for on-line detection of regional early diastolic ventricular asynchrony in patients with coronary artery disease. Intern J Carid Imag 15:379-390, 1999.
  376. Bartel Th, Müller S, Nesser HJ, Möhlenkamp St, Bruch Ch, Erbel R.  Usefulness of motion patterns identified by tissue Doppler echocardiography for diagnosing various cardiac masses, particularly valvular vegetations. Am J Cardiol 84:1428-1433, 1999.
  377. Wahle A, Prause GPM, von Birgelen C, Erbel R, Sonka M. Fusion of angiography and intravascular ultrasond in vivo: establishing the absolute 3-D frame orientation. IEEE Trans Biomed Engineering 46:1176-1180, 1999.
  378. Ge J, Jeremias A, Rupp A, Abels M, Baumgart D, Liu F, Haude M, Görge G, von Birgelen C, Sack S, Erbel R. New signs characteristic of myocardial bridging demonstrated by intracoronary ultrasound and Doppler. Eur Heart J 20: 1707-1716, 1999.
  379. Baumgart D, Naber C, Haude M, Oldenburg O, Erbel R. G Protein b3 subunit 825T allele and enhanced coronary vasoconstriction on a2-adrenoceptor activation.
    Circ Res 85: 965-969, 1999.
  380. Erbel R, Heusch G. Coronary microembolization – its role in acute coronary syndromes and interventions. Herz 24: 558-75, 1999.
  381. Brauer H, Stolpmann J, Hallmann H, Erbel R, Fischer A. Measurement and numerical simulations of the dilatation behaviour of coronary stents. Mat wiss u Werkstofftech 30, 876-885, 1999.
  382. von Birgelen C, Haude M, Baumgart D, Jasper M, Brinkhoff J, Wieneke H, Welge D, Altmann C, Sack S, Erbel R. In-vivo measurement of coronary stent dimensions throughout entire vascular segments with quantitative three-dimensional intravascular ultrasound: a review. Mat Wiss u Werkstofftech 30: 827-831, 1999.
  383. Erbel R, Heusch G. Spontaneous and inatrogenic microembolization. A new concept for the pathogenesis of coronary artery disease. Herz 24:493-5; 1999.
  384. Espinola-Klein C, Rupprecht HJ, Erbel R, Nafe B, Brennecke R, Meyer J. Predictors of adverse outcome 10 years after coronary angioplasty. J Invas Cardiol 11: 722-728, 1999.
  385. Möhlenkamp S, Schmermund A, Pump H, Baumgart D, Haude M, Grönemeyer D,Seibel R. M. M, Schwartz RS, Erbel R. Characterization of balloon expandable coronary stent morphology using electron beam computed tomography.
    Mat Wiss Werkstofftech 30: 793-800, 1999.
  386. Espinola-Klein C, Rupprecht HJ, Erbel R, Nafe B, Brennecke R, Meyer J. Ten-year outcome after coronary angioplasty in patients with single-vessel coronary artery disease and comparison with the result of the coronary artery surgery study (CASS). Am J Cardiol 85: 321-326, 2000.
  387. Pump H, Möhlemkamp St, Sehnert CA, Schipf SS, Schmidt A, Erbel R, Grönemeyer D, Seibel RMM. Coronary Arterial Stent Patency: Assessment with Electron –Beam CT Radiology 214:447-452; 2000.
  388. Oldenburg O, Schäfers RF, Kuntz S, Sack S, Erbel R, Philipp T, Weber F.
    Herzinsuffizienz als kardiale Manifestation einer Sarkoidose. Erfolgreiche Therapie der Herzinsuffizienz mit Steroiden, Digitalis und einem Angiotensin – 1 – Rezeptor-Antagonisten bei Sarkoidose. Med Klin 95:151-7; 2000.
  389. Eggebrecht H, Oldenburg, O, Dirsch O, Haude M, Baumgart D, Welge D, Herrmann J, Arnold G, Schmidt KW, Erbel R. Potential embolization by atherosclerotic debris dislodged from aortic wall during cardiac catheterization. Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent 49: 389-394, 2000.
  390. von Birgelen C, Mintz GS, de Very EA, Serruys PW, Kimurra T, Nobuyoshi M, Popma JJ, Leon MB, Erbel R, de Feyter. Preintervention lesion remodelling affects operative mechanisms of balloon optimised directional coronary atherectomy procedures: a volumetric study with three dimensional intravascular ultrasound. Heart83:192-197,2000.
  391. Erbel R, Schmermund A, Möhlenkamp S, Sack S, Baumgart D.
    Electron-beam computed tomography for detection of early signs of coronary arteriosclerosis. Eur Heart J 21: 720-732, 2000.
  392. Voelker W, Metzger F, Fehske W, Flachskampf F, v. Bibra H, Brennecke R, Mohr-Kahaly S, Kneissl GD, Hoffmeister HM, Engberding R, Funck C, Erbel R. Eine standardisierte Dokumentationsstruktur zur Befunddokumentation in der Echokardiographie. Z Kardiol 89: 176-185, 2000.
  393. Herrmann J, Haude M, Erbel R. Leserbrief – Dissektion des Ramus interventricularis anterior im Rahmen eines stumpfen Thoraxtraumas. DMW 17: 541-542, 2000.
  394. Schmermund A, Baumgart D, Erbel R. Coronary calcification by electron beam tomography: comparison with coronary risk factors and angiography. J Cardiovasc Risk 7: 99-106, 2000.
  395. Haude M, Caspari G, Baumart D, Ehring T, Schulz R, Roth T, Koch L, Erbel R, Spiller P, Heusch G. X-ray densitometry for the measurement of regional myocardial perfusion. Basic Res Cardiol 95: 261-270, 2000.
  396. Erbel R, Schmermund A, Möhlenkamp S, Sack S, Baumgart D. Electron-beam computed tomography for detection of early signs of coronary arteriosclerosis. Eur Heart J  21: 720-732, 2000.
  397. Mahr P, Fischer A, Brauer H, Denk A, Haude M, Erbel R. Biophysikalische Prüfung koronarer Stents: welche Faktoren beeinflussen das Dilatations- und Recoilverhalten? Z Kardiol 89: 513-521, 2000.
  398. Erbel R, Heusch G. Coronary Microembolization. J Am Coll Cardiol 36; 22-24, 2000.
  399. Schmermund A, Möhlenkamp S, Baumgart D, Kriener P, Pump H, Grönemeyer D, Seibel R, Erbel R. Usefulness of topography of coronary calcium by electron-beam computed tomography in predicting the natural history of coronary atherosclerosis. Am J Cardiol 86: 127-132, 2000.
  400. Wieneke H, Haude M, Ge J, Altmann C, Kaiser S, Baumgart D, v Birgelen C, Welge D, Erbel R. Corrected  coronary flow velocity reserve: a new concept for assessing coronary perfusion. J Am Coll Cardiol 35: 1713-20, 2000.
  401. Wallmeyer S, Schmermund A, Sack S, Erbel R. Erstdefibrillation durch trainierte Laien vor Eintreffen des Rettungsdienstes. Intensivmed 37: 573-578, 2000.
  402. Eggebrecht H, Bruch C, Haude M, Oldenburg O, von Birgelen C, Hunold P, Baumgart D, Erbel R. Transluminale Ausschaltung eines Arteria subclavia-Aneurysmas mittels Stent-Graft-Implantation. Z Kardiol 89: 761-765, 2000.
  403. Bruch C, Schmermund A, Bartel TH, Schaar J, Erbel R. Tissue Doppler Imaging: a new technique for assessment of pseudonormalization of the mitral inflow pattern. Echocardiography            17:539-462000.
  404. Schmermund A, Baumgart D, Sack S, Möhlenkamp S, Grönemeyer D, Seibel R, Erbel R. Assessement of coronary calcification by electorn-beam computed tomography in symptomatic patients with normal, abnormal or equivocal exercise stress test. Eur Heart J 21: 1674-1682, 2000.
  405. Eggebrecht H, Haude M, Baumgart D, Dirsch O, Oldenburg O, Herrmann J, Kribben A, Erbel R. A new temporary occlusion and aspiration system for prevention of distal embolization during percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty. J Interven Cardiol 13: 339-342, 2000.
  406. Haude M, Höpp HW, Rupprecht HJ, Heublein B, Sigmund M, vom Dahl J, Rusch W, Tebbe U, Erbel R. Immediate stent implantation versus conventional techniques for the treatment of abrupt vessel closure or symptomatic dissections after coronary ballon angioplasty. Am Heart J 140: 820-826, 2000.
  407. Naber CH, Hüsing J, Wolfhard U, Erbel R, Siffert W. Interaction of the ACE D allele and the GNB3 825T allele in myocardial infarction. Hypertension 36:986-989, 2000.
  408. Naber C, Hermann BL, Vietzke D, Altmann C, Haude M, Mann K, Rosskopf D, Siffert W. Enhanced epinephrine-induced platelet aggregation in individuals carraying the G protein b3 subunit 825 T allele. FEBS Letters 484; 199-201, 2000.
  409. von Birgelen C, Klinkhart W, Mintz GS, Wieneke H, Baumgart D, Haude M, Bartel T, Sack S, Ge J, Erbel R. Size of emptied plaque cavity following spontaneous rupture is related to coronary dimensions, not to the degree of lumen narrowing. A study with intravascular ultrasound in vivo. Heart 84: 483-488, 2000.
  410. Gutersohn A, Naber Ch, Müller N, Erbel R, Siffert W. G protein b3 subunit 825 TT genotype and post-pregnancy weight retention. Lancet 355: 1240-1, 2000.
  411. Rutsch W, Klemeneij F, Colombo A, Macaya C, Guermonprez JL, Grip L, Hamburger J, Umans V, Gotsman M, Almagor Y, Morice MC, Garcia E, Chevalier B, Erbel R, Cobaugh M, Morel MA, Serruys PW. Clinical and angiographic results with the NIR stent: first international NIR enclovascular stent study (FINESS-II). Int J Cardiovasc Intervent 3: 143-151, 2000.
  412. Bruch C, Schmermund A, Marin D, Katz M, Bartel T, Schaar J, Erbel R. Tei-Index in Patients with mild-to-moderate congestive heart failure. Eur Heart J 1: 888-895, 2000.
  413. Hunold P, Wieneke H, Schmermund A, Eggebrecht H, Bonzel KE, Grönemeyer D, Erbel R. Elektroenstrahltomographie des Herzens vor Nierentransplantation-Schwere koronare Herzerkrankung bei einer 21-jährigen mit Nephrokalzinose bei infantilem Hyperkalzämiesyndrom. Med Klein 96: 161-165, 2000.
  414. Dill T, Dietz U, Hamm CW, Küchler R, Rupprecht HJ, Haude M, Cyran J, Özbek C, Kuck KH, Berger J, Erbel R.­ A randomised comparison of balloon angioplasty versus rotational atherectomy in complex coronary lesions (COBRA study). Eur Heart J 21: 1759-1766, 2000.
  415. Eggebrecht H, Haude M, von Birgelen C, Oldenburg O, Baumgart D, Hermann J, Welge D, Bartel T, Dagres N, Erbel R. Nonsurgical retrieval of embolized coronary stents. Cath Cardiovasc Intervent 51: 432-440, 2000.
  416. Eggebrecht H, Naber C, Oldenburg O, Hermann J, Haude M, Erbel R, Baumgart D. Percutaneous transluminal laser guide wire recanalization of chronic subclavian artery occlusion in symptomatic coronary-subclavian steal syndrome. Cath Cardiovasc Intervent 51: 500-504; 2000.
  417. Qian J, Junbo G, Baumgart D, Oldenburg O, Haude M, Sack S, Erbel R. Safety of intracoronary Doppler flow measurement. Am Heart J 140: 502-510; 2000.
  418. Verin V, Popowski Y, De Brune B, Baumgart D, Sauerwein W, Links M, Kovacs G, Thomas M, Calman F, Disco C MSc Serruys PW, Wijns W. Endoluminal beta-radiation therapy for the prevention of coronary restenosis after Balloons angioplasty. N Engl J Med 344: 243-249, 2001.
  419. Schmermund A, Baumgart D, Möhlenkamp S, Kriener P, Pump H, Grönemeyer D, Seibel R, Erbel R. Natural History and Topographic Pattern of Progression of Coronary Calcification in Symptomatic Patients - An Electron-Beam CT Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Bio 21:421-426, 2001.
  420. Achenbach S, Ropers D, Möhlenkamp S, Schmermund A, Muschiol G, Groth J, Kusus M, Regenfus M, Daniel WG, Erbel R, Moshage W. Variability of repeated coronary artery calcium measurements by electon beam tomography.
    Am J Cardiol 87: 210-213, 2001.
  421. Haude M, Baumgart D, Verna E, Piek JJ, Vrints C, Probst P, Erbel R. Intracoronary Doppler- and quantitative coronary angiography- derived predictors of major adverse cardiac events after stent implantation. Circulation 103: 1212-1217, 2001.
  422. Naber CK, Kaiser CA, Rahman YA, Haude M, Erbel R, Baumgart D. Kasuistik: Späte Stentthrombose nach intrakoronarer Brachytherapie Fallbericht und Übersicht über die Literatur. Z Kardiol 90: 138-143, 2001.
  423. Dagres N, Haude M, Baumgart D, Sack S, Erbel R. Assessment of coronary morphology and flow in a patient with Guillain-Barré syndrome and ST-segment elevation. Clin Cardiol 24: 260-263, 2001.
  424. Oldenburg O, Mitchell A, Nürnberger J, Koeppen S, Erbel R, Phillipp T, Kribben A. Ambulatory norepinephrine treatment of severe autonomic orthostatic hypotension. J Am Coll Cardiol 37: 219-223, 2001.
  425. Hermann J, Volbracht L, Haude M, Eggebrecht H, Malyar N, Mann K, Erbel R. Biochemische Marker bei ischämischen und nicht ischämischen Myokardschädigungen. Med Klinik 96: 144-156; 2001.
  426. Hunold P, Wieneke H, Schmermund A, Eggebrecht H, Bonzel K-E, Grönemeyer D, Erbel R. Schwere koronare Herzerkrankung bei einer 21-Jährigen mit nephrokalzinose bei infantilem Hyperkalzämiesyndrom. Med Klinik 96: 161-163, 2001.
  427. Fischer A, Wieneke H, Brauer H, Erbel R. Metallische Biowerkstoffe für koronare Stents. Z Kardiol 90: 251-262, 2001.
  428. Hermann J, Haude M, Lerman A, Schulz R, Volbracht L, Ge J, Schmermund A, Wieneke H, Birgelen von C, Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Heusch G, Erbel R. Abnormal coronary flow velocity reserve after coronary intervention is associated with cardiac marker elevation. Circulation 103: 2339-2345, 2001.
  429. Schmermund A, Erbel R. Neue Konzepte der Primärprävention erfordern Umdenken Med Klin 96: 261-269, 2001.
  430. Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Herold U, Jakob H, Erbel R. Multiple penetrating atherosclerotic ulcers of the abdominal aorta: treatment by endovascular stent graft placement. Heart 85: 526, 2001.
  431. Von Birgelen C, Klinkhart W., Mintz, G.S, Papatheodorou A, Herrmann J, Baumgart D, Haude M, Wieneke H, Ge J, Erbel R. Plaque distribution and vascular remodeling of ruptured and nonruptured coronary plaques in the same vessel: An intravascular ultrasound study in vivo. J Am Coll Cardiol 37: 1864-1870, 2001.
  432. Caspari GH, Müller S, Bartel T, Koopmann J, Erbel R. Full performance of modern echocardiography within the heart: In-vivo feasibility study with a new intracardiac, Phased-array ultrasound-tipped catheter. Eur J Echocardiogr 2: 100-107, 2001.
  433. Möhlenkamp S, Behrenbeck TR, Pump H, Kriener P, Lange S, Baumgart D, Seibel RMM, Grönemeyer DHW, Erbel R. Reproducibility of two coronary calcium quantification algorithms in patients with different degress of calcification. Int J Cardiovasc Imag 17: 133-142, 2001.
  434. Schmermund A, Erbel R. Neue Konzepte der Primärprävention erfordern Umdenken. Med Klin 96: 261-269, 2001.
  435. Schmermund A, Baumgart D, Möhlenkamp S, Kriener P, Pump H, Grönemeyer D, Seibel R, Erbel R. Natural history and topographic pattern of progression of coronary calcification in symptomatic patients. An electron-beam CT study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 21: 421-426, 2001.
  436. Klein AL, Grimm RA, Murray D, Apperson-Hansen C, Asinger RW, Black IW, Davidoff R, Erbel R, Halperin JL, Orsinelli DA, Porter TR, Stoddard MF. Use of transesophageal echocardiography to guide cardioversion in patients with atrial fibrillation. N Eng J Med 19: 1411-1420, 2001.
  437. Hamm CW, Bösenberg H, Brennecke R, Daschner F, Dziekan G, Erbel R, Ewen D, Geffers C. Leitlinien zur Einrichtung und zum Betreiben von Herzkatheterräumen (1.Neufassung). Z Kardiol 90: 367-376, 2001.
  438. Bruch, C, Schmermund A, Dagres N, Bartel T, Caspari G, Sack S, Erbel R. Changes in QRS voltage in cardiac tamponade and pericardial effusion: Reversibility after pericardiocentesis and after anti-inflammatory drug treatment. J Am Coll Cardiol 38: 219-226, 2001.
  439. Oldenburg O, Eggebrecht H, Gutersohn A, Schaar J, Brauck K, Haude M, Erbel R, Baumgart D. Myocardial lactate release after intracoronary verapamil application in humans: Acute effects of intracoronary verapamil on systemic and coronary hemodynamics, myocardial metabolism and norepinephrine leves. Cardiovasc Drugs Therapy 15: 55-61, 2001.
  440. Kuntz-Hehner S, Eggebrecht H, Hunold P, Bruch C, Tiemann K, Schaar J, Wieneke H, Bartel T, Baumgart D, Erbel R. Aortendissektion. Internist. Prax. 41: 479-503, 2001.
  441. Dietz U, Rupprecht HJ, Ekinici O, Dill T, Erbel R, Kuck KH, Abdollahnia R, Rippin G, Meier J, Hamm C. Angiographic analysis of immediate and long-term results of PTCR vs. PTCA in comlex lesions (COBRA Study). Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent 53: 359-367, 2001.
  442. Erbel R, Alfonso F, Boileau C, Dirsch O, Eber B, Haverich A, Rakowski H, Struyven J, Radegran K, Sechtem U, Taylor J, Zollikofer C, Klein WW, Mulder B, Providencia LA. Diagnosis and management of aortic dissection. Eur Heart J 18: 1642-1681, 2001.
  443. Hunold P, Schmermund A, Seibel RM, Grönemeyer DH, Erbel R. Prevalence and clinical significance of accidental findings in electron-beam tomogrphic scans for coronary artery calcification. Eur Heart J 18: 1748-1758, 2001.
