
Scholarly And Professional Work (Highly Qualified Persons I have mentored are underlined) Articles in refereed journals

  1. Gamble, B., Graham, L., Goulding, H., & Moreau, E. (Forthcoming). Simulation Models for the Development and Acquisition of I nterprofessional Com petencies. Ontario Society of Medical Technologists' Journal.
  2. Gamble, B., Bourne, L., & Deber, R. (October, 2014). Ontario's Quality Management Program-Laboratory Services. Healthcare Policy (Longwoods).
  3. Gamble, B., Wyers, L., & Deber, R. (accepted with revisions May 2014). Accountability in the City of Toronto's 10 Long-Term Care Homes. Healthcare Policy (Longwoods).
  4. Zelisko, D., Gamble, B., Baumann, A., Norman, P., Laporte, A., & Deber, R. (Forthcoming). Provincial Regulatory Bodies. Healthcare Policy (Longwoods).
  5. Suthaharan, S. & Gamble, B. (2013, January). Benefits of ethnicity-sensitive mental health programs for mental health patients. Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2013 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  6. Manogaran, M. & Gamble, B. (2013, January). Making interprofessional teams work: Lessons learned from a neonatal intensive care unit. Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2013 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  7. Helfawi, M. & Gamble, B. (2013, January). Patient involvement in IPC, a catalyst to the delivery of patient centred-care at community based mental health settings. Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2013 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  8. Gamble, B. (2013). What we learned about IPC from the laboratory profession? Ontario Society of Medical Technologists' Journal, 19(4), 15-16.
  9. Berta, W., Laporte, A., Deber, R., Baumann, A. & Gamble, B. (2013). The evolving role of personal support workers & health care aides in the long-term care & home and community care sectors. Human Resources for Health, 11(25). doi: 10.1186/1478-4491-11-25
  10. Suthaharan, S. & Gamble, B. (2012). Effectiveness of mental health outpatient services and social interventions. The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, Supplement, 15.
  11. Landry, M.D., Hastie, R., Onate, K., Gamble, B., Deber, R. & Verrier, M. (2012). Attractiveness of employment sectors for physical therapists in Ontario, Canada (1999-2007): Implications for the long term sector. BMC Health Services Research, 12(133). doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-12-133
  12. Gamble, B. & Kapral, 0. (2011). Health leaders views on leadership competencies and education. Ottawa, Ontario: Communique, Canadian College of Health Leaders.
  13. Gamble, B., Daniels, F., Deber, R., Laporte, A. & Isaac, W. (2011). Where are Ontario's Respiratory Therapists working? Healthcare Policy, 7(2), 40-46.
  14. Deber, R., Gamble, B. & Mah, C. (2010). Canada: variation on a common theme. Italian Journal of Public Health, 7(4), 336-343. doi: 10.2427/5690
  15. Gamble, B. (2008). Employment patterns among Ontario's respiratory therapists: Report of Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Team. The Exchange, The Newsletter of the College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario, 15(2), 20-23.
  16. Gamble, B. (2007). Canadian stakeholder's views about the boundaries of publicly funded health care: What are the consequences for women caregivers? Women's Health & Urban Life, 6(2), 22-23.
  17. Deber, R. & Gamble, B. (2007). '1What's in, what's out": Stakeholders' views about the boundaries of Medicare (re-printed in special issue). Healthcare Quarterly, 10(4), 97-105.
  18. Gamble, B. & Deber, R. (2004). The bottom line for defining proficiency in the medical laboratory: An Ontario case study of public-private partnerships. Canadian Journal of Medical Laboratory Science, 66, 184-191.
  19. Deber, R. & Gamble, B. (2004). '1What's in, what's out": Stakeholders' views about the boundaries of Medicare. Longwoods Review, 2(3), 1-9.

