
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  • Levin G, Armando I, Barontini M. Plasma and urinary catecholamines in normal children. Pediatric Research 15 (2): 1855, 1981.
  • Feidstein G, Barontini M, Armando I, Marchezotti A, Levin G, Vilches A, Olivieri A, Burucua J. Sympathetic nervous system response to graded exercise. Effect of beta blockade. Hypertension 3 (Suppl I): 155-159; 1981.
  • Feldstein G, Barontini M, Marchezotti A, Burucua J, Levin G, Armando I. El mecanismo renina­angíotensina-aldosterona y la respuesta simpatica en hipertensos esenciales y normotensos durante las pruebas ergometricas graduadas.Revista de Nefrologia, Dialisis y Transplante 1: 7-28, 1981.
  • Crespi H, Armando I, Tumilasci 0, Levin G, Massimo A, Barontini M. Catecholamines levels and parotid secretion in children with chronic atopic dermatitis. Journal of lnvestigative Dermatology 78: 493-498, 1982.
  • Glover V, Liebowitz J, Armando I, Sandler M. Beta carbolines as selective monoamine oxidase inhibitors: in vivo implications. J Neural Transmission 54: 209-218, 1982.
  • Sandler M, Glover V, Armando I, Clow A. Pictet- Spengler condensation products, stress and alcoholism some clinical overtones. Prog Clin Biol Res 90: 215-226, 1982.
  • Crespi H, Armando I, Tumilasci M, Levin G, Massimo J, Barontini M, Perec J. Catecholamines levels and parotid secretion in children with chronic atopic dermatitis. Pediatric Dermatology News 1 (3): 170-1719, 1982.
  • Armando I, Levin G, Barontini M. Evaluation of Sympathetic Nervous System activity in normal children. J Auton Nerv Syst 8: 5 7-63 1 1983.
  • Clow A, Glover V, Armando I, Sandler M. New endogenous benzodiazepine receptor ligand in human urine: Identity with endogenous MAO inhibitor? Life Sci 33: 735-741, 1983.
  • Glover V, Armando I, Clow A, Sandler M. Endogenous urinary monoamine oxidase inhibitor: the benzodiazepine connection. Mod Probl Pharmacopsychiat 19: 119-125, 1983.
  • Armando I, Glover V, Sandler M, File S. Output of endogenous monoamine oxidase inhibitor en rats: Effect of ethanol, tryptamine and tryptophan. J Neural Transm 56: 85-903 1983.
  • Armando I, Barontini M, Levin G, Símsolo R, Glover V, Sandler M. Exercise increases sympathetic nervous system activity and endogenous urinary monoamine oxidase-benzodiazepine receptor inhibitory activity in normal children. J Auton Nerv Syst 11: 95-101, 1984.
  • Puyo AM, Levin G, Armando I, Barontini M. Free and conjugated plasma catecholamines in pheochromocytoma patients with and without sustained hypertension. Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) 113: 111-117, 1986.
  • Mancini AM, Barontini M, Armando I, Levin G, Kleiman Al, Razumny J, Molocznik I. Effect of bromocriptine on plasma catecholamines in normal subjects and prolactin-secreting tumor patients. J Endocrinol Invest 9: 223-226, 1986.
  • Armando I, Glover V, Sandler M. Distribution of endogenous benzodiazepine receptor ligand­monoamine oxidase inhibitory activity (tribulin) in tissues. Life Sci 38: 2063 -2067, 1986.
  • Barontini M, Romeo HE, Armando I, Cardinali DP. 24 hr changes in catecholamine content of rat thyroid and submaxillary glands. J Neural Transm 71: 189-194, 1988.
  • Armando I, Levin G, Barontini M. Stress increases endogenous benzodiazepine receptor ligand­monoamine oxidase inhibitory activity (tribulin) in rat tissues. J Neural Trasm 71: 29-3 7, 1988.