  444. Piek JJ, Boersma E, Voskuil M, di Mario C, Schröder E, Vrints C, Probst P, de Bruyne B, Hanet C, Fleck E, Haude M, Verna E, Voudris V, Geschwind H, Emanuelsson H, Muhlberger V, Peels HO, Serruys on behalf of the DEBATE study group PW. The immediate and long-term effect of optimal balloon angioplasty on the absolute coronary blood flow velocity reserve. A subanalysis of the DEBATE study. Eur Heart J 18: 1725-1732, 2001.
  445. Erbel R. Diseases of the thoracic aorta. Heart 86: 227-234, 2001.
  446. Mintz GS, Nissen SE, Anderson WD, Bailey SR, Erbel R, Fitzgerald PJ, Pinto FJ, Rosenfield K, Siegel RJ, Tuzcu EM, Yock PG. American college of cardiology clinical expert consensus document on standards for acquisition, measurement and reporting of intravascular ultrasound studies (IVUS). A report of the American College of Cardiology Task Force on clinical expert consensus documents. J Am Coll Cardiol 5: 1478-1492, 2001.
  447. Herrmann BL, Bruch S, Saller B, Ferdin S, Dagres N, Ose C, Erbel R, Mann K. Occurrence of ventricular late potentials in patients with active acromegaly. Clin Endocrin 55; 201-207, 2001.
  448. Möhlenkamp S, Behrenbeck TR, Pump H, Kriener P, Lange S, Baumgart D, Seibel R, Grönemeyer D, Erbel R. Reproducibility of two coronary calcium quantification algorithms in patients with different degrees of calcification. Int J Cardivasc Imag 17: 133-142, 2001.
  449. Wein M, Bartel T, Kabatnik M, Sadony V, Dirsch O, Erbel R. Rapid progression of bacterial aortitis to an ascending aortic mycotic aneurysm documented by transesophageal echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 14: 646-649, 2001.
  450. Heusch G, Erbel R, Siffert W. Genetic determinates of coronary vasomotor tone in humans. Am J Physical Heart Circ Physiol 281;H465-H468, 2001.
  451. Schmermund A, Erbel R. Unstable coronary plaque and its relation to coronary calicum. Circulation 104: 1682-1687, 2001.
  452. Erbel R, Alfonso F, Boileau C, Dirsch O, Eber B, Haverich A, Rakowski H, Struyven J, Radegran K, Sechtem U, Taylor J, Zollikofer C. Internal reviewers: Klein W, Mulder B, Providencia L. Diagnosis and management of aortic dissection. Eur Heart J 22; 1642-1681, 2001.
  453. Naber C, Baumgart D, Altmann C, Siffert W, Erbel R, Heusch G. eNOS 894T allele and coronary blood flow at rest and during adenosine-induced hyperemia. Am J Physiol. Heart Circ Physiol 281: H1908-H1912, 2001
  454. Wenzel RR, Bruck H, Mitchell A, Schaefers RF, Baumgart D, Erbel R, Heemann U, Philipp T. Interaction of the sympathetic nervous system with other pressor systems in antihypertensive therapy. J Clin Basic Cardiol 4: 185-192, 2001.
  455. Wallmeyer S, Wolfhard U, Erbel R. Kardiale Defibrillation durch Laien- und Ersthelfer “First-Responder” – Überlegung zu einem neuen Rettungskonzept gegen den plötzlichen Herztod. Intensivmed 38: 590-594, 2001.
  456. Wieneke H, Schmermund A, Junbo G, Altmann C, Haude M, von Birgelen C, Baumgart D, Dirsch O, Erbel R. Imaging and diagnostic testing. Increased heterogeneity of coronary perfusion in patients with early coronary atherosclerosis. Am Heart J 142: 691-697, 2001.
  457. Yang Y, Bartel T, Caspari G, Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Erbel R. Echocardiographic detection of coronary artery fistula into the pulmonary artery
    Eur J Echo 2:292-294, 2001.
  458. Mintz G. S, Nissen S. E, Anderson W. D, Bailey S. R, Erbel R, Fitzgerald P. J, Pinto F. J, Rosenfield K, Siegel, R. J, Tuzcu EM and Yock P. G. ACC Clinical expert Consensus Document American College of Cardiology Clinical Expert Consensus Document on Standards for Acquisition, Measurement and Reporting of Intravascular Ultrasound Studies (IVUS). Eur J Echo 2, 299-313, 2001.
  459. von Birgelen C, Klinkhart W, Mintz Gary S, Papatheodorou, A, Herrmann J, Baumgart D, Haude M, Wieneke H, Ge J, Erbel R. Plaque Distribution and Vascular Remodeling of Ruptured and Nonruptured Coronary Plaques in the Same Vessel: An Intravascular Ultrasound Study In Vivo. J Am Coll Cardiol 37, 1864-1870, 2001.
  460. Gorge G, Kirstein M, Erbel R. Microgenerators for energy autarkic pacemakers and defibrillators: fast of fiction? Herz 26, 64-8, 2001.
  461. Bartel T, Yang Y, Müller Silvana, Wenzel R. Réne, Baumgart D, Philipp T, Erbel R. Noninvasive assessment of microvascular function in arterial hypertension by transthoracic Doppler harmonic echocardiography. J Am Coll Cardiol. 39, 2012 - 2018, 2002.
  462. Yang Y, Bartel T, Eggebrecht H, Latina L, von Birgelen C, Caspari G, Wang Xinfang, Erbel R. Non-invasive Assessment of Coronary Flow Velocity Reserve: A New Method Using Transthoracic Doppler Echocardiography. J Huazh Univ Sci Technol (Med Sci), 22 :158-163, 2002.
  463. Herrmann J, Birgelen C von, Haude M, Volbracht L, Malyar, N, Eggebrecht H, Konorza T F M, Baumgart D, Erbel R. Prognostic implication of cardiac troponin T increase following stent implantation. Heart 87:549-553, 2002.
  464. Bruch C, Schmermund A, Dagres N, Katz M, Bartel T, Erbel R. Tei-index in symptomatic patients with primary and secondary mitral regurgitation. Intern J Card Imag 18: 101-110, 2002.
  465. Müller S, Bartel T, Pachinger O, Erbel R. 3-D-Echokardiographie: neue Entwicklungen und Zukunftsperspektiven. Herz 27:227-36, 2002.
  466. Schmermund A, Erbel R, Silber S. Age and gender distribution of coronary artery calcium measured by four-slice computed tomography in 2,030 Persons with no symptoms of coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol, 90: 168-173, 2002.
  467. Barkhausen J, Hunold P, Jochims M, Eggebrecht H, Sabin G. V, Erbel R, Debatin J. F. Vergleich von Gradienten-Echo und steady state free precession Sequenzen zur 3D-Navigator-MR-Koronarangiographie. Fortschr Röntgenstr 174: 725-730, 2002.
  468. Herrmann B. L, Bruch C, Saller B, Bartel T, Ferdin S, Erbel R, Mann K
    Acromegaly: evidence for a direct relation between disease activity and cardiac dysfunction in patients without ventricular hypertrophy. Clin Endrocrinol 56, 595-602, 2002.
  469. Seward J, Douglas P, Erbel R, Kerber R, Kronzon I, Rakowski H, Sahn D, Sisk E, Tajik A, Wann S. Hand-Carried Cardiac Ultrasound (HCU) Device: Recommendations Regarding New Technology. A Report from the Echocardiography Task Force on New Technology of the Nomenclature and Standards Committee of the American Society of Echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 15: 369-373, 2002.
  470. Baumgart D, Sauerwein W, Naber C, Meusers P, Quast U, Eggebrecht H, Erbel R. Dose finding in intracoronary brachytherapy – consequences from empirical trials
    Z Kardiol 91: III/23 – III/30, 2002.
  471. Hengge U. R, Jochum C, Tschakarjan E, Maschke J, Erbel R, Schmid K. W, Otterbach F. Purpura fulminans – Fatale Folgen einer alltäglichen Therapie? Hautarzt 7, 483-487, 2002.
  472. Hoffmann R, Marwick T. H, Poldermans D, Lethen H, Ciani R, van der Meer P, Tries H.-P, Gianfagna P, Fioretti P, Bax J. J, Katz M. A, Erbel R, Hanrath P.
    Refinements in stress echocardiographic techniques improve inter-institutional agreement in interpretation of dobutamine stress echocardiograms. Eur Heart J 23: 821-829, 2002.
  473. Bartel T, Caspari G, Mueller S, Erbel R. Intracardiac echocardiography – technologys and clinical role. J Clin Basic Cardiol 5: 133-137, 2002.
  474. Bruch C, Schmermund A, Dagres N, Katz M, Bartel T, Erbel R. Tei-Index in coronary artery disease – validation in patients with overall cardiac and isolated diastolic dysfunction. Z Kardiol 91: 472-480, 2002.
  475. Nesser J J, Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Ebner C, Gschwendtner M, Barkhausen J, Erbel R, Nienaber C. A. Emergency stent-graft placement for impending rupture of the descending thoracic aorta. J Endovasc Therapy 9: II 72 – 78, 2002.
  476. Bartel T, Müller S, Caspari G, Erbel R. Intracardiac and intraluminal echocardiography: indications and standard approaches. Ultrasound Med Biol 28: 997-1003, 2002.
  477. Herrmann J, Lerman A, Baumgart D, Volbracht L, Schulz R, von Birgelen C, Haude M, Heusch G, Erbel R. Preprocedural statine medication reduces the extent of periprocedural non-Q-wave myocardial infarction. Circulation 106: 2180-2183, 2002.
  478. Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Herold U, Piotrowski J, Barkhausen J, Wiesemes R, Peters J, Rühm Stefan G, Jakob H, Erbel R.Interventional management of aortic dissection. Herz 27: 539-547, 2002
  479. Baumgart D, Sauerwein W, Naber C, Kaiser C. A, Meusers P, Quast U, Langner i; Flühs D, Stuschke M, Erbel R. Strahlentherapie der Herzkranzgefäße – Neue Wege zur Behandlung der Restenose nach perkutaner, koronarer Intervention. Dtsch Ärztebl 99:34-35, 2002.
  480. Erbel R, Budde T, Kerkhoff G, Möhlenkamp S, Schmermund A. Understanding the pathophysiology of the arterial wall: which method should we choose? Electron beam computed tomography. Eur Heart J 4:47-53, 2002.
  481. Herrmann J, Haude M, Volbracht L, Altmann C, von Birgelen C, Eggebrecht H, Malyar N, Baumgart D, Mann K, Erbel R. “Rescue“-Indikation für Glykoprotein-IIb/IIIa-Rezeptor-Inhibition im Rahmen perkutaner Koronarintervention? Intensivmed 39:520-8, 2002.
  482. Agretto A, Politano L, Bossone E, Peretta VR, D’Isa S, Passamano, Comi LI, Erbel R. Pulsed Doppler tissue imaging in dystrophinopathic cardiomyopathy. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 15:891-99, 2002.
  483. Bruch C, Schmermund A, Dagres N, Katz M, Bartel T, Erbel R. Severe aortic valve stenosis with preserved and reduced systolic left ventricular function: diagnostic usefulness of the Tei-index. J Am Soc Echokardiogr 15:869-76, 2002.
  484. Wenzel R, Bartel T, Eggebrecht H, Philipp T, Erbel R. Central-nervous Side Effects of Midazolam during Transesophageal Echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 15(10 Pt 2):1297-300, 2002.
  485. Schmermund A, Möhlenkamp S, Stang A, Grönemeyer D, Seibel, R, Hirche H, Mann K, Siffert W, Lauterbach K, Siegrist J, Jöckel K, Erbel R. Assessment of clinically silent atherosclerotic disease and established and novel risk factors for predicting myocardial infarction and cardiac death in healthy middle-aged subjects: Rationale and design of the Heinz Nixdorf RECALL Study. Am Heart J 144:212-18, 2002.
  486. Möhlenkamp S, Hort W, Ge J, Erbel R. Update on Myocardial Bridging. Circulation 106:2616-22, 2002.
  487. Heusch G, Erbel R. Koronare Mikroembolisation. Dtsch Ärztebl 33:2200-02, 2002.
  488. Wallmeyer S, Wolfhard U, Erbel R. Kardiale Defibrillation durch Laien- und Ersthelfer „First Responder“ – Überlegungen zu einem neuen Rettungskonzept gegen den plötzlichen Herztod. Notfallmedizin 32-36, 2002.
  489. Neumann T, Ross B, Hengge U, Gerken G, Erbel R. Kardiale Manifestationen der HIV-Infektion. Med Klein 97:659-65, 2002.
  490. Neumann T, Miller M, Esser S, Gerken G, Erbel R. Arteriosklerose bei HIV-positiven Patienten. Z Kardiol 91:879-88, 2002.
  491. Eggebrecht H, Haude M, Woertgen U, Schmermund A, von Birgelen C, Naber C, Baumgart D, Kaiser C, Oldenburg O, Bartel T, Kroeger K, Erbel R. Systematic use of a collagen-based vascular closure device immediately after cardiac catherization procedures in 1,317 consecutive patients. Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent 57:486-95, 2002.
  492. Neumann T, Ross B, Hengge U, Gerken G, Erbel R. Kardiale Manifestationen der HIV-Infektion. Med Klin 97:659-65, 2002.
  493. Karoussos I, Wieneke H, Sawitowski T, Wnendt S, Fischer A, Dirsch O, Dahmen U, Erbel R. Inorganic materials as drug delivery systems in coronary artery stenting. Mat.-wiss. U. Werkstofftech 33:738-46, 2002.
  494. Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Herold U, Rasusch S, Naber C, Haude M, Barkhausen J, Jakob H, Erbel R. Endovascular stent-grafts für thoracic aortic disease. Mat.-wiss. U. Werkstofftechn 33:779-85, 2002.
  495. Hunold P, Vogt F, Schmermund A, Debatin J, Kerkhoff G, Budde T, Erbel R, Ewen K, Barkhausen J. Radiation exposure during cardiac CT: effective doses at multi-detector row CT and electron-beam CT. Radiology 10:1148, 2002.
  496. Möhlenkamp S, Hort W, Ge J, Erbel R. Update on myocardial bridging. Circulation 106:2616-22, 2002.
  497. Bartel T, Vanheiden H, Schaar J, Mertzkirch W, Erbel R. Biomechanical modeling of heodynamic factors determining bulging of ventricular aneurysms. Ann Thorac Surg 74:1581-8, 2002.
  498. Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Naber C, Dirsch O, Haude M, Erbel R. Extraction of large intracoronary thrombus in acute myocardial infarction by percutaneous fogarty Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent 55:228-32, 2002.
  499. Herold, U, Piotrowski J,Baumgart D, Eggebrecht H, Erbel R, Jakob H. Endoluminal stent graft repair for acute and chronic type B aortic dissection and atherosclerotic aneurysm of the thoracic aorta: an interdisciplinary task. Eur J Cardio-thorac Surg 22:891-7, 2002.
  500. Hillen U, Haude M, Erbel R, Goos M. Evaluation of metal allergies in patients with coronary stents. Contact Dermatitis 47:353-6, 2002.
  501. Bartel T, Eggebrecht, H, Ebralidze T, Baumgart D, Erbel R. Optimal guidance for intimal flap fenestration in aortic dissection by transvenous two-dimensional and Doppler-ultrasonography. Circulation 107:17-18, 2003.
  502. Zeidan Z, Erbel R, Barkhausen J, Hunold P, Bartel T, Buck T. Analysis of global systolic and diastolic left ventricular performance using volume-time curves by real-time three-dimensional echocardiography. J Am Soc Echokardiogr 16:29-37, 2003.
  503. Naber C, Kaiser C, Sauerwein W, Meusers P, Eggebrecht H, Haude M, Erbel R, Baumgart D. Brachytherapie nach koronaren Interventionen: aktueller Stand und Zukunftsperspektiven. Z Kardiol 92:1-15, 2003.
  504. Hunold P, Vogt F, Schmermund A, Debatin J, Kerkhoff G, Budde T, Erbel R, Ewen K, Barkhausen J. Radiation exposure during cardiac CT: Effective doses at multi-detector row CT and electron-Beam CT. Radiology 226:145-52, 2003.
  505. Müller S, Bartel T, Katz M, Pachinger O, Erbel R. Partial cut-off of the left ventricle: Determinants and effects on volume parameters assessed by real-time 3-D echocardiography. Ultrasound Med & Biol 29:25-30, 2003.
  506. Naber C, Erbel R. Diagnosis of culture negative endocarditis: novel strategies to prove the suspect guilty. Heart 89:241-3, 2003.
  507. Bartel T, Konorza, T, Arjumand J, Ebralidze T, Eggebrecht H, Caspari G, Neudorf U, Erbel R. Intracardiac echocardiography is superior to conventional monitoring for guiding device closure of interatrial communications. Circulation 107:795-7, 2003.
  508. Kodolitsch Y, Baumgart D, Eggebrecht H, Dieckmann C, Jakob H, Meinertz T, Erbel R. Das akute Aortensyndrom. Dtsch Ärztebl 6:326-33, 2003.
  509. Erbel R, Siffert W, Möhlenkamp S, Schmermund A. Prävention der KHK durch Risikostratifizierung. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 128:330-6, 2003.
  510. Oesterle S, Reifart N, Hayase M, Hauptmann E, Low R, Erbel R, Haude M, Dirsch O, Schuler G, Virmani R, Yeung A. Catheter-based coronary bypass: a development update. Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent 58:212-18, 2003.
  511. Schmermund A, Erbel R. Therapie der Arteriosklerose. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 128:41-7, 2003.
  512. Bruch C, Comber M, Schmermund A, Eggebrecht H, Bartel T, Erbel R.Diagnostic usefulness and impact on management of transesophageal echocardiography in surgical intensive care units. Am J Cardiol 91:510-13, 2003.
  513. Naber C, Baumgart D, Heusch G, Siffert W, Oldenburg O, Huesing J, Erbel R. Role of the eNOS Glu298 Asp variant on the GNB3825T allele dependent determination of a-adrenergic coronary constriction. Pharmacogenet 13:1-5, 2003.
  514. Skyschally A, Erbel R, Heusch G. Coronary Microembolization. Circ J 67:279-86, 2003.
  515. Gössl M, von Birgelen C, Mintz G, Böse D, Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Haude M, Erbel R. Volumetric assessment of ulcerated ruptured coronary plaques with three-dimensional intravascular ultrasound in vivo. Am J Cardiol 91:992-6, 2003.
  516. Möhlenkamp S, Lehmann N, Schmermund A, Pump H, Moebus S, Baumgart D, Seibel R, Grönemeyer D, Jöckel K, Erbel R. Prognostic value of extensive coronary calcium quantities in symptomatic males-a 5-year follow-up study. Eur Heart J 24:845-4, 2003.
  517. Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Schmermund A, von Birgelen C, Herold U, Wiesemes R, Barkhausen J, Jakob H, Erbel R. Endovascular stent-graft repair for penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer of the descending aorta. Am J Cardiol 91:1150-53, 2003.