Book Chapters

  1. Gamble, B., Kraetschmer, N., Lam, K.C.k., Mah, C., Rafferty, C. & Deber, R. (2014, January). Trouble on Tap. In R. Deber & C. Mah (Eds.), Case Studies in Canadian Health Policy and Management (2nd ed.). Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
  2. Gamble, B., Kapral, 0. & Yielder, P. (2014, November). Healthcare Management in the Canadian Forces Health Services (CFHS): A Comparative Study on Military and Civilian Health Leadership Skills. In A.B. Aiken & S.A.H. Belanger (Eds.), Beyond the Line: Canadian Institute for Military Health Research (3rd ed.). Kingston, ON: McGill-Queen's University Press. Beyond the line
  3. Blake, J., Gamble, B., Sadat, S., Van Wyk, K., Rashkovan, N.W. & Deber, R. (2014, January). What to do with the queue? In R. Deber & C. Mah (Eds.), Case Studies in Canadian Health Policy and Management (2nd ed.).Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
  4. Gamble, B. (2014). Interprofessional education for interprofessional practice. In S. Coffey (Ed.), Interprofessional practice. Don Mills, Ontario: Pearson.
  5. Suthaharan, S. & Gamble, B. (2012). The impact of utilization of mental health resources by mental health outpatients. In S. Poddar (Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Allied Health Sciences (pp. 54-62). Malaysia: Lincoln University College.
  6. Manogaran, M. & Gamble, B. (2012). Interprofessional collaboration: And it's role in facilitating discharge planning on a neonatal intensive care unit. In S. Poddar (Ed.), Proceedings of Intern ational Conference on Allied Health Sciences (pp. 39-44). Malaysia: Lincoln University College.
  7. Gamble, B. & Kapral, 0. (2012). Healthcare Leadership: Is managing in the hospital the same as managing in the community or does the context matter? In A.B. Aiken & S.A.H. Belanger (Eds.), A New Coalition for a Challenging Battlefield: Military and Veteran Health Research. Kingston, ON: Canadian Defense Academy Press.
  8. Gamble, B. & Kapral, 0. (2011). Military to Civilian Healthcare: What are the Challenges for Healthcare Mangers? In A.B. Aiken & S.A.H. Belanger (Eds.), Shaping the Future: Military and Veteran Health Research (pp. 347-357). Kingston, ON: Canadian Defense Academy Press.

Papers/posters presented at meetings International

  1. Kelly, K., & Gamble, B. (2014, June). Involving older people in the development of technology enabled geriatric assessment and monitoring in the community and home. All Together Better Health Conference VII, Pittsbu rg, Pennsylvania.
  2. Gamble, B., & Bergeron, N. (2014, June). Bringing the Lab into interprofessional practice: Interprofessional education for Medical Laboratory Professionals through the use of simulation. All Together Better Health Conference VII, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  3. Helfawi, M., & Gamble, B. (2014, June). The delivery of interprofessional collaborative patient-centered care in community based mental health settings. All Together Better Health Conference VII, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
  4. Manogaran, M., & Gamble, B. (2014, June). Making interprofessional teams work: Lessons learned from a neonatal intensive care unit. All Together Better Health Conference VII, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  5. Gamble, B., Kapral, 0., Yielder, P. & Isaac, W. (2013, June). What is the role of emotion intelligence? Canadian healthcare leader's views on leadership competencies. 2013 Annual of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration, Monterey, CA.
  6. Suthaharan, S. & Gamble, B. (2013, January). Benefits of ethnicity-sensitive mental health programs for mental health patients. Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2013 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  7. Manogaran, M. & Gamble, B. (2013, January). Making interprofessional teams work: Lessons learned from a neonatal intensive care unit. Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2013 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  8. Helfawi, M. & Gamble, B. (2013, January). Patient involvement in IPC, a catalyst to the delivery of patient centred-care at community based mental health settings. Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2013 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  9. Suthaharan, S. & Gamble, B. (2012, October). Reaching out to underserviced communities: Impact of community mental health resources on underserviced communities. All Together Better Health VI, Kobe, Japan.
  10. Manogaran, M. & Gamble, B. (2012, October). Enhancing interprofessional collaboration for the discharge planning process on a neonatal intensive care unit with post-licensure interprofessional education. All Together Better Health VI, Kobe, Japan.
  11. Manogaran, M. & Gamble, B. (2012, October). Making interprofessional teams work: Lessons learned from a neonatal intensive care unit. All Together Better Health VI, Kobe, Japan.
  12. Gamble, B. (2012, October). The role of interprofessional collaboration in the delivery of medica laboratory services in Canada. All Together Better Health VI, Kobe, Japan.