  • Puyo A, Levin G, Armando I, Barontini M. Total plasma dopamine to total norepinephrine ratio in catecholamine secreting tumors: its relation to hypertension. Hypertension 11 (Suppl 1): 202-206, 1988.
  • Armando I, Lemoine AP, Ferrini M, Segura ET, Barontini M. Repeated (isolation) stress increases tribulin-like activity in the rat. Cell Mol Neurobiol 9 (1): 115-1221 1989.
  • Gutkind JS, Kazanietz ME, Armando I, Puyo A, Enero A. Pressor response induced by clenbuterol treatment in immobilized normotensive rats. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 13 (5): 793-798, 1989. 21-Kazanietz MG, Gutkind JS, Puyo A, Armando I, Enero A. Further evidence of interaction between vasodilator beta-2 and vasoconstrictor alpha-2-adrenoceptor-mediated responses in anesthetized rats. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 14 (6): 8 74-880, 1989.
  • Lemoine AP, Armando I, Brun JC, Segura ET, Barontini M. Footshock affects heart and brain MAO and MAO inhibitory activity and openfield behavior in rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 36 (1): 85-8, 1990.
  • Ure J, Monasco C, Perasolo M, Armando I. Hipotension ortostatica, disautonomia y signos neurologicos centrales. Rev Neurol Arg 15: 36-411, 1990.
  • Rojo H, Armando I, Morales M, Levin G, Roseman R, Barontini M. Effects of exercise on myocardial catecholamine content and ischemic injury in dogs with gradual coronary occlusion. American Heart Journal. 6 :1278-84, 1990.
  • Schvarcz JR, Devoto M, Meiss R, Torriere A, Genero M, Armando I. Multi-loci stereotactic transplantation of autologous adrenalmedullary tissue to the putamen and caudatum in Parkinson's disease: Technical note. Stereotec Funct Neurosurg. 54-55: 2 77-281, 1990.
  • Grossman E, Hoffman A, Tamrat M, Armando I, Keiser HR, Goldstein DS. Endogenous dopa and dopamine responses to dietary salt loading in salt sensitive rats. J Hypertension 9: 259-2 63, 1991. 27-Armando I, Grossman E, Hoffman A, Goldstein DS. A method for measuring concentrations of O-methyl-dopa (methoxytyrosine) in urine and plasma. J Chromatoghaphy. 568: 45-54, 1991. 28-Pacak K, Armando I, Komoly S, Fukuhara K, Weise VK, Holmes C, Kopin IJ, Goldstein DS. Hypercortisolemia inhibits yohimbine-induced release of norepinephrine in the posterolateral hypothalamus of conscious rats. Endocrinology 131: 1369-1376, 1992.
  • Grossman E, Hoffman A, Armando I, Abassi Z, Kopin IJ, Goldstein DS. Sympathoadrenal contribution to plasma DOPA. Clinical Science 83: 65-74, 1992.
  • Kvetnansky R, Armando I, Weise VK, Holmes C, Fukuhara K, Deka-Starosta A, Kopin IJ, Goldstein DS. Plasma DOPA responses during stress: dependence on sympathoneural activity and tyrosine hydroxylation. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therp. 261: 899-909, 1992.
  • Kohn WG, Grossman E, Fox PC, Armando I, Goldstein DS, Baum BJ. Effect of ionizing radiation on sympathetic nerve function in rat parotid glands. J Oral Pathol Med 21: 134-13 7, 1992. 32-Pacak K, Armando I, Fukuhara K, Kvetnansky R, Palkovits M, Kopin IJ, Goldstein DS. Noradrenergic activation in the paraventricular nucleus during acute and chronic immobilization stress in rats: An in vivo microdialysis study. Brain Res 589: 91-96, 1992.
  • Lenders JW, Eisenhofer G, Armando I, Keiser HR, Goldstein DS, Kopin IJ.
  • Determination of metanephrines in plasma by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Clin Chem 39: 97-1 03, 1993.