  518. von Birgelen C, Mintz G, Sieling C, Böse D, Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Neumann T, Herrmann J, Haude M, Erbel R. Relation between plaque composition and vascular remodeling in coronary lesions with different degrees of lumen narrowing as assessed with three-dimensional intravascular ultrasound in patients with stable angina pectoris. Am J Cardiol 91:1103-07, 2003.
  519. Haude M, Konorza T, Kalnins U, Erglis A, Saunamäki K, Glogar H, Grube E, Gil R, Serra A, Richardt H, Sick P, Erbel R. Heparin-coated stent placement for the treatment of stenosis in small coronary arteries of symptomatic patients. Circulation 107:1265-70, 2003.
  520. Oldenburg O, Philipp T, Forsting M, Erbel R. Percutaneous, catheter-based coil embolization of coronary fistula: Determination of hemodynamic relevance J Interven Cardiol 16:1-4, 2003.
  521. Möhlenkamp S, Schmermund A, Kerkhoff G, Budde T, Erbel R. Prognostische Wertigkeit der nicht-invasiv bestimmten koronaren Plaquelast bei Patienten mit Risikofaktoren. Z Kardiol 92:351-61, 2003.
  522. Herrmann B, Brandt-Mainz K, Saller B, Bruch C, Wieneke H, Kügler C, Ferdin S, Hahn S, Erbel R, Bockisch A, Mann K. Myocardial perfusion abnormalities in patients with active acromegaly Horm metab Res 35:183-8, 2003.
  523. Müller S, Bartel T, Koopman J, Pandian N, Erbel R, Pachinger O. Tissue Doppler analysis is hindered in abnormal wall motion and changes in afterload Int J Cardio 90:81-90, 2003.
  524. v. Birgelen C, Mintz G, Böse D, Baumgart D, Haude M, Wieneke H, Neumann T, Brinkhoff J, Jasper M, Erbel R. Impact of moderate lesion calcium on mechanisms of coronary stenting as assessed with three-dimensional intravascular Ultrasound in vivo. Am J Cardiol 92:5-10, 2003.
  525. Neumann T, Woiwoid T, Neumann A, Miller M, Ross B, Volbracht L, Brockmeyer N, Gerken G, Erbel R. Cardiovascular risk factors and probability for cardiovascular events in HIV-infection. Eur J Med Res 8:229-35, 2003.
  526. Erbel R. Spontaneous and interventional coronary microembolisation. Heart 89:986-9, 2003.
  527. Stolpmann J, Brauer H, Stracke H.-J, Erbel R, Fischer A. Practicability and limitations of finite element simulation of the dilatation behaviour of coronary stents. Mat-wiss u Werkstofftech 34:736-45, 2003.
  528. Wieneke H, Schmermund A, von Birgelen C, Haude, Erbel R. Therapeutic potential of active stent coating Expert Opin Investig. Drugs 12:1-9, 2003.
  529. Weichert F, Müller H, Quast U, Kraushaar A, Spilles P, Heintz M, Wilke C, v. Birgelen C, Erbel R, Wegener D. Virtual 3D IVUS vessel model for intravascular brachytherapy planning. I. 3D segmentation, reconstruction, and visualization of coronary artery architecture and orientation. Med Phys 30:2530-6, 2003.
  530. Achenbach S, Schmermund A, Erbel R, Silber S, Haberl R, Moshage W, Daniel W. G. Klinische Bedeutung des quantitativen Nachweises von Koronarkalk mit Elektronenstrahltomographie (EBT) und Mehrzeilen-Spiral-Computertomographie (MSCT). Z Kardiol 92:899-907, 2003.
  531. v. Birgelen C, Hartmann M, Mintz G, Baumgart D, Schmermund A, Erbel R. Relation between progression and regression of atherosclerotic left main coronary artery disease and serum cholesterol levels as assessed with serial long-term (³ 12 month) follow-up intravascular ultrasound. Circulation 108:2757-62, 2003.
  532. Schmermund A, Möhlenkamp S, Erbel R. Coronary artery calcium and ist relationship to coronary artery disease. Cardiol Clin 21:521-34, 2004.
  533. Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Radecke K, von Birgelen C, Treichel U, Herold U, Hunold P, Gerken G, Jakob H, Erbel R. Aortoesophageal Fistula Secondary to Stent-Graft Repair of the Thoracic Aorta. J Endovasc Ther 11:161-7, 2004.
  534. Naber CK, Bauhofer A, Block M, Buerke M, Erbel R, Graninger W, Herrmann M, Horstkotte D, Kern P, Lode H, Mehlhorn U, Meyer J, Mugge A, Niebel J, Peters G, Shah PM, Werdan K. S2 guideline for infectious endocarditis. Fortschr Med 146(Suppl 3-4):123-35, 2004.
  535. Erbel R, Heusch G. Distale Embolisierung: Manifestation und Konsequenzen.
    Herz 29:716-21, 2004.
  536. Di Mario C, Griffith H, Goktekin O, Peeters N, Verbist J, Bosiers M, DeLoose K, Heublein B, Rohde R, Kasese V, Ilsley C, Erbel R. Drug-Eluting Bioabsorbable Magnesium Stent. J Interven Cardiol 17:391-5, 2004.
  537. Maisch B, Seferovic PM, Ristic AD, Erbel R, Rienmuller r, Adler Y, Tomkowski WZ, Thiene G, Yacoub MH. Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of pericardial diseases. Executive summary. Rev Esp Cardiol 57:1090-114, 2004.
  538. Eggebrecht H, Naber CK, Plato C, Erbel R, Bartel T. Analysis of fossa ovalis membrane velocities by transesophageal Doppler tissue echocardiography: a novel approach to functional assessment of patent foramen ovale. J am Soc Echocardiogr 17:1161-6, 2004.
  539. Erbel R. Schmermund A. Clinical significance of coronary calcification. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 24:172, 2004.
  540. Gössl M, Mitchell A, Lerman A, Opazo Saez A, Schafers RF, Erbel R, Philipp T, Wenzel RR. Endothelin-B-receptor-selective antagonist inhibits endothelin-1 induced potentiation on the vasoconstriction to noradrenaline and angiotensin II. J Hypertens 22:1909-16, 2004.
  541. Erbel R, Lind A, Plato C, Kuhl H, Piotrowski J, Jakob H, Schmid KW, Sack S.
    Pericarditis constrictiva mit Perikarderguss. Schwierige Diagnose mit erheblichen therapeutischen Konsequenzen. Herz 29:563-7, 2004.
  542. Lind AY, Eggebrecht H, Kerkhoff GO, Budde T, Erbel R. Non-invasive coronary angiography in a patient with chronic type-a aortic dissection. Herz 29:562, 2004.
  543. Eggebrecht H, Naber CK, Bruch C, Kroger K, von Birgelen C, Schmermund A, Wichert M, Bartel T, Mann K, Erbel R. Value of plasma fibrin D-dimers for detection of acute aortic dissection. J Am Coll Cardiol 44:804-9, 2004.
  544. Bartel T, Eggebrecht H, Erbel R. Safe biopsy of aortic masses guided by intraluminal two dimensional ultrasonography. Heart 90:974, 2004.
  545. Möhlenkamp S, Ritman EL, Haude M, Erbel R. Minimal-invasive Quantifizierung der myokardialen Mikrozirkulationsfunktion mittels Computertomographie. Z Kardiol 93:514-23, 2004.
  546. Erbel R, Eggebrecht H, Baumgart d, Schmermund A, Barkhausen J, Ruhm, S, Herold U, Jakob H. Aortendissektion und intramurale Hämatome: Ist das TEE das letzte Wort? Das akute Aortensyndrom. Herz 29:443-7, 2004.
  547. Thielmann M, Massoudy P, Marggraf G, Knipp S, Schmermund A, Piotrowski J, Erbel R, Jakob H. Role of troponin I, Myoglobin, andcreatine kinase fort he detection of early graft failure following coronary artery bypass grafting. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 26:102-9, 2004.
  548. Maisch B, Seferovic PM, Ristic AD, Erbel R, Rienmuller R, Adler Y, Tomkowski WZ, Thiene G, Yacoub MH. Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of pericardial diseases executive summary; The Task force on the diagnosis and management of pericardial diseases of the European society of cardiology. Eur Heart J 25:587-610, 2004.
  549. Qian JY, Ge JB, Fan B, Wang QB, Chen HZ, Baumgart D, Haude M, Erbel R.
    Identification of syndrome X using intravascular ultrasound imaging and Doppler flow mapping. Chin Med J 117:521-7, 2004.
  550. Neumann T, Woiwod T, Neumann A, Ross B, von Birgelen C, Volbracht L, Brockmeyer NH, Gerken G, Erbel R. Cardiovascular risk factors and probability for cardiovascular events in HIV-infected patients. Part II: gender differences.
    Eur J Med Res 9:55-60, 2004.
  551. Naber CK, Doerfler A, Churzidze S, Böse D, Schmermund A, Erbel R. Perkutane Coil-Embolisation einer großen, kongenitalen koronarpulmonalen Fistel unter Verwendung hydrophiler Platin-Coils. Herz 29:218-9, 2004.
  552. Naber C, Baumgart D, Bonan R, Wegscheider K, Serruys P, Colombo A, Silber S, Eeckhout E, Eggebrecht H, Erbel R, Urban P. Intracoronary Brachytherapy, a promising treatment Option for diabetic Patients: Results from a European Mutlicenter Registry (RENO). Cath Cardiovasc Interv 61:173-8, 2004.
  553. Naber CK, Siffert W, Erbel R, Heusch G. Genetics of human coronary vasomotion.
    Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss 97:255-60, 2004.
  554. von Birgelen C, Hartmann M, Mintz GS, Boese D, Eggebrecht H, Goessl M, Neumann T, Baumgart D, Wieneke H, Schmermund A, Haude M, Erbel R.
    Spectrum of remodeling behavior observed with serial long-term (>/=12 month) follow-up intravascular ultrasound studies in left main coronary arteries. Am J Cardiol 93:1107-13, 2004.
  555. Skyschally A, Haude M, Dörge H, Thielmann M, Duschin A, van de Sand A, Konietzka I, Büchert A, Aker S, Massoudy P, Schulz R, Erbel R, Heusch G.
    Glucocorticoid Treatment Prevents progessive myocardial dysfunction resulting from Experimental Coronary Mikroembolization. Circulation 109:2337-42, 2004.
  556. Eggebrecht H, von Birgelen C, Naber C, Kröger K, Schmermund A, Wieneke H, Bartel T, Wörgen U, Baumgart D, Haude M, Erbel R. Impact of gender on femoral access complications secondary to application of a collagen-based vascular closure device. J Invas Cardiol 16:247-50, 2004.
  557. Dagres N, Gutersohn A, Wieneke H, Sack S, Erbel R. A new hereditary form of ectopic atrial tachycardia with autosomal dominant inheritance. Intern J Cardiol 93:311-3, 2004.
  558. Neumann T, Woiwod T, Neumann A, Miller M, von Birgelen C, Volbracht L, Esser S, Brockmeyer N, Gerken G, Erbel R. Cardiovascular Risk Factors and probability for Cardiovascular Events in HIV-infected Patients. Eur J Med Res 9:267-72, 2004.
  559. Haude M, Erbel R. Aktuelle Therapiekonzepte des ST-Streckenhebungsmyokardinfarkts. Intensivmed 41:358-65, 2004.
  560. Heusch G, Schulz R, Haude M, Erbel R. Coronary microembolization.J Mol Cell Cardiol 37:23-31, 2004.
  561. Heusch G, Schulz R, Haude M, Erbel R. Coronary microembolisation – Signal transduction of contract dysfunction. Cardiovasc J S Afr 15:S5-6, 2004.
  562. Skyschally A, Schulz R, Gres P, Konietzka I, Martin C, Haude M, Erbel R, Heusch G.
    Coronary microembolization does not induce acute preconditioning against infarction in pigs – the role of adenosine. Cardiovasc Res 63:313-22, 2004.
  563. Schmermund A, Stang A, Möhlenkamp S, Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Gilbert V, Grönemeyer D, Seibel R, Erbel R. Prognostic value of electron-beam computed tomography-derived coronary calcium scores compared with clinical parameters in patients evaluated for coronary artery disease. Z Kardiol 93:696-705, 2004.
  564. Herrmann BL, Erbel R, Janssen O, Mann K. Kardiovaskuläre Effekte oraler Antidiabetika. Herz 29:510-8, 2004.
  565. Eggebrecht H, Ritzel A, von Birgelen C, Schmermund A, Naber C, Böse D, Baumgart D, Bartel T, Haude M, Erbel R. Acute and long-term outcome after coronary artery perforation during percutaneous coronary interventions.Z Kardiol 93:791-8, 2004.
  566. Dirsch O, Dahmen U, Fan LM, Gu YL, Shen K, Wieneke H, Erbel R. Media remodeling – the result of stent induced media necrosis and repair.VASA 33:125-29, 2004.
  567. Skyschally A, Schulz R, Haude M, Erbel R, Heusch G. Koronare Mikroembolisation: Perfusions-Kontraktions-Mismatch durch inflammatorische Reaktion des Myokards.
    Herz 29:777-81, 2004.
  568. Dagres N, Saller B, Haude M, Hüsing J, von Birgelen C, Schmermund A, Sack S, Baumgart D, Mann K, Erbel R. Insulin sensitivity and coronary vasoreactivity: insulin sensitivity relates to adenosine-stimulated coronary flow response in human subjects. Clin Endoc 61;724-31, 2004.
  569. Schmermund A, Stang A, Möhlenkamp S, Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Gilbert V, Grönemeyer D, Seibel R, Erbel R. Prognostic value of electron-beam computed tomography-derived coronary calcium scores compared with clinical parameters in patients evaluated for coronary artery disease. Z Kardiol 93:696-705, 2004.
  570. Dagres N, Haude M, Kurreck S, Baumgart D, Erbel R. The EchoMap System: online integration of intracoronary-ultrasound and Doppler images into angiographic imges during cardiac catherization. Influence on radiation exposure and procedure parameters. J Interven Cardiol 17:321-5, 2004.
  571. von Birgelen C, Hartmann M, Mintz GS, van Houwelingen KG, Deppermann N, Schmermund A, Böse D, Eggebrecht H, Neumann T, Gössl M, Wieneke H, Erbel R.
    Relationship between cardiovascular risk as prected by established risk scores versus plaque progression as measured by serial intravascular ultrasound in left main coronary arteries. Circulation 110:1579-85, 2004.
  572. Nienaber CA, Erbel R, Ince H. Nihil nocere on the rocky road to endovascular stent-graft treatment. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 127:620-1, 2004.
  573. Eggebrecht H, Schmermund A, von Birgelen C, Naber CK, Bartel T, Wenzel RR, Erbel R. Resistant hypertension in patients with chronic aortic dissection. J Hum Hypertens 19:227-31, 2005.
  574. Dirsch O, Dahmen U, Gu YL, Ji Y, Karoussos IA, Wieneke H, Erbel R. Preliminary Investigation of Mitoxantrone Coating on Stent-Grafts to Inhibit Neointimal Proliferation. J Endovasc Ther 12:479-85, 2005.
  575. Yang Y, Bartel T, Li Z, Erbel R. Assessment of coronary flow velocity reserve by noninvasive transthoracic Doppler echocardiography in patients with angiographically normal coronary arteries. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci 25:590-3, 2005.
  576. Eggebrecht H, Herold U, Kuhnt O, Schmermund A, Bartel T, Martini S, Lind A, Naber CK, Kienbaum P, Kühl H, Peters J, Jakob H, Erbel R, Baumgart D. Endovascular stent-graft treatment of aortic dissection: determinants of post-interventional outcome. Eur Heart J 26:489-7, 2005.
  577. Buck T, Erbel R. Should contrast be routinely used for echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular function? A matter of appropriateness. Eur Heart J 26:534-5, 2005.
  578. Eggebrecht H, Quick HH, Barkhausen J, Kribben A, Erbel R. Re: high-dose intravenous gadolinium for renal computed tomographic angiography. J Vasc Interv Radiol 16:297-8, 2005.
  579. Erbel R, Buck T. Systolische Funktionsdiagnostik des linken Ventrikels. Herz 30:69-74, 2005.
  580. Eggebrecht H, Schmermund A, Herold U, Lind A, Bartel T, Buck T, Martini S, Kuhnt O, Kienbaum P, Barkhausen J, Jakob H, Erbel R. Rapid progression of discrete type a intramural hematoma: prevention of a „procedure-related“ complication by intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography. J Endovasc Ther 12:252-7, 2005.
  581. Geckeis K, Eggebrecht H, Quick HH, Barkhausen J, Kribben A, Erbel R. A word of caution on the use of high-dose MR contrast media in patients with renal failure. J Endovasc Ther 12:262, 2005.
  582. Budeus M, Hennersdorf M, Wieneke H, Sack S, Erbel R, Perings C. P wave signal averaged ECG and chemoreflexsensitivity in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Int J Cardiol 100:317-24, 2005.
  583. Erbel R, Buck T. Erratum: Hot Topic: Systolische Funktionsdiagnostik des linken Ventrikels. Herz 30:69-74, 2005.
  584. Kahlert P, Katz MA, Buck T, Erbel R. Image of the Month Electrical Alternans due to Cardiac Tamponade. Herz 30:151-2, 2005.
  585. Schmermund A, Erbel R. Non-invasive computed tomographic coronary angiography: the end of the beginning. Eur Heart J 26:1451-3, 2005.
  586. Naber CK, Plicht B, Eggebrecht H, Buck T, Erbel R. Echokardiographie in der Endokarditisdiagnostik: transthorakal oder transösophageal? Herz 30:234-40, 2005.
  587. Skyschally A, Gres P, Heusch P, Martin C, Haude M, Erbel R, Schulz R, Heusch G. Preinfarction angina: No interference of coronary microembolization with acute ischemic preconditioning. J Mol Cell Cardiol 39:355-361, 2005.
  588. Erbel R. Neue Aspekte zur Diagnostik und Therapie der akuten und chronischen pulmonalen Hypertonie. Herz 30:257-60, 2005.
  589. Konorza T, Haude M, Wieneke H, Kälsch H, Erbel R. Klinisch-pharmakologische Austestung bei pulmonaler Hypertonie zur Therapieführung. Herz 30:286-95, 2005.
  590. Haude M, Schulz R, Heusch G, Erbel R. Overview of contemporary reperfusion strategies in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Expert Review Cardiovasc Ther 3:667-80, 2005.
  591. Thielmann M, Massoudy P, Schmermund A, Neuhäuser M, Marggraf G, Kamler M, Herold U, Aleksic I, Mann, Klaus, Haude M, Heusch G, Erbel R, Jakob H. Diagnostic discrimination between graft-related and non-graft-related perioperative myocardial infarction with cardiac troponin I after coronary artery bypass surgery. Eur Heart J 26:2440-47, 2005.
  592. Wieneke H, Böse D, Haude M, Eggebrecht H, Konorza T, Naber C, Erbel R. Coronary stents. From a simple idea to a medical high-tech device. Med Klin 100:505-11, 2005.
  593. Sack S, Naber C, Kahlert P, Malyar N, Gutersohn A, Eggebrecht H, Ley R, Jakob HG, Erbel R. Die perkutane Herzklappenimplantation in Aortenposition. Herz 30:433-7, 2005.