  13. Suthaharan, S. & Gamble, B. (2012, September). Priority setting: Community mental health services and resource (poster). International Society on Priorities in Health Care, Vancouver, BC.
  14. Suthaharan, S. & Gamble, B. (2012, September). Effectiveness of Mental Health Outpatient Services and Social Interventions (poster). Patient Reported Outcomes and Person Centered Care in Mental Health, Washington, DC.
  15. Berta, W., Laporte, A., Deber, R., Baumann, A. & Gamble, B. (2012, September). The Evolving Roles of Personal Support Workers and Health Care Aides. International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-Term Care, London, UK.
  16. Manogaran, M., Gamble, B. & Weaver, R. (2012, September). Post-licensure interprofessional education for the discharge planning process in a neonatal intensive care unit. International Society on Priorities in Health Care, Vancouver, BC.
  17. Gamble, B. & Manogaran, M. (2012, September). Quality in medical laboratories: Views on the interface between the laboratory, patients, and care providers. International Society on Priorities in Health Care, Vancouver, BC.
  18. Gamble, B., Kapral, 0. & Isaac, W. (2012, May). Canadian healthcare leaders' views on the application of management skills in the community/home care sector. Association of University Programs in Health Administration's Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
  19. Manogaran, M. & Gamble, B. (2011, November). The role of interprofessional collaboration on the discharge planning process in the neonatal intensive care unit. Collaborating Across Borders III, Tucson, AR.
  20. Gamble, B. & Kapral, 0. (2011, November). Student readiness for interprofessional learning and views on interprofessional practice: A perspective from Canada. Collaborating Across Borders III, Tucson, AR.
  21. Suthaharan, S. & Gamble, B. (2011, July). The Impact of utilization of community resources by out­patient/drop-in mental health system consumers. International Conference on Allied Health Sciences, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  22. Gamble, B. & Deber, R. (2011, July). Approaches to accountability: Medical laboratory services in Ontario. International Health Economic Association Conference, Toronto, ON.
  23. Kapral, 0., Gamble, B. & Yielder, P. (2011, March 12). Undergraduate health sciences students' views on interprofessional education and interprofessional practice (poster). The 7th Annual National Health Sciences Students' Association (NaHSSA) Conference, Toronto, ON.
  24. Isaac, W. & Gamble, B. (2010, June). Alumni perception of a health services management: An assessment (poster). Association for University Programs of Health Administration (AUPHA) Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
  25. Gamble, B. & Kapral, 0. (2010, June). Interprofessional learning for community healthcare leaders: What works? What does doesn't work?, Association for University Programs of Health Administration (AUPHA) Annual Meeting Portland, OR.
  26. Gamble, B. (2010, April). Politics and health policy: Implications for interprofessional education and collaboration. A perspective from Canada. All Together Better Health 5, Sydney, Australia.
  27. Gamble, B. (2010, April). Canadian national survey of healthcare leaders: Who will be the healthcare leaders to champion and support interprofessional collaboration? (poster). All Together Better Health 5, Sydney, Australia.
  28. Gamble, B. (2009, August). Educational needs for Canadian allied health and rehabilitation professionals in an interprofessional world: An Ontario case study. Intern ational Association for Medical Education (AMEE) Conference, Spain.
  29. Gamble, B. (2008, August). Why should Medical Laboratory Science students be included in high level simulated-based education? International Association for Medical Education (AMEE) Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
  30. Gamble, B. (2008, May). Canadian Allied Health and Rehabilitation Professionals: Where are they working now? All Together Better Health IV Conference, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm & Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden.
  31. Gamble, B. (2008, January). Canadian stakeholders' views about the boundaries of publicly funded health care. Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  32. Gamble, B. & Deber, R. (2004, November). The imprisoning effects of what is: A perspective from Canada on stakeholders' views about the boundaries of publicly funded health care. 5th International Healthcare Priorities Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.