  • Goldstein DS, Eisenhofer G, Dunn BB, Armando I, Lenders J, Grossman E, Holmes C, Kirk KL, Bacharach S, Adams R, Hercovitch P, Kopin IJ. Positron Emmision Tomographic Imagining on cardiac sympathetic innervation using 6-[F-8] flurodopamine. Initial findings in humans J. American College Cardiol 22: 1961 -1971, 1993.
  • Goldstein DS, Grossman E, Armando I, Wolfovitz E, Folio CJ, Holmes C, Keiser HR. Correlates of urinary excretion of catechols in humans. Biogenic Amines 10: 3-17, 1993. 36-Pacak K, Palkovits M, Kvetnansky R, Fukuhara K, Armando I, Kopin IJ, Goldstein DS. Effect of single or repeated immobilization on release of norepinephrine and its metabolites in the central nucleus of the amygdala in conscious rats. Neuroendocrinology 57: 62 6-633, 1993.
  • Armando I, Lemoine AP, Segura ET, Barontini M. The stress-induced reduction in MAO A activity is reversed by benzodiazepines: role of peripheral benzodiazepine receptors. Cell Molec Neurobiol 13: 593-600, 1993.
  • Malozowski S, Mamalaki E, Pleti M, Armando I, Goldstein DS, Merriam G. Induction of reversible growth hormone deficiency and growth hormone retardation by blockade of norepinephrine synthesis in the rat. Acta Endocrinol 180: 310-318, 1993.
  • Aguirre J, Armando I, Barontini M. El sistema dopa/dopamina renal y edad. Rev Hosp Niños Bs As 36 (156): 101-1 03, 1994.
  • Levin G, Armando I, Barontini M. Caracteristicas del feocromocitoma en niños. Rev Hosp Niños Bs As 36 (156): 98-100, 1994.
  • Lemoine AP, Armando I, Brun C, Barontini M, Segura ET. Stressor predictability affects open field behavior, pain sensitivity and brain MAO inhibitory activity (tribulin) in the rat. Behavioral Brain Res 61: 91-95, 1994.
  • Armando I, Barontini M. Function and significance of the renal Dopa/Dopamine system Acta Physiol Pharmacol Latinoamer 45: 135-145, 1995.
  • Armando I, Nowicki S, Aguirre J, Barontini M. A decresed tubular uptake of DOPA results in defective dopamine production in aged rats. Am J Physiol 268: F1087-F1092, 1995.
  • Puyo AM, Levin G, Armando I, Diez B, Barontini M. Relacion entre el aumento de 3,4 dihidroxifenilalanina (DOPA) plasmatica y el neuroblastoma en periodo avanzado. Rev Hosp Niños Bs As 38: 85-90, 1995.
  • Ibarra F, Aguirre J, Nowicki S, Barontini M, Arrizurieta E, Armando I. Demethylation of 3-O-methyldopa in the kidney: a possible source for dopamine in the urine. Am J Physiol 270: F862-F868, 1996.
  • Murer G, Tseng K, Sinay V, Peñalba R, Armando I, Paso JH. Turning behavior induced by injection of glutamate receptor antagonists into the substantia nigra of the rat. Synapse 24:135-146, 1996. 47-Barontini M, Lazzari JO, Levin G, Armando I, Basso S. Age-related changes in sympathetic activity: biochemical measurements and target organ responses. Arch Gerontol Geriat 25: 175-186, 1997. 48-Garcia Rudaz C, Armando I, Levin G, Escobar ME, Barontini M. Peripheral catecholamine alterations in adolescents with polycystic ovary syndrome. Clin Endocrinol 49(2): 221-228, 1998. 49-Aguirre JA, Ibarra FR, Barontini M, Arrizurieta EE, Armando I. Effect of glucocorticoids on renal dopamine production. Eur J Pharmacol 370 (3) :2 71-2 78, 1999.