  594. Schmermund A, Wieneke H, Erbel R. Medical treatment of atherosclerosis. Med Monatsschr Pharm 28:300-8, 2005.
  595. Breuckmann F, Neumann T, Kondratieva J, Wieneke H, Ross B, Nassenstein K, Barkhausen J, Kreuter A, Brockmeyer N, Erbel R. Dilated cardiomyopathy in two adult human immunodeficiency positive (HIV+) patients possibly related to highly ctive antiretriviral therapy (HAART). Eur J Med Res 10:395-9, 2005.
  596. Budeus M, Hennersdorf M, Perings C, Wieneke H, Erbel R, Sack S. Prediction of the Recurrence of Atrial Fibrillation After Successful Cardioversion with P Wave Signal-Averaged ECG. A. N. E. 10:414-19, 2005.
  597. Schmermund A, Möhlenkamp S, Mathes P, Erbel R. Bedeutung der Koronarkalkbestimmung in der Primärprävention. Z Kardiol 94:Suppl. 3:III/79-III/87, 2005.
  598. Gutersohn A, Zimmermann U, Bartel T, Erbel R. A rare case of acute „infective“ myocardial infarction triggered by acute parvovirus B19 myocarditis. Natur Clin Practice Cardiovasc Med 2:167-71, 2005.
  599. Eggebrecht H, Rodermann J, Hunold P, Schmermund A, Böse D, Haude M, Erbel R. Novel Magnetic Resonance-Compatible Coronary Stent. Circulation 112:e303-304, 2005.
  600. Lind AY, Eggebrecht H, Erbel R. Images in cardiology: the invisible stent: imaging of an absorbable metal stent with multislice spiral computed tomography. Heart 91:1604, 2005.
  601. Budeus M, Wieneke H, Sack S, Erbel R, Perings C. Long-term outcome after cardioversion of atrial fibrillation: Prediction of recurrence with P wave signal veraged ECG and chemoreflexsensitivity. Int J Cardiol 112:308-15, 2006.
  602. Fujii K, Carlier SG, Mintz GS, Wijns W,, Colombo A, Böse D, Erbel R, de Ribamar Costa J, Kimura M, Sano K, Costa RA, Lui J, Stone GW, Moses JW, Leon MB. Association of Plaque Characterization by Intravascular Ultrasound Virtual Histology and Arterial Remodeling. Am J Cardiol 96:1476-83, 2005.
  603. Haude M, Erbel R. Akuter Myokardinfarkt. Herz 30:683-4, 2005.
  604. Budeus M, Feindt P, Gams E, Wieneke H, Erbel R, Sack S. Risk factors of ventricular tachyarrhythmias after coronary artery bypass grafting. Int J Cardiol 113:201-8, 2006.
  605. Leischik R, Erbel R. Progonostische Bedeutung der Stressechokardiographie. Herz 30:743-53, 2005.
  606. Kondratieva J, Breuckmann F, Nassenstein K, Barkhausen J, Buck T, Neumann T, Erbel R. Diagnostik kardialer Manifestationen bei HIV-positiven Paatienten mittels nichtinvasiver Bildgebung. Herz 30:635-40, 2005.
  607. Wieneke H, von Birgelen C, Haude M, Eggebrecht H, Möhlenkamp S, Schmermund A, Böse D, Altmann C, Bartel T, Erbel R. Determinants of coronary blood flow in humans: quantification by intracoronary Doppler and ultrasound. J Appl Physiol 98:1076-82, 2005.
  608. Möhlenkamp S, Eggebrecht H, Ebralidze, T, Münzberger S, Schweizer T, Quast B, Erbel R. Muskelbrücken der Koronararterien: mögliche ischämierelevante Normvarianten. Herz 1:37-47, 2005.
  609. Buck T, Plicht B, Hunold P, Mucci RA, Erbel R, Levine RA. Broad-beam spectra Doppler sonification of the vena contracta using matrix-array technology. J Am Coll Cardiol 45:770-9, 2005.
  610. Bartel T, Konorza T, Neudorf U, Ebralize T, Eggebrecht H, Gutersohn A, Erbel A. Intracardiac echocardiography: an ideal guiding tool for device closure of interatrial communications. Eur J Echocardiography 6:92-6, 2005.
  611. Schütt P, Konorza T, Ebeling P, Lütkes P, Flasshove M, Moritz T, Nowrousian MR, Seeber S, Haude M, Erbel R. Intensivmedizinische Behandlung von Patienten mit einer malignen Tumorerkrankung: Analyse von prognostischen Faktoren. Intensivmed 42:440-8, 2005.
  612. Schmermund A, Möhlenkamp S, Berenbein S, Pump H, Moebus f, Roggenbuck U, Stang A, Seibel R, Grönemeyer D, Jöckel KH, Erbel R. Population-based assessment of subclinical coronary atherosclerosis using electron-beam computed tomography. Atherosclerosis 185:177-82, 2005. 
  613. Hunold P, Wieneke H, Bruder O, Krueger U, Schlosser T, Erbel R, Barkhausen J. Late enhancement: a new feature in MRI of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy? J Cardiovasc Magn Reson 7:649-55, 2005.
  614. Naber CK, Frey UH, Oldenburg O, Brauck K, Eggebrecht H, Schmermund A, Baumgart D, Erbel R, Siffert W, Heusch G. Relevance of the NOS3 T-786C andG894T variants for cholinergic and adrenergic coronary vasomotor responses in man. Basic Res Cardiol 100:453-460, 2005.
  615. Stang A, Moebus S, Dragano N, Beck EM, Möhlenkamp S, Schmermund A, Siegrist J, Erbel R, Jöckel KH. Baseline recruitment and analyses of nonresponse of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study: Identifiability of phone numbers as the major determinant of response. Eur J Epidemiol 20:489-96, 2005.
  616. Neumann T, Kondratieva J, Eggebrecht H, Wieneke H, Bartel T, Erbel R. Koronare Herzerkrankung bei HIV-positiven Patienten: Einfluss der antiretroviralen Therapie. Herz 30:504-9, 2005.
  617. Wieneke H, Schmermund A, Erbel R. Niacin – ein komplementärer Therapieansatz zur Optimierung des Lipidprofils. Med Klin 100:186-92, 2005.
  618. Neumann T, Kondratieva J, Breuckmann F, Erbel R. HIV-bedingte Kardiomyopathie. Herz 30:545-9, 2005.
  619. Wieneke H, Neumann T, Breuckmann F, Hunold P, Fries JWU, Dirsch O, Erbel R.Non-Compaction-Kardiomyopathie. Herz 30:545-9, 2005.
  620. Sack S, v. Hehn A, Krukenberg A, Wieneke H, Erbel R. Das Herz HandyÒ - ein neues telemedizinisches Servicekonzept für Herzpatienten. Herzschr Elektrophys 16:165-75, 2005.
  621. Eggebrecht H, Nienaber CA, Neuhäuser M, Baumgart D, Kische S, Schmermund A, Herold U, Rehders TC, Jakob HG, Erbel R. Endovascular stent-graft placement in aortic dissection: a meta-analysis. Eur Heart J 27:489-98, 2006.
  622. Eggebrecht H, Lönn L, Herold U, Breuckmann F, Leyh R, Jakob HG, Erbel R.Endovascular stent-graft placement for complications of acute type B aortic dissection. Curr Opin Cardiol 20:477-83, 2005.
  623. Hüttmann A, Dührsen U, Stypmann J, Noppeney R, Nückel H, Neumann T, Gutersohn A, Nikol S, Erbel R. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-induced blood stem cell mobilisation in patients with chronic heart failure. Basic Res Cardiol 100:1-9, 2005.
  624. Eggebrecht H, Schmermund A, Herold U, Baumgart D, Martini S, Kuhnt O, Lind A, Kühne C, Kühl H, Kienbaum P, Peters J, Jakob H, Erbel R. Endovascular stent-graft placement for acute and contained rupture of the descending thoracic aorta. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv 66:474-82, 2005.
  625. Eggebrecht H, Schmermund A, von Birgelen C, Naber CK, Bartel T. Wenzel RR, Erbel R. Resistant hypertension in patients with chronic aortic dissection. J Hum Hypertens 19:227-31, 2005.
  626. Malyar N, Janosi R, Brkovic Z, Erbel R. Large mobile thrombus in non-atherosclerotic thoracic aorta as the source of peripheral arterial embolism. Thromb J 3:19, 2005.
  627. Fujii K, Carlier SG, Mintz GS, Wijns W, Colombo A, Böse D, Erbel R, di Ribamar Costa Jr. J, Kimura M, Sano K, Costa RA, Lui J, Stone GW, Moses JW, Leon MB Association of plaque characterization by intravscular ultrasound virtual histology and arterial remodelling. Am J Cardiol 96:1476-83, 2005.
  628. Budeus M, Hennersdorf M, Röhlen S, Schnitzler S, Felix O, Reimert K, Feindt P, Gams E, Wieneke H, Sack S, Erbel R, Perings C. Prediction of atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass grafting: The role of chemoreflexsensitivity and P wave signal averaged ECG. Int J Cardiol 106:67-74, 2006.
  629. Hüttmann A, Dührsen U, Stypmann J, Noppeney R, Nückel H, Neumann T, Gutersohn A, Nikol S, Erbel R. Granulocte colony-stimulating factor-induced blood stem cell mobilisation in patients with chronic heart failure. Basic Res Cardiol 101:78-86, 2006.
  630. Eggebrecht H, Kühl H, Kaiser GM, Aker S, Zenge MO, Stock F, Breuckmann F, Grabellus F, Ladd ME, Mehta RH, Erbel R, Quick HH. Feasibility of real-time magnetic resonance-guided stent-graft placement in a swine model of descending aortic dissection. Eur Heart J 27:613-20, 2006.
  631. Canton M, Skyschally A, Menabó R, Boengler K, Gres P, Schulz R, Haude M, Erbel R, Di Lisa F, Heusch G. Oxidative modification of tropomyosin and myocardial dysfunction following coronary microembolization. Eur Heart J 27:875-81, 2006.
  632. Eggebrecht H, Herold U, Schmermund A, Lind A, Kuhnt O, Martini S, Kühl H, Kienbaum P, Peters J, Jakob H, Erbel R, Baumgart D. Endovascular stent-graft treatment of penetrating aortic ulcer: Results over a median follow-up of 27 months. Am Heart J 151:530-6, 2006.
  633. Leineweber K, Böse D, Vogelsang M, Haude M, Erbel R, Heusch G. Intense vasoconstriction in response to aspirate from stented saphenous vein cortocoronary bypass grafts. J Am Coll Cardiol 47:981-6, 2006.
  634. Breuckmann F, Nassensstein K, Barkhausen J, Erbel R. Giant aneurysm of an aortocoronary saphenous bypass graft. Eur J Cardio-Thorac Surg 29:410, 2006.
  635. Eggebrecht H, Plicht B, Buck T, Erbel R. Echokardiographische Abklärung des Patienten mit akutem Thoraxschmerz auf der Notfallstation. Intensivmed 43:64-77, 2006.
  636. Massoudy P, Thielmann M, Kienbaum P, Kuehl H, Aleksic, Erbel R, Jakob H.Off pump coronary artery bypass grafting – midterm results. Eur J Med Res 11: 38-42, 2006.
  637. Breuckmann F, Naber C, Beckert J, Schmermund A, Haude M, Baumgart D, Erbel R. Postinterventional homocysteine levels: Failure as a predictive biomarker of in-stent restenosis. Int J of Cardiol 108:20-5, 2006.
  638. Nissen SE, Nicholls SJ, Sipahi I, Libby P, Raichlen JS, Ballantyne CM, Davignon J, Erbel R, Fruchart JC, Tardif JC, Schoenhagen P, Crowe T, Cain V, Wolski K, Goormastic M, Tuzcu EM for theASTEROID investigators. Effect of very high-intensity statin therapy on regression of coronary atherosclerosis. JAMA 295: 1556-65, 2006.
  639. Schmermund A, Achenbach S, Budde T, Buziashvili Y, Förster A, Friedrich G, Henein M, Kerkhoff G, Knollmann F, Kukharchuk V, Lahiri A, Leischik R, Moshage W, Schartl M, Siffert W, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, Sinitsyn V, Vogt A, Wiedeking B, Erbel R. Effect of intensive versus standard lipid-lowering treatment with Atorvastatin on the progression of calcified coronary atherosclerosis over 12 months. A multicenter, randomized, double-blind trial. Circulation 113:427-437, 2006.
  640. Baumgart D, Eggebrecht H, Herold U, Kuehl H, Piotrowski J, Niebel W, Jakob HG, Erbel R. Underlying aortic pathology and clinical health status determine success of endovascular stent-grafting for descending thoracic aortic Disease. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv 67:527-534, 2006.
  641. Eggebrecht H, Pamler R, Zipfel B, Herold U, Chavan  A, Rehders TC, Hetzer R, Nienaber CA, Jakob HG, Erbel R. Thorakale Aorten-Stentgraftimplantation. Ergebnisse einer interdisziplinären Umfrage in Deutschland. Endovascular stent-graft placement for thoracic aortic disease in Germany. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 131:730-4, 2006.
  642. Stang A, Moebus S, Möhlenkamp S, Dragano N, Schmermund A, Beck EM, Siegrist J, Erbel R, Jöckel KH. Algorithm for converting random-zero to automated oscillometric blood pressure Values, and Vice Versa. Am J Epidemiol 64:85-94, 2006.
  643. Geckeis K, Eggebrecht H, Schmermund A, Kühl H, Niebel W, Omlor G, Erbel R.
    Percutaneous repair of abdominal aortic pseudoaneurysm by catheter-based delivery of thrombin. J Endovasc Ther 13:264-8, 2006.
  644. Klein A, Grimm R, Jasper S, Murray D, Apperson-Hansen C, Lieber E, Black I, Davidoff R, Erbel R, Halperin J, Orsinelli D, Porter T. Stoddard M. Efficacy of transesophageal echocardiography-guided cardioversion of patients with atrial fibrillation at 6 months: A randomized controlled trial. Am Heart J 151:380-389, 2006.
  645. Kröger K, Stang A, Kondratieva J, Moebus S, Beck E, Schmermund A, Möhlenkamp S, Dragano N, Siegrist J, Jöckel KH, Erbel R. Prevalence of peripheral arterial disease – results of the heinz nixdorf recall study. Eur J Epidemiol 21:279-85, 2006.
  646. Patschan D, Witzke O, Dührsen U, Erbel R, Philipp T, Herget-Rosenthal S. Acute myocardial infarction in thrombotic microangiopathies – clinical characteristics, risk factors and outcome. Nephrol Dial Transplant 21:1549-54, 2006.
  647. von Birgelen C, Hartmann M, Mintz GS, Böse D, Eggebrecht H, Neumann T, Gössl M, Wieneke H, Schmermund A, Stoel MG, Verhorst P, Erbel R. Remodeling index compared to actual vascular remodeling in atherosclerotic left main coronary arteries as assessed with long-term (³ 12 Months) serial intravascular ultrasound. J Am Coll Cardiol 47:1363-8, 2006.
  648. Klein AL, Grimm RA, Jasper SE, Murray RD, Apperson-Hansen C, Lieber EA, Black IW, Davidoff R, Erbel, R, Halperin JL, Orsinelli DA, Porter TR, Stoddard mF,  and the ACUTE Steering and Publications Committee fort he ACUTE Investigators.  
    Efficacy of transesophageal echocardiography-guided cardioversion of patients with atrial fibrillation at 6 months: A randomized controlled trial. Am Heart J 151:380-9, 2006.
  649. Eggebrecht H, Herold U, Schmermund A, Lind AY, Kuhnt O, Martini S, Kühl H, Kienbaum P, Peters J, Jakob H, Erbel R, Baumgart D. Endovascular stent-graft treatment of penetrating aortic ulcer: Results over a median follow-up of 27 months. Am Heart J 151:530-6, 2006.
  650. Wieneke H, Naber CN, Piaszek L, Sack, S, Frey HF, Heusch G, Erbel R, Siffert W. Better identification of patients who benefit from implantable cardioverter defibrillators by genotyping  the G protein ß3 subunit (GNB3) C825T polymorphism. Basic Res Cardiol 101:447-51, 2006.
  651. Böse D, Eggebrecht H, Erbel R. Absorbable metal stent in human coronary arteries: imaging with intravascular ultrasound. Heart 92:892, 2006.
  652. Budeus M, Buck T, Wieneke H, Erbel R, Sack S. Single-chamber versus dual-chamber implantable cardioverter defibrillators: do we need physiologic pacing in the cuorse? Indian Pacing Electrophysiol J 6:153-62, 2006.
  653. Möhlenkamp St, Erbel R. Myocardial bridging/angiographic prevalence of myocardial bridging.Anadolu Kardiyol Derg 6:195-6, 2006.
  654. Thielmann M, Massoudy P, Neuhäuser M, Tsagakis K, Marggref G,, Kamler M, Mann K, Erbel R, Jakob H. Prognostic value of preoperative cardiac Troponin I in patients undergoing emergency coronary artery bypass surgery with non-ST-elevation or ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes. Circulation 114:448-53, 2006.
  655. Erbel R, Eggebrecht H. Aortic dimensions and the risk of dissektion. Heart 92:137-42, 2006.
  656. Eggebrecht H, Zenge M, Ladd ME, Erbel R, Quick HH. In vitro evaluation of current thoracic aortic stent-grafts for real-time MR-guided placement. J Endovasc Ther 13:62-71, 2006.
  657. Eggebrecht H, Nienaber CA, Neuhäuser M, Baumgart D, Kische S, Schmermund A, Herold U, Rehders TC, Jakob HG, Erbel R.  Endovascular stent-graft placement in aortic dissection: a meta-analysis. Eur Heart J 27:489-98, 2006.
  658. Plicht B, Rechenberg W, Kahlert P, Buck T, Erbel R. Mitralklappenprolaps: Indentifikation von Patienten mit erhöhtem Risiko und therapeutisches Management. Herz 31:14-21, 2006.
  659. Buck T, Plicht B, Erbel R. Aktuelle Empfehlungen zur echokardiographischen Schweregradbeurteilung der Mitralklappeninsuffizienz. Herz 31:30-7, 2006.
  660. Breuckmann F, Nassenstein K, Böse D, Opherk D, Quick HH, Barkhausen J, Erbel R. Successful nitinol stent implantation in a large coronary aneurysm: post-interventional patency assessment by magnetic resonance imaging. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 22:501-5, 2006.
  661. Wieneke H, Sattler K, von Birgelen C, Böse D, Haude M, Rechenberg W, Sack S, Dagres N, Erbel R. Impact of intraventricular conduction delay on coronary haemodynamics: a study with intracoronary Doppler in patients with bundle branch blocks and normal coronary arteries. Europace 8:151-6, 2006.