National and Regional

  1. Kelly, K., & Gamble, B. (2014, September). Informing the use and selection of technology in the care of frail older adults: A report on preliminary findings. 2nd Annual Technology Evaluation in the Elderly Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
  2. Bourne, L., & Gamble, B. (2014, May). Approaches to Accountability: The Role of Ontario Laboratory Accreditation. Poster presented at the meeting of the Canadian Association for Health Policy Research Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
  3. Helfawi, M., & Gamble, B. (2014, May). Using interprofessional collaboration to empower patients within community based mental health settings. Poster presented at the meeting of the Canadian Association for Health Policy Research Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
  4. Kelly, K., & Gamble, B. (2014, March). Technology Enabled Interprofessional Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment and Intervention - Bringing Specialized Geriatric Services Closer to Home. Paper presented at the meeting of the Walk with Me, Institute of Aging Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
  5. Manogaran, M., & Gamble, B. (2014, March). The role of interprofessional collaboration on the discharge planning process in the neonatal intensive care unit. Paper presented at the meeting of the 4th International Conference on Health, Wellness, and Society, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  6. Manogaran, M., & Gamble, B. (2014, February). The role of interprofessional collaboration on the discharge planning process in the neonatal intensive care unit. Poster presented at the meeting of the Ontario Health Human Resources Research Network Showcase Event, Toronto, Ontario.
  7. Gamble, B., Bergeron, N., & Bourne, L. (2013, September). Cultural Transformation from Flexner to Competencies: The Role of Interprofessional Education. Paper presented at the meeting of the Annual Conference for the Ontario Society of Medical Technologists, London, Ontario.
  8. Helfawi, M. & Gamble, B. (2013, June). A cultural shift towards patient centred practice in the world of Interprofessional Collaboration at community-based mental health settings. Collaborating Across Borders IV, Vancouver, BC.
  9. Gamble, B. (2013, June). Public Engagement and the Role of Social Media: A view from Canada on the case of multiple sclerosis (MS) and chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI). University of Ontario Institute of Technology and the Canadian Memeorial Chiropractic College Research Day, Toronto. ON.
  10. Helfawi, M. & Gamble, B. (2013, May). Mental health in-patients' experiences in an interprofessional collaborative care setting. Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Vancouver, BC.
  11. Karam, R., Gamble, B., Sanchez, 0. & Osbourne, E. (2013, May). Physicians' views on a publicly funded prescription drug program for Ontario seniors. Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Vancouver, BC.
  12. Gamble, B., Kapral, 0. & Yielder, P. (2013, May). What will it take to lead in healthcare?: The role of emotional intelligence to facilitate change in the delivery of care (poster). Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Vancouver, BC.
  13. Gamble, B., Barker, R. & Lemonde, M. (2013, May). Readiness for interprofessional education: Views from the clinical setting (poster). Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Vancouver, BC.
  14. Berta, W., Laporte, A., Deber, R., Baumann, A. & Gamble, B. (2013, March 1). The evolving roles of personal support workers and health care aides. OHHRRN Research Showcase, Toronto, ON.
  15. Karam, R. & Gamble, B. (2013, February). A glimpse of the Ontario drug benefit program (0DB) from the physicians' perspectives. Pharmacare 2020, Vancouver, BC.
  16. Bourne, L. & Gamble, B. (2013). The advantages and challenges to accountability in Ontario medical laboratory (ML) sector (poster). Laurence E. Becker Symposium, Toronto, ON.
  17. Lemonde, M., Kapral, 0. & Gamble, B. (2012, November). Healthcare management in the Canadian forces health services (CFHS): A comparative study on military and civilian health management skills (workshop). Canadian Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Kingston, ON.
  18. Kapral, 0., Gamble, B. & Manogaran, M. (2012, November 27-28). Healthcare Management in the Canadian Forces Health Services (CFHS): A Comparative Study on Military and Civilian Health Management Skills. Canadian Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Kingston, ON.
  19. Suthaharan, S. & Gamble, B. (2012, July). Culturally-Sensitive Mental Health Programs for Canadian Tamil Mental Health Patients. Technological Advances in Science, Medicine & Engineering (TASME), The Hospitalfor Sick Children (SickKids), Toronto, ON.
  20. Manogaran, M. & Gamble, B. (2012, July). lnterprofessional collaboration: Lessons learned from a neonatal intensive care unit (oral presentation, published abstract). TechnologicalAdvances in Science, Medicine & Engineering (TASME), The Hospitalfor Sick Children (SickKids), Toronto, ON.
  21. Kapral, 0. & Gamble, B. (2012, June). Evaluation of health leaders' views on leadership competencies and education (workshop). National Healthcare Leadership Conference (NHLC), Halifax, NS.