  • Gil MC, Aguirre JA, Lemoine AP, Segura ET, Barontini M, Armando I. Influence of age on stress responses to metabolic cage housing in rats. Cell Molec Neurobiol 19:625-633, 1999.
  • Puyó AM, Levin GM, Armando I, Donoso AS, Fernández BE, Barontini M. Increased plasma atrial natriuretic factor in catecholamine-producing tumor patients. Clin Exp Hypert 21(7):1129-44, 1999. 52-Damiano PF, Roson MI, Armando I, Nowicki S, Dascal E, Cuniberti L, Albornoz LE, De la Riva I. Potential role of glycerol leading to rat fructose hypertension. Hypertension 34:1007-1011, 1999. 53-Carranza A, Nowicki S, Barontini M, Armando I. L-DOPA uptake and Dopamine production in proximal tubular cells are regulated by β2 adrenergic receptors. Am J Physiol 279: F77-F83, 2000. 54-Saavedra JM, Hauser W, Ciuffo G, Egidy G, Hoe KL, Johren O, Sembonmatsu T, Inagami T, Armando I. Increased AT(1) receptor expression and mRNA in kidney glomeruli of AT(2) receptor gene-disrupted mice. Am J Physiol 280: F 71-F78, 2001.
  • Armando I, Carranza A, Nishimura Y, Barontini M, Ito T, Saavedra JM. Candesartan decreases the sympatho-adrenal and hormonal response to isolation stress. J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System 2:130-135, 2001.
  • Armando I, Carranza A, Nishimura Y, Hoe K-L, Barontini M, Terron JA, Falcon-Neri A, Ito T, Juorio A, Saavedra JM. Peripheral administration of an angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonist decreases the Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal response to isolation stress. Endocrinology 142: (9) 3880-3889, 2001. 57-Saavedra JM, Armando I, Terron JA, Falcon-Neri A, Johren O, Hauser W, Inagami T. Increased AT1 receptors in adrenal gland of AT2 receptor gene-disrupted mice Regul Peptides 102: (1) 41-47, 2001.
  • Del Compare JA, Aguirre JA, Ibarra FR, Barontini M, Armando I. Effects of thyroid hormone on the renal dopaminergic system. Endocrine 15: (3) 297-303, 2001.
  • Belforte JE, Magarinos-Azcone C, Armando I, Buno W, Pazo JH. Pharmacological involvement of the calcium channel blocker flunarizine in dopamine transmission at the striatum Parkinsonism Relat D 8: (1) 33-40, 2001.
  • Carranza A, Karabatas L, Barontini M, Armando I. Decreased intratubular uptake of l-dopa in streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Hormone Res 55 (6):282-287, 2001
  • Sánchez Ms. Barontini M, Armando I, Celis ME. Correlation of increased grooming behavior and motor activity with alterations in nigrostriatal and mesolimbic catecholamines after alpha-melanotropin and neuropeptide Glutamine-Isoleucine injection in the rat ventral tegmental area. Cell Mol Neurobiol 21(5):523-33, 2001
  • Leong DS, Terrón A, Falcón A, Hoe KL, Armando I, Ito T, Jöhren O, Tonelli LH, and Saavedra JM. Acute and repeated restrain stress differentially modulate Angiotensin II receptor subtypes in the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis. Neuroendocrinology, 75:22 7-240, 2002
  • Armando I, Terron JA, Falcon-Neri A, Ito T, Hauser W, Inagami T, Saavedra JM. Increased Angiotensin II AT1 receptor expression in paraventricular nucleus and hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis stimulation in AT2 receptor gene disrupted mice. Neuroendocrinology 76 (3): 13 7-147, 200
  • Armando I, Jezova M, Juorio AV, Terron JA, Falcon-Neri A, Semino-Mora C, Saavedra JM. Estrogen upregulates expresion of AT2 receptors in the mouse kidney. Am J Physiol 283 (5), F934-F943, 200.2
  • Tjurmina OA, Armando I, Saavedra JM, Goldstein DS, Murphy DL. Exaggerated adrenomedullary response to immobilization in mice with targeted disruption of the serotonin transporter gene. Endocrinology 143 (12): 4520-4526, 2002.