  662. Hartmann M, von Birgelen C, Mintz GS, Deppermann N, Dirsch O, Stoel MG, van Houwelingen GK, Louwerenburg HW, Verhorst PMJ, Erbel R. Dedicated calibration formulas permit correction of differences between measurements by different IVUS devices as demonstrated in atheroslerotic human coronary arteries in vitro. J Cardiovasc Imaging 22:605-13, 2006.
  663. Eggebrecht H, Breuckmann F, Martini S, Baumgart D, Herold U, Kienbaum P, Peters J, Jakob H, Erbel R, Mehta RH. Frequency and outcomes of acute renal failure following thoracic aortic stent-graft placement. Am J Cardiol 98:458-463, 2006.
  664. Skyschally A, Leineweber K, Gres P, Haude M, Erbel R, Heusch G.Coronary microembolization. Basic Res Cardiol 101:373-382, 2006.
  665. Böse D, Eggebrecht H, Haude M, Schmermund A, Erbel R. First absorbable metal stent implantation in human coronary arteries. Am Heart Hosp J 4:128-130, 2006.
  666. Hoffmann B, Moebus S, Stang A, Beck EM, Dragano N, Möhlenkamp S, Schmermund A, Memmesheimer M, Mann K, Erbel R, Jöckel KH Hoffmann B, Moebus S, Stang A, Beck EM, Dragano N, Möhlenkamp S, Schmermund A, Memmesheimer M, Mann K, Erbel R, Jöckel KH; Heinz Nixdorf RECALL Study Investigative Group. Residence close to high traffic and prevalence of coronary heart disease.Eur Heart J 27:2696-702, 2006.
  667. Ladd SC, Debatin JF, Stang A, Bromen K, Moebus S, Nuefer M, Gizewski E, Wanke I, Doerfler A, Ladd ME, Benemann J, Erbel R, Forsting M, Schmerund A, Joeckel KH. Whole-body MR vascular screening detects unsuspected concomitant vascular disease in coronary heart disease patients. Eur Radiol 17:1035-45, 2007.
  668. Budeus M, Wieneke H, Sack S, Erbel R, Perings C. Long-term outcome after cardioversion of atrial fibrillation: Prediction is recurrence with P wave signal averaged ECG and chemoreflexsensitivity. Int J Cardiol 112:308-315, 2006.
  669. Eggebrecht H, Heusch G, Erbel R, Ladd ME, Quick HH. Real-time vascular interventional magnetic resonance imaging. The future of aortic stent-graft placement? Basic Res Cardiol 102:1-8, 2007.
  670. Hartmann M, von Birgelen C, Mintz GS, Verhorst PMJ, Erbel R. Relation between baseline plaque burden and subsequent remodelling ofatherosclerotic left main coronary arteries: a serial intravascular ultrasound study with long-term (≥ 12 months) follow-up. Eur Heart J 27:1778-1784, 2006.
  671. Schlosser T, Malyar N, Jochims M, Breuckmann F, Hunold P, Bruder O, Erbel R, Barkhausen J. Quantification of aortic valve stenosis in MRI-comparison of steady-state free precession and fast low-angle shot sequences.Eur Radiol 17:1284-90, 2007.
  672. Malyar NM, Schlosser T, Buck T, Erbel R. Using cardiac magnetic resonance tomography for assessment of aortic valve area in aortic valve stenosos.Herz 31:650-7, 2006.
  673. Erbel R, Sack S. Vitien II: Aortenklappenstenose.Herz 31:617-9, 2006.
  674. Hartmann M, von Birgelen C, Mintz GS, Deppermann N, Dirsch O, Stoel MG, van Houwelingen GK, Louwerenburg HW, Verhorst PMJ, Erbel R. Dedicated calibration formulas permit correction of differences between measurements by different IVUS devices as demonstrated in atherosclerotic human coronary arteries in vitro. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 22:605-13, 2006.
  675. Malyar NM, Schlosser T, Buck T, Erbel R. Using cardiac magnetic resonance tomography for assessment of aortic valve area in aortic valve stenosis. Herz 31:650-57, 2006.
  676. Bugiardini R, Badimon L, Collins P, erbel R, Fox K, Hamm C, Pinto F, Rosengren A, Stefanadis C, Wallentin L, Van de Werf, F. Angina, “normal” coronary angiography, and vascular dysfunction: Risk assessment strategies. PLosMedicine 4:e 12, 2007.
  677. Janßen OE, Mann K, Erbel R. Das Herz bei endokrinen Erkrankungen. Internist 48:246-254, 2007.
  678. Kaiser MG, Breuckmann F, Aker S, Eggebrecht H, Kuehl H, Erbel R, Fruhauf NR, Broelsch CE, Quick HH. Anesthesia for cardiovascular interventions and magnetic resonance imagning in pigs. J Amer Ass Lab Animal Science 46:20-23, 2007.
  679. Möhlenkamp S, Moebus S, Schmermund A, Lehmann N, Hoffmann B, Neumann T, Stang A, Dragano N, Kerkhoff G, Naber C, Kälsch H, Beck EM, Broecker-Preuss M, Kröger K, Budde T, Siegrist J, Mann K, Jöckel KH, Erbel R für die Studiengruppe der Heinz Nixdorf Recall Studie. Analyse des natürlichen Verlaufs der Koronargefäßverkalkung und Identitifizierung ihrer Determinanten. 2. Teil der Heinz Nixdorf Recall Studie. Herz 32:108-20, 2007.
  680. Erbel R, Baer FM, Erdmann E. Der koronare Kalknachweis gewinnt als prognostischer Parameter für Koronarereignisse mehr und mehr klinische Relevanz. Pro & Contra. Dtsch Med Wschr 14:748 -749, 2007.
  681. Schmermund A, Lehmann N, Bielak LF, Yu PF, Sheedy II PF, Cassidy-Bushrow AE, Turner ST, Moebus S, Möhlenkamp S, Stang A, Mann K, Jöckel KH, Erbel R, Peyser PA. Comparison of subclinical coronary atherosclerosis and risk factors in unselected populations in Germany and US-America. Atheroscl 195:e207-16, 2007.
  682. Erbel R, Di Mario C, Bartunek J, Bonnier J, de Bruyne B, Eberli FR, Erne P, Haude M, Heublein B, Horrigan M, Ilsley C, Böse D, Koolen J, Lüscher TF, Weissman N, Waksmann R. Temporary scaffolding of coronary arteries with bioabsorbable magnesium stents: a prospective, non-randomised multicentre trial. Lancet 369:1869-75, 2007.
  683. Neumann T, Esser S, Potthoff A, Pankuweit S, Neumann A, Breuckmann F, Neuhaus K, Kondratieva J, Buck T., Müller-Tasch T, Wachter R, Prettin C, Gelbrich G, Herzog W, Pieske B, Rauchhaus M, Löffler M, Maisch B, Mügge A, Wasem J, Gerken G, Brockmeyer NH, Erbel R. Prevalence and natural history of heart failure in outpatient HIV-infected subjects: rationale and design of the HIV-Heart study. Eur J Med Res 12:243-248, 2007.
  684. Heusch P, Skyschally A, Leineweber K, Haude M, Erbel R, Heusch G. The interaction of coronary microembolization and ischemic preconditioning: A third window of cardioprotection through TNF-alpha. Arch Med Sci 2:83-92, 2007.
  685. Krings P, Konorza T, Neumann T, Erbel R. Pulmonary arterial hypertension related to HIV infection: a systematic review of the literature comprising 192 cases. Current Med Res 23:S63-S69, 2007.
  686. Hoffmann B, Moebus S, Möhlenkamp S, Stang A, Lehmann N, Dragano N, Schmermund A, Memmesheimer M, Mann K, Erbel R, Jöckel KH and for the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study Investigation Group. Residential exposure to traffic is associated with coronary atherosclerosis. Circulation 116:489-96, 2007.
  687. Heusch P, Skyschally A, Leineweber K, Haude M, Erbel R, Heusch G. The interaction of coronary microembolization and ischemic preconditioning: a third window of cardioprotection through TNF-alpha. Arch Med Science 3:83-92, 2007.
  688. Nasser M, Schlosser T, Barkhausen J, Gutersohn A, Buck T, Bartel T, Erbel R. Assessment of aortic valve area in aortic stenosis using cardiac magnetic resonance tomography: Comparison with echocardiography. Cardiology 109:126-34, 2007.
  689. Sievers B, Böse D, Sack S, Philipp S, Wieneke H, Erbel R. Online PC-based integration of digital intracoronary ultrasound images into angiographic images during cardiac catheterization. Int J Cardiol 128:289-93, 2008.
  690. Dragano N, Bobak M, Wege N, Peasey A, Verde PE, Kubinova R, Weyers S, Möhlenkamp S, Stang A, Erbel R, Jöckel KH, Siegrist J, Pikhart H. Neighbourhood socioeconomic status and cardiovascular risk factors: a multilevel analysis of nine cities in the Czech Republic and Germany. BMC Public Health 7:255, 2007.
  691. Erbel R, Möhlenkamp S, Lehmann N, Schmermund A, Moebus S, Stang A, Grönemeyer D, Seibel R, Mann K, Volbracht L, Dragano N, Siegrist J, Jöckel KH. Sex related cardiovascular risk stratification based on quantification of atherosclerosis and inflammation. Atherosclerosis 197:662-72, 2008.
  692. Erbel R, Reinsch N, Plicht B, Möhlenkamp S. Diagnostics and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Herz 32:351-355, 2007.
  693. Möhlenkamp S, Schmermund A, Lehmann N, Roggenbuck U, Dragano N, Stang A, Moebus S, Beck EM, Schluter C, Sack S, Meinertz T, Taylor A, Jöckel KH, Erbel R. Subclinical coronary atherosclerosis and resting ECG abnormalities in an unselected general population. Atherosclerosis 196:786-94, 2008.
  694. Stang A, Dragano N, Poole C, Moebus S, Möhlenkamp S, Schmermund A, Siegrist J, Erbel R, Jöckel KH. Daily siesta, cardiovascular risk factors and measures of subclinical atherosclerosis. Results of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. Sleep 30:1111-19, 2007.
  695. Thielmann M, Neuhäuser M, Marr A, Jaeger BR, Wendt D, Schuetze B, Kamler M, Massoudy P, Erbel R, Jakob H. Lipid-lowering effect of preoperative statin therapy on postoperative major adverse cardiac events after coronary artery bypass surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 134:1143-49, 2007.
  696. Dragano N, Verde PE, Moebus S, Stang A, Schmermund A, Roggenbuck U, Möhlenkamp S, Peter R, Jöckel KH, Erbel R Siegrist J. Subclinical coronary atherosclerosis is more pronounced in men and women with lower socio-economic status: associations in a population-based study coronary atherosclerosis and social status. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 14:568-74, 2007.
  697. Buhr C, Neumann T, Kolbe N, Sack S, Erbel R. Neue Versorgungsstrukturen für Patienten mit chronischer Herzinsuffizienz. Herz 32:618-22, 2007.
  698. Kuehl H, Eggebrecht H, Boes T, Antoch G, Rosenbaum-Krumme S, Ladd S, Bockisch A, Barkausen J Erbel R. Detection of inflammation in patients with acute aortic syndrome: coparison of FDG-PET/CT imaging and serologic markers of inflammation. Heart 94:1472-7, 2008.
  699. Möhlenkamp S, Erbel R. Integration von funktioneller und morphologischer nichtinvasiver Bildgebung in die Evaluation von Patienten mit intermediärer Vortestwahrscheinlichkeit für eine koronare Herzkrankheit. Clin Res Cardiol Suppl 2:V/57-V/67, 2007.
  700. Erbel R, Möhlenkamp S, Kerkhoff G, Budde T, Schmermund A. Non-invasive screening for coronary artery disease: calcium scoring. Heart 93:1620-1629, 2007.
  701. Erbel R, Möhlenkamp S, Lehmann N, Schmermund A, Moebus S, Stang A, Dragano N, Hoffmann B, Grönemeyer D, Seibel R, Mann K, Kröger K, Bröcker-Preuss M, Volbracht L, Siegrist J, Jöckel K-H. ardiovaskuläre Risikofaktoren und Zeichen subklinischer Atherosklerose. Daten der bevölkerungsbezogenen Heinz Nixdorf Recall Studie. Dtsch Ärztebl 105:83-5, 2008.
  702. Sack S, Kahlert P, Philipp S, Kottenberg-Assenmacher E, Churzidse S, Konorza T, Peters J, Erbel R. Reokklusion mit Thrombin nach Perforation der peripheren Pulmonalarterie mit Hämorrhagie während Rechtskatheteruntersuchung. Intensivmed 44:520-25, 2007.
  703. Bartel T, Konorza T, Barbieri V, Erbel R, Pachinger O, Müller S. Single-plane balloon sizing of atrial septal defects with intracardiac echocardiography: An advantageous alternative to fluoroscopy. J Am Soc Echo 21:737-40, 2008.
  704. Wege N, Dragano N, Erbel R, Jöckel K-H, Moebus S, Stang A, Siegrist J. When does work stress hurt? Testing the interaction with socioeconomic position in the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. J Epidemiol Community Health 62:338-41, 2007.
  705. Breuckmann F, Heusch G, Erbel R, Philipp S. Kardiologische Optionen der Akutprotektion des rperfundierten Myokards. DMW 133:591-94, 2008.
  706. Breuckmann F, Nassenstein K, Bruder O, Buhr C, Sievers B, Barkhausen J, Erbel R, Hunold P. Kardiale magnetresonanztomographie in der Diagnostik des akuten Koronarsyndroms. Herz 33:129-35, 2008.
  707. Bruder O, Breuckmann F, Jensen C, Jochims M, Naber C, Barkhausen J, Erbel R, Sabin G für den Herzinfarktverbund Essen. Prognostic impact of contrast-enhanced CMR early after acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in a regional STEMI network. Herz 33:136-42, 2008.
  708. Möhlenkamp S, Lehmann N, Breuckmann F, Bröcker-Preuss M, Nassenstein K, Halle M, Budde T, Mann K, Barkhausen J, Heusch G, Jöckel KH, Erbel R on behalf of the Marathon Study Investigators and the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study Investigators Running: the risk of coronary events. Prevalence and prognostic relevance of coronary atherosclerosis in marathon runners. Eur Heart J 29:1903-10, 2008.
  709. Ballantyne CM, Raichlen JS, Nicholls SJ, Erbel R, Tardif JC, Brener SJ, Cain VA, Nissen SE and fort he ASTEROID investigators. Effect of Rosuvastatin therapy on coronary artery stenoses assessed by quantitative coronary angiography: A study to evaluate the effect of Rosuvastatin on intravscular ultrasound-derived coronary atheroma burden. Circulation 117:2458-66, 2008.
  710. Kahlert P, Khandanpour S, Sack S, Erbel R. Perkutaner Aortenklappenersatz – Eine neue Alternative zur Operation? J Kardiol 15:124-31, 2008.
  711. Hildebrandt H, Gossl M, Mannheim D, Versari D, Herrmann J, Spendlove D, Bajanowski T, Malyar N, Erbel R, Lerman LO, Herman A. Differential distribution of vasa vasorum in different vascular beds in humans. Atherosclerosis 199:47-54, 2008.
  712. Reinsch N, Buhr C, Krings P, Kaelsch H, Kahlert P, Konorza T, Neumann T, Erbel R, on behalf of the Comptence Network of Heart Failure. Effect of gender and highly active antiretroviral therapy on HIV-related pulmonary arterial hypertension: results of the HIV-HEART Study. HIV Medicine 9:550-6, 2008.
  713. Nassenstein K, Breuckmann F, Lehmann N, Schmermund A, Hunold P, Bröcker-Preuss M, Sandner TA, Halle M, Mann K, Jöckel KH, Heusch G, Budde T, Erbel R, Barkhausen J, Moehlenkamp S. Left ventricular volumes and mass in marathon runners and their association with cardiovascular risk factors. Intern J Cardiovasc Imaging 25:71-9, 2008.
  714. Bartel T, Konorza T, Barbieri V, Erbel R, Pachinger O, Müller S. Single-plane balloon sizing of atrial septal defects with intracardiac echocardiography: An advantageous alternative to fluoroscopy. J Am Soc Echo 21:737-40, 2008.
  715. Bonzel T, Erbel R, Hamm CW, Levenson, Neumann FJ, Rupprecht HJ, Zahn R Perkutane Koronarinterventionen (PCI). Clin Res Cardiol 97:513-47, 2008.
  716. Kahlert P, Plicht B, Schenk IM, Janosi RA, Erbel R, Buck T Direct assessment of size and shape of noncircular vena contracta area in functional versus organic mitral regurgitation using real-time three-dimensional echocardiography. JASE 21:912-21, 2008.
  717. Böse D, von Birgelen C, Zhou XY, Schmermund A, Philipp S, Sack S, Konorza T, Möhlenkamp S, Leineweber K, Kleinbongard P, Wijns W, Heusch G, Erbel R. Impact of atherosclerotic plaque composition on coronary microembolization during          percutaneous coronary interventions. Basic Res Cardiol 103:587-97, 2008.
  718. Möhlenkamp S., Erbel R., Heusch G. Risk stratification for coronary artery disease in marathon runners. European Cardiology 4:23-6, 2008.
  719. Erbel R, Delaney J, Lehmann N, McClelland R, Möhlenkamp S, Kronmal R, Schmermund A., Moebus S., Dragano N., Stang A., Jöckel KH., Budoff M. Signs of subclinical coronary atherosclerosis in relation to risk factor distribution in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) and the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study (HNR). Eur Heart J 29:2782-91, 2008.
  720. Buhr C, Gössl M, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H. Regadenoson in the detection of coronary artery disease. Vasc Health Risk Manag 4:337-40, 2008.
  721. Plicht B, Naber CK, Erbel R. Therapie und Prophylaxe der infektiösen Endokarditis. Der Internist 49:1219-27, 2008.
  722. Hillmer AM, Brockschmidt FF, Hanneken S, Eigelshoven S, Steffens M, Flaquer A, Herms S, Becker T, Kortüm AK, Nyholt DR, Zhao ZZ, Montgomery GW, Martin NG, Mühleisen TW, Alblas MA, Moebus S, Jöckel KH, Bröcker-Preuss M, Erbel R, Reinartz R, Betz RC, Cichon S, Propping P, Baur MP, Wienker TF, Kruse R, Nöthen MM. Susceptbility variants for male-pattern baldness on chromosome 20p11. Nat Genet 40:1279-81, 2008.
  723. Wieneke H, Konorza T, Breuckmann F, Reinsch N, Erbel R. Automatische externe Defibrillatoren – Funktionsweise und Einsatz. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 33: 2163-67, 2008.
  724. Adams V, Linke A, Breuckmann F, Leineweber K, Erbs S, Kränkel N, Bröcker-Preuss M, Woitek F, Erbel R, Heusch G, Hambrecht R, Schuler G, Möhlenkamp S. Circulation progenitor cells decrease immediately after marathon race in advanced-age marathon runners. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehab 15:602-7, 2008.
