Research Interest

Over the years, my research has included a) investigation of the impact of diabetes and/or hypertension on the kidney and the heart and effects of interventional modalities, b) investigation of the role of taurine in the renal and cardiovascular systems and the salivary glands, c) inflammatory mechanisms in salivary gland hypofunction and d) mechanosensitive mechanisms regulating the outcome of an ischemia-reperfusion insult  to the heart.  More  recently,  I  have focused on novel immune and inflammatory mechanisms in renal and cardiac injury models as well as exploring the role of serum glucocorticoid-regulated kinase-1 in head and neck tumors. Representative publications are cited below.

Mozaffari, Mahmood S

Professor of Oral Biology



:(706) 721-3181

  • DEPARTMENT College of Dental Medicine,
    Georgia Health Sciences University