  • Gabrielli O, Puyo A, Armando I, Barontini M, Levin G.Atenolol Treatment with Atenolol in Congestive Heart Disease. Autonomic and Autacoid Pharmacology 22:261-268, 2002.
  • Jezova M, Armando I, Bregonzio C, Yu S-X, Quian S, Ferrans VJ, Imboden H, Saavedra JM. Angiotensin II AT1 and AT2 receptors contribute to maintain basal adrenomedullary norepinephrine synthesis and tyrosine hydroxylase transcription .Endocrinology 144 (5):2092-2101, 2003. 67-Bregonzio C, Armando I, Ando H, Jezova M, Baiardi G, Saavedra JM. Anti-inflammatory effects of Angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonism prevent stress-induced gastric injury. Am J Physiol 285(2): G414-G423, 2003.
  • Hoe K-L, Armando I, Baiardi G, Sreenath T, Kulkarni A, Martinez A, Saavedra JM. Molecular cloning and characterization of the gerbil Angiotensin II AT2 receptor. Am J Physiol 285:R 1373 -R1383, 2003.
  • Armando I, Tjurmina O, Li Q, Murphy DL, Saavedra JM. The serotonin transporter is required for stress-evoked increases in adrenal catecholamine synthesis and Angiotensin II AT2 receptor expression. Neuroendocrinology 78: 217-225, 2003.
  • Armando I, Jezova M, Bregonzio C, Baiardi G, Saavedra JM. Angiotensin II AT1 and AT2 receptor types regulate basal and stress-induced adrenomedullary catecholamine production through transcriptional regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1 018:302-309, 2004.
  • Baiardi G, Bregonzio C, Jezova M, Armando I, Saavedra JM. Angiotensin II AT1 receptor blockade prolongs the lifespan of spontaneously hypertensive rats and reduces stress-induced release of catecholamines, glucocorticoids and vasopressin. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1018:131-136, 2004
  • Bregonzio C, Armando I, Ando H, Jezova M, Baiardi G, Saavedra JM. Angiotensin II AT1 receptor blockade prevents gastric ulcers during cold restraint. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1018:351-355,2004.
  • Saavedra JM, Ando H, Armando I, Baiardi G, Bregonzio C, Zhou J. Angiotensin II, an important stress hormone: multiple regulatory sites and therapeutic opportunities. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1018:76-84, 2004..
  • Tjurmina O.A, Armando I, Saavedra J.M., Li Q, Murphy D.L. Life-long serotonin reuptake deficiency results in complex alterations in adrenomedullary responses to stress. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1018:99-104, 2004
  • Saavedra J, Ando H, Armando I, Baiardi G, Bregonzio C, Juorio A, Macova M. Anti-stress and anti-anxiety effects of centrally-acting Angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonists. Regul Pept 128:227-238, 2005
  • Baiardi G, Armando I, Macova M, Ando H, Tjurmin D, Saavedra JM. Estrogen upregulates renal Angiotensin II AT1 and AT2 receptors in rats. Regul Pept. 124(1 -3) : 7-17, 2005.
  • Seltzer A, Bregonzio C, Armando I, Baiardi G, Saavedra JM. Oral administration of an AT1 receptor antagonist prevents the central effects of Angiotensin II in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Brain Res. 1028:9-18., 2004
  • Jain P, Armando I, Juorio AV, Barden N, Benicky J, Saavedra JM. Decreased Hypothalamic and Adrenal Angiotensin II Receptor Expression and Adrenomedullary Catecholamines in Transgenic Mice with Impaired Glucocorticoid Receptor Function. Neuroendocrinology 80: 171-80, 2004
  • Ibarra FR, Armando I, Nowicki S, Carranza A, De Luca Sarobe V, Arrizurrieta EE, Barontini M. Dopamine is metabolized by different enzymes along the rat nephron. Pflugers Arch 450 (3): 185-191, 2005.