  725. Nassenstein K, Breuckmann F, Bucher C, Kaiser G, Konorza T, Schäfer L, Konietzka I, de Greiff A, Heusch G, Erbel R, Barkhausen J. How much myocardial damage is necessary to enable detection of focal late gadolinium enhancement at cardiac MR imaging? Radiology 249:829-35, 2008.
  726. Kahlert P, Eggebrecht H, Erbel R, Sack S.A modified “Preclosur” technique after percutaneous aortic valve replacement. Cath and Cardiovasc Interv 72:877-884, 2008.
  727. Buck T, Plicht B, Kahlert P, Schenk IM, Hunold P, Erbel R.Effect of dynamic flow rate and orifice area on mitral regurgitant stroke volume quantification using the proximal isovelocity surface area method. J Am Coll Cardiol 52:767-78, 2008.
  728. Moebus S, Stang A, Möhlenkamp S, Dragano N, Schmermund A, Slomiany U, Hoffmann B, Bauer M, Broecker-Preuss M, Mann K, Siegrist J, Erbel R, Jöckel KH. Association of impaired fasting glucose and coronary artery calcification as a marker of subclinical atherosclerosis in a population-based cohort – results of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. Diabetologia 52:81-89, 2008.
  729. Wang M, Sun A, Quian J, Ling Q, Zeng M, Ge L, Wang K, Fan B, Yan W, Zhang F, Erbel R, Ge J.  Myocardial bridging detection by non-invasive multislice spiral computed tomography: comparison with intravscular ultrasound. Chinese Med J 121:17-21, 2008.
  730. Reinsch N, Plicht B, Lind A, Janosi RA, Buck T, Kamler M, Jakob H, Naber CK, Erbel R. Recurrent infective endocarditis with uncommon gram-negative Pasteurella multocida and Pseudomonas aeruginosa: A case report. J Heart Valve Dis 17:710-13, 2008.
  731. Wang M, Sun A, Quian J, Ling Q, Zeng M, Ge L, Wang K, Fan B, Yan W, Zhang F, Erbel R, Ge J. Myocardial bridging detection by non-invasive multislice spiral computed tomography: comparison with intravscular ultrasound. Chinese Med J 121:17-21, 2008.
  732. Wieneke H, Konorza T, Erbel R, Kisker E. Leadless pacing of the heart using induction technology: A feasibility study. PACE 32:177-83, 2009.
  733. Huptas H, Mehta R, Kühl H, Tsagakai K, Reinsch N,Kahlert P, Jakob HG, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H Aortic remodeling in type B aortic dissection: effects of endovascular stent-graft repair and medical treatment on true and false lumen volumes. J Endovasc Ther 16:28-38, 2009.
  734. Hoffmann B, Moebus S, Kröger K, Stang A, Möhlenkamp S, Dragano N,   Schmermund A, Memmesheimer M, Erbel R, Jöckel KH. Residential exposure to Urban Air Pollution, ankle-brachial index, and peripheral    arterial disease. Epidemiology 20:280-288, 2009.
  735. Reinsch N, Buhr C, Huptas S, Buck T, Konorza T, Wieneke H, Erbel R. Reliability of a novel intracardiac electrogram method for AV and VV delay optimization and comparability to echocardiography procedure for determing optimal conduction delays in CRT patients. Indian Pacing Electrophysiol 9: 91-101, 2009.
  736. Breuckmann F, Möhlenkamp S, Nassenstein K, Lehmann N, Ladd S, Schmermund A, Sievers B, Schlosser T, Jöckel K-H, Heusch G, Erbel R, Barkhausen J. Myocardial late Gadolinium enhancement: Prevalence, pattern, and prognostic relevance in marathon runners. Radiology 251:50-7, 2009.
  737. Brands D, Schröder J, Klawonn A, Rheinbach O, Böse D, Erbel R. Numerical simulations of arterial walls based on IVUS-data Proceedings in Apllied Mathematics and Mechanics, März 2009.
  738. Herrmann BL, Severing M, Schmermund A, Berg C, Budde Th, Erbel R, Mann K. Impact of disease duration on coronary calcification in patients with acromegaly. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 117:417-22, 2009.
  739. Wieneke H, Conrads H, Wolstein J, Breuckmann F, Gastpar M, Erbel R, Scherbaum N. Levo-α-Acetylmethadol (LAAM) induced QTc-Prolongation – results from a controlled clinical trial. Eur J Med Res 14:7-12, 2009.
  740. Hoffmann B, Moebus S, Dragano N, Stang A, Möhlenkamp S, Schmermund A, Memmesheimer M, Bröcker-Preuss M, Mann K, Erbel R, Jöckel KH. Chronic residential exposure to particulate matter air pollution and systemic inflammatory markers. Environmental Health Perspectives, online 2009, http://dx.doi.rog/
  741. Neumann T, Biermann J, Neumann A, Wasem J, Ertl G, Dietz R, Erbel R. Herzinsuffizienz: Häufigster Grund für Krankenhausaufenthalte. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 16:269-275, 2009.
  742. Wieneke H, Konorza T, Eggebrecht H, Naber C, Philipp S, Philipp T, Kribben A, Erbel R. Die Nierenarterienstenose. Pathophysiologie-Diagnostik-Therapie. Med Klein 104:349-55, 2009.
  743. Waksman R, Erbel R, Di Mario C, Bartunek J, de Bruyne B, Eberli FR, Erne P, Haude M, Horrigan M, Ilsley C, Böse D, Bonnier H, Koolen J, Lüscher TF Weissman NJ. Early- and long-term intravascular ultrasound and angiographic findings after bioabsorbable magnesium stent implantation in human coronary arteries. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2:312-20, 2009.
  744. von dem Knesebeck O, Dragano N, Moebus S, Jöckel KH, Erbel R, Siegrist J. Psychosoziale Belastungen in sozialen Beziehungen und gesundheitliche Einschränkungen. Psychother Psych Med 59:186-93, 2009.
  745. Dragano N, Hoffmann B, Stang A, Moebus S, Verde PE, Weyers S, Möhlenkamp S, Schmermund A, Mann K, Jöckel KH, Erbel R, Siegrist J. Subclinical coronary atherosclerosis and neighbourhood deprivation in an urban region. Eur J Epidemiol 24:25-35, 2009.
  746. Sack S, Kahler P, Bilodeau L, Piérard LA, Lancellotti P, Legrand V, Bartunek J, Vanderheyden M, Hoffmann R, Schauerte P, Shiota T, Mrks DS, Erbel R, Ellis SG. Percutaneous transvenous mitral annuloplasty: initial human experience with a novel coronary sinus implantant device. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2:277-84, 2009.
  747. Wieneke H, Konorza T, Breuckmann F, Reinsch N, Erbel R. Automatische externe Defibrillatoren – funktionsweise und Einsatz. Der Notarzt 25:77-81, 2009.
  748. Sack S, Kahlert P, Erbel R. Percutaneous mitral valve: An non-stented coronary sinus device fort he treatment of functional mitral regurgitation in heart failure patients. Minimally Invasive Therapy 18:156-63, 2009.
  749. Erbel R, Ge J, Möhlenkamp S. Myocardial bridging. A congenital variant as an anatomic risk factor for myocardial infraction? Circulation 120:357-59, 2009.
  750. Marso SP, Frutkin AD, Mehta SK, House JA, McCrary JR, Klauss V, Lerman A, Leon MB, Nair A, Margolis P, Erbel R, Nasu K, Schiele F, Margolis J. Intravascular ultrasound measures of coronary atherosclerosis are associated with the Framingham risk score: an analysis from a global IVUS registry. Euro Interv 5:212-18, 2009.
  751. Bauer M, Möhlenkamp S, Lehmann N, Schmermund A, Roggenbuck U, Moebus S, Stang A, Mann K, Jöckel KH, Erbel R. The effect of age and risk factors on coronary and carotid artery atherosclerotic burden in males – results of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. Atherosclerosis 205:595-602, 2009.
  752. Sattler KJE, Herrmann J, Yün S, Lehmann N, Wang Z, Heusch G, Sack S, Erbel R, Levkau B. High high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol reduces risk and extent of percutaneous coronary intervention-related myocardial infarction and improves long-term outcome in patients undergoing elective percutaneous coronary intervention. Eur Heart J 30:1894-1902, 2009.
  753. Eggebrecht H, Thompson M, Rousseau H, Czerny M, Lönn L, Mehta RH, Erbel R, on behalf of the European Registry in Endovascular Aortic Repair Complications. Retrograde ascending aortic dissection during or after thoracic aortic stent graft placement. Circulation 120(11 Suppl):S276-81, 2009.
  754. Maylar NM, Piotrowski AJ, Erbel R, Schmitz KJ. Giant right atrial mass: intracardiac extension of intravenous leiomyoma 18 years after hysterectomy. Ann Thorac Surg 88:684, 2009.
  755. Eggebrecht H, Mehta RH, Dechene A, Tsagakis K, Kühl H, Huptas S, Gerken G, Jakob HG, Erbel R. Aortoesophageal fistula after thoracic aortic stent-graft placement. JACC 2:570-76, 2009.
  756. Bergmann L, Kottenberg E, Heine T, Kahlert P, Eggebrecht H, Wendt D, Thielmann M, Jakob H, Erbel R, Peters J. Anästhesie bei transfemoraler und transapikaler Aortenklappenimplantation. Herz 34:381-87, 2009.
  757. Wendt D, Eggebrecht H, Kahlert P, Heine T, Kottenberg E, Massoudy P, Kamler M, Peters J, Erbel R, Jakob H, Thielmann M. Erfahrung und Lernkurve mit der transapikalen Aortenklappenimplantation. Herz 34:388-97, 2009.
  758. Kahlert P, Al-Rashid F, Weber M, et al. Vascular access site complications after percutaneous transfemoral aortic valve implantation. Herz 34:398–408, 2009.
  759. Erbel R. Interventionelle und chirurgische Aortenklappenimplantation einer alte Idee wird zum Durchbruch verholfen zum Nutzen der Patienten. Herz 34:1, 2009.
  760. Kahlert P, Plicht B, Janois RA, Kamler M, Kühl H, Eggebrecht H, Sack S, Buck T, Konorza T, Erbel R. The role of imaging in percutaneous mitral valve repair. Herz 34:458-466, 2009.
  761. Erbel R, Kahlert P, Plicht B, Konorza T. Mitralklappeninsuffizienz. Herz 34:423-425, 2009.
  762. Janosi RA, Buck, T, Erbel R. Mechanism of coronary malperfusion due to type-A aortic dissection. Herz 34:478, 2009.
  763. Eggebrecht H, Böse D, Gasser T, Benedik J, Mummel P, Müller O, Kahlert P, Tsagakis K, Jakob HG, Erbel R. Complete reversal of paraplegia after thoracic endovascular aortic repair in a patient with complicated acute aortic dissection using immediate cerebrospinal fluid drainage. Clin Res Cardiol 98:797-801, 2009.
  764. Kamler M, Wendt D, Pul Ü, Thielmann M, Buck T, Kottenberg E, Erbel R, Jakob H. Minimalinvasive Herz- und Mitralklappenchirurgie. Herz 34:436-442, 2009.
  765. Möhlenkamp S, Lehmann N, Schmermund A, Roggenbuck U, Moebus S, Dragano N, Bauer M, Kälsch H, Hoffmann B, Stang A, Bröcker-Preuss M, Böhm M, Mann K, Jöckel, KH, Erbel E on behalf of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study Investigators. Association of exercise capacity and the heart rate profile during exercise stress testing with subclinical coronary atherosclerosis: data from the Heinz Nixdorf Recall study. Clin Res Cardiol 98:665-676, 2009.
  766. Philipp S, Böse D, Wijns W, Marso SP, Schwartz RS, König A, Lerman A, Garcia-GarciaHM, Serruys PW, Erbel R. Do systemic risk factors impact invasive findings from virtual histology? Insights from the international virtual histology registry. Eur Heart J 31:196-202, 2010.
  767. Christoph DC, Boese D, Johnson KTM, Schlosser TW, Hunoldt P, Baba HA, Erbel R, Philipp S.  Heart failure and cardiac Involvement as isolated manifestation of familial form of transthyretin amyloidosis resulting from Val30Met mutation with no clinical signs of polyneuropathy. Circ Heart Fail 2:512-5, 2009.
  768. Wendt D, Buck T, Janosi RA, Thielmann M, Pul U, Neuhäuser M, Piotrowski JA, Massoudy P, Kamler M, Erbel R, Jakob H. Results of a propensity score-matched comparison of the Perimount Magna and Mosaic Ultra aortic valve prothesis. J Heart Valve Dis 18:703-12, 2009.
  769. Kahlert P, Knipp SC, Schlamann M, Thielmann M, Al-Rashid F, Weber M, Johansson U, Wendt D, Jakob HG, Forsting M, Sack S, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H. Silent and apparent cerebral ischemia after percutaneous transfemoral aortic valve implantation: A diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging study. Circulation 121:870-8, 2010.
  770. Kahlert P, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H. Die kathetergeführte Aortenklappenimplantation. Kardiologie up2date 5, 2009.
  771. Eggebrecht H, Mehta RH, Dechene A, Tsagakis K, Kühl H, Huptas S, Gerken G, Jakob HG, Erbel R. Aortoesophageal fistula after thoracic aortic stent-graft placement: a rare but catastrophic complication of a novel emerging technique. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2:570-6, 2009.
  772. Habib G, Hoen B, Tornos P, Thuny F, Prendergast B, Vilacosta I, Moreillon P, de Jesus Antunes M, Thilen U, Lekakis J, Lengyel M, Müller L, Naber CK, Nihoyannopoulos P, Moritz A, Zamorano JL; ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines. Guidelines on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infective endocarditis (new version 2009): the Task Force on the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Infective Endocarditis of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Endorsed by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) and the International Society of Chemotherapy (ISC) for Infection and Cancer. Eur Heart J 2009;30:2369-413.
  773. Gössl M, Versari D, Hildebrandt HA, Bajanowski T, Sangiorgi G, Erbel R, Ritman EL, Lerman LO, Lerman A. Segmental heterogeneity of vasa vasorum neovascularization in human coronary atherosclerosis. JACC 2010;3:32-40.
  774. Benedik, Tsagakis K,  Kamer M, Piotrowski AJ, Massoudy P, Osswald B, Tossios P, Thielmann M, Eggebrecht H, Konorza T, Erbel R, Jakob H. Essenský concept operacní péce o pacienty s akutni aortalni disekci. CorVasa 52:145-8, 2010.
  775. Janosi RA, Buck T, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H. Role of echocardiography in the diagnosis of acute aortic syndromes. Minerva Cardioangiologica 58:409-20, 2010.
  776. Sack C, Lütkes P, Günther W, Erbel R, Jöckel KH, Holtmann GJ. Challenging the holy grail of hospital accreditation: A cross sectional study of inpatient satisfaction in the field of cardiology. BMC Health Serv Res 10:120, 2010.
  777. Plicht B, Janosi RA, Erbel R. Infektiöse Endokarditis als kardiovaskulärer Notfall. Internist (Berl) 51:987-94, 2010.
  778. Biermann J, Mostadt S, Neumann T, Erbel R, Wasem J, Neumann A in Kooperation mit dem Kompetenznetz Herzinsuffizienz. Kosteneffektivität des Einsatzes von Studienschwestern in der Betreuung von Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz. Herz 35:273-283, 2010.
  779. Reinsch N, Neuhaus K, Esser S, Potthoff A, Hower M, Brockmeyer NH, Erbel R, Neumann T on behalf of the German Competence Network Heart Failure and the German Competence Network for HIV/AIDS. Prevalence of cardiac diastolic dysfunction in HIV-infected patients: results of the HIV-HEASRT study. HIV Clin Trials 11:156-62, 2010.
  780. Neumann T, Reinsch N, Esser S, Krings P, Konorza T, Woiwoid T, Miller M, Brockmeyer N, Erbel R. Smoking behavior of HIV-infected patients. Health 2:913-8, 2010.
  781. Erbel R, Möhlenkamp S, Moebus S, Schmermund A, Lehmann N, Stang A, Dragano N, Grönemeyer D, Seibel R, Kälsch H, Bröcker-Preuss M, Mann K, Siegrist J, Jöckel KH for the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study Investigation Group. Coronary risk stratification, discrimination, and reclassification improvement based on quantification of subclinical coronary atherosclerosis. JACC 56:1-10, 2010.
  782. Voigtländer T, Möhlenkamp S, Eggebrecht H, Budde T, Erbel R, Schmermund A. Coronary calcification in patients with marker-posoitive acute coronary syndrome. Acta Radiol 51:977-81, 2010.
  783. Engelhardt H, Paul A, Niebel W, Dechêne A, Przyborek M, Tsagakis K, Kühl H, Jakob H, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H. Erfolgreiche Therapie einer sekundären aortoösophagealen Fistel nach Implantation eines endovaskulären Aortenstentgrafts. DMW 135:1-5, 2010.
  784. Reinsch N, Woydowski D, Schön H, Buddensiek M, Weißenberger W, Erbel R, Konorza T. Monitoring eines elektrischen Sturms bei einem Patienten mit telemedizinischer ICD-Überwachung. Herz 36:28-32, 2011.
  785. Biermann J, Neumann A, Hewer A, Wasem J, Erbel R, Neumann T. Einfluss der demographischen Entwicklung auf die stationären Fallzahlen und Kosten deutscher Krankenhäuser. Medizinische Klinik 105:876-81, 2010.
  786. Möhlenkamp S, Lehmann N, Greenland P, Moebus S, Kälsch H, Schmermund A, Dragano N, Stang A, Siegrit J, Mann K, Jöckel K-H, Erbel R. Coronary artery calcium score improves cardiovascular risk prediction in persons without indication for statin therapy. Atherosclerosis 215:229-36, 2010.
  787. Kleinbongard S, Böse D, Baars Th, Möhlenkamp S, Konorza Th, Schöner S, Elter-Schulz M, Eggebrecht H, Degen H, Haude M, Levkau B, Schulz R, Erbel R, Heusch G. Vasoconstirctor potential of coronary aspirate from patients undergoing stenting of saphenous vein aortocoronary bypass grafts and its pharmacological attenuation. Circulation Research 108:344-52, 2011.
  788. Möhlenkamp S, Lehmann N, Moebus S, Schmermund A, Dragano N, Stang A, Siegriest J, Mann K, Köckel KH, Erbel R. Quantification of coronary atherosclerosis and inflammation to predict coronary events and all-causes mortality. JACC 57:1455-64, 2011.
  789. Muff C, Reinhardt JD, Erbel R, Dragano N, Moebus S, Möhlenkamp S, Mann K, Siegrist J, on behalf of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study, Investigative Group. Who is at risk of irregular meal intake? Results from a population-based study. Int J Public Health 55:339-46, 2010.
  790. Nicholls SJ, Borgman M, Nissen SE, Raichlen JS, Ballantyne C, Barter P, Chapman MJ, Erbel R, Libby P. Impact of statins on progression of atherosclerosis: rationale and design of SATURN (Study of Coronary Atheroma by InTravascular Ultrasound: Effect of Rosuvastatin versus AtorvastatiN). Curr Med Res Opin 27:1119-29, 2011.
