
Research Articles:

  1. Shi B (corresponding author), Breslin M, Keough K, Haskell K, Wang Y, Abrams M. Evaluation of folate targeted-siRNA penetration in xenograft tumors.  Under Merck Clearance process.
  2. Co-author of “MCL1 and BCL-xL levels in solid tumors are predictive of dinaciclib-induced apoptosis.”  PLoS ONE 9(10): Article # e108371  2014
  3. Shi B (corresponding author), Abrams M, and Sepp-Lorenzino L.  Expression of Asialoglycoprotein Receptor 1 in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma. J Histochem Cytochem. 2013 Dec;61(12):901-9.
  4. Shi B (corresponding author) and Abrams M.Technologies for investigation the physiological barriers of efficient lipid nanoparticle-siRNA delivery (Review). J Histochem Cytochem. 2013 Jun;61(6):407-420.
  5. Shi B (corresponding author), Keough E, Matter A, Leander K, Young S, Carlini E, Sachs AB, Tao W, Abrams M, Howell B, Sepp-Lorenzino L. Biodistribution of small interfering RNA at the organ and cellular levels after lipid nanoparticle-mediated delivery. J Histochem Cytochem. 2011 Aug;59(8):727-40. (note: Cover story - The cover of August issue of JHC is an image from this paper).
  6. La Rocca G, Shi B, Audia A, Ferrari-Amorotti G, Mellert HS, Calabretta B, McMahon SB, Sepp-Lorenzino L, Baserga RRegulation of microRNA-145 by growth arrest and differentiation. Exp Cell Res. 2011 Feb 15;317(4):488-95. Epub 2010 Nov 25.
  7. La Rocca G, Shi B, Sepp-Lorenzino L, Baserga R Expression of micro-RNA-145 is regulated by a highly conserved genomic sequence 3' to the pre-miR.. J Cell Physiol. 2011 Mar;226(3):602-7.
  8. Bin Shi (corresponding author), James Hardwick, Brett Connolly, Xianzhi Mao,  Rosemary McFall, Susan Hill, Kenneth A. Thomas, Nancy E. Kohl and Laura Sepp-Lorenzino. Immunohistochemical detection of anti-tumor, anti-metastasis and anti-angiogenesis effects of a VEGFR2 kinase inhibitor in an orthotopic breast cancer metastasis model. J. of Histotechnology. 2010 March; 33(1): 15-24.
  9. La Rocca G, Shi B, Badin M, De Angelis T, Sepp-Lorenzino L, Baserga R. Growth inhibition by microRNAs that target the insulin receptor substrate-1. Cell Cycle.2009 Jul 15;8(14):2255-9.
  10. La Rocca G, Badin M, Shi B, Xu SQ, Deangelis T, Sepp-Lorenzinoi L, Baserga R. Mechanism of growth inhibition by MicroRNA 145: the role of the IGF-I receptorsignaling pathway. J Cell Physiol. 2009 Aug;220(2):485-91.
  11. Bin Shi, Laura Sepp-Lorenzino,  Marco Prisco, Peter Linsley, and Renato Baserga. microRNA-145 targets the Insulin receptor substrate-1 and inhibits the growth of colon cancer cells. J Biol. Chem. 2007, Nov.; 282(45):32582-90.
  12. Bin Shi, Marco Prisco, George Calin, Chang-gong Liu, Giuseppe Russo, Antonio Giordano and Renato Baserga. Expression profiles of micro RNA in proliferating and differentiating 32D murine myeloid cells. J Cell Physiol. 2006 Jun; 207(3):706-10.
  13. Hardwick JS, Yang Y, Zhang C, Shi B, McFall R, Koury EJ, Hill SL, Dai H,Wasserman R, Phillips RL, Weinstein EJ, Kohl NE, Severino ME, Lamb JR, Sepp-Lorenzino L. Identification of biomarkers for tumor endothelial cell proliferation through gene expression profiling.  Mol Cancer Ther. 2005 Mar;4(3):413-25.
  14. Zhicai Wu, Mark E. Fraley, Mark T. Bilodeau, Mildred L. Kaufman, Edward S. Tasber, Adrienne E. Balitza, George D. Hartman, Kathleen E. Coll, Keith Rickert, Jennifer Shipman, Bin Shi,  Laura Sepp-Lorenzino and Kenneth A. Thomas. Design and Synthesis of 3,7-Diarylimidazopyridines as Inhibitors of the VEGF-Receptor KDR. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2004 Feb 23;14(4):909-12.
  15. Edward J. Shillitoe, PL Hermonat, S Noonan, B Shi.  Effectiveness of different promoter constructs within adeno-associated virus vectors for the expression of genes in oral cancer cells.  International Journal of Oral Biology, April 2001, p.7-14.
  16. X. Jin, R. Bookstein, K. Wills, J. Avanzini, V. Tsai, D. LaFace, G. Terracina, B. Shi, and LL Nielsen.  Evaluation of endostatin antiangiogenesis gene therapy in vitro and in vivo.  Cancer Gene Therapy, 8 (12):982-9, 2001.