  22. Gamble, B., Kapral, 0. & Manogaran, M. (2012, June). The transferability of healthcare leadership across hospital, community and military institutions (poster). National Healthcare Leadership Conference (NHLC), Halifax, NS.
  23. Gamble, B. (2012, June). lnterprofessional collaboration and the medical laboratory sector. Inter-Hospital Laboratory Partnership, Listowel, ON.
  24. Suthaharan, S. & Gamble, B. (2012, June). Impact of utilization of community resources by out-patient mental health system consumers (poster). National Healthcare Leadership Conference (NHLC), Halifax, NS.
  25. Manogaran, M. & Gamble, B. (2012, May). Collaborative leadership for the discharge planning process in a neonatal intensive care unit (poster, published abstract). Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference, Montreal, OC.
  26. Suthaharan, S. & Gamble, B. (2012, March). Views on the utilization of community mental health resources and the need for interprofessional collaboration. National Health Sciences Students' Association Conference, Waterloo, ON.
  27. Suthaharan, S. & Gamble, B. (2012, February). Mental Health Outpatient's Views on Participating in an Outpatient Mental Health Program (poster). Centre for Health Services and Policy Research - Health Policy Conference, Vancouver, BC.
  28. Karam, R. & Gamble, B. (2012). Reducing health inequalities: Physicians' views on the Ontario drug benefit program (0DB). Health Promotion Ontario 25th Anniversary Conference, Toronto, ON.
  29. Bourne, L. & Gamble, B. (2012). Accountability and interprofessional Practice: An Ontario case study of the medical laboratory sector. National Health Sciences Students' Association (NAHSSA), Waterloo, ON.
  30. Bourne, L. & Gamble, B. (2012). Approaches to accountability: Ontario medical laboratory sector UOIT Research Seminar, Oshawa, ON.
  31. Bourne, L. & Gamble, B. (2012). Approaches to accountability: The case of Ontario's medical laboratory sector (MLS) (poster). Laurence E. Becker Symposium, Toronto, ON.
  32. Bourne, L. & Gamble, B. (2012). Approaches to accountability: An Ontario case study of the medical laboratory sub-sector. UOIT Graduate Student Research Conference, Oshawa, ON.
  33. Gamble, B. & Kapral, 0. (2011, November 15). Canadian forces health services leaders' views on skills needed to lead in healthcare (oral presentation). The Canadian Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Kingston, ON.
  34. Gamble, B. & Kapral, 0. (2011, October). Health leaders views on leadership competencies and education (workshop). Canadian Home Care Association, Niagara Falls, ON.
  35. Gamble, B., Laporte, A. & Deber, R. (2011, May). Where are allied health and rehabilitation professionals working?: An Ontario case study. Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference, Halifax, NS.
  36. Manogaran, M. & Gamble, B. (2011, May). The role of interprofessional collaboration on the discharge planning process in the neonatal intensive care unit (poster). Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference, Halifax, NS.
  37. Manogaran, M. & Gamble, B. (2011, May). History matters when implementing legislation to facilitate interprofessional practice: A perspective from Ontario (poster). Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference, Halifax, NS.
  38. Suthaharan, S. & Gamble, B. (2011, May). The impact of social network and social activities on mental health patients. UOIT Graduate Student Research Conference 2011, Oshawa, ON.
  39. Kapral, 0. & Gamble, B. (2011, May). Overcoming the barriers to interprofessional collaboration: Who will lead interprofessional teams? Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference, Halifax, NS.
  40. Suthaharan, S. & Gamble, B. (2011, March). The impact of social network and social activities on mental health patients. The impact of social network and social activities on Tamil mental health patients (oral and poster), The 7th Annual National Health Sciences Students' Association Conference,Toronto, ON.
  41. Kapral, 0., Gamble, B., Lemonde, M. & Deber, R. (2011, March 12). Community health leaders' views on interprofessional collaboration. The 7th Annual National Health Sciences Students' Association Conference, Toronto, ON.
  42. Manogaran, M. & Gamble, B. (2011, February). The role of interprofessional collaboration on the discharge planning process in the neonatal intensive care unit. Aldrich Interdisciplinary Conference, St. John's, NF.