  791. Werdan K, Ruß M, Buerke M, Engelmann L, Ferrari M, Friedrich I, Geppert A, Graf J, Hindricks G, Janssens U, Pieske BM, Prondzinsky R, Reith S, Trappe H-J, Zehender M, Zeymer U, Adams HA, Briegel J, Delle-Karth G, Schöndube FA, Schwaab B, Bode C, Christoph A, Erbel R, Fuhrmann JT, Strasser R, Figulla HR, Görge G, Schmitt D, Schuler G, Silber R-E, Tebbe U, Zwißler B. Deutsch-österreichische S3-Leitlinie „Infarktbedingter kardiogener Schock – Diagnose, Monitoring und Therapie“. Intensiv und Notfallmedizin 4:291-343, 2011.
  792. Kleinbongard P, Böse D, Konorza T, Steinhilber F, Möhlenkamp S, Eggebrecht H, Baars T, Degen H, Haude M, Levkau B, Erbel R, Heusch G. Acute vasomotor paralysis and potential downstream effects of paclitaxel from stents implanted for saphenous vein aorto-coronary bypass stenosis. Basic Res Cardiol 106:681-9, 2011.
  793. Nicholls SJ, Brewer HB, Kastelein JJ, Krueger KA, Wang MD, Shao M, Hu B, McErlean E, Nissen SE. Effects of the CETP inhibitor evacetrapib administered as monotherapy or in combination with statins on HDL and LDL cholesterol: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 306:2099-109, 2011.
  794. Kordelas L, Janosi RA, Böse D, Neumann T, Mummel P, Erbel R. Erfolgreicher Einsatz eines „In-Hospital-Reanimationsteams“ in einem Universitätsklinikum. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 136:1359-64, 2011.
  795. Kleinbongard P, Konorza T, Böse D, Baars T, Haude M, Erbel R, Heusch G. Lessons from human coronary aspirate. J Mol Cell Cardiol 52:890-6, 2012.
  796. Wege N, Dlugaj M, Siegrist J, Dragano N, Erbel R, Jöckel K-H, Moebus S, Weimar C on behalf of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study Investigative Group. Population-Based Distribution and Psychometric Properties of a Short Cognitive Performance Measure in the Population-Based Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. Neuroepidemiology 37:13–20, 2012.
  797. Möhlenkamp S, Reinsch N, Erbel R, Neumann T. Coronary Risk Assessmant in patients with HIV infection – why bother?. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 28:989-92, 2012.
  798. Fuks K, Moebus S, Hertel S, Viehmann A, Nonnemacher M, Dragano N, Möhlenkamp S, Jakobs H, Kessler C, Erbel R, Hoffmann B. Long-term urban particulate air pollution, traffic noise and arterial blood pressure. Environ Health Perspect 119:1706-11, 2011.
  799. Mahabadi AA, Möhlenkamp S, Moebus S, Dragano N, Kälsch H, Bauer M, Jöckel KH, Erbel R. The Heinz Nixdorf Recall study and its potential impact on the adoption of atherosclerosis imaging in European Primary Prevention Guideline. Curr Atherscl Rep 13:367-72, 2011.
  800. Janosi RA, Böse D, Konorza T, Eggebrecht H, Tsagakis K, Jakob H, Erbel R. Malperfusion bei Aortendissektion. Herz 36:531-8, 2011.
  801. Breuckmann F, Maderwald S, Buhr C, Bruder O, Schlosser T, Erbel R, Barkhausen J, Naßenstein K. Cardiac MRI: Estimation of changes in normalized myocardial Gadolinium accumulation over time after contrast injection in patients with acute myocarditis and healthy volunteers. Rofo 183:933-8, 2011.
  802. Reinsch N, Kahlert P, Esser S, Sundermeyer A, Neuhaus K, Brockmeyer N, Potthoff A, Erbel R, Buck T, Neumann T. Echocardiographic findings and abnormalities in HIV-infected patients: results from a large, prospective, multicenter HIV-Heart study. Am J Cardiovasc Dis 1:176-184, 2011.
  803. Erbel R. Akutes Aortensyndrom. Herz 36: 471-473, 2011.
  804. Jakob H, Tsagakis K, Dohle DS, Kottenberg E, Konorza T, Janosi RA, Erbel R. Hybridraumtechnologie als Voraussetzung für die moderne Therapie der Aortendissektion. Herz 36: 525-530, 2011.
  805. Tendera M, Aboyans V, Bartelink ML, Baumgartner I, Clement D, Collet JP, Cremonesi A, De Carlo M, Erbel R, Fowkes FGR, Heras M, Kownator S, Minar E, Ostergren J, Poldermans D, Riambau V, Roffi M, Röther J, Sievert H, van Sambeek M, Zeller T. ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of peripheral artery disease. European Heart J 32:2851-2906, 2011.
  806. Heusch G, Kleinbongard P, Skyschally A, Levkau B, Schulz R, Erbel R. The coronary circulation in cardioprotection: more than just one confounder. Cardiovasc Res 94:237-45, 2012.
  807. Reinsch N, Mahabadi AA, Lehmann N, Möhlenkamp S, Hoefs C, Sievers B, Budde T, Seibel R, Jöckel KH, Erbel R. Comparison of dual-source and electron beam computed tomography fort he assessment of coronary artery calcium scoring. Br J Radiol 85:e300-6, 2012.
  808. Bartel T, Bonaros N, Müller L, Friedrich G, Grimm M, Velik-Salchner C, Feuchtner G, Pedross F, Müller S. Intracardiac Echocardiography: A new guiding tool for transcatheter aortic valve replacement. JASE 24:966-75, 2011.
  809. Peinemann F, Moebus S, Dragano N, Möhlenkamp S, Lehmann N, Zeeb H, Erbel R, Jöckel KH, Hoffmann B. Secondhand smoke exposure and coronary artery calcification among nonsomoking participants of a population-based cohort. Eviromental Health Persp 119:1556-61, 2011.
  810. Möhlenkamp S, Erbel R, Heusch G. Beurteilung des koronaren Risikos alterer Ausdauersportler. Kardiologie update 7: 199-211, 2011.
  811. Erbel R, Lehmann N, Möphlenkamp S, Churzidse S, Bauer M, Kälsch H, Schmermund A, Moebus S, Stang A, Roggenbuck U, Bröcker-Preuß M, Dragano N, Weimar D, Siegrist J, Jöckel K-H. Subclinical coronary atherosclerosis predicts cardiovascular risk in different stages of hypertension: Result of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall study. Hypertension 59: 44-53, 2011.
  812. Dohle DS, Tsagakis K, Wendt D, Benedik J, Piotrowski JA, Janosi RA, Erbel R, Jakob H. Angioskopie – Neues intraoperatives diagnostisches und interventionelles Verfahren für die Therapie der thorakalen Aortenerkrankung. Herz 8: 705-12, 2011.
  813. Brockschmidt FF, Heilmann S, Ellis JA, Eigelshoven S, Hanneken S, Herold C, Moebus S, Alblas MA, Lippke B, Kluck N, Proieebe L, Degenhardt FA,m Jamra RA, Meesters C, Jöckel KH, Erbel R, Harrap S, Schumacher J, Fröhlich H, Kruse R, Hillmer AM, Becker T, Nöthen MM. Susceptibilitay variants on chromosome 7p21.1 suggest HDAC9 as a new candidate gene for male-plattern baldness. Br J Dermatol 165:1293-1302, 2011.
  814. Biermann J, Neumann T, Angermann CEm, Düngers HD, Erbel R, Herzog W, Maisch B, Müller-Tasch T, Özcelik C, Pankuweit S, Pieske B, Pittrow D, Regitz-Zagrosek V, Scheffold T, Störki S, Wachter R, Gelbrich G, Wasem J, Neumann A. Resource use and costs in systolic heart failure according to disease severity: a pooled analysis from the German Competence Network Heart Failure. J Public Health 20:23-30, 2012.
  815. Vonneilich N, Jöckel KH, Erbel R, Klein J, Dragano N, Weyers S, Moebus S, Siegrist J, von dem Knesebeck O. Does socioeconomic status affect the association of social relationships and health? A moderator analysis. Intern J Equity Health 10:43-52, 2011.
  816. Kleinbongard P, Konorza T, Böse D, Baars T, Haude M, Erbel R, Heusch G. Lessons from human coronary aspirate. J Molec ell Cardiol 52:890-96, 2012.
  817. Janosi RA, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H. Management des akuten Aortensyndroms. Kardiologie up2date 8:65-81, 2012.
  818. Al-Rashid F, Konorza TFM, Plicht B, Wendt D, Thielmann M, Jakob H, Erbel R, Kahlert P. Transient increase in pressure gradients after termination of dual antiplatelet therapy in a patient after transfemoral aortic valve implantation. Circulation Cardiovasc Interv 5:318-20, 2012.
  819. Plicht B, Kahlert P, Erbel R, Konorza TFM. Interventioneller Vorhofohrverschluss. Herz 4:402-06, 2012.
  820. Erbel R, Budoff M. Improvement of cardiovascular risk prediction using coronary imaging: subclinical atherosclerosis: the memory of lifetime risk factor exposure. Eur Heart J 33:1201-13, 2012.
  821. Kahlert P, Al-Rashid F, Plicht B, Konorza T, Neumann T, Thielmann M, Wendt D, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H. Suture-mediated arterial access site closure after transfemoral aortic valve implantation. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 81:E139-50, 2013.
  822. Grabenwöger M, Alfonso F, Bachet J, Bonser R, Czerny M, Eggebrecht H, Evangelista A, Fattori R, Jakob H, Lönn L, Nienaber CA, Rocci G, Rousseau H, Thompson M, Weigang E, Erbel R. Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) for the treatment of aortic diseases: a position statement from the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), in collaboration with the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI). European Heart J 33:1558-1563, 2012.
  823. Erbel R, Eisele L, Moebus S, Dragano N, Möhlenkamp S, Bauer M, Kälsch H, Jöckel K-H. Die Heinz Nixdorf Recall Studie. Bundesgesundheitsblatt 2012.
  824. Nyberg ST, Heikkilä K, Fransson EI, Alfredsson L, De Bacquer D, Bjorner JB, Bonenfant S, Borritz M, Burr H, Cassini A, Clays E, Dragano N, Erbel R, Geuskens GA, Goldberg M, Hooftman WE, Houtman IL, Jöckel K-H, Kittel F, Knutsson A, Koskenvuo M, Leineweber C, Lunau T, Madsen IE, Magnusson Hanson LL, Marmot MG, Nielsen ML, Nordin M, Oksanen T, Pentti J, Rugulies R, Siegrist J, Suominen S, Vahtera J, Virtanen M, Westerholm P, Westerlund H, Zins M, Ferrie JE, Theorell T, Steptoe A, Hamer M, Singh-Manoux A, Batty GD, Kivimäki M. Job strain in relation to body mass index: pooled analysis of 160 000 adults from 13 cohor studies. J Intern Medicine 272:65-73, 2012.
  825. Tsagakis K, Konorza T, Dohle DS, Kottenberg E, Buck T, Thielmann M, Erbel R, Jakob H. Hybrid operating room concept for combined diagnostics, intervention and surgery in acute type A dissection. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 43:397-404, 2013.
  826. Erbel R, Mudra H, Sivert H, Churzidse S, Zeller T. Kommentar zur Leitlinie (2011) der Europäischen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie zur Diagnose und Therapie der peripheren arteriellen Erkrankungen. Der Kardiologe, 2012.
  827. Riedel N, Fuks K, Hoffmann B, Weyers S, Siegrist J, Erbel R, Viehmann A, Stang A, Scheiner J, Dragano N. Insomnia and urban neighbourhood contexts – are associations modified by individual social characteristics and change of residence? Results from a population-based study using residential histories. BMC Public Health 12:810, 2012.
  828. Baars T, Kleinbongard P, Böse D, Konorza T, Möhlenkamp S, Hippler J, Erbel R, Heusch G. Saphenous vein aorto-coronary graft atherosclerosis in patients with chronic kidney disease: more plaque calcification and necrosis, but less vasoconstrictor potential. Basic Res Cardiol 107:303-15, 2012.
  829. Bauer M, Caviezel S, Teynor A, Erbel R, Mahabadi AA, Schmidt-Trucksäss. Carotid intima-media thickness as a biomarker of subclinical atherosclerosis. Swiss Med Wkly 142: W3705, 2012.
  830. Horacek M, Möhlenkamp S, Mahabadi AA, Churzidse S, Moebus S, Jöckel KH, Erbel R. Prävalenz der arteriellen Hypertonie in der westdeutschen Bevölkerung. Herz;37: 721-727,2012.
  831. Buellesfeld L, Gerckens U, Erbel R, Zahn R, Linke A, Sievert H, Figulla HR, Kuck KH, Hauptmann KE, Hambrecht R, Richardt G, Naber C, Voehringer M, Mudra H, Senges J, Grube E, on behalf German TAVI Regostry Investigators. Age-Stratified Baseline and Outcome Characteristics of Patients Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: Results From the German Multicenter Registry. J Invasive Cardiol 24: 531-536,2012.
  832. Erbel R, Lehmann N, Möhlenkamp S, Churzidse S, Bauer M, Kälsch H, Schmermund A, Moebus S, Stang A, Roggenbuck U, Bröcker-Preuss M, Dragano N, Weimar C, Siegrist J, Jöckel KH; Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study Investigators. Subclinical coronary atherosclerosis predicts cardiovascular risk in different stages of hypertension: result of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. Hypertension;59:44-53, 2012.
  833. Esser S, Gelbrich G, Brockmeyer N, Goehler A, Schadendorf D, Erbel R, Neumann T, Reinsch N. Prevalence of cardiovascular disease in HIV-infected outpatients: results from a prospective, multicenter cohort study. Clin Res Cardiol 102:203-13, 2013.
  834. Balzani D, Böse D, Brands D, Erbel R, Klawonn A, Rheinbach O, Schröder J. Parallel simulation of patient-specific atherosclerotic arteries for the enhancement of intravascular ultrasound diagnostics. Eng. Comp. 29:885-906, 2012.
  835. Wieneke H, Rickers S, Velleuer J, Bruck G, Bai Z, Kocks C, Grandjean PA, Lenihan T, Jung P, Erbel R, Prinzen FW, Kisker E. Leadless pacing using induction technology: impact of poulse shape and geometric factors on pacing efficiency. Europace 15:453-9, 2012.
  836. Eggebrecht H, Wieneke H, Erbel R. Brugada-Like ECG Pattern in a Patient with Isolated Right Ventricular Infarction. Herz 3:327, 2012.
  837. Horacek M, Möhlenkamp S, Mahabadi A.A., Churzidse S, Moebus S, Jöckel K.-H., Erbel R. Prävalenz der arteriellen Hypertonie in der westdeutschen Bevölkerung. Heinz Nixdorf Recall Studie. Herz 37:721-7, 2012.
  838. Kara K, Bruck H, Kahlert P, Plicht B, Mahabadi A.A., Konorza T., Erbel R. Renale Denervierung. Aktueller Stand und Perspektiven. Herz 37:746-53, 2012.
  839. Bauer M, Caviezel S, Teynor A, Erbel R, Mahabadi AA, Schmidt-Trucksäss A. Carotid intima-media thickness as a biomarker of subclinical atherosclerosis. Swiss Med Wkly 2012;25:142:0.2012
  840. Böse D, Brinkhues S, Erbel R, Klawonn A, Rheinbach O, Schröder J. A Simultaneous augmented lagrange approach for the simulation of soft biological tissue. Eur J Med Chem 50:27-38, 2012.
  841. Tsoi LC, Spain SL, Knight J, Ellinghaus E, Stuart PE, Capon F, Ding J, Li Y, Tejasvi T, Gudjonsson JE, Kang HM, Allen MH, McManus R, Novelli G, Samuelsson L, Schalkwijk J, Ståhle M, Burden AD, Smith CH, Cork MJ, Estivill X, Bowcock AM, Krueger GG, Weger W, Worthington J, Tazi-Ahnini R, Nestle FO, Hayday A, Hoffmann  P, Winkelmann J, Wijmenga C, Langford C, Edkins S, Andrews R, Blackburn H, Strange A, Band G, Pearson RD, Vukcevic D, Spencer CC, Deloukas P, Mrowietz U, Schreiber S, Weidinger S, Koks S, Kingo K, Esko T, Metspalu A, Lim HW, Voorhees JJ, Weichenthal M, Wichmann HE, Chandran V, Rosen CF, Rahman P, Gladman DD, Griffiths CE, Reis A, Kere J; Collaborative Association Study of Psoriasis (CASP); Genetic Analysis of Psoriasis Consortium; Psoriasis Association Genetics Extension; Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2, Nair RP, Franke A, Barker JN, Abecasis GR, Elder JT, Trembath RC. Identification of 15 new psoriasis susceptibility loci highlights the role of innate immunity. Nat Genet 44:1341-8, 2012.
  842. Kälsch H, Lehmann N, Möhlenkamp S, Becker A, Moebus S, Schmermund A, Stang A, Mahabadi AA, Mann K, Jöckel KH, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H. Body-surface adjusted aortic reference diameters for improved identification of patients with thoracic aortic aneurysms: Results from the population-based Heinz Nixdorf Recall study. Int J Cardiol;163:72-8.2013.
  843. Dlugaj M, Gerwig M, Wege N, Siegrist J, Mann K, Bröcker-Preuss M, Dragano N, Moebus S, Jöckel KH, Bokhof B, Möhlenkamp S, Erbel R, Weimar C. Elevated levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein are associated with mild cognitive impairment and its subtypes: results of a population-based case-control study. J Alzheimers Dis;28:503-14, 2012.
  844. Kahlert P, Al-Tashid F, Plicht B, Hildebrandt H, Patsalis P, El Chilali K, Wendt D, Thielmann M, Bergmann L, Kottenberg E, Schlamann M, Eggebrecht H, Jakob H, Heusch G, Konorza T, Erbel R. Incidence, predictors, origin and prevention of early and late neurtological events after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI): a comprehensive review of current data. J Thromb Thrombolysis;35:436-49, 2013.
  845. Patsalis PC, Konorza TFM, Al-Rashid F, Plicht B, Hildebrandt HA, Wendt D, Thielmann M, Jakob HG, Eggebrecht H, Heuscch G, Erbel R, Kahlert P. Hemodynamic assessment of paravalvuloar aortic regurgitation after TAVI: estimated myocardial supply-demand ratio and cardiovascular mortality. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol;304:H1023-8, 2013.
  846. Kara K, Mahabadi AA, Berg MH, Kahlert P, Longwitz D, Erbel R, Bollow M. Utilization of collagen-based vascular closure devices in patients with severe peripheral artery disease. J Invasive Cardiol 25:19-22, 2013.