  17. B. Shi, B Yaremko, G Hajian, G Anchiraico, WR Bishop, M Liu, and LL Nielsen. The farnesyl protein transferase inhibitor SCH66336 synergizes with taxanes in vitro and enhances their anti-tumor activity in vivo. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology  46 (5): 387-393, 2000.
  18. Nielsen, LL, B Shi, G Hajian, B Yaremko, P Lipari, E Ferrari, M Gurnani, M Malkowski, J Chen, WR Bishop, and M Liu. Combination therapy with the farnesyl protein transferase inhibitor SCH66336 and SCH58500 (p53 adenovirus) in preclinical cancer models. Cancer Res. 59: 5896-5901, 1999.
  19. Nielsen, LL, M Gurnani, B Shi, G Terracina, RC Johnson, J Carroll, J.M Mathis, and G Hajian. Derivation and initial characterization of a mouse mammary tumor cell line carrying the polyomavirus middle T antigen: utility in the development of novel cancer therapeutics. Cancer Res, 60:7066-7074, 2000.
  20. M. Gurnani, P. Lipari, J. Dell, B. Shi, and L.L. Nielsen.  Adenovirus-mediated p53 gene therapy has greater efficacy when combined with chemotherapy against human head and neck, ovarian, prostate, and breast cancer.  Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology  44:143-151, 1999.
  21. Wen, S.F., L. Xie, M. McDonald, R. DiGiacomo, A. Chang, M. Gurnani, B. Shi, S. Liu, S.R. Indelicato, B. Hutchins, and L.L. Nielsen. Development and validation of sensitive assays to quantitate gene expression after p53 gene therapy and paclitaxel chemotherapy using in vivo dosing in tumor xenograft models. Cancer Gene Ther. 7: 1469-1480, 2000. 
 Conference Abstracts (talks and posters):
  1. Cancer Targeted therapy- targeting folate receptors using Vintafolide and beyond. Invited speaker at Bio-Forum 2014, the 16th annual conference in Shanghai, China, May 22-24, 2014.
  2. Rodent cancer models for drug development: regulation, consideration and selection. Invited speaker at Bio-Economy  in Tianjin, China, June  26-28, 2013; in Nankai University  and in Wuxi Apptec, Shanghai, China 2013.
  3. Challenges and Opportunities in the Development of siRNA Lipid Nanoparticles. Invited speaker at Bio-Forum 2012, the 14th annual conference in Shanghai, China, May 9-11, 2012.
  4. CDK inhibitor Dinaciclib suppresses H2122 xenograft in a dosing regimen and dosage dependent manner. Bin Shi, Karen Leander, Carrie Merkel, Traci Lifsted, Kathleen Haskell, Robert Forget, Vincenzo Pucci, Brian Long, Alwin Schuller, Peter Strack and Laura Lubbers. 2013 Merck West Point site Symposium.
  5. Ligand-mediated siRNA delivery to folate receptor expressing tumors. Bin Shi, Mike Breslin, Rene Bartz, Kathleen Haskell, Meizhen Wu, Yi Wang, Andrea Matter, Manish Patel, Melissa Stern, Lee Klein, Bethany Algayer, Anna Kornilova, Norihiro Ikemoto, Xianzhi Mao, Ed Keough, Joe Davide, Victor Uebele, Xiaoliu Geng, Matt Haas, Lou Crocker, Rob Garbaccio, Steve Colletti, Hans Huber, Jeremy Caldwell, Laura Sepp-Lorenzino, Jerome Hochman, David Powell, and Marc Abrams. 2012 MRL symposium.  Whippany, NJ. June 25 - June 28, 2012
  6. Lipid nanoparticle-mediated delivery of siRNA to extra-hepatic tumors. J Davide, B Ng, X Mao, M Patel, B Shi, J Hochman, J Cunningham, L Sepp-Lorenzino and W Tao. 2012 AACR.
  7. Imaging approaches to investigate the biodistribution and delivery kinetics of siRNA polymer conjugates. Bin Shi, Xianzhi Mao, Edward Keough, Manish Patel, Stephanie Gratton, Karen Leander, Ng Bruce, Andrea Matter, Joe Davide, Weikang Tao, Bonnie Howell, Laura Sepp-Lorenzino and Marc Abrams.  2011 MRL symposium. Whippany, NJ. June 27 - June 30, 2011
  8. Image analysis of siRNA tumor penetration - comparison of siRNA distribution in tumors delivered by two RNA delivery vehicles: PLO and SCE. Bin Shi, Ed Keough, Eileen Walsh, Joe Davide, Yi Wang, Karen Leander, Melissa Stern, Rob Garbaccio, Hans Huber, Jerome Hochman, and Marc Abrams. WP Discovery Pre-Clinical Sciences (DPS) LINK Agents and the Core Leadership Team [CLT]. Dec. 1, 2011