  43. Kapral, 0., Gamble, B., Lemonde, M. & Deber, R. (2011, January). Managing in the community: A comparison of the skills and com petencies. Interprofessional Education Ontario Conference, Toronto, ON.
  44. Manogaran, M. & Gamble, B. (2011, January). The role of interprofessional collaboration on the discharge planning process in the neonatal intensive care unit (poster). Interprofessional Education Ontario Conference, Toronto, ON.
  45. Gamble, B. & Vogel, E. (2011, January). lnterprofessional learning from community healthcare leaders: identification of key challenges and solutions (poster). Interprofessional Education Ontario Conference, Toronto, ON.
  46. Gamble, B. (2011, January). Managing in the community: a comparison of the skills and competencies. Interprofessional Education Ontario Conference, Toronto, ON.
  47. Kapral, 0. & Gamble, B. (2011). From hospital to community: Analyzing the skills and competencies to successfully lead or manage in healthcare (poster). University of Ontario Institute of Technology Health Sciences Student Research Showcase, Oshawa, ON.
  48. Gamble, B., Norman, C. & Vogel, E. (2011). lnterprofessional learning for community healthcare leaders: What works? 2011 IPE Ontario Conference, Toronto, ON.
  49. Bourne, L. & Gamble, B. (2011). Approaches to accountability: Medical laboratory services in Ontario. UOIT Graduate Student Research Conference, Oshawa, ON.
  50. Kapral, 0., Gamble, B., Smith, T., Isaac, W. & Deber, R. (2010, November 16). From military to civilian healthcare: What are the challenges for healthcare managers? (Poster). The Canadian Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Kingston, ON.
  51. Gamble, B. & Kapral, 0. (2010, November). Healthcare leadership: Is managing in the hospital the same as managing in the community or does the context matter? The Canadian Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Kingston, ON.
  52. Kapral, 0., Gamble, B., Smith, T., Isaac, W. & Deber, R. (2010, August 19). Canadian college of health services executives' views on interprofessional collaboration (poster). University of Ontario Institute of Technology Student Research Showcase 2010, Oshawa, ON.
  53. Gamble, B. (2010, January). Interprofessional collaboration: Who is ready to lead interprofessional teams? Ontario Interprofessional Health Collaborative Conference, Toronto, ON.
  54. Bourne, L. & Gamble, B. (2010). Approaches to accountability: Medical laboratory services in Ontario. Laurence E. Becker Symposium, Toronto, ON.
  55. Bourne, L. & Gamble, B. (2010). Approaches to accountability: Medical laboratory services. UOIT Graduate Student Research Conference, Oshawa, ON.
  56. Kapral, 0., Gamble, B., Hastie, R., Deber, R., Smith, T. & Isaac, W. (2009, November 15). Leading healthcare teams in the hospital and community sector (poster). Canadian Undergraduate Conference on Healthcare, Kingston, ON.
  57. Kapral, 0., Gamble, B., Hastie, R., Deber, R., Smith, T. & Isaac, W. (2009, November 20). Leading healthcare teams in the hospital and community sector (poster). CIHR Team in Community Care and Health Human Resources Symposium, Toronto, ON.
  58. Kapral, 0., Gamble, B., Hastie, R., Smith, T., Isaac, W. & Deber, R. (2009, August 24). Healthcare managers: Where are they working now? (poster). University of Ontario Institute of Technology Student Research Showcase 2009, Oshawa, ON.
  59. Hastie, R., Deber, R. & Gamble, B. (2009, June). Professional survival: Why do occupational therapists leave the profession? Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference 2009, Ottawa, ON.
  60. Hastie, R., Deber, R. & Gamble, B. (2009, June). Retention of occupational therapists in practice across employment sectors (poster). Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference 2009, Ottawa, ON.
  61. Gamble, B. & Deber, R. (2009, June). Approaches to accountability: Implication of goals, governance, services, and sub-sectors. National Healthcare Leadership Conference: Accountability in Health System Leadership: The Balancing Act, St. John's, NF.
  62. Hastie, R., Deber, R. & Gamble, B. (2009, May). Retention of Ontario physiotherapists across employment settings. Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR) Conference, Calgary, AB.