  • Saavedra JM, Armando I, Bregonzio C, Juorio A, Macova M, Pavel J, Sanchez-Lemus E. A centally acting, anxiolytic Angiotensin II AT( 1) receptor antagonist prevents the isolation stress- induced decrease in cortical CRF(1) receptor and benzodiazepine binding. Neuropsychopharmacology. 31(6):1123-1134, 2005
  • Sanada H, Yatabe J, Mirodikawa S, Katoh T, Hashimoto S, Watanabe T, Xu J, Luo Y, Wang X, Zeng C, Armando I, Felder RA, Jose PA. Amelioration of genetic hypertension by suppression of renal G protein-coupled receptor kinase type 4 expression. Hypertension 47(6):1131-1139, 2006
  • Armando I, Wang X, Villar VAM, Jones JE, Asico LD, Escano C, Jose PA. Reactive Oxygen species-dependent hypertension in dopamine D2-receptor deficient mice. Hypertension 49(3):672-8, 2007
  • Armando I, Volpi S, Aguilera G, Saavedra JM. Angiotensin II AT1 receptor blockade prevents the hypothalamic corticotrophin-releasing factor response to isolation stress.
  • Brain Res 20;1142:92-9, 2007
  • Wang Z, Armando I, Asico L, Escano C, Wang X, Lu Q, Felder RA, Schackenberg C, Sibley DR, Eisner G, Jose PA. The elevated blood pressure of human GRK4J A142V transgenic mice is not associated with increased ROS production. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 292:H2083-92, 2007
  • Li H, Armando I, Yu P, Escano C, Mueller SC, Asico L, Wang X, Villar VAN, Jones JE, Wang Z, Periasamy A, Lau YS, Soares-da-Silva P, Creswell K, Guillemette G, Sibley D, Eisner G, Felder RA, Jose PA. D5 dopamine receptor mediates AT1 angiotensin receptor degradation via ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Journal Clin Invest 118(6):2180-9, 2008
  • Macova M, Armando I, Zhou K, Baiardi G, Tjurmin D, Bregonzio C, Larrayoz-Roldan I, Saavedra JM. Estrogen reduces aldosterone, upregulates adrenal Angiotensin II AT2 receptors and normalizes adrenomedullary Fra-2 in ovariectomized rats. Neuroendocrinology 88 (4) :2 76-8 6, 2008.
  • Bregonzio C, Seltzer A, Armando I, Saavedra J.M. Oral administration of an Angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonist blocks brain AT1 receptors, selectively enhances AT2 receptor expression, and abolishes the cold-restraint stress-induced increase in tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA in the locus coeruleus. Stress 11 (6):45 7-66, 2008
  • Yatabe J, Sanada H, Midorikawa S, Hashimoto S, Watanabe T, Andrews PM, Armando I, Wang X, Felder RA, Jose PA. Effects of decreased renal corticolexpression of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4 and Angiotensin AT1 receptors in rats. Hypertension Research 31(7):1455-1464, 2008
  • Zeng C, Armando I, Luo Y, Eisner GM, Felder RA, Jose PA. Dysregulation of dopamine-dependent mechanisms as a determinant of hypertension: studies in dopamine receptor knockout mice. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 294:H551-69, 2008
  • Wang X, Villar VA, Armando I, Eisner GM, Felder RA, Jose PA. Dopamine, Kidney and Hypertension: Studies in Dopamine Receptor Knockout Mice. Pediat Nephrol 23 (1 2) :2131-2146, 2008 91-Wang X, Armando I, Upadhyay K, Pascua A, Jose PA. The regulation of proximal tubular salt transport in hypertension: an update. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 18(5):412-20, 2009.