  847. Thanassoulis G, Campbell CY, Owens DS, Smith JG, Smith AV, Peloso GM, Kerr KF, Pechlivanis S, Budoff MJ, Harris TB, Malhotra R, O´Brien KD, Kamstrup PR, Nordestgaard BG, Tybjaerg-Hansen A, Allison MA, Aspelund T, Criqui MH, Heckbert SR, Hwang SJ, Liu Y, Sjogren M, van der pals J, Kälsch H, Mühleisen TW, Nöthen MM, Cupples A, CM, Di Angelantonio E, Danesh J, Rotter JI, Sigurdsson S, Wong Q, Erbel R, Kathiresan S, Melander O, Gudnason V, O´Donnell CJ, Post WS. Genetic association with valvular calcification and aortic stenosis. NEJM 368:503-70, 2013.
  848. Buck T, Kortmann K, Plicht B, Kamler M, Tsagakis K, Thielmann M, Jakob HG, Erbel R. Critical importance of unsuspected findings detected by intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography for decision making during cardiac surgery. Clin Res Cardiol Clin 102:351-9, 2013.
  849. Buck T, Plicht B, Kahlert P, Konorza T’, Erbel R. Dtenosis of a mechanical mitral valve prothesis by eccentric paraprosthetic aortic regurgitation.JACC 2013;8:278-80.
  850. Esser S, Gelbrich G, Brockmeyer N, Goehler A, Schadendorf D, Erbel R, Neumann T, Reinsch N. Prevalence of cardiovascular disease in HIV-infected outpatients: results from a prospective, multicenter cohort study. Clin Res Cardiol 102:203-13, 2013.
  851. Icks A, Albers B, Haastert B, Pechlivanis S, Pundt N, Slomiany U, Erbel R, Jöckel KH, Kruse J, Kulzer B, Nowottny B, Herder Ch, Giani G, Moebus S. Risk for high depressive symptoms in diagnosed and previously undetected diabetes: 5-year follow-up results of the Heinz Nixdorf Recallo study. PLOS ONE 8:e56300, 2013.
  852. Siegrist J, Dragano N, Nyberg ST, Lunau T, Alfredsson L, Erbel R, Fahlen G, Goldberg M, Jöckel KH, Knutsson A, Leineweber C, Magnusson Hanson LL, Nordin M, Rugulies R, Schupp J, Singh-Manoux A, Theorell T, Wagner GG, Westerlund H, Zins M, Heikkilä K, Fransson EI, Kivimäki M. Validating abbreviated measures of effort-reward imbalance at work in European cohort studies: the IUPD-Work consortium. Int Arch Occup Environ health 87:249-56,2014.
  853. Kälsch H, Lehmann N, Berg MH, Mahabadi AA, Mergen P, Möhlenkamp S, Bauer M, Kaffer K, Dragano N, Hoffmann B, Moebus S, Schmermund A, Stang A, Jöckel KH, Erbel R. Coronary artery calcification outperforms thoracic aortic calcification for the prediction of myocardial infarction and all-cause mortality: The heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. European J Prev Cardiology 2013 (epub ahead of print).
  854. Mahabadi AA, Berg MH, Lehmann N, Kälsch H, Bauer M, Kara K, Dragano N, Moebus S, Jöckel KH, Erbel R, Möhlenkamp S. Association of epicardial fat with cardiovascular risk factors and incident myocardial infarction in the general population: the Heinz Nixdorf Recall study. J Am Coll Cardiol;61:1388-95, 2013.
  855. Hermann DM, Gronewold J, Lehmann N, Moebus S, Jöckel KH, Bauer M, Erbel R; Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study Investigative Group. Coronary artery calcification is an independent stroke predictor in the general population. Stroke;44:1008-13, 2013.
  856. Janosi RA, Erbel R, TFM Konorza. Recent advances in the diagnosis of acute aortic snydromes. Expert Opin Med Diagn 6:529-40,2012.
  857. Erbel R, Lehmann N, Churzidse S, Möhlenkamp S, Moebus S, Mahabadi AA, Schmermund A, Stang A, Dragano N, Grönemeyer D, Seibel R, Kälsch H, Bauer M, Bröcker-Preuss M, Mann K, Jöckel KH. Gener-specific association of coronary artery calcium and lipoprotein parameters: The Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. Atherosclerosis 229:531-40, 2013.
  858. Wendt D, Pasa, Kahlert P, Delaloye, Al-Rashid A, Price, Janosi A, Borenstein, Behr, Konorza T, Erbel R, Jakob H, Thielmann M. A new self-expandable TA-TAVI device: Feasibitlity in acute and chronic animal experiments. Scan Cardiovaswc J 47:145-53, 2013.
  859. Nensa F, Poeppel TD, Beiderwellen K, Schelhorn J, Mahabadi AA, Erbel R, Heusch P, Nassenstein K, Bockisch A, Forsting M, Schlosser T. Hybrid PET/MR imaging of the heart: Feasibility and initial results. Radiology 268:366-73, 2013.
  860. Pechlivanis S, Mühleisen TW, Möhlenkamp S, Schadendorf D, Erbel R, Jöckel KH, Hoffmann P, Nöthen MM, Scherag A, Moebus S. Risk loci for coronary artery calcification replicated at 9p21 and 6q24 in the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. BMC Med Genetics 14:23-8, 2013.
  861. Buck Th, Plicht B, Kahlert P, Erbel R. Understanding the asymmetrical vena contracta area. JACC Cardvasc Imaging 6:743, 2013
  862. Plicht B, Konorza TFM, Kahlert P, Al-Rashid F, Kälsch H, Janosi RA, Buck T, Bachmann HS, Siffert W, Heusch G, Erbel R. Risk factors for thrombus formation on the Amplatzer cardiac plug after left atrial appendage occlusion. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 8:606-13, 2013.
  863. Zahn R, Erbel R, Nienaber CA, Neumann F-J, Nef H, Eggebrecht H, Senges J. Endovascular aortic repair of thoracic aortic disease: early and 1-yearresults from a German multicenter registry. J Endovaswc Ther 20:265-72, 2013.
  864. Dickmann B, Baars T, Heusch G, Erbel R. Transcoronary septal ablation in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy by embolizing microspheres. Eur Heart J 34:2489, 2013.
  865. Budoff MJ, Möhlenkamp S, McClelland R, Delaney JA, Bauer M, Jöckel HK, Kälsch H, Kronmal R, Nasir K, Lehmann N, Moebus S, Mukamal K, Erbel R; Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and the Investigator Group of the Heinz Nixdorf RECALL Study. A comparison of outcomes with coronary artery calcium scanning in unselected populations: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) and Heinz Nixdorf RECALL study (HNR). J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr 7:182-91, 2013.
  866. Nensa F, Poeppel TD, Beiderwellen K, Schellhorn J, Mahabadi AA, Erbel R, Heusch P, Nassenstein K, Bockisch A, Forsting M, Schlosser T. Hybrid PET/MR imaging of the heart: Feasibility and initial results. Radiology 268:366-73, 2013.
  867. Oni ET, Agatston AA, Blaha MJ, Fialkow J, Cury R, Sposito A, Erbel R, Blankstein R, Feldman T, Al-Mallah MH, Santos RS, Budoff MJ, Nasir K. A systematic review: Burden and severity of subclinical cardiovascular disease among those with nonalcoholic fatty liver; Should we care? Atherosclerosis 230:258-67, 2013.
  868. Illmann A, Riemer T, Erbel R, Giannitsis E, Hamm C, Haude M, Heusch G, Maier LS, Münzel T, Schmitt C, Schumacher B, Senges J, Voigtländer T, Mudra H. Disease distribution and outcome in troponin-positive patients with or without revascularization in a chest pain unit: results of the German CPU-Registry. Clin Res Cardiol 103:29-40, 2014.
  869. Weinreich G, Wessendorf TE, Erdmann T, Moebus S, Dragano N, Lehmann N, Stang A, Roggenbuck U, Bauer M, Jöckel K-H, Erbel R, Teschler H, Möhlenkamp S. Association of obstructive sleep apnoea with subclinical coronary atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis; 231:191-97, 2013.
  870. Kleinbongard P, Baars T, Möhlenkamp S, Kahlert P, E§rbel R, Heusch G. Aspirate from human stented native coronary arteries vs. saphenous vein grafts: more endothelin but less particulate debris. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol; 305:H1222-H1229, 2013.
  871. Erbel R., Heusch G. Der Herz ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Unikate; 44:67-75, 2013.
  872. Möhlenkamp S, Leineweber K, Lehmann N, Braun S, Roggenbuck U, Perreay M, Broecker-Preuss M, Budde T, Halle M, Mann K, Jöckel KH, Erbel R, Heusch G.Coronary atherosclerosis burden, but not transient troponin elevation, predicts long-term outcome in recreational marathon runners. Basic Res Cardiol;109:391-402, 2013.
  873. Budoff MJ, Möhlenkamp S, McClelland R, Delaney JA, Bauer M, Jöckel HK, Kälsch H, Kromal R, Nasir K, Lehmann N, Moebus S, Mukamal K, Erbel R, on behalf of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and the Investigator Group of the Heinz Nixdorf RECALL Study. A comparison of outcomes with coronary artery calcium scanning in unselected populations: The Multi-Thnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) and Heinz Nixdorf RECALL study (HNR). J Cardiovasc Comp Tom 7: 182-191, 2013
  874. Wahl S, Möhlenkamp S, Erbel R, Moebus S, Andrich S, Stang A, Jöckel KH, Dragano N. Screening results for subclinical coronary artery calcification in asymptomatic individuals in relation to a detailed parental history of premature coronary heart disease. Eur J Epidemiol 28: 301-310, 2013.
  875. Erbel R, Wijns W. The Year in cardiology 2013: coronary intervention. Eur Heart J Eur 35:313-20, 2014.
  876. Heikkilä K, Fransson EI, Nyberg ST, Zins M, Westerlund H, Westerholm P, Virtanen M, Vahtera J, Suominen S, Steptoe A, Salo P, Pentti J, Oksanen T, Nordin M, Marmot MG, Lunau T, Ladwig KH, Koskenvuo M, Knutsson A, Kittel F, Jöckel KH, Goldberg M, Erbel R, Dragano N, DeBacquer D, Clays E, Casini A, Alfredsson L, Ferrie JE, Singh-Manoux A, Batty GD, Kivimäki M; IPD-Work Consortium. Job strain and health-related lifestyle: findings from an individual-participant meta-analysis of 118,000 working adults. Am J Public Health 103:2090-7,2013.
  877. Erbel R., Görge G. Neue Erkenntnisse zur pathogenese und Ätiologie der koronaren Herzerkrankung. DMW 139(S1):S4-S8, 2014.
  878. Kälsch H, Lehmann N, Mahabadi AA, Bauer M, Kara K, Hüppe P, Moebus S, Möhlenkamp S, Dragano N, Schmermund A, Stang A, Jöckel KH, Erbel R. Beyond Framingham risk factors and coronary calcification? The Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. Heart 100;930-7,2014.
  879. Kaffer K, Kahlert P, Mahabadi AA, Plicht B, Lind AY, Lonmgwitz D, Bollow M, Erbel R. Comparison of collagen-based vascular closure devices in patients with vs. without severe peripheral artery disease. J Endovasc Ther 21:79-84, 2014.
  880. Varnavas VC, Reinsch N, Perrey M, Nensa F, Schlosser T, Baba HA, Gerken G, Erbel R, Janosi RA, Katsounas A. Recurrent lymphocytic myocarditis in a young male with ulcerative colitis. Eur J Med Res 19:11-18, 2014.
  881. Mahabadi AA, Lehmann N, Möhlenkamp S, Kälsch H, Bauer M, Schulz R, Moebus S, Jöckel K-H, Erbel R, Heusch G. Association of bilrubin with coronary artery calcification and cardiovascular events in the general population without known liver disease: the Heinz Nixdorf Recall study. Clin Res Cardiol 103:647-53,2014.
  882. Siegrist J, Dragano N, Nyberg ST, Lunau T, Alfredsson L, Erbel R, Fahlen G, Goldberg M, Jöckel K-H, Knutsson A, Leineweber C, Magnusson Hansen LL, Nordin M, Rugulies R, Schupp J, Singh_Manoux A, Theorell T, Wagner GG, Westerlund H, Zins M, Heikkilä K, Fransson EI, Kivimäki M. Validating abbreviated measures of effort-reward imbalance at work in European cohort studies: the IPD-Work consortium. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 87:249-256, 2014.
  883. Gronewold J, Hermann DM, Lehmann N, Kröger K, Lauterbach K, Berger K, Weimar C, Kälsch HIM, Moebus S, Jöckel K-H, Bauer M, Erbel R. Ankle-brachial index predicts stroke in the general population in addition to classical risk factors. Atherosclerosis 233:545-50, 2014.
  884. Lehmann N, Möhlenkamp S, Mahabadi AA, Schmermund A, Roggenbuck U, Seibel R, Grönemeyer D, Budde T, Dragano N, Stang A, Mann K, Moebus S, Erbel R, Jöckel KH. Effect f Smoking and other traditional risk factors on the onset of coronary artery calcification: Results of the Heinz Nixdorf recall study. Atherosclerosisi 232: 339-345, 2014.
  885. Mahabadi AA, Geisel MH, Lehmann N, Lammerding C, Kälsch H, Bauer M, Moebus S, Jöckel K-H, Erbel R, Möhlenkamp S. Association of computed tomography-derived left atrial size with major cardiovascular events in the general population: The Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. Intern J Cardiology 174:318-23, 2014.
  886. Kottenberg E, Dumont , Frey UH, Heine T, Plicht B, Kahlert P, Erbel R, Peters J. The minimally invasive MitraClip procedure for mitral regurgitation under general anaesthesia: immediate effects on the pulmonary circulation and right ventricular function. Anaesthesia 69:860-7, 2014.
  887. Maresca D, Adams S, Maresca B, van der Steen A.F.W. Mapping Intravascular Ultrasound Controversies in Interventional Cardiology Practice. PLOS one 9: e97215, 2014.
  888. Kahlert P, Eggebrecht H, Janosi RA, Hildebrandt HA, Plicht P, Tsagakis K, Moenninghoff C, Nensa F, Mummell P, Heusch G, Jakob HG, Forsting M, Erbel R, Schlamann M. Silent cerebral ischemia after thoracic endovascular aortic repair: A neuroimaging study. Ann Thoracic Surg 98:53-8, 2014
  889. Vonneilich, Jöckel K-H, Erbel R, Klein J, Dragano N, Siegrist J, Knesebeck von O. The mediating effect of social relationship on the association between socioeconomic status and subjective health – results from the Heinz Nixdorf Recall cohort study. BMC Public Health 12:285;2014.
  890. Tamayo T, Claessen H, Rückert IM, Maier W, Schunk M, Meisinger C, Mielck A, Holle R, Thorand B, Narres M, Moebus S, Mahabadi AA, Pundt N, Krone B, Slomlany U, Erbel R, Jöckel K-H, Rathmann W, Icks A. Treatment pattern of type 2 Diabetes differs in two German regions and with patients´socioeconomic position. PLOS ONE, 9:e99773, 2014.
  891. Erbel R, Lehmann N, Churzidse S, Rauwolf M, Mahabadi AA, Möhlenkamp S, Moebus S, Bauer M, Kälsch H, Budde T, Montag M, Schmermund A, Stang A, Führer-Sakel D, Weimar C, Roggenbuck U, Dragano N, Jöckel KH. Progression of coronary artery calcification seems to be inevitable, but predictable – results of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall (HNR) study. Eur Heart J 35:2960-2971;2014.
  892. Wendt D, Kahlert P, Pasa S, El-Chilali K, Al-Rashid F, Tsagakis K, Dohle DS, Erbel R, Jakob H, Thielmann M. Expanding the Limits. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 10:1159-67;2014.
  893. Erbel R, Aboyans V, Boileau C, Bossone E,m Di Bartolomeo R, Eggebrecht H, Evangelista A, Falk V, Frank H, Gaemperli O, Grabenwöger M, Haverich A, Lung B, Manolis AJ, Meijboom F, Nienaber CA, Roffi M, Rousseau H, Sechtem U, Sirnes PA, von Allmen RS, Vrints CJM. 2014 ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of aortic diseases. Eur Heart J 35:2873-926; 2014..
  894. Fuks KB, Weinmayr G, Foraster M, Dratva J, Hampel R, Houthuijs D, Oftedal B, Oudin A, Panasevich S, Penell J, Sommar JN, Sorensen M, Tiittanen P, Wolf K, Xun WX, Aguilera I, Basagana X, Beelen Rm, Bots ML, Brunekreef B, Bas Bueno-de-Mesquuita H, Caracciolo B, Cirach M, de Faire U, de Nazelle A, Eeftens M, Elosua R, Erbel R, Forsberg B, Fratiglioni L, Gaspoz JM, Hilding A, Jula Am, Korek M, Krämer U, Künzli N, Lanki T, Leander K, Magnusson PKE, Pershagen G, Phuleria HC, Probst-Hensch NM, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Schaffner E, Schikowski T, Schindler C,. Schwareze PE, Sogaard AJ, Sugiri D, Swart WJR, Tsai MY, Turunen AW, Vineis P, Perters A, Hoffmann B. Arterial blood pressure and long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution: An analysis in the European study of cohorts for air pollution effects (ESCAPE). Enviromental Health Perspectives 122:896-905;2014. 2014.
  895. Kaffer K, Geisel MH, Möhlenkamp S, Lehmann N, Kälsch H, Bauer M, Neumann T, Dragano N, Moebus S, Jöckel KH, Erbel R, Mahabadi AA. B-type natriuretic peptide for incident atrial fibrillation – The Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. JACC 2014 (epub ahead of print)
  896. Erbel R. Rauchstopp ohne zuzunehmen. Kann man das schaffen? Druckpunkt (Hochdruckliga) 21: 22-25; 2014
  897. Erbel R. The new strategy in infective endocarditis: Early surgery based on early diagnosis. Are we too late, when early surgery is best? Circulation 2014 (epub ahead of print)
  898. Al-Rashid F Nix Ch., Erbel R, Kahlert Ph. Tools & Techniques – Clinical: Percutaneous catheter-based left ventricular support using the Impella CP.  EuroInterv 10:1247-49, 2015.
  899. Dlugaj M, Winkler A, Dragano N, Moebus S, Jöckel K-H, Erbel R, Weimar Ch. Depression and mild  cognitive impairment in the general population: Results of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. J Alzheimer´s Disease 45: 159-74, 2015.
  900. Heinein M, Granasen G, Wiklund U, Schmermund A, Guerci A, Erbel R, Raggi P. High dose and long-term statin therapy accelerate coronary artery calcification. Intern J Cardiol 184:581-586, 2015.
  901. Hoffmann B, Weinmayr G, Hennnig F, Fuks K, Moebus S, Weimar C, Dragano N, Hermann DM, Kälsch H, Mahabadi AA, Erbel R, Jöckel K-H. Luftqualität, Schlaganfall und Koronare Ereignisse. Dtsch Ärzteblatt, No. 12, Ausgabe C, März 2015.

Raimund Erbel

Director, Professor


  • : +49 (0) 201 723 4800
  • : +49 (0) 201 723 5401

  • DEPARTMENT Department of Cardiology,
    West German Heart Centre Essen,
    Division of Internal Medicine, University Essen
  • COUNTRYGermany