Open Access
The Open Access Publishing services offered by SCI FORSCHEN are designed to ensure that scholars in every country can easily share their work with their peers, and get constructive feedback on the articles that they have been working on for years. It gives your work greater exposure and also ensures that other scholars can find it with greater ease and without any form of restrictions. Most of all, open access publishing ensures that you are able to safely share your work with the world while still having complete copyright over it. SCI FORSCHEN makes all of this possible for you and ensures that the academic community is able to grow faster on the shoulders of a service that makes sharing of information faster and exceedingly simple.
Understanding Open Access Publishing
In order for a platform to qualify being called an Open Access Publishing house, they need to meet certain criteria. Some of the most important criteria that every Open Access Publisher needs to meet are: All participating authors need to grant open, and free access to their papers. This grant is irrevocable and is applicable for scholars from all nations irrespective of any excluding criteria. The grant must also allow for anyone to gain access to the content, use it for personal use, create a certain number of printed copies for own use, share it with anyone else, and display it for any purpose they deem fit. Anyone who is using this material is also entitled to change it, or use it to create derivative works of his own, as long as the original author is duly credited for his work. In addition to this, an open access publisher needs to ensure that all content archived on its platform is perpetually available, and unfettered access to it can never be denied
The publisher needs to ensure that an electronic copy of the paper, along with any related supplements is immediately shared on a reputed repository related to that field. This repository needs to be supported some kind of academic institution, or government agency.
Why is Open Access needed?
Open Access is a way to make information easier to acquire. For decades now, quality research papers have been hidden behind expensive paywalls and private journal publishers that often charge exorbitant sums to provide access to this material. As a scholar you may have often stumbled across the abstract of a paper that would have been perfect for your research, only to find that the complete paper is hosted on a reserved access service, and expensive subscription is needed in order to get it. This situation is especially dicey because the paper itself may not be that useful for you, and you only need access to a small information mentioned there, but you end up paying for all of it anyway. An Open Access Journal, on the other hand makes it far simpler for you to gain access to high quality articles and research papers, that too for absolutely free.
If there is one thing that we can say with complete confidence, it is that information gives way to newer and more comprehensive information. All the growth in medicine, physics, and other branches of science depends on easier access to all the information that exists already.
Advantage of Open Access
Once pay barriers and any kinds of tolls on information are eliminated, high quality information can be ensured for everyone. SCI FORSCHEN aspires to be a service where copyright data created by the leading researchers in the world is accessible to anyone who needs it. Open Access allows us to make this possible. Any article that we publish is always online, and available to the world for free.
Advantages in term of the authors include:
- Improved visibility of the research article
- Increased impact of the paper
- Exposure to people who would otherwise have never discovered a certain paper
- Increased chances of your work being used to fuel someone else’s research
- Peer review ensures that you get great feedback and can polish your manuscript
- Complete copyright over material that you submit
- The community ensures that your copyright over your content is upheld
Advantages for the end user:
- Free and unlimited access to information that has been vetted by multiple experts
- Ability to copy, share and print this information freely
- The peer review structure ensures high standards of quality
- Permission to modify articles or produce derivative work at no extra cost
With Open Access, not only are you ensured a great platform where you can share your work, but also a service that ensures that your work will help the people who can benefit from it the most. SCI FORSCHEN will also ensure that your articles are easy to find online, thus ensuring that your work creates the maximum possible impact.