  • Armando I, Jose PA. Sensing salt intake. Hypertension. 53 (2) :118-9, 2009
  • Villar VA, Jones JE, Armando I, Palmes-Saloma C, Yu P, Pascua AM, Keever L, Arnaldo FB, Wang Z, Luo Y, Felder RA, Jose PA. G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4 (GRK4) regulates the phosphorylation and function of the dopamine D3 receptor. J Biol Chem. 284 (3 2) :21425-34, 2009 94-Escano CS, Armando I, Wang X, Asico LD, Pascua A, Yang Y, Wang Z, Lau YS, Jose PA. Renal dopaminergic defect in C57Bl/6J mice. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 297:R1660-9. 2009
  • Wang X, Luo Y, Escano CS, Yang Z, Asico L, Li H, Jones JE, Armando I, Lu Q, Sibley DR, Eisner GM, Jose PA.Upregulation of renal sodium transporters in D5 dopamine receptor-deficient mice. Hypertension. 55:1431-7, 2010
  • Liu Y, Yang J, Ren H, He D, Pascua A, Armando I, Yang C, Zhou L, Felder RA, Jose PA, Zeng C. Inhibitory effect of ETB receptor on Na(+)-K(+) ATPase activity by extracellular Ca(2+) entry and Ca(2+) release from the endoplasmic reticulum in renal proximal tubule cells. Hypertens Res. 32 :846-52, 2009
  • Asico L, Zhang X, Jiang J, Cabrera D, Escano CS, Sibley DR, Wang X, Yang Y, Mannon R, Jones JE, Armando I, Jose PA. Lack of renal dopamine D5 receptors promotes hypertension. J Am Soc Nephrol 22(1):82-9, 2011
  • Armando I, Villar VAM, Jose PA. Dopamine and Renal Function and Blood Pressure Regulation. Comprehensive Physiology, 1:1075-1117, 2011
  • Jose PA, Chen S, Armando I. Connections in chronic kidney disease: connexin 43 and connexin 37 interaction. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 301:F21-3, 2011
  • Cuevas S, Zhang Y, Yang Y, Escano C, Asico L, Jones JE, Armando I, Jose PA. Role of Renal DJ-1 in the Pathogenesis of Hypertension Associated With Increased Reactive Oxygen Species Production. Hypertension 59:446-52, 2012
  • Yang Y, Zhang Y, Cuevas S, Villar VA, Escano C, D Asico L, Yu P, Grandy DK, Felder RA, Armando I, Jose PA. Paraoxonase 2 decreases renal reactive oxygen species production, lowers blood pressure, and mediates dopamine D2 receptor-induced inhibition of NADPH oxidase. Free Radic Biol Med. 53(3):437-46, 2012
  • Zhang Y, Cuevas S, Asico LD, Escano C, Yang Y, Pascua AM, Wang X, Jones JE, Grandy D, Eisner G, Jose PA, Armando I. Deficient dopamine D2 receptor function causes renal inflammation independently of high blood pressure. PLoS One 7(6):e38745, 2012.