  63. Gamble, B. & Kapral, 0. (2009, May). IPC leadership: Who is ready to manage inter-professional health teams? Collaborating Across Borders II: Building Bridges Between Interprofessional Education and Practice (CAB II), Halifax, NS.
  64. Gamble, B., Deber, R., Smith, T. & Isaac, W. (2009, May). Health administration alumini views on leadership skills. Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR) Conference, Calgary, AB.
  65. Gamble, B., Deber, R., Smith, T. & Isaac, W. (2009, May). Health administration alumni views on healthcare management skills. NHLC2009/CNLSS, St. John's, NF.
  66. Deber, R., Smith, T. & Gamble, B. (2009, May). Accountability in health system leadership: The balancing act (workshop). NHLC2009/CNLSS, St. John's, NF.
  67. Isaac, W. & Gamble, B. (2008, November). Analysis of employment and practice patterns for health managers: Implications for curriculum design (poster). CIHR Team in Community Health and Health Human Resources Symposium, Toronto, ON.
  68. Hastie, R. & Gamble, B. (2008, November). Occupational theraphy. CIHR Team in Community Health and Health Human Resources Symposium, Toronto, ON.
  69. Gamble, B. (2008, November). Employment patterns among Ontario's allied health professionals. CIHR Team in Community Health and Health Human Resources Symposium, Toronto, ON.
  70. Gamble, B. (2008, November). Developing and sustaining research partnerships. What does it take? CIHR Team in Community Health and Health Human Resources Symposium, Toronto, ON.
  71. MacLeod, N. & Gamble, B. (2008, March). Resident satisfaction with dementia programs and services (poster). National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (Nice) Conference, Toronto, ON.
  72. Gamble, B., Daniels, F. & Deber, R. (2007, December). Ontario respiratory therapists: An analysis of the inflow and stickiness across employment settings. Canadian Institute for Health Information's Health Human Resources Conference, Ottawa, ON.
  73. Hastie, R., Deber, R. & Gamble, B. (2007, December). Comparison of Ontario occupational therapist who work full-time versus ones who work equivalent to full-time. Health Human Resources: Connecting Issues and People, Ottawa, ON.
  74. Hastie, R., Deber, R. & Gamble, B. (2007, October). Age structure of Ontario occupational therapists. Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population's (SEDAP) Conference, Hamilton, ON.
  75. Hastie, R., Deber, R., Laporte, A. & Gamble, B. (2007, June). Funding trends for occupational therapy services in Ontario (poster). Conference of the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Toronto, ON.
  76. Gamble, B., Laporte, A. & Deber, R. (2007, June). Employment patterns of Ontario registered respiratory therapists. Conference of the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Toronto, ON.
  77. Gamble, B. (2007, May). Canadian stakeholders' views on the boundaries of publicly funded health care: The case of community-based services. ISA-RCO6 Health in Families, Healthy families: Gendered Explorations, Toronto, ON.
  78. Gamble, B. (2007, March). What's in, what's out? Stakeholders views about the boundaries of medicare. M-Thac Research Symposium, Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences, Toronto, ON.
  79. Gamble, B. (2004, May). How to spend the money: Stakeholders views about the boundaries of medicare. 1st Conference of the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Montreal, OC.
  80. Gamble, B. (2004, January). Views about the boundaries of medicare: Survey of key stakeholders. 2002 M-THACAGM, Toronto, ON.
  81. Gamble, B. (2003, November). What's in, what's out? Stakeholders' views about the boundaries of medicare. The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) Inaugural National Symposium, Montreal, OC.
  82. Deber, R. & Gamble, B. (2003, November). Straddling the boundary between public and private: Rehabilitation in Ontario's health care system. November Seminar Series, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
  83. Gamble, B. (2003). What's in, what's out? Stakeholders' views about the boundaries of medicare. Institute of Medical Sciences' Scientific Day, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
  84. Gamble, B. (2002, May). Stakeholders' views about the boundaries of medicare. Canadian Health Economics Research Association (CHERA), Halifax, NS.
  85. Gamble, B. (2002). Stakeholders' views about the boundaries of medicare. Institute of Medical Sciences' Scientific Day, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
  86. Gamble, B. (2001). The rise of public-private partnerships for the delivery of medical laboratory services. Institute of Medical Sciences' Scientific Day, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
  87. Gamble, B. (2000). The profitable "unbundling" of medical laboratory services. Institute of Medical Sciences' Scientific Day, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.