  9. Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) relationship exploration for small interfering RNA (siRNA) in rat and monkey. Y. Xu, K. Koeplinger, M. Stroh, A. Aslamkhan, A. Meacham, E. Carlini, B. Shi, A. Matter, W. Tao, Y. Pei, P. Hancock, M. Abrams, M. Koser, M. Lyman, J. Murphy, M. Stanton, C. Raab, J. Hochman. AAPS 2011 annual meeting. Washington D.C. Nov. 2011.
  10. Identification and quantitation of siRNA biodistribution at the sub-organ level. Bin J. Shi, Andrea Matter, Weikang Tao, and Laura Sepp-Lorenzino. MRL Innovations in Translational Science Symposium. Sanibel Harbour Resort and Spa, in Fort Myers, Florida. April 7 - 11, 2008.
  11. microRNA-145 targets the Insulin receptor substrate-1 and inhibits the growth of colon cancer cells. Bin Shi, Laura Sepp-Lorenzino, and Renato Baserga.  MRL Target-through-IIb Symposium, Chateau Élan Winery & Resort, Atlanta, Georgia. March, 2007.
  12. Anti-tumor and anti-metastatic effects of novel oral bioavailable KDR inhibitors in rat tumor models. Bin Shi, Susan Hill, Laura Schina, Rosemary McFall, Xianzhi Mao, Noelle P. Dahl, Cindy Spencer Bauer, Sandra Veggian, Ryan Desautels, Brad Smith, Jeannine Manzella, Jim Destefano, Totoe Kuffuor, Alan Savitz, Patricia Rebbeck, Lenora Davis, Jennifer Shipman, Yi Yang, James Hardwick, Seth Clark, Varaporn Treemaneekarn, Kenneth Thomas, Jackson Gibbs, Nancy Kohl, and Laura Sepp-Lorenzino. AACR 95th Annual Meeting, March 27-31, 2004
  13. Inhibition of KDR by L-000021649 and L-000039372 inhibited primary tumor growth and metastasis in an orthotopic rat model of breast cancer.    Bin Shi, Laura Schina, Noelle Dahl, Sandra Veggian, Ryan Desautels, Brad Smith, Jeannine Manzella, Jim Destefano, Totoe Kuffuor, Alan Savit, Patty Rebbeck, Cindy Spencer Bauer, Lenora Davis, Jennifer Shipman, Rosemary McFall, Seth Clark, Edith Senderak, Bart Emary, Xiaodong Shen, Rena Zhang, James Yergey, Varaporn Treemaneekarn, Kenneth Thomas, Nancy Kohl, Susan Hill and Laura Sepp-Lorenzino.   West Point Basic Research 2nd Annual Poster Section, Feb., 2003.
  14. Inhibition of KDR induces anti-angiogenic effects and prevents tumor growth in xenograft models in mice and rats.    Bin Shi, Xianzhi Mao, Brett Connolly, Joanne Antanavage,  Jennifer Shipman, Tamara Goode, Susan Hill, Cindy Spencer-Bauer, Kenneth Lodge, Brad Smith, William Hoffman, Mark Fraley, Yuntae Kim, George Hartman, Patrice Ciecko, Jackson Gibbs, David Heimbrook, Nancy Kohl, Kenneth Thomas, and Laura Sepp-Lorenzino.  West Point Basic Research 1st Annual Poster Section, Feb., 2002.
  15. Development of In Vivo Angiogenesis Assays Using Matrigel Extracellular Matrix with a Variety of Angiogenesis Stimulators in Several Mouse Strains.    Bin Shi, Lynn Wang, Rosemary Mayer-Ezell, Gaby A. Terracina, Lydia Armstrong, Richard Bond, and Loretta L. Nielsen.   The 2001 Annual Retreat for Cancer Research in New Jersey, April 25, 2001.
  16. Enhanced efficacy of the farnesyl protein transferase inhibitor SCH66336 in combination with paclitaxel.  Shi, B., Gurnani, M., Yaremko, B., Lee, S., Chen, J., Lipari, P., Ferrari, E., Malkowski, M., Liu, M., Hajian, G., and Nielsen, L.L.  Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., April 1999.  Philadelphia, PA.
  17. Modification of the immune response to recombinant Adenoviruses.  Gurnani, M., Shi, B., Zepeda, M., and Nielsen, L.L.  Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., April 1999.  Philadelphia, PA.
  18. Evaluation of Endostatin Anti-Angiogenesis Gene Therapy in vitro and in vivo. Loretta L. Nielsen, Bin Shi, Gaby A. Terracina, Ken N. Wills, Jennifer Avanzini, Van Tsai, Robert Bookstein, and Xiaomei Jin.  Cancer Gene Therapy, Nov. 2000, Coronado, CA.
  19. GSH regulate the heat shock protein expression.   Bin Shi, Shen DU, and Dehua JIANG.   The Second Stanford International Neuroscience Symposium, Oct. 1993, Beijing, P. R. China.
  20. Catalase inhibitor intensifies the HSP-70 mRNA expression following transient cerebral ischemia.   Shen DU, Bin Shi, and Dehua JIANG. The Second Stanford International Neuroscience Symposium, Oct. 1993, Beijing, P. R. China.

Bin Shi, PhD

Principal Investigator


  • : 215-896-4485

  • DEPARTMENTPharmacology Department