  • Villar VA, Jones JE, Armando I, Asico LD, Escano CS Jr, Lee H, Wang X, Yang Y, Pascua-Crusan AM, Palmes-Saloma CP, Felder RA, Jose PA. Sorting nexin 1 loss results in D5 dopamine receptor dysfunction in human renal proximal tubule cells and hypertension in mice. J Biol Chem. 288(1) :152-163, 2013
  • Villar VA, Armando I, Sanada H, Frazer LC, Russo CM, Notario PM, Lee H, Comisky L, Russell HA, Yang Y, Jurgens JA, Jose PA, Jones JE. Novel role of sorting nexin 5 in renal D1 dopamine receptor trafficking and function: implications for hypertension. FASEB J. 27 (5): 1808-189, 2013 105-Wang X, Escano CS, Asico L, Jones JE, Barte A, Lau YS, Jose PA, Armando I. Upregulation of renal D5 dopamine receptor ameliorates the hypertension in D3 dopamine receptor-deficient mice. Hypertension 62(2): 295-3 01, 2013
  • Cuevas S, Villar VA, Jose PA, Armando I. Renal dopamine receptors, oxidative stress, and hypertension. Int J Mol Sci. 14(9):1 7553-17572, 2013
  • Lee H, Abe Y, Lee I, Shrivastav S, Crusan AP, Hüttemann M, Hopfer U, Felder RA, Asico LD, Armando I, Jose PA, Kopp JB. Increased mitochondrial activity in renal proximal tubule cells from young spontaneously hypertensive rats. Kidney Int. 85 (3) :561-9, 2014
  • Armando I, Villar VAM, Jones JE, Lee H, Wang X, Asico LD, Yu PY, Yang J, Escano CD, Pascua-Crusan A, Felder RA, Jose PA. Dopamine D3 Receptor inhibits the ubiquitin-specific peptidase 48 to promotethe degradation of the sodium-hydrogen exchanger 3. FASEB J. 28(3):1422-34, 2014
  • Jiang X, Konkalmatt P, Yang Y, Gildea J, Jones JE, Cuevas S, Felder R, Jose PA, Armando I. Single nucleotide polymorphisms of the dopamine D2 receptor increase inflammation and fibrosis in human renal proximal tubule cells. Hypertension, 63 (3) :e74-80, 2014
  • Yang Y, Cuevas S, Yang S, Villar VA, Escano C, Asico L, Yu P, Jiang X, Weinman EJ, Armando I, Jose PA. Sestrin2 Decreases Renal Oxidative Stress, Lowers Blood Pressure, and Mediates Dopamine D2 Receptor-Induced Inhibition of Reactive Oxygen Species Production. Hypertension 64: 825-832, 2014
  • Armando I, Konkalmatt P, Felder RA, Jose PA. The renal dopaminergic system: novel diagnostic and therapeutic a approaches in hypertension and kidney disease. Translational Research 2014 July 25, Epub
  • Yang J, Armando I, Jones JE, Zeng C, Jose PA, and Villar VA. Sorting nexins: New Determinants for the Development of Hypertension. Ann Clin Exp Hypertension 2(1): 1008.
  • Arnaldo FB, Villar VA, Konkalmatt PR, Owens SA, Asico LD, Jones JE, Yang J, Lovett DL, Armando I, Jose PA, Concepcion GP. D1-like Dopamine Receptors Down-regulate Na+,K+-ATPase
  • Activity and Increase cAMP Production in the Posterior Gills of the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2014 Jul 30 Epub

Book Chapters

  • Sandler M, Glover V, Bhattacharya SK, Armando I, File S, Petursson H, Reveley M. Endogenous monoamine oxidase inhibitor and stress. In: Monoamine oxidase: Basic and Clinical Frontiers. M Youdim, E. Usdin (Eds). Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, pp 2 62-267, 1981.
  • Sandler M, Glover V, Clow A, Armando I. Endogenous Benzodiazepine receptor ligand-monoamine oxidase inhibitory activity in urine. In: Pharmacology of Benzodiazepines. P.Skolnick, JF Taliman, D. Greenblatt, SM Paul (Eds). Macmillan, London, pp 583-589, 1982.
  • Mancini A, Barontini M, Kleiman A, Armando I, Levin G, Molocznik I.
  • Effect of bromocriptine on plasma catecholamines in normal subjects and subjects with PRL-secreting tumors.In: Catecholamines as hormone regulators. Ben Jonathan N, BaheJ, Weiner R. (Eds). Raven Press, New York, pp 372, 1985.
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Ines Armando

Associate Professor


  • : 410-706-6013
    Fax No.: 410-706-6034

  • DEPARTMENTDepartment of Medicine
    School of Medicine
    University of Maryland