Research Reports
  1. Gamble, B. & Kapral, 0. (2011). Health leaders' views on leadership competencies and education Canadian College of Health Leaders.
  2. Gamble, B. & Kapral, 0. (2011). Health leaders' views on leadership competencies and education Canadian Home Care Association
  3. Gamble, B. & Kapral, 0. (2010). Continuum of practice and strategic direction for the profession of medical radiation technologist Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists. Ottawa, ON
  4. Deber, R., Baumann, A., Gamble, B. & Laporte, A. (2010). Supply and demand of health workers in an economic down turn International Medical Workforce Collaborative. New York, NY.
  5. Gamble, B. (2008). Health services management alumni view on leadership skills and program curriculum School of Health Services Management. Toronto, ON: Ryerson University.
  6. Deber, R., Gamble, B. & Laporte, A. (2008). Health Human Resources Investments Health Action Lobby.
  7. Gamble, B. (2007). Health services management alumni view on leadership skills and program curriculum School of Health Services Management. Toronto, ON: Ryerson University.
  8. Gamble, B., Deber, R. & Williams, A.P. (2005). Roles and responsibilities within the Canadian health care system Canadian Standards Association.
Invited Lectures
  1. Gamble, B. (2014, March). Medical and professional dominance. Health Policy: Power and Politics (undergraduate course), School of Health Policy & Management, York University, Toronto, ON.
  2. Gamble, B. (2013). Community based research and the policy process. Community Based Research Course, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, ON.
  3. Gamble, B. (2013, March). The power of physicians: Medical and professional dominance. Health Policy: Power and Politics (undergraduate course), School of Health Policy & Management, York University, Toronto, ON.
  4. Gamble, B. (2013, September). Cultural transformation from Flexner to competencies: The role of interprofessiona I education. Ontario Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists' Annual Conference, London, ON.
  5. Gamble, B. (2012). Demystifying the policy process: Real life examples. Faculty of Health Sciences Research Seminar Series, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, ON.
  6. Gamble, B. (2012). Quality and safety: What else can be done? Ontario Society of Medical Technologists Education Day, Oshawa, ON.
  7. Gamble, B. (2012). Quality and safety: What else can be done in the laboratory? Inter Hospital Laboratory Partnership, Listowel, ON.
  8. Gamble, B. (2012). Health services program (series of four lecture). Canadian Forces Health Services Group, Base Borden, Borden, ON.
  9. Gamble, B. (2012, November). Politics, medical dominance and interprofessional collaborative practice Canadian health care system. Health Policy: Power and Politics (undergraduate course), School of Health Policy & Management, York University, Toronto, ON.
  10. Gamble, B. (2011). Institutions and the evolution of the Canada health care system. Canada's Health System and Health Policy course Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
  11. Gamble, B. (2010, May). Why research partners and decision-makers are essential for health services research? Inaugural University of Ontario Institute of Technology Graduate Research Day, Oshawa, ON.
  12. Gamble, B. (2010, February). Who is ready to manage the interprofessional team? Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, ON.
  13. Gamble, B. (2010, November). Canada's health care system. Canadian Forces Base, Borden, ON.
  14. Gamble, B. (2010, May). Your role in the development of healthy public policy (keynote speaker). Annual Ontario College Health Association Conference: Healthy Body Healthy Mind, Toronto, ON.
  15. Gamble, B. (2009, November). Interprofessional collaboration: Is there a role for healthcare managers? Faculty of Health Sciences, UOIT, Oshawa, ON.
  16. Gamble, B. (2009, November). Health administration alumni: Where are they working and what are the skills required to manage in healthcare? CIHR Team in Community Care and Health Human Resources Presentation, Toronto, ON.
  17. Gamble, B. (2009, September). Canadian stakeholder views on the boundaries of medicare. Faculty Of Health Science Graduate Program Seminar Series, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, ON.


Brenda J. Gamble

Associate Professor


  • :(905) 721-8668 Ext. 2934

  • DEPARTMENT Department of Health Sciences
    University of Ontario Institute